Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Vol. 3

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Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Vol. 3 Page 9

by Ryo Shirakome

  It wasn’t just David either. Upon closer inspection, it was evident the other knights were glaring hatefully at her too. No matter how nice they acted toward Aiko or the other students, they were still templar knights. Their ties to the Holy Church and Heiligh meant they held the beastmen in contempt. In fact, their hatred was even stronger than regular humans, since it was the Holy Church’s teachings that claimed beastmen were inferior beings.

  Their way of thinking had become less rigid by interacting with Aiko and the others, but such a deeply ingrained sense of values couldn’t be so easily overturned.

  Aiko opened her mouth to protest the knights’ harsh words, but before she could say anything, Yue took Shea by the hand and shot them a stare colder than death itself.

  The withering intensity of her gaze caused David to flinch back for a moment, but the fact that he’d cowered before a little girl, even if only for an instant, only made him angrier.

  David wasn’t normally someone who’d snap this easily, but Aiko’s reproachful gaze made him touchier than usual.

  “How dare you look at me like that! You’re not even a messenger of God, what right do you have to blame me!”

  Chase quickly stood up to restrain his commanding officer, but before he could, Yue’s voice echoed clearly through the chaotic din.

  “What a pathetic man.” Every word dripped with scorn. Yue couldn’t believe someone could be so intolerant about something as irrelevant as race.

  Having already lost his composure, Yue’s disdain only served to drive him further into a frenzy.

  “You damn heretic. I’ll send you to hell along with that beast you love so much.” He put a hand over his sword.

  Yuka and Atsushi reached for their own weapons, while Aiko and Chase tried to calm David down with words.

  However, David was beyond words now. He made to draw his sword, but before he could...

  Bang! The nose reverberated throughout the Water Sprite Inn, and his head jerked back.

  His whole body was sent flying from the force, and he crashed into the wall behind him headfirst. The whites of his eyes were visible as he slid to the ground in a crumpled heap. His sword clattered to the floor next to him a second later.

  No one could understand what had just happened. Everyone just stared blankly at the ground where David lay.

  Startled by the sound, Foss hurriedly opened the curtain to see what had happened. His eyes went round as he took in the spectacle.

  However, Foss’ sudden entrance served to bring everyone else back to their senses. Everyone’s gazes shifted to where the noise had originated from.

  The students saw an object they recognized, but one that shouldn’t have existed in this world. Meanwhile, the knights had no clue what they were looking at. It was Hajime’s revolver.

  White smoke rose from Donner’s barrel. Hajime had been kind enough to shoot one of his non-lethal rubber bullets.

  While they still didn’t fully grasp what had happened, they realized Hajime was the one who had attacked, and all cautiously put a hand over their own swords.

  They started radiating bloodlust, but a moment later an aura so oppressive that it was palpable snuffed out their aggression. It was powerful enough that the knights were forced back into their seats.

  Even though Hajime’s Intimidation wasn’t directed at them, Aiko and the students were trembling in fear.

  Hajime slapped Donner down onto the table with an audible thunk. Just to drive the point home, he then went on to explain with finality what his stance was regarding his former classmates.

  “I don’t really care about you guys. I have no intention of getting involved with your affairs, and I don’t particularly want you to meddle in mine. Also, I’ve got no plans to tell you everything I’ve been up to, or what I’m going to do from here on out. I only came here because the guild asked me to, and once my job here’s done I’m resuming my journey. So that’ll be where we part ways. Let’s just stay out of each other’s way after that. You’re welcome to do whatever you want, but just don’t get in my way. If you try and fight me like that guy did... I might kill you.”

  Got that? His intimidating gaze seemed to say. No one said a word. He looked over at the knights, and it took every ounce of their strength to nod underneath Hajime’s Intimidation.

  He then turned his gaze onto Aiko and the students. Aiko said nothing. Rather, she couldn’t say anything. It wasn’t the Intimidation. If she agreed to Hajime’s request, her student would vanish before she even had a chance to learn what had happened to him. Her pride as a teacher refused to allow that.

