Knocked Up by Brother's Best Friend

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Knocked Up by Brother's Best Friend Page 59

by Amy Brent

  I headed downstairs and decided to make breakfast. I cooked up the last of the bacon we had, along with some French toast and some fruit. As the smells wafted around my head, I couldn’t help but think about how amazing everything was. Having Bridget with us yesterday just felt right, and seeing her with Lacey made my heart skip a beat. She fit in so perfectly with our little dynamic, and every time she looked at Lacey, her eyes simply lit up. I’d never found a woman who reacted to my daughter the way she did.

  Bridget didn’t even hesitate last night when Lacey asked her to sleep in her room, and the thought of it brought a smile to my face. This is what Lacey had been missing. This was the type of connection and bond she needed with a woman in her life. Since the time she was born, it had been just me and her. Daddy and Lacey, two strong individuals conquering the world. But my strong little girl was clinging to the most beautiful woman while she slept right now, and I realized that she had secretly been craving that connection all along.

  That connection with a woman that she just didn’t get with me.

  Bridget fit us like a glove. Like she was somehow tailor-made for the two of us. Her innocence and her charm throbbed my cock in ways no woman ever had, not even Lacey’s mother, and she played and interacted with Lacey as if…

  As if Lacey were hers.

  I kept thinking back on how beautiful the beach was with her in it. Her bikini body shoved into that sexy suit with her arms wrapped tightly around my daughter. I reminisced on how they rode the waves together while I cooked the French toast to perfection, and I chuckled at the shock that rolled over her face when she saw Lacey eating those pancakes. Lacey had a very serious appetite for a girl her age, and she didn’t joke around when it came to her pancakes.

  Neither of us did, honestly. Pancakes were life, and Lacey definitely got her life force from them.

  I set the table for breakfast and poured everyone some juice before I started the coffee and went to go wake up the girls. Neither of them had stirred, and I knew they would both be hungry. When I rounded the corner to peek into the room, my heart skipped a beat again. Bridget was awake, running her fingers through Lacey’s tangled hair while her sleep-filled eyes gazed down upon my daughter. Her arms were threaded tight around her, like she was protecting her from the harsh world outside, and for a split second, I saw part of myself in her. I saw her deep desire to protect Lacey while she laid there with her in her arms. Bridget’s chest rose and fell steadily while Lacey continued to lightly snore. All I could do was smile from ear to ear.

  And then, Bridget leaned up to press a little kiss onto the forehead of my daughter.

  She was perfect in every way for us, and I’d ride this wave as long as I could, no matter what beach it dumped us on in the end.

  Every second of it was worth it, just for this moment.

  “You girls ready for breakfast?” I asked.

  Bridget lobbed her head over and smiled at me, just as Lacey began to stir. Her body lifted up and smiled lazily up at Bridget, then her crusted eyes panned over to me before she coughed to clear her throat.

  “I’m hungry, Daddy.”

  “Well, good thing I made French toast then, huh?”

  “Mmm, French toast!”

  Lacey came alive in Bridget’s arms before she hopped off the bed. Bridget’s eyes were wide with shock, and she laid back down on the bed and laughed. Lacey sped by my legs as this beautiful woman tried to roll herself out of the twin-sized bed.

  “How’s that back?” I asked.

  “I’ll be getting a massage later, but it was worth it,” she said.

  “You hungry? I’ve got bacon, French toast, fruit, juice, and some coffee. Figured you might need it.”

  “Oh, my hero. Who can cook, too! Sounds like I might have to fire my chef.”

  “You don’t have a chef,” I said.

  “Well, then I’ll hire one just to fire him,” she said.

  “You would,” I said.

  I walked over and wrapped my arms around her while she steadied herself on her tired feet. She sighed and melted into my body. Her palms pressed against my chest while her head rested on my heartbeat. All I wanted to do was take her to lay down. I wanted to feel her curl into my body and mold to me, moving all her beautiful body parts around just to make way for me in her life.

  In her bed. By her side.

  I wanted to pick her up and throw her into the wall and bury my dick into her morning wetness. I wanted to walk around with her scent percolating just under my nose for the rest of the day. I wanted to lick her dry and taste her on my lips while I ate breakfast right across the table from her. But I settled for holding her as close as I could get her, until Lacey called out for us.

  “Can I eat now, Daddy?”

  “Sounds like someone’s hungry,” Bridget said.

  “Come on, let’s get you some coffee,” I said.

  Breakfast was wonderful. Having Bridget at the table with us just felt good. Lacey kept asking her lots of questions, and I kept running my bare toes up her leg. I’d see her shiver in the middle of answering, and Lacey would ask if she was cold, eventually running and getting her a blanket to wrap around her body while she shot me a dirty look.

