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Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7)

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by Lindsay Paige

  “Yeah.” Shit. I can’t ask Sofia in front of Blake. Blake is Hector’s best friend. I glance between him and Sofia, debating what to do. They are watching me too, considering I didn’t get off the elevator.

  “What’s going on, Roman?” Sofia asks, shifting little Grant in her arms.

  “I was hoping to ask you for a huge favor, but…I was hoping I wouldn’t have to ask in front of Blake.”

  He immediately scowls. “What kind of favor are you asking for?” he snaps.

  “I think I may know,” Sofia speaks up as the elevator doors open. “Why don’t you take Grant and put him in his car seat, Blakey?”

  He narrows his eyes at me but takes their kid. “She’s going to tell me anyway, so you might as well ask her in front of me.”

  “I might not,” she says, but I don’t think either of us believe her. “Just go.” She pushes his shoulder until he starts walking away. “Is this about Carissa?” she asks once he’s out of hearing range. My brows shoot up and she grins. “You kept looking at her and she kept blushing. What’s the favor?” When I hesitate, she adds, “Don’t worry. Blake won’t say anything.”

  I chuckle. “I’d feel better if you said Blake won’t know.”

  Sofia shrugs. “He doesn’t care about the team’s relationships, and he wouldn’t want to get involved in drama, so you really don’t have anything to worry about.”

  It’s not like I have much choice anyway. I take a deep breath. “I need Carissa’s number, and I figured you could get it for me.”

  “You mean y’all went and got coffee for everyone and you didn’t get her number?” She shakes her head at me. “I’ll ask Zoey for it and then text it to you. Blake has your number, right?”

  I nod. “Thanks, Sofia.”

  “You’re welcome. Just make sure you know what you’re doing, Roman. Unless someone is traded, you’re teammates with her brother, and he’s going to find out. You need to make sure you’re willing to stand by her side when he does, or you don’t need her number.”

  What is it with everyone warning me? Yeah, I know it’s not the brightest idea, but like I told Colby, I think Carissa is worth the risk.

  “Text me when you get it from Zoey, please.”

  She nods with a smile on her face. “I will. I better go before Blake turns into Grumpy waiting on me. Bye, Roman.”


  When I get to the condo I share with Spencer, he’s already here and Sofia has texted me Carissa’s number. The girl works fast. Spencer is sitting on the couch playing a video game. I take a seat in the recliner and pick up a controller.

  “All right,” Spencer begins. “Who’s next to get engaged and who’ll wind up pregnant?”

  At the start of last season, we placed a bet between us. I would say it’s dumb, but considering I’m now two hundred dollars richer for guessing correctly, I’ll refrain. The wager lasts until about midway through our offseason, in case no one proposes during the season.

  “Who are you thinking?”

  “Blake and Sofia will get engaged next and I’m going with Abigail getting knocked up.”

  Blake may have a kid now, but I don’t see him getting engaged any time soon. He’ll eventually marry her, I’m sure. However, I don’t think he’ll pop the question this season. And I’m not so sure Abigail is going to be the next pregnant girlfriend.

  “Who are you going with?” Spencer asks.

  “Colby and Ariella will get engaged and Zoey will get pregnant. They’re newlyweds, so it probably won’t be long.” They married in the offseason, so I have no doubt Hector won’t waste time in the next step.

  Spencer curses under his breath. He probably didn’t consider that little tidbit. “Same amount as last season?”

  “Do you want to pay me more?”

  He throws a glare my way. “Two hundred a piece this time.”

  “All right,” I agree with a shrug.

  We play for a while, and then we switch to watch some crime drama show Spence is hooked on. I debate if I want to call Carissa or text her. Texting would be safer if she’s around her brother, but calling would allow me to hear her surprise. After about ten minutes, I decide to play it safe, pulling out my phone to text her.

  Then I have to decide what I want to say. Carissa is worthy of more than a simple hello. Or maybe I’m overthinking this. After spending two minutes staring at my phone and nothing coming to mind, I decide on simple.

  Me: Hey. It’s your fav 1 night stand

  Okay, so maybe simple with a little humor. Exactly two minutes go by before I get a text.

