The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement Page 5

by Krista Lakes

  “And what about us?” Emma’s throat tightened. She looked up at him, searching his handsome face for emotion.

  “I like you,” Jackson told her. His calm green eyes met hers. “I’m asking you to do this because, believe it or not, I trust you. We get along well and we have chemistry. I couldn’t ask this of just anyone. You’re special.”

  Emma swallowed hard. She sat there, unsure of what to do next.

  “What are you thinking, Emma?” Jackson asked. His voice was soft.

  “I’m... I’m not sure,” Emma replied. Her brain was spinning. She hadn’t expected this in a million years.

  “If you need some time to think about it, you can have a couple of days,” Jackson said. He placed his hand on top of hers. It was so warm and strong.

  “I will need some time, please.” She didn’t pull her hand away. She liked the way it felt touching her. “It’s kind of a big decision.”

  “I understand completely,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze. “I’ll answer any questions you might have. Here is the complete packet. I have a lawyer on retainer that you may utilize for any questions.”

  “Wouldn’t that be a conflict of interest?” Emma asked, looking up at him. “Wouldn’t he want the best deal for you?”

  Jackson smiled. “He’s hired to get you the best deal. I’m paying his fee indirectly. You are his client, not me.”

  “Oh, okay. I’m not sure what to even ask at the moment,” Emma told him. “It’s a lot to think about.”

  “Of course,” Jackson agreed. “Would you like to stay here? You’re welcome to spend the night.”

  She considered it. Despite it all, she still wasn’t wearing panties and he had her wanting to go to bed with him. Maybe that was part of why she shouldn’t stay. She wanted him.

  “I’d actually like to go home, please,” Emma told him. It wasn’t that the sexual attraction wasn’t there, because he was still sexy as hell, but rather that she wasn’t sure she’d make good decisions if she stayed.

  She needed to step back and think about what this would mean. As much as she had fantasized about being with Mr. Weathers, the actuality of really doing it was something entirely else.

  “My driver will take you home,” Jackson told her. He pressed something on his phone to notify the driver. “But, like I said, you’re more than welcome here.”

  “Thank you,” Emma replied. She was suddenly very tired and this decision felt way too big. It was a good thing she didn’t have to work tomorrow.

  “Here’s my private number,” he said, handing her a card. “Call me anytime. Text me any questions. I want this to work with you. I think we can both be very happy with this. I know it’s not the traditional method, but I think it can work out.”

  “I just need some time,” Emma told him, standing from the table. “I’ll let you know my decision in a couple of days. I’ll need to speak with the lawyer.”

  “Of course, Emma.” Jackson smiled at her. It made her heart thump in her chest when he looked at her like that. She was tempted to say yes to him right there with that smile.

  “Thank you,” was what she said instead.

  He stood up and kissed her cheek. His lips were soft and he smelled so damn good she nearly changed her mind. She wanted to rip his clothes off and lick his skin and see if he smelled that good everywhere.

  But, she needed to think critically. This needed to be a rational choice, not one made because she was horny.

  He hovered with his mouth inches from hers, waiting for her to choose what to do next. She wanted to believe he wanted her as much as she did him. That this attraction wasn’t just in her mind. She took a deep breath, and stepped away.

  “I’ll let you know my decision,” she said, watching him. His green eyes shone with desire and lust clearly painted her face. She wanted to stay.

  Luckily, there was a knock on the door, giving her a chance to look away. Jackson opened it to reveal a driver. She hurried away from Jackson and his bed, needing to think and wonder.

  What would it be like to marry Jackson Weathers?

  Chapter 7


  * * *

  Should she marry a man for money?

  The question floated around Emma’s mind the moment she woke up.

  No. I shouldn’t, she decided as she made her coffee. I should marry someone I love. I should keep dating, despite my lack of success, and it’ll happen. I still have a few years before I need to worry about the biological clock.

  She sipped her coffee, pleased with her decision for a whole thirty seconds.

  Yes, I should, she decided as she ate her cereal. She liked Jackson. He made her smile and she could see a future with him. Plus, the money from being his wife would make her dream job come true. She could work with any marine animal she pleased. She could buy the freaking marine park.

  She took a shower, mulling over the pros and cons.

  No, I shouldn’t. I should love the man I have a child with. That was always the plan.

  Yes, I should. Jackson would love the child and provide for it unconditionally. This child would be better cared for than most children in the world. She would have all the best child care development, nannies and staff.

  By lunch, she’d changed her mind twelve times and was no closer to making a decision than she was when she first woke up.

  She needed someone to talk her through it, but the NDA was going to be an issue.

  She sighed and flopped herself on the couch. This wasn’t a decision she could make on her own. For the millionth time that morning, Emma wished her mom was around so she could talk to her. Her mom would know just the right thing to say.

  Emma closed her eyes and imagined her mother’s face. She remembered the way her mom would smooth the hair back on her forehead and then kiss the bare skin. She’d always felt safe when her mother did that. She’d give anything for that feeling right now.

  Her phone chimed. She was half afraid to look at it because it could be Jackson demanding an answer. It had only been less than a day, but she knew this was important. She wanted to make a decision as much as he probably wanted one.