  Watching my daughter wrap Bridget’s shoulders in her favorite blanket forced me to choke back tears. I’d gotten her that blanket the day she was born, and it was only a few weeks ago that she stopped carrying it everywhere with her. She cuddled with it, she cried with it, she was sick with it, and she fell asleep with it. Every single night since the day she was born, that had been her source of strength and security while I tried to navigate the world of being a single father, needing to provide as well as be there for her.

  And Lacey was wrapping that blanket around Bridget’s shoulders.

  “Are you leaving soon?” Lacey asked.

  “Unfortunately, I do have to go home and do some things,” Bridget said.

  “Will you come back soon?” my daughter asked.

  “Anytime you want me to,” Bridget said.

  “Want me to call Bernie?” I asked.

  “I sent him a message a few minutes ago,” she said. “He’ll be here in about fifteen minutes.”

  “Who’s Bernie?” Lacey asked.

  “A friend of mine that’s coming to pick me up so you and your dad don’t have to take me home,” Bridget said.

  “We could take you home!” Lacey exclaimed.

  “Well, he’s already on his way. But I promise I’ll come visit soon. Okay?”

  “Okay. But only if you promise promise,” Lacey said.

  “I promise promise,” Bridget repeated.

  She leaned down and kissed my daughter on her forehead, almost as if it was mindless. Our actions as a cohesive unit felt much more natural than I thought they would, and I knew Lacey would have questions whenever Bridget left.

  “I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow, all right?” I asked.

  “Drinking coffee at the table while I stumble down in my pajamas?” she asked.


  I gave her a small kiss on her cheek before I escorted her out to her car. I opened her door and let her slide on in. Lacey waved widely from the porch.

  “See you soon, Bridget!” she yelled.

  “See you soon, Lacey!” Bridget called back. “Promise promise. And I’ll see you tomorrow, handsome.”

  “Looking forward to it. And remember, call me if you need to go anywhere or need anything.”

  “I promise promise,” she said, winking.

  I shut the door behind her and watched as Bernie pulled away with that beautiful woman. I watched while their car disappeared around the corner, and just as I shook myself from my trance, I felt my daughter slip her hand into mine.

  “I like Bridget,” she said.

  “Me, too, sweetheart.”

  “Thanks for letting her sleep over.”

  “Anytime, sweetheart. She’s welcome anytime.”

  “What are we gonna do without
her here today, Daddy?”

  “What do you mean, sweetheart?” I asked.

  “I mean, it was fun having her around,” she said. “What are we gonna do now?”

  “Well, we could do anything we want. You know, like we would do without Bridget here.”

  “But I want Bridget here,” she said.

  I knew how she felt. It felt different to watch her drive away, like it wasn’t really supposed to happen. We had her all to ourselves yesterday, eating breakfast and making a drive to a private beach with just the three of us. It felt amazing having that woman all to myself, and I could tell Lacey was feeling the same way I was.

  “I do, too, sweetheart. I do, too.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell her to stay?” she asked.

  “Because Bridget has things she had to do, honey. You know, like grown-up stuff.”

  “Couldn’t we have gone with her?” she asked.

  “You really miss her already, don’t you?” I asked.


  I took my daughter back into the house, and I turned on a movie for her while I cleaned up from breakfast. My mind was whirling with the conversation I’d just had with her, but the moment I heard Lacey snoring on the couch, I knew those girls had stayed up longer than they should have. I covered Lacey up with her favorite blanket that smelled faintly like Bridget. Then I went back into her room and began making her bed.

  It was weird, not having Bridget around today, and I really wasn’t sure why. I mean, I was going to see the woman tomorrow, so it wasn’t like we were spending a whole bunch of time away from one another. I didn’t realize how much yesterday had impacted me until I went to go make up my bed. If she were still here, with Lacey sleeping like she was, I could’ve taken her right on this very bed. I could’ve wrapped my hand around her mouth while she moaned and bucked back into me. I could’ve slid into her from behind and felt her body writhing against me in pleasure while I took that beautiful little pussy she had on that curvaceous body of hers.

  I could’ve lost myself in her sounds and scents yet again, and something deep within the pit of my gut tugged. It tugged so hard it made me dizzy, and for a second, I had to sit down on the edge of my bed.

  What the hell had this woman done to me?

  Lacey slept for about an hour before I heard her calling out for me. I came out of my office and made my way to the couch. Before I could even sit down beside her, the question I feared was coming slipped from between her tired lips.

  “Can Bridget be my new mommy?”

  But the answer I gave her shocked me just as much as the question she had just asked.

  “We’ll see, sweetheart. I’d have to talk to Bridget about that first.”

  What? Talk to her about it? You don’t fucking talk to someone about that shit. What was I supposed to do? Just go up to her tomorrow morning and ask her over coffee if she wanted to be my daughter’s mother? What the fuck kind of hole was I digging for myself?