  Carissa: How’d you get my number?

  Me: Sofia asked Zoey for me. Are you upset?

  Carissa: No.

  Me: We’ll be gone tomorrow for a game. Can I take you out the day after?

  This time I have to wait a full four minutes before she responds.

  Carissa: I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Roman.

  Me: Why? I think you want to. I know I do. A LOT, Carissa.

  Carissa: What about Hector?

  And there’s the reason for her hesitation.

  Me: I’ll tell him when I need to. We can test the waters first and then fill him in.

  Carissa: What if he’s pissed?

  Me: As long as I do right by you, how pissed can he get? Don’t worry about him. It’ll work out. Do you want to go out with me?

  Carissa: Maybe.

  I can’t help grinning.

  “Who are you texting, smiling like that?” Spencer asks.

  “Just a girl.” Colby and most likely Blake already know about Carissa and me. I don’t want anyone else to know yet. Not because there isn’t quite a Carissa and me yet, but because how much worse will it be if most of the team knows before Hector?

  “Figures,” Spence mutters.

  I ignore him and text her back.

  Me: Think on it. I’ll ask again once we get back.


  I SIT IN the chair across from Felicia Claffey, the owner of the tutoring company Scarlett told me about. Felicia is eyeing my resume as if it’s an atomic bomb. I’m not sure if she likes it, and the way her nose is wrinkled, I don’t think she does.

  “How long have you been in Tennessee?” She doesn’t look up.

  “Since August.”

  “And you just now got your license.”

  Is she asking me a question? “Yes.”

  “Why?” She glances over the wire-rimmed glasses.

  “I made the decision to make my move permanent.”

  “Why did you leave your last job? And before you answer the question, please know I already spoke with them.”

  I felt the color drain from my face. What did they say? I was a good teacher and then became the laughing stock of the school. I need to think of something to say so I don’t look like a fool to her too. “My brother,” I blurt out.

  “Your brother?” She sits back in her chair.

  “Yes,” I say more calmly. “My brother lives here and we’re both very close. I felt, since we are so close, we should be in the same town because we’ve not been in a long time. So, I moved here.”

  Besides the fact of Hector and I are close, every syllable I just told her is a lie. I’m praying she buys it because I can’t tell her the truth. Hell, she wouldn’t believe me.

  Instead, Felicia nods. “I’ve moved for family before too. I understand.”

  She did?

  “Oh,” is all I can think of to say, because I can’t believe she thought I told her the truth.

  “Your previous principal gave you a raving recommendation and hated to lose you.”

  My mouth drops a bit. There’s no way in the world Felicia is telling me the truth. Dane slept with every single teacher in the school he and I worked for, including the principal. The entire school staff, including the lunch workers, knew about it, too but I had no clue. Not one single clue. Why? Because I loved him, and I thought we were going to have a long relationship.

One week before the new school year started, I had to copy a few papers and walked in on Dane with his hand up the skirt of the new middle school science teacher.

  Shock. Dismay. Hurt. Pissed-off. I can’t even describe how mad I’d been. When he came home that night, he told me the truth; and all I could do was leave. I grabbed an overnight bag, packed, called a cab, and hopped the first plan to Memphis. When I arrived, I quit my job and have been here since.

  “Carissa, I’d love to have you on board.”

  My thoughts of Dane and the worst night of my life leave me quickly as I hear Felicia’s words. “Great. I can’t wait to help with your organization.”

  “Then you can start on Monday.” She stands, and we shake hands.

  I spend the next hour filling out all the paperwork for my new job. I even receive my new badge and security number for the computer system. I hadn’t realized how high-tech the tutor company was, but it’s top of the line. Felicia gives me a quick tour, I meet a couple other teachers, and I can quickly tell how much this facility cares for the kids. There’s a lot of love and pride in the room as she continues to tell me all about the program’s goals and I’m glad to be part of it.

  When I hop in my car, I send a message to Hector.

  Me: Guess who has a J-O-B?

  Hector: I’m going to say you, but I might be wrong.

  Me: HA! It’s me!