  She picked up her phone and let out a small sigh of relief. It wasn’t him. It was Grace.

  * * *

  Hey! Want to get lunch? My appointment got canceled, so I’m baby free and hungry!

  * * *

  Emma played with the phone in her hands. Who better to talk to than a mother? Grace would have insight into what it took to raise a child. A plan started to form in Emma’s mind.

  * * *

  Sure! How about the Indian food place on third?

  * * *

  Grace texted back a thumbs up with a see you in fifteen minutes! Emma quickly hopped off the couch and got her things together before heading out the door to meet her friend.

  Grace waved from a table as Emma arrived. The restaurant wasn’t terribly crowded yet as the lunch buffet had just started. The mouthwatering scents of curry and vegetables filled Emma’s nose as she hurried over to sit with her friend.

  “I ordered you a chai,” Grace told her as Emma sat down.

  “Thanks,” Emma said with a smile. “Let’s grab our food. I want to ask you a question when we sit back down.”

  The stood up and headed over to the buffet. Emma’s stomach rumbled.

  “I am actually really glad my appointment was moved,” Grace admitted as they picked up their plates and began selecting from the appetizing options. “I’m so hungry and I needed a break. Sammy didn’t sleep again last night.”

  “Poor little guy,” Emma said, picking up a piece of naan bread. “Teeth again?”

  “I’m not sure. He’s just not a good sleeper in general,” Grace told her. “But, did I tell you that he took his first step? Oh my god, it was amazing!”

  “He did? My little walker!” Emma cooed.

  “I’m so proud of him.” Grace’s face glazed over with pride as she thought about her little boy. “It’s terrible, but
I miss him already. It’s crazy with kids how you can’t wait to get away, but the minute they’re gone, you miss them like crazy.”

  Emma nodded. She finished filling up her plate and went back to her seat. Her chai tea was nowhere to be seen yet. It was very different service than the night before.

  “You said you had a question,” Grace said, settling into her chair.

  “I saw this job offer on an online forum I’m in, and I wanted to hear your thoughts,” Emma said. She was going to keep this vague enough that the NDA wouldn’t be an issue.

  “Sure. Is it legit? There’s so many scams out there right now,” Grace replied, picking up her fork.

  “I’ll check, but I was more interested in your opinion on it. It’s all hypothetical,” Emma said. She took a deep breath. “The job is for a respected businessman from Canada. He needs a wife to stay here legally.”

  “So, you’d marry him and he’d get a green card and you get money?” Grace asked.

  “Yeah. Sure.” It was close enough to the truth.

  Grace thought about it for a moment. “So, it’s definitely in the gray area. It would really depend on the guy.”

  “Hot. Super hot. And a good guy,” Emma told her. “Hypothetically.”

  “I guess I don’t have an issue with it,” Grace said slowly. “But is it really what you want? You want a family. Kids.”

  “What if kids were a possibility?” Emma held her breath waiting for Grace to answer.

  “Ooh boy.” Grace paused and gave it some serious thought as she chewed on her naan bread. “It still really depends on the guy. Is he going to be a good father? Is he financially sound?”

  “Yes. He’s got enough money to provide for me and a kid,” Emma explained. “Plus, he’s sweet, smart, and funny.”

  “What’s the downside?” Grace asked. “There has to be a downside or he’d already be married.”

  “He’s a womanizer.”

  “Like your boss? What’s his name... Jackson Weathers?” Grace asked.

  Emma nearly choked on her food. “He’s not my boss. He just owns the building. And this has nothing to do with him. This is a totally different guy.” Grace raised her eyebrows and Emma realized she’d probably said that with a little too much emphasis. Emma continued. “Would you marry a man like that? Have a baby? And know that there isn’t love and he’s probably going to cheat on you at some point? But, be super duper rich.”

  Grace thought for a moment. Emma really appreciated that her friend was giving this serious consideration, even though it was supposedly just a hypothetical idea.

  “There are a lot of loveless marriages in the world. There are a lot of kids with no resources,” Grace said after a moment. “Is it so bad to marry for money? No. There are way worse things in the world.”

  “So, I should do it?”

  “Off of an internet ad? No fucking way, Emma!” Grace frowned at her. “You’re smarter than that. Never do anything that involves sex on the internet.”

  Emma nodded. “But, if it weren’t the internet, if it was a real thing, you’d take it?”

  “If someone said I could have Sam and the money to hire three nannies, I’d take it in a heartbeat.” Grace shrugged. “You know that little boy is the breath in my lungs. I’d do anything to have him.”

  “So would I,” Emma agreed quietly. She’d seen the bond between Grace and her son. She craved that bond.

  But would it be worth living with Jackson?

  “Besides, if the guy in the ad really is that rich, who cares if he’s messing around?” Grace said. “If it’s not part of the contract, get yourself a pool boy and enjoy life. If he can, then you most certainly can, too.”

  “Equal opportunity cheating, huh?” Emma asked.

  “Damn straight.” Grace laughed. “You ready for more food?”

