Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7)

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Roman (Season Three: The Ninth Inning #7) Page 8

by Lindsay Paige

  The vibe among us is great today, too. Hector cracks his jokes and keeps the spirits running even higher. This is definitely not one of those games where the dugout is quiet and subdued. We’re at our best, and it feels fucking amazing.

  Until I notice Colby rubbing his leg. No one else seems to have noticed him yet. I walk over and take a seat next to him, causing him to stop.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  I pointedly look down at his leg, and when I lift my gaze, he’s scowling.

  “I’m fine. It’s just,” he struggles to find the words. “Not quite right today.”

  “Do you need a trainer or Sofia?”

  “No, I’m fine,” he repeats. “It bothers me sometimes is all. It’s no big deal.”


  “Keep this to yourself,” he says quietly, and there’s a look on his face that I don’t like. He almost seems resigned. And I don’t like that he’s hiding issues he’s having from us. I don’t think Colby would keep it from the medical staff, but it can’t be a good sign that he’s keeping it from us. He looks over at me when I don’t respond. I nod.

  Maybe he’s just having a fluke day. Those things happen. Colby doesn’t show any signs that his leg is bothering him for the rest of the game. It was definitely a fluke. My mind is able to turn back to the game.

  Colby ends up with another triple, which erases any worries I had. However, a switch of a pitcher midway through the game slows us down, but the win is still a big one. This season is going as fantastic as I thought it would.

  “Hey, son. How’s it going?” Mom asks.

  I wouldn’t say I never talk to my parents, or that I only talk to them every so often, but I talk to them frequently enough. They always seem to call when I’m on the road, actually, now that I think about it.

  “Going well. We won yesterday and should head home after the game tomorrow.”

  Maybe it’s odd, but we only ever talk about baseball. Well, I take that back. If something big happens, I tell them and vice versa, but otherwise, they ask me about baseball and let me know one or two things that have happened since we last talked, and that’s that.

  I still think they wished I had chosen a career that kept me home more often than not. After my brother died, and my parents transformed into helicopter parents, they didn’t want me going too far away at all. I had to fight every step of the way to make it where I am because I didn’t have their true support. They wanted to keep me home, nearby, and as an expected result, safe.

  They despise my career for the sole reason that I live in another state and travel so much. Don’t get me wrong. They love me, want what’s best for me, and am happy that I’m happy, but they don’t like that I didn’t do what they wanted of me. If my brother hadn’t died, I’m certain they wouldn’t care at all. I know for a fact because my brother was on the same path that I’m on right now. He would’ve been playing in the majors, too; I’m certain of it.

  Death and grief does crazy things to people.

  “Heath’s anniversary is coming up. Are you going to have a break to come home?”

  Every year on the anniversary of his death, she asks me. I’ve never been able to go home because it’s baseball season and there’s either a game or practice or something to do. Maybe it’s terrible of me, but I don’t want to go. Yeah, I love and miss my brother, but I can’t relive his death over and over like they do.

  “We have a game that day.”

  “Oh.” Though it should come as no surprise because I know she keeps up with my schedule, she still manages to sound disappointed, and guilt pesters me anyway.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  Conversation is strained after that. I’m so relieved when I get off the phone with her. All I want to do now is get back to Memphis, forget about the phone call, and take Carissa out on a date just like I promised.


  “ALL YOU HAVE to do is carry the four.” I point to the number on the page, helping my young student. He does as I say and smiles. “See, you did it,” I say with a big smile. This is why I want to be a teacher. That smile on his face seeing he can accomplish anything. We continue until his homework is done, and I send him off when his foster parents come to pick him up.

  I grab my purse and send a message to Abigail letting her know I’m on my way. She and I are going out for drinks. I’m glad I have a friend. Sure, it sounds a little childish, but it’s true. When Dane and I were together, he wouldn’t let me go out unless he was with me. I never had girl time. But, when he wanted to go, he could.

  Times are different now. I’m with Roman, and I don’t need him by my side all the time. I want him to be there with me. Plus, I trust him. I don’t think I even really trusted Dane. I thought I did, but being with Roman has shown me what it’s like to be in a real relationship.