  Hajime sighed, and released his Intimidation. Though Aiko hadn’t said anything, Hajime had guessed what she must be thinking. He decided it wasn’t worth trying to force an answer out of her.

  Nana, Taeko, Atsushi, and most of the other students were all trembling in fear, so he surmised they wouldn’t be likely to bother him again. Only Yuka didn’t seem afraid. She gazed at him with a mixture of confusion and a hint of sadness, but Hajime ignored her.

  With the pressure gone, Chase and the other knights collapsed onto the table, panting. Aiko and the students weren’t in as bad shape, but they also sank into their chairs gratefully. Hajime paid them no mind and instead turned to Shea, who still looked a little down.

  “Hey, Shea. This is just how people are in the outside world. If you keep letting every little thing get to you, you’ll just be depressed forever.”

  “Yeah, I know... I know that, but still... I didn’t want to believe it, but I guess humans really do think my bunny ears are disgusting.” Shea smiled bitterly while stroking her drooping ears. Yue looked gently into her eyes and tried to console her.

  “Shea, your bunny ears are fluffy and cute.”

  “Yue-san... do you really mean that?”

  Seeing she still wasn’t convinced, Hajime followed up in an exasperated voice. Yue’s constant admonishment of Hajime had definitely helped in softening his attitude toward Shea.

  “Look, those guys have been brainwashed by the Holy Church, so they’re even more racist than most people. Don’t most people like keeping rabbitmen as pets? If they enjoy keeping your kind around, they obviously can’t hate your rabbit ears that much.”

  “I... guess so. U-Umm, by the way, Hajime-san... what... do you think... about my bunny ears?” Blushing slightly, Shea looked up at Hajime, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Her ears were twitching wildly, as if she wanted to know the answer, but was also afraid to hear it.

  “They’re okay, I guess...” Hajime spared them a single glance before hurriedly returning to his food. Shea’s ears drooped again.

  However, Yue’s next words brought them back to their usual cheerful state.

  “Hajime really likes them. Sometimes, he’ll even rub them when you’re sleeping.”

  “Yue!? You promised not to tell!”

  “H-Hajime-san... you really do like my ears. Ehehe.” Shea cupped her cheeks with her hands and squirmed in embarrassment. Meanwhile, the ears on top of her head were doing some kind of happy dance.

  The tense atmosphere that had pervaded the table seconds ago was nowhere to be seen, and everyone marveled at how quickly the mood had changed.

  After watching their romcom skit for a few minutes, Atsushi quietly mumbled,

  “Huh, that’s strange. I was scared to death of Nagumo a few seconds ago, but now I feel like murdering him...”

  “You too, huh? You know, those two are really cute... and they’re both totally my type... It’s absolute torture watching them flirt with another guy...”

  Atsushi nodded in agreement. The two friends clenched their fists, steeled their resolve, and exchanged glances.

  “Nagumo said he doesn’t care about us anymore, right? But you know, I still want to ask him how to get the girls of this world to fall for you... I have to know! Noboru! Akito!”

  “We’ll brave the depths of hell together with you, brother!”

  The three males of Ai-chan’
s defense force exchanged a glance of solidarity before glaring at Hajime, eyes burning with jealousy. The serious mood from earlier now completely dispelled, everyone returned to normal. Yuka, Taeko, and Nana all glared coldly at the boys.

  Chase had taken his subordinates and was currently trying to treat David’s injuries. Once he was sure David wasn’t in any serious trouble, he turned to Hajime and gave him his most charming smile. There was something he wanted to ask Hajime at all costs.

  “Nagumo-dono— Is it alright if I call you that? I apologize for what my captain said. We are Aiko-san’s guards, so when it comes to her safety, we sometimes get a little touchy. Please, could you find it in your heart to forgive him?”

  So you just start trying to kill people when you get touchy? Well, I guess I’m not really one to judge people on their murderous impulses. Hajime waved his hand dispassionately.