  “You go on ahead. I still have some to finish.”

  “Okay. I’ll grab you more bread,” Grace said, getting up and leaving Emma with her half-eaten food.

  Emma played with a grain of rice on her plate. Grace more or less said it was a good idea. Emma wasn’t sure if that endorsement now helped or hurt.

  If Emma agreed to this, she could have everything she’d ever wanted. She’d have money, kids, and opportunity to follow her dreams. It was so much more than she had right now as a slightly higher than minimum wage coffee worker.

  Plus, Jackson Weathers was a lot of fun to be around. He was hotter than sin. Making a baby with him would be pretty amazing. Plus, she could see them at least being friends. It would be a better relationship than many marriages she’d seen.

  “I’ll do it,” she whispered to herself.

  She waited thirty seconds, but didn’t change her mind. This time, the decision was sticking.

  “Okay,” she said to the empty table. “I guess I’m going to marry Jackson Weathers.”

  Chapter 8


  * * *

  Jackson Weathers paced the floor of his office. For the second time this week, he was nervous and it drove him crazy.

  Emma was on her way up to see him. She’d told him that she’d made her decision and was coming to speak to him about it.

  And now he was terrified she was going to say no.

  He’d been pleasantly surprised by how much fun he’d had on their date. It was something that he’d done hundreds of times, but she made it fresh and fun. He loved that she actually enjoyed eating and could hold a conversation that wasn’t entirely about herself or celebrity gossip.

  And that kiss. He’d taken three cold showers to deal with the feelings that popped up each time he thought of that kiss. She was something special and he could only hope that she was going to come up here and say yes.

  He wasn’t sure what he’d do if she turned him down.

  A timid knock on the door drew his attention.

  “Come in,” he said, hoping it didn’t sound too forceful. He didn’t want to scare her away.

  Her dark hair peeked into the room followed by bright hazel eyes. She smiled as she opened the door and walked the rest of the way in.

  She wore a smart business suit. It was obviously well worn, but it fit her well. The gray material hugged her curves and he found himself wishing that the demure hem of the skirt was about six inches higher.

  It was everything he could do not to grab her and take her right there on his desk.

  “Mr. Weathers, I’m here to discuss your offer,” she said, sounding like she had practiced the line several times. It was rather endearing.

  “Please come in,” he greeted her. He pulled out a chair for her to sit and hurried around to sit at his desk. “I’m anxious to hear your reply.”

  She settled into the chair, taking her time. She was making him wait and they both knew it. His foot bounced under the desk as he watched her cleavage rise with every nervous breath.

  “So, what did you decide?” Jackson asked, keeping his voice light.

  “After much consideration, I have decided to accept your offer, provided you make some changes.” She handed him a thick stack of papers and crossed her legs. She sat up perfectly straight and held herself with the cool confidence of a lawyer.

  “What kind of changes?” he asked, flipping over the first page of the document and looking through it.

  “First, I want one more date before I officially accept. I want to make sure that we have the right kind of chemistry to make this work.”

  “I don’t think chemistry is an issue,” he told her, but she didn’t change her expression. “But, another date to confirm that this is a good partnership is a fine. Done.”

  “Good. I want you to plan it.”

  “That should have been mentioned before I agreed,” he scolded gently. She kept her head up. Likely her lawyer told her to do this to put him off balance. “But, I still agree.”

  “Good. Second, I want my own place. I want it in your building.” She swallowed hard, stopping herself before she could say too much. Her lawy
er had coached her well.

  “That may be difficult,” he said, drawing this out a little bit. “The building is in high demand.”

  She opened her mouth, stopped, and raised her chin. “That is your problem to figure out. It’s something I want. My own residence in your building.”

  With a little more practice, she would become an excellent negotiator, he thought with a smile.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “No, you’ll do it.” She swallowed hard again, her eyes just a little too wide. He didn’t want to torment her, so he didn’t do his usual bargaining tactics. He wanted to give her everything, not destroy her. It was a strange feeling.

  “Okay. It’ll be done.” He smiled. “Anything else?”

  “One last thing,” she said. Her voice quavered slightly. “I want something else. I want a house outside of the city once we have kids. And I want you to be there most of the time.”

  “You want me to commute to the city?” he asked, not liking this last amendment.

  She nodded. “I want you to be important in your child’s life. But a kid needs room to run. They need parks and play space, and while there are some in the city, it’s nothing like having a house with a yard. And a dog.”

  “You want a dog, too?” he asked, raising one eyebrow. “Is that one of the changes?”

  “Eventually.” She licked her lips before biting the lower one.

  She didn’t know it, but doing that would get her just about anything. When she bit her lower lip, his mind went south. He instinctively knew it was the kind of thing she would do when she was going to orgasm and his brain couldn’t focus on anything else.

  “I’ll talk to my lawyer,” he said, forcing himself to tear his eyes away from her mouth. “It wouldn’t be a problem until the child is at least a year old, right? So, there’s time.”

  She chewed her cheek and then nodded. “So, you agree to my amendments?”

  He looked her over, taking in her professional suit and the quiet femininity to her. She really was going to be perfect for this.


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