  Hector: I never doubted for a moment. Great job, baby sister!

  I smile at the screen, but it fades when it vibrates in my hand and it’s not Hector.

  Dane: Where do you want me to send your stuff?

  I don’t respond, but I sit there and stare my phone screen

  Dane: Car, you need to talk to me. I’m paying a storage fee for your stuff.

  I want to tell him so what, but again I say nothing.

  Dane: You can come home if you want.

  I want to go back to him about as much as I want a root canal. Do I care for him? Sure. Do I want to go back to him? Absolutely not, but I don’t want to talk to him.

  Dane: Stop acting like a spoiled brat. You know if your bro & parents didn’t spoil you all the time you’d talk to me.

  Like any rational human being there are boundaries in your standards before you lose your mind and enter the crazy-mode. For me, it’s talking about my family. Sure, we aren’t perfect and we have our own issues. Tell me a family that doesn’t, but you don’t have any right to bring it up.

  As fast as I could hit the ‘call’ button, I did. Dane didn’t ever get the first ‘L’ of ‘hello’ out before I begin screaming at him. “How dare you, Dane? My family has nothing to do with our situation. You dipped your stick into anything that stood still for five seconds. It’s your fault I left. I was nothing but faithful and good to you. You’re nothing more than scum in my mind.”

  I hit end before he can say anything back to me and toss my phone into the passenger seat. I start my car and drive. I’m not sure where I’m heading, but I end up at the Angels’ stadium. Hector and the guys are leaving and I pull in toward him.

  Hector and I are close and we’ve been this way since we were kids. He’s my protector. Yes, I’m an adult and I know I should fight my own battles, but I’m the type of girl who needs to talk out a solution too, and Hector is the best listener around.

  When I jump out of the car, I watch my brother, with his normal bright smile, ragging on his teammates, heading toward me.

  “What are you doing here?” He hugs me and I do my best not to cry.

  I never told him what happened between Dane and me. Why? Because Hector is protective and can swing a bat very hard. I have no doubt in my mind he’d go down to Florida and beat Dane for breaking my heart. I’ve told him I didn’t want to talk about it, and he knows I will when I’m ready, even if it’s been six months since I got here.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  He pulls back and his smiles fades. “What wrong? I talked to you fifteen minutes ago, and you were fine.”

  “Do you want to go somewhere to talk?” It’s time I tell him the truth and maybe he can help me through this mess.

  “Oh.” He stops.

  “Shit.” I step back from him. “I forgot you have to help Zoey tonight.” Zoey told me she and Hector are going to go through every piece of artwork for her New York show.

  “Let me call her-”

  “No.” I cut him off. “Zoey needs you. Don’t worry about me. It’s nothing anyway. Zoey has been flipping out about this show, and you’re the one who can keep her calm.”

  “Carissa.” Hector looks torn.

  “Hey, stop it,” I firmly tell him. “It’s nothing. I promise.”

  Before Hector can say something else, the one and only Mr. One-Night Stand appears.

  “Carissa, you okay?”

  I’ve never believed the term panty-dropping voice. I thought it was a term made up by erotic authors to sell more books. That is until Roman spoke. It’s then I know it’s real.

  “I came to see Hector. Um, I got a job today.” Typically, I’m a confident woman, but there are times when I look into his green eyes and I can’t add two plus two.

  “That’s great, but why do you look so sad?”

  “Roman, why do you care?” Hector narrows his eyes a bit.

  “Because it’s unusual; I usually only see your sister smiling. That’s all.” Roman shrugs acting as if it’s no big deal.

  “I’m fine, Roman. Thank you for your concern. I’m a bit sad I don’t have anyone to go to dinner with tonight to celebrate with me since Hector and Zoey are both busy.” Okay, I’m as subtle as a bull in a china shop, but I hope he figures it out. I did tell him I might go out with him.

  “Carissa, I can figure this out.” Hector tries to reason with me, but I know will be on the verge of a meltdown with Hector.

  “It’s cool. You know, I’m hungry now, and I think I’ll head over to that little diner Zoey’s always telling me about.” I catch Roman’s eyes quickly, hoping he knows I want him to come. “I’ll see you at home.”