  Me: Heading out with Abigail

  I don’t have to send him a text, but I do just as a courtesy.

  Roman: Have fun. Let me know when you get home. We can have phone sex.

  I laugh as I toss my phone in the passenger seat and head toward Big Blue.

  When I walk in, Abigail and Heidi are sitting at the bar. I’m surprised to see Heidi; not that I don’t like her; I just wasn’t expecting her.

  “Hey, ladies,” I announce, coming up next to them and then hug each of them. “Heidi, you look amazing.” There’s no way anyone could tell she had a baby a couple months ago.

  “Thanks.” She beams.

  “What are you doing out?” I ask after I order a glass of white wine.

  “This is going to make me sound horrible, but I needed to leave the house.” She hangs her head. “I’m so happy to be a mom, but I had to have a break.” Her voice cracks, and Abigail and I wrap our arms around her.

  “Oh, Heidi, that’s not horrible. Everyone needs a break. Who’s with Eve now?”

  “My mom. Eve hasn’t been sleeping a lot and has colic, which means she cries all the time.” She wipes a tear from her cheek. “I love her more than anything, but I needed to get away from the crying.”

  “Girl, we understand.” Abigail smiles. “We may not have kids, but we understand the strain.”

  Heidi smiles. “I feel so bad that I had to get out of the house.”

  “No, you did the right thing.” I pick my wine glass. “To all the mothers.” The girls raise theirs and we toast.

  “Oh,” Heidi turns to me. “A little birdie tell me you’re joining in the Angel’s pool of love.” She wags her eyebrows.

  “Oh my God. Who told you?”

  “Jordan. He heard from Colby. But, I’m told Hector doesn’t know.”

  I shake my head. “No, he doesn’t. Roman and I are waiting for the right time to tell him we’re serious and dating.”

  “Hector is the most laid-back guy I know,” Abigail speaks up. “I can’t imagine him mad, let alone upset you’re dating Roman. Roman’s not a bad guy. I mean, I’m thankful he isn’t like Tanner, but he seems like a good catch.”

  “He is. Hector has this thing, more like a rule of his; he believes mixing business with pleasure is a huge no-no. He thinks it causes a big rift in everything.”

  “How so?” Abigail asks.

  “Well, for example, if Roman and I break up, it’s put Hector in a weird position. Or if Roman hurts me, which he wouldn’t, Hector feels he has to protect me and therefore, kill Roman.” I’m only half-joking about the last part.

  “I hate to say I understand where Hector is coming from.” Heidi winces a bit. “The team are like brothers, but real family comes first. If Roman does hurt you Hector will hurt him, and that results in tension for the team. I’m not saying what you and Roman have isn’t real, just be sure before your brother finds out. And don’t tell Tanner,” she states firmly.

  I hate to say she’s right, but she is to a point. However, Roman and I are more serious than a fling. We told each other this already. I just need to woman up and tell Hecto
r, apparently, before Tanner finds out.

  I can’t remember the last time I ran. Hell, I can’t remember the last time I exercised. I follow close behind Abigail, who seems to be in perfect form.

  “I think you’re trying to kill me.” I grab my side as we finally stop in front of the apartment she shares with Felix.

  “I thought the same thing when Felix made me run with him, but now it’s not too bad. Just don’t tell him I said that.” She giggles.

  “I won’t.” I’m about to ask her what she’s doing for lunch, when Felix’s black Mercedes pulls up. “I think that’s my cue to leave.” I smile and wink as Felix gets out of the car.

  “Carissa, how are you?” He grins at me, but goes straight for Abigail, hugging her tight.

  “I’m well and leaving. I’ll call you soon Abigail.”

  “I believe Spencer and Roman were heading for some food when I left them.” Felix informs me.

  “Thanks for the update.” I wave and head to my car.

  I decide to head back to my apartment and shower before I see anyone. Running with Abigail has left me a sweaty mess. I’ll have to remember to stay hydrated with her.