  Chase’s eyebrow twitched at Hajime’s nonchalant dismissal, but he kept his business smile on. His attention was focused solely on the artifact Hajime had placed on the table, and he quickly pressed on with his question.

  “Also, about that... artifact. I cannot fully grasp its function, but it appears to be quite powerful. It seems to be some form of long range weapon, but it is both faster and stronger than a bow. And yet, I could sense no magic nor did I see a magic circle anywhere. Just how does it work?”

  He was still smiling, but Chase’s gaze was deadly serious. Since it didn’t appear to use any mana, he was interested in the possibility of mass producing a weapon stronger than a bow that anyone could use. A weapon of that caliber could change the very nature of warfare. Chase suspected that even if the entire knight corps took Hajime on, they wouldn’t stand a chance against such an artifact, so he had to ask.

  Hajime glanced at Chase. Before he could say anything, an excited voice interrupted him. Atsushi.

  “Th-That’s right, Nagumo. That’s a gun, isn’t it!? How on earth did you get something like that!?”

  Chase did a double-take.

  “Gun? Tamai, you know what that object is?”

  “Huh? Yeah, of course I do. It’s a weapon from our world.”

  Chase’s eyes sparkled as the beginnings of an idea formed in his mind. He looked back at Hajime.

  “I see. In other words, this isn’t an artifact you found... but one that was created... And the creator must have been...”

  “Me.” Hajime replied casually. Chase had marked Hajime as the secretive type, so he was surprised when he answered so readily.

  “I see it’s no secret. Nagumo-dono, do you understand what that weapon is capable of? It could...”

  “Change the nature of how war is fought in this world... right? Assuming you could mass produce it, anyway. I’m sure you’re going to beg me to come back, or at least teach you how to make it, right? I refuse. Give it up.” He said with finality. It felt like he had prepared this speech beforehand. However, Chase refused to give up. That was how much the gun was worth.

  “But this could help make even our weakest soldiers overwhelmingly powerful. We could take advantage of our numbers in the coming war and drastically increase our chances of victory. Your help could save the lives of your friends and your teacher. Shouldn’t you—”

  “Say what you want, I won’t help you guys. And if you try and steal it from me, I’ll interpret that as an act of war. So if you want to go that route... you better be prepared to die before the real war starts.”

  Hajime’s words sent chills down Chase’s spine, and he fell silent. Aiko chose that moment to butt in and try to smooth the situation over.

  “Chase-san, I’m sure Nagumo-kun has his reasons, so please don’t try and force him. Nagumo-kun, you need to choose your words more carefully too. Handling things peacefully is important... Nagumo-kun, do you really not plan on coming back?”

  “That’s right. I’m leaving tomorrow to investigate, and once I finish my request, I’ll leave.”

  “But why...” She gazed sadly at him, but Hajime just stood up and prepared to leave. Yue and Shea had finished eating as well. Aiko tried to stop him, but he ignored her and headed up the stairs.

  A strange atmosphere descended upon those left behind.

  “He really was alive.” A quiet voice broke through the silence, confirming the reality of what they’d just seen. The one who had spoken was Yuka. There was a conflicted expression on her face as she looked at the staircase.

  “Kaori-chan was right. Though, I guess he didn’t need her help. In fact, he managed to get out all on his own.”

  “Yukacchi... are you alright?”


  Taeko and Nana were worried because Yuka had sounded like she was talking to herself. Yuka smiled bitterly at the two of them, then shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’m fine... just really surprised. But it’s not a bad thing, you know? Our classmate’s still alive. That can only be a good thing, right?”

  “Yeah, you’re right! Though I still can’t really believe it. I mean, you saw him! He felt like a totally different person!”

  “Indeed. How do I put this... he feels... more wild? You know?” Taeko spoke haltingly. It hadn’t been exactly like encountering a crazed serial killer, but there had been something feral to this new Hajime.

  Atsushi and the other guys chose this moment to interject with their own opinions.