  I give Hector a hug and over his shoulder Roman winks, and I give him a small smile. I rush off to my car and drive about a mile from the stadium. Zoey is always going on about this place, and we’ve been here a few times since I’ve moved here.

  I find a booth near the back, order a water, and wait for Roman. I check my phone again, but there’s nothing from Dane. Thankfully, I don’t have long before Roman’s hot body is coming toward me.

  “I should have texted you, but I figured you were smart enough to get the hint.” I tease him as he slides into the booth.

  “It took me a minute to remember which diner, but yeah, I got the hint. So, want to talk about whatever happened or pretend for a while it didn’t happen?”

  I stop as the waitress comes over. Roman orders soda and a huge burger with fries. I simply order a small garden salad. My nerves are keeping me from eating a lot.

  “Actually, I need to talk to someone. I planned on telling Hector everything, but as you can see, he had plans. I’m not trying to sound bitter, but Dane just won’t leave me alone and today, at the interview, the director told me of how the principal gave this great review about me. All I could think about was Dane having sex with her. Then he called me a spoiled brat and blamed my family for making me a spoiled brat. And, I lost it.” The more I say it aloud, the worse I end up sounding.

  “Understandably so. Why is he still bothering you? About your stuff?”

  “When I left, I took my makeup, a photo album, and two changes of clothes. I left everything. All of it. I guess he put it in storage and is paying the bill. He wants to send me my stuff, but truthfully, I don’t care about it.” I stop again. “I do sound spoiled.”

  “No, you don’t. You sound like someone who just wants to move forward and leave assholes behind. Why don’t you tell him to get rid of it, and then he’ll have no reason to contact you?”

  “It’s what I need to do. You’re right, because I don’t
want any of the crap back. Well, it’s not crap, but it’s too many memories. It’s the first time I ever lived with someone other than family. He was my first serious boyfriend.” I take a deep breath. “Really, I guess I’m fool because I didn’t see any of the signs of his cheating. Maybe I did and didn’t want to believe it because I thought I was in love. Now I sound like some dopey-eyed school girl.”

  “You sound fine to me, Carissa. Are you at least happy to be here in Memphis, aside from what led you here?”

  “Yes and getting this job is the best thing. They really seem to care about the kids and it’s what I want to do. I mean, I didn’t become a teacher for the salary, that’s for sure.”

  “That’s great! When do you start?”

  “Monday.” I beam. “I’m so excited. These past six months all I’ve done is read sappy-love novels on my kindle, live in cheap hotels, and gain ten pounds. I need to get over Dane one hundred percent and move on.” I see the glint in Roman’s green eyes.

  He grins. “I agree. Want to see the sights after we eat?”

  “Is this code to see your penis? I’ve seen it already.”

  Roman laughs. “No, it’s not code, but that’s an option if you want it to be.”

  I feel the heat rush to my cheeks. “Let’s just stick with the sights of Memphis, before I climb Mount Dailey again. Deal?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  The waitress brings out our food and we easily have a conversation about baseball, my college years, and my hopes of the new job. When we finish, I head to Roman’s car, and he drives us around some of the highlights of Memphis. Sure, I’ve seen the Grand Ole Opry and Graceland from a distance, but Roman is very knowledgeable about the sights, and I almost wonder if he is a closet country music lover.

  When he drops me off back at my car, he opens my door for me, and slightly pins me to the car. I remember the first time I kissed him at Colby’s party. It still makes my lips tingle.

  “Text me when you want to go out again.”

  He leans in, and I don’t even hesitate to kiss him back. I pull away because I don’t want to have sex right there in the parking lot.

  Even though, right now, I might not mind it too much.


  THERE ARE CERTAIN games that just get to you, that feel more special and amazing than others. Home season openers are like that. The start of a new season is indescribable. It’s the anticipation and the hopes for a great season. It’s the fresh start. It’s the beginning of a rigorous schedule and traveling across the country. It’s a beautiful thing. How am I supposed to put something like that into just one word? It’s impossible!


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