  As I ride the elevator up to the fifth floor, I’m tempted to push number three and stop by Roman’s place, but I need to clean up and eat. I unlock my door, dropping my items in the small dish by the door and kick of my shoes.

  When I’m in the shower, the warm water washes away the dirt and grim, but also relaxes my muscles. As I rinse the shampoo from my hair, I begin to wonder about Roman and being in the shower with me right now. Shower sex is something we’ve not done…yet. Might be something I’ll need to discuss with him. He seems to be up for anything, and it might be fun.

  I finish my shower, do my hair and makeup, and pick something simple out since it’s going to be so warm today. When I pick my phone up to check it, I see two missed calls from my mother. My whole body tenses. I love my mother, but controlling was invented just to describe her. Although, the past year she’s eased up a bit on me, she still loves to question my every single move. I’ve talked to her a few times since moving to Tennessee, but I’m trying to avoid her at all costs. That’s something I can’t do forever.

  “Hi, Mom.” I try to sound as upbeat as possible.

  “Carissa, I’m calling to make sure you’re still alive.”

  Her tone seems to cut right through me. This will not be a pleasant call. “Of course, I’m still alive. Hector would call if anything had happened.”

  Mom scoffs. “Fine. I’m also calling to ask you what you’ll be doing for your birthday?”

  Oh, my birthday. How sad is it I almost forgot it’s coming up in a couple weeks? “Probably nothing, Mom. My new job is keeping me busy, and I’m turning twenty-four; it’s not like a major number.”

  Mom sighs, and I know she’s getting more frustrated. “Fine. Your father and I will just send you some money and I hope we’ll be able to talk soon.”

  Before I can say anything else, she ends the call, making me feel worse, and I think that’s the point of the whole conversation. I shake my head and go to the kitchen to find something to eat. Sad to say there’s nothing in my fridge, and it makes me a little sad. I’ve been eating takeout for so long, it’s probably why I can’t keep up with Abigail.

  I grab my keys and purse and decide it’s time to get on the right track. As I’m locking my door, I suddenly remember how Dane constantly criticized my weight. Every time I’d snack or eat, he always commented about it. Dane was a workout machine. He attended the gym every single day and drank the nastiest protein shakes and power bars.

  Me: Heading to the grocery store.

  I drop a quick text to Roman. Again, I don’t feel as if I have too. I do it for courtesy and part of me wants to get laid too.

  Roman: Why?

  Me: Because my ass is getting wider, and I need to eat healthier.

  I step off the elevator and head out when my phone begins to ring.

  “Who the fuck said you’re fat?” Roman’s voice comes off pissed, and there’s a lot of noise around him.

  “I’m just saying it because it’s true.” I’m not going to say a word about what Dane would say to me. Then Roman would go and kill him.

  “I don’t know what mirror you’re looking in, but the woman I know is a fox.”

  I laugh. “A fox? I think that term is a bit dated.”

  “A peach then.” He chuckles.

  “Fine,” I smile at the phone. “I’m your peach.”

  “You don’t need to lose weight. You’re beautiful,” he says more softly.

  “Thank you, Roman. Will I be seeing you soon? By the way, where are you?”

  He groans. “Spencer and I needed to grab a bite, and Tanner joined us; he now has a throng of girls around us.”

  “Sounds like a blast. Don’t have too much fun; I’d like to see you later.”

  “Trust me, you will. It’s been a long road trip.”

  “Bye, Roman,” I tease, ending the call and heading to the store.

  I aimlessly wander up and down the aisle and try to pick healthy items, but really I just want all the junk food. As I reach the end of the chip aisle and turn to go up the next one, there stands Roman. His jeans are snug in the right place, his white t-shirt tight in his arms and abs, wisps of hair peek out from under his Angels hat, and he looks fuckable. He has both of his hands behind his back.

  “Of all the grocery stores in the world…” I step up to him.

  “And you say I use dated pick-up lines.” He smirks.

  “What’s behind your back?”

  “Oh,” he shrugs. “Just a late snack for me to have.” His smirks deepens.