  “And he looks waaay stronger now. Like, holy crap.”

  “Tell me about it. His hair color’s changed, he acts different... he has a gun... and he’s so intimidating now...”

  “There’s all that too, but... You know, he said he doesn’t care about us anymore... He probably doesn’t think too highly of us, huh?”

  The students were all glad that a classmate they’d thought long dead was actually alive. Even Taeko and Nana, who’d been terrified of him, still honestly thought so. Atsushi too. It felt like this huge weight had been lifted off their chest. If they had to sum it up in a word, they were “relieved.”

  However, there was still the inexplicable sense of discomfort that came with the fact that he hadn’t seemed to care about them at all. Not only that, he had become far stronger and far sharper than before, and that had intimidated them.

  Worse, they had always mocked him as the weakest member of their party, and none of them had stepped in to stop Hiyama’s bullying. Finally, there had been that misfire incident that had led to his fall, so perhaps to him it was difficult to imagine his classmates liked him at all.

  That had been part of why none of them had tried to stop Hajime from leaving.

  The students all lapsed into silence again, thinking about their fear, as well as their inability to do anything to stop him. Once again, it was Yuka who broke the silence.

  “I forgot to thank him.”

  The students all exchanged glances. They had been so focused on his indifference and how much he had changed, that they’d forgotten what was truly important... True, they hadn’t directly had their lives saved like Yuka, but the students were only here right now because Hajime had risked his life to save them.

  Yuka’s conflicted expression had stemmed from that. Unlike the others, she had been worried about the fact that she’d failed to thank him again, that she hadn’t really had an opportunity to during their conversation, and that even if she had it would be pointless to say anything now.

  “Sonobe-san...” Aiko didn’t know what else to say to her.

  She had been too shaken by the rapid pace with which events had unfolded, and Hajime’s drastic change to be able to stop him from leaving. Aiko wasn’t sure what she could say that would reach Hajime now.

  Their food had long since gone cold, but no one had any appetite now anyway. Everyone stared at the plates of cold food, thinking about Hajime’s survival all the while.

  That night.

  It was midnight, and everyone was so mentally and physically exhausted from the events of the day that they were fast asleep. Only Aiko was still awake.

sp; Her room was a small single. It was furnished with a wooden table, a chair, a bed, a small fireplace, and a leather sofa. In winter the fireplace would be crackling merrily, warming its guest.

  But right now it was empty. Aiko sat on the sofa, staring into the cold ashes as she thought about the day’s events. The inside of her head was a whirling, disorganized mess.

  There were things she had to think about, things she wanted to think about, and planning for the future that needed to be done. Her brain was so overloaded that she couldn’t think straight. She was happy her student was still alive, and angry at his indifference toward them.

  She had caught a small glimpse of his power when he’d dispatched David. It was quite possible that he had needed to change that drastically to survive, but that only made it harder for Aiko when she thought about how he must have suffered, and how she had been unable to save him. She let out a long sigh. On the other hand, she remembered how he’d talked to those two girls, and was happy that he’d found comrades he could trust.

  Suddenly, a voice called out to her, despite the fact that she should have been alone in the room.

  “You sure make some interesting expressions, Sensei.”

  “Huh!?” Aiko jerked her head around. Hajime was standing in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest. Shocked, Aiko stammered,

  “N-Nagumo-kun? Wh-What are you... How did you...”

  “If you’re asking how I got in, it’s through the door.”

  “But I locked...”

  “I’m a Synergist, remember? This isn’t like one of the locks back on earth, it’s pretty easy to pick.”

  For a few seconds Aiko just sat there, dumbstruck. Finally, she managed to calm herself down and glare angrily at Hajime.

  “It’s rude to come into a girl’s room so late at night, especially without knocking. You even picked the lock... Why?” The words “night visit” flashed through Aiko’s mind, but she dismissed them instantly.

  How could you even think something like that about one of your own students? Hajime absorbed her rebuke and cut directly to the heart of the matter.


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