  Lacey jumped into my lap and wrapped her arms around me, and that was when I actually got to thinking about her question. What if Bridget became a mother figure to Lacey? What if things worked out, and she was around to be there for both myself and my daughter? I could see us going on weekend vacations to that same beach spot, reliving that day for the rest of our lives. I could see us getting ready together for date nights and protecting her whenever we went out from the bombardment of cameras. I could see us lying together at night after basking in one another’s bodies, panting and sweating while the two of us stared into each other’s eyes.

  I could see all of that with her, and I wasn’t cringing away from it.

  I actually found myself wanting it.

  “Promise you’ll talk to her, Daddy?” Lacey asked.

  And as she leaned up and looked me in my eyes, I smiled and planted a small kiss to the tip of her button nose.

  “Promise promise, kiddo.”

  Chapter 25


  I woke up feeling on top of the world. The sun was brighter, the air was sweeter, and all the colors of the world seemed to be that much richer. I’d dreamed of Thomas all night, of that smile that fluttered my stomach and his body that undulated my hips. He peppered my dreams with smiles and salacious thoughts, and I knew the moment I saw him I’d throw myself at him in utter happiness and pull him as close as I could get him.

  I was up early again that morning, smiling and greeting the day by throwing back my curtains. Thomas would be here any second, and I was ready to throw my arms around him. I’d missed him more than I figured I would, and the idea of him spending his days with me as my bodyguard now simply became more time I could spend with him in general.

  And I loved it.

  I heard the door open just as I set a pot of coffee on the table, and I took off down the hallway. I threw myself into Thomas’s arms and wrapped my legs around him, planting my lips upon his in a heated, lively kiss. Our tongues battled for dominance while he shut the front door with his foot, and when we both pulled back for air, a massive smile graced his lips.

  “Well, good morning to you, too,” he said.

  “I missed you last night.”

  “I missed you, too, actually.”

  “How’s Lacey?” I asked.

  “She’s good. Missing you, too.”


  “Yep,” he said, grinning.

  I looked into his eyes and saw a kindness I’d come to know in the past few days. His stare sparkled with delight while his hands cupped my ass, and his feet began walking us toward the kitchen when the smell of coffee decided to finally make its way down.

  “I thought the coffee was my job,” he said.

  “I figured I’d surprise you this morning.”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “I think I’m holding a pretty good surprise here.”

  His hands played with my ass cheeks, and I giggled into his shoulder, relishing in his touch before he set me down on the edge of the table. He smelled like fresh rain and dew drops, the calm after a raging storm, and his hands slid to my hips while I buried my nose into the crook of his neck.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” he asked.

  “I have to stay later on the set tonight.”

  “I’ll give my mom a call in the car and let her know.”

  “God, I missed you,” I said breathlessly.

  He tilted my head back up to his gaze before capturing my lips in a soft, sweet kiss. I felt myself melt into him, his strength overtaking me while his arms slipped around my waist. It was easy to give into him, like my body had already been hardwired to know exactly what to do when I met this exact version of this exact man. I smiled against his lips, giggling at the touch of his scruff against my face, and he smiled before he turned his head and looked over at the clock.

  “Looks like we’ll have to take our coffee to-go,” he said.

  “I guess we shouldn’t be late. That would look bad, I guess.”

  “Maybe just a tad,” he said, grinning.

  When we got to set, everything seemed to go fine. There was a lot to do, including intricate makeup and costumes for the building scenes, but the director got a wild hair up his ass the last two hours we were there. He scrapped the ending scene we were supposed to be filming today and decided to take advantage of how innocent I looked without all my makeup on.

  So, he switched to us doing the one intimate scene I had with my co-star.

  Every single time we shot it, I just couldn’t get into it. Every time my co-star kissed me, all I could do was compare it to Thomas. Every single piece of skin I felt on his body didn’t feel like Thomas. His hips didn’t move like Thomas, and his eyes didn’t look like Thomas. At one point, I’m pretty sure I said Thomas’s name, trying to get into it, and I saw my co-star’s eyes bulge. The one thing you usually never had to do in Hollywood was envision another person having sex with, other than the mass of beauty that was with you in bed for a scene. That was the thing about Holl
ywood. You only did sex scenes if people wanted to actually envision you having sex on a screen.

  But when the director called cut for the ninth time, I could hear the agitation in his voice.

  “Meyers! Whatever’s going on in that head needs to turn around. We aren’t leaving for the night until you can get it together. Did you just fucking call him Thomas?”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “Just give me a few minutes.”

  My co-star was sitting on the bed while my eyes scanned the room. I looked for Thomas, begging him to come rescue me and tell me what to do, and the moment he burst from the shadows, he had the cheekiest grin on his face. I went over to him and sighed, sinking my body into his chest while he wrapped his arms around me, but I could tell he was proud of the gaff that just happened on set.

  “Talk to me,” he said.

  “He’s not you,” I said. “That’s about it.”

  “It’s not just that. What’s going on? This is your last scene, and you usually nail those so you can get home.”

  “It’s just…”


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