The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement Page 7

by Krista Lakes

  “I understand, Jeb. Thank you.”

  Jackson hopped out of the speed boat and offered Emma his hand. She took it, carefully getting out of the boat. Dry land felt amazing under her feet. She wondered if she should kiss the ground, she was so glad to no longer be on a boat.

  She wasn’t sure how she was going to get home, but for the moment, she wasn’t going to worry about it. She’d figure out what to do in a few hours. Maybe there was a bridge that she could take to get home. Anything but a boat. Or, she would simply live on the island forever if she had to get back on a boat to leave. It was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

  Jackson held out his hand for her. “This way,” he said with a smile. “Jeb will take care of the boat.”

  She took Jackson’s hand and walked with him along the beach. His touch made her skin tingle. She liked it. She liked being with him.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as they hiked up the beach. Trees obscured most of her vision.

  “Dinner at my place,” he replied. He stopped short. “As long as you’d like dinner. If your stomach is still queasy, we can do something else.”

  She smiled. “My stomach is feeling better. I’ll just eat light and I think I’ll be okay. Thank you.”

  He looked her over and then nodded. He gave her hand a squeeze before continuing up the hill.

  She liked that he was concerned. She felt a little bad that she’d messed up his plans for a romantic date night with her seasickness. This obviously wasn’t the way he had planned things. Yet, he was taking it in stride and still smiling.

  As they crested the ridge of the hill, she saw the house. It was beautiful. Giant windows overlooked the ocean on all sides. The building itself was probably only a bedroom and main room, but the windows more than made up for the lack of space inside. She grinned and picked up her pace.

  Jackson lead her to the front door. He didn’t knock, instead going right inside. The house was even more beautiful on the inside than it was outside. Soft, comfortable furniture in grays and off-whites sat on gray driftwood colored floors. The windows were like being inside a bubble looking out at the world.

  “Wow,” she whispered, taking off her shoes at the door. She didn’t want to track sand inside. “What is this place?”

  “This is my personal beach house,” Jackson explained. “Since you mentioned you wanted a house with space, I thought you might like it here. It’s one of my favorite places to come and relax. Plus, it was close.”

  “It’s amazing,” she agreed, walking through the home. It was as small as she suspected, but warm and inviting. She loved it.

  “Let me get you a drink,” Jackson said, dropping her hand as he went to the small kitchen. “Have a seat. Or, feel free to freshen up.”

  The room had a large comfortable looking couch and several smaller chairs. A wood burning fireplace sat off to the side and Emma could only imagine how comfortable this room must be in the winter with a fire lighting up the big windows.

  Pictures hung on the far wall by the window. She walked over and looked them over. They were all of Jackson in various locations around the world. He climbed mountains, she learned, looking at the pictures.

  She went to the small bathroom off to the side and cleaned herself up. Her makeup was smudged from crying and her hair tangled in every imaginable direction. She scrubbed at her teeth with her fingers and did her best to make herself look presentable before going back out to the main room.

  The sun started to set, painting the entire room in gold and orange. Emma stood in front of a window, absorbing the color of the setting sun with her entire being. Her stomach queasiness was completely gone now. Solid ground had done the trick.

  “Here you are,” Jackson said, handing her a heavy glass full of amber liquid.

  Emma sniffed before sipping. The taste was ginger ale.

  “Is there any alcohol in this?” she asked, taking a deeper sip.

  “No, just ginger. I thought it might help your stomach.”

  She smiled and took another sip. It was sweet of him to make sure she was feeling better.

  “I smell something cooking. Are we eating here?”

  Jackson nodded. “I have shrimp mosca. It’s my favorite. I’m afraid it’s not done, since we had to move it from the yacht. I figured you wouldn’t want to eat on the water.”

  “No,” Emma agreed. Just the thought being on the boat again made her stomach tense. She took another sip of ginger ale.

  “It’s just us here, so we’ll have to mostly fend for ourselves. I’m afraid I only have Jeb and some security on the island right now.”

  “Jeb was the man who took the speed boat on the beach, right?” Emma asked, recalling the name.

  Jackson smiled at her. “Yes. He maintains the island for me. When our plans changed, he set up our dinner here instead of out on the yacht like I had planned.”

  “Thank you for changing your plans,” Emma said. “I’m sorry about my stomach.”

  Jackson took her hands in his. “Don’t be sorry, Emma. This may work out better.”

  “Still, I know you had everything all planned. I feel a little bad.”

  “Part of being a business owner is the ability to change. To make things work even if they aren’t quite the plan. Now, you get to see my favorite place in the world. This is my sanctuary. I don’t let just anyone here.”

  “You don’t?” Emma asked. “Is that what you tell all the girls?”

  Jackson shook his head. “You are the first woman I’ve ever brought here,” he admitted. “I know that sounds like a great line, but it isn’t. This place is special to me. It’s mine. No one knows about it.”

  He looked around the room with soft eyes and Emma had no reason to doubt him.

  “Thank you for sharing this with me.”

  He squeezed her hands. “We’re supposed to share everything, right? Besides, it felt right to bring you here.”

  Warmth blossomed in her chest. He was going to give this marriage a real go. This wasn’t just all business to him. He wanted to make it work with her.