  “Really?” I play along. He pulls a bottle of chocolate syrup and a box of strawberries from behind his back. I swear I feel my panties drench and my body clench. “Seems like a good snack.”

  “It does, doesn’t it? And I’m happy to share.”

  “I’m actually getting ready to check out and head home, if you feel like snacking now.” My body temperature rises as Roman is now almost up against me. I couldn’t care less who sees us right now; I want him.

  “I could grab a quick bite.” He winks and I nod, calmly walking around him and head up front.

  He’s right behind me and even moves me aside to pay for my groceries. I try to protest, but he says nothing. He carries the bags to my car, leans down, kisses my cheek, and says he’ll meet me at my place.

  If ever I wanted to be a NASCAR driver, this is my moment as I practically spin out of the parking lot to get home. When have I ever been this way about a guy? Never. I’ve never been in love.


  There it is. The word every girl wants to hear from her man’s lips; the same word that could cause heartbreak. I thought I loved Dane, and clearly, I was wrong. Roman, in the short time we’ve been together, has shown me how to treat a woman. Yes, our first time together was a quick fling, but look at us now.

  I look around the apartment complex to see where Roman’s car is, but I don’t see it and decide to head up to my apartment. I quickly put up my food and race to my bedroom. Thankfully, I had a lacy pair of underwear and matching bra on already, and I slip on my robe as the knock on my door comes.

  I open it to see Roman and the grocery bag from the store. “Hello.”

  “Do you race here?”

  “Somewhat.” I bite down on my lip as he walks in. “I guess I’m hungry for a snack too.”

  “Well, I need to prep a few things first. Which means, you have to go wait in the bedroom, and I’ll be there in a few.”

  I nod and head to my room. I take my robe off, yank the covers off my bed, leaving the fitted sheet, and sit up by my headboard, sexily crossing my legs and wait.

  It seems like forever, but a few moments later, Roman walks in a small bowl of cut strawberries and the bottle of syrup. He sets the items on my nightstand and tugs off his t-shirt. I study every muscle movement and stare at his abs.
  “Take off your bra.”

  I try to hide my smile as I lean forward and unsnap it, tossing it to the side.

  “Your thong.”

  I lift my hips, hooking my fingers on the strings and wiggling my hips.

  “Lay down,” he softly says, and I do.

  When I’m comfortable, he picks up a strawberry and leans over me. “Open.” I do. “Don’t bite or eat it. Just leave it.” He places it in my mouth and I do as I’m told.

  He pops the top of the chocolate bottle and tells me to spread my arms out. He squirts the cool chocolate from the top of my breastbone, down to right above my belly button. He sits the bottle down and takes off his jeans and boxer briefs. He’s already fully erect, and it’s taking everything in me not to jump on him.

  He climbs on the bed, hovering over me. He starts at the bottom and begins licking up my torso. I moan around the piece of fruit in my mouth and arch my back as he keeps moving up. When he reaches the top, he moves right up to my mouth, taking a bite of the strawberry and pulling back.

  “I’m not done.” He leans back down sucking the rest of the strawberry out of my mouth and kisses me softly before chewing the rest of it.

  He stands back up and picks up the bottle. He runs a line of chocolate right above my panty line. The coolness sets me on fire, and I arch my back again, moaning his name.

  Just like before, he licks and laps up the chocolate before going lower and setting me more on fire. Roman knows exactly which buttons to push, and his fingers stroke me just right; I’m about to find the edge of my sexual climax.

  But he stops.

  He grabs a strawberry from the bowl and puts it in his mouth. He moves to my lips and begins to chew, nip, and kiss. I can taste myself, the tartness of the strawberry, and I open my legs wider for him.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.” He pushes himself inside me, and my last thought is how much I love him.


  IT’S DATE DAY for Carissa and me, and I’m excited. I love a girl who is always up to try something new, and Carissa is definitely one of those girls. There isn’t a better way to spend a day off than with her. It’s odd how addicted I am to her. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to be with a girl so much.


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