  She made the decision to officially say yes right then. It wasn’t the fancy boat, the nice meal, or the house. It was that he was sharing it with her. He was opening up his world to her, giving her the chance to really be a part of his life.

  That made the contract something she could do.

  “Let me show you the kitchen,” Jackson said. “Dinner isn’t quite ready yet, but the sunset view is the best from in there.”

  He pulled on her hand, giddy like a child showing her a prized possession. She grinned, following quickly behind him. He brought her around a corner into a beautiful stainless steel kitchen. It wasn’t big, but it was all state of the art.

  Something simmered on the stove-top that smelled absolutely divine. Her mouth started watering.

  “Take a seat anywhere. I just need to set up a few things,” he said, going to the sink and washing his hands. He picked up a wooden spoon. “I have shrimp, Italian bread, a salad, and some dessert.”

  “That sounds amazing,” she told him, walking into the kitchen. The scent of rosemary and wine hung in the air and she breathed it in deeply.

  “I had more planned.”

  “I appreciate this,” she said, coming close to him.

  Now that her mind was made up, she wasn’t nervous. This felt right. She went up on tiptoes and kissed his lips.

  It was a small kiss. Just a peck, yet it sent shock waves through her core.

  Jackson froze, his eyes going wide. He tipped his head, wanting to ask the question. Was she saying yes to him?

  “Yes,” she told him. “My answer is yes. And it’s not the house that did it. It was you.”

  He blinked twice before a slow smile bloomed. He set down his wooden spoon and put his hands on either side of her face. His eyes filled her vision as he looked her over. She loved that his pupils dilated as he looked at her.

  And then he kissed her.

  On a
scale of one to ten, this kiss was a fifteen. Sweet, sensual, sexy, spicy, and so much more. She couldn’t come up with the words to describe the kiss.

  “How about we wait on dinner?” she whispered, suddenly filled with a different kind of hunger.

  He grinned and kissed her again, reaching behind him and turning the stove-top to low.

  Chapter 11


  * * *

  Jackson wrapped his arms around Emma, loving the way she seemed to fit so perfectly in them. She was made for him. He kissed her fiercely, tasting her sweetness as they stumbled from the kitchen and out into the living room.

  Her kisses were sweeter than wine. Maybe it was just his imagination or the fact that she had agreed to be his, but he’d never had better. His hands itched to feel her skin, to take her as his. To make their agreement official in the most primal of ways.

  She pulled away, shedding her windbreaker and hat. She wore cute capri pants that showed off the curve of her calves and a cute t-shirt. It wasn’t supposed to be sexy, but Jackson couldn’t think of anything he’d rather see more.

  His hands rubbed up and down her shirt, eager to find their way to her skin eventually. He rubbed his hand up to the back of her neck, where he pulled her in closer for his kiss. His tongue darted inside her mouth, and she responded with short gasps of pleasure.

  “Come with me,” he whispered, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the bedroom. She deserved a bed for their first time. He wanted to do this right.

  The bedroom was small and peaceful. The big windows were open to the ocean, and the sky was now dark and starting to twinkle with stars. The lights of the city were tiny dots on the horizon. They were alone out here.

  He kissed her again, reveling in her taste. He wanted to take this slow, to enjoy himself, but at the same time the desire within him couldn’t wait. He wanted to claim her as his without another second passing.

  He took control of his lust, letting it fire through him but not take over.

  She on the other hand, wasn’t waiting. She pushed him to the bed, and mounted him, putting her legs on either side of his hips. He grinned. This was even better.

  She leaned forward, kissing him as his fingers traced up her back. It wasn’t hard to lift the thin t-shirt and pull it up over her head. She smiled at him as it cleared her head and she shook her glorious dark hair around her shoulders.

  She was perfect. The bra was white and fit her tits to perfection. Her skin was smooth and flawless, pale against the dark of her hair. She bit her lip, drawing the red lower lip into her mouth.

  She shivered as his fingers caressed the top of her breast. The skin was so smooth and soft he could barely stand it. She closed her eyes and he touched her. Every breath made her chest rise and fall beneath his finger tips.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered.

  At that, her eyes opened and looked at him. A slow smile filled her face at the compliment. She leaned forward and kissed him, pressing her chest into his. He wanted the bra out of the way. With experienced fingers, he undid the snaps and pulled the fabric away.

  She sat back, letting him look at her. He didn’t want to just look. He reached for her, pulling her chest to his mouth. He licked one nipple and then the other, feeling the nipple contract under his tongue. She moaned with the sensation and shivered against him with delight.

  Her hips moved, arching and writhing against him. Already, he could feel the pressure rising within him. He was still a long ways off, but the effect her movement had on him was heady.

  He wanted the clothing gone.

  He sat up and flipped her onto the bed. She shrieked with surprise, but didn’t fight him. If anything, her eyes grew darker.

  He tugged at her waistband, pulling the capri pants down and away from her legs. His fingers traced up the soft curve of her ankle, up her calf, along the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, and finally up to the lacy pair of panties.

  She was already wet and his cock throbbed to feel her warmth. He wanted to dive into and take her as his own. Instead, he traced a finger along the damp line of her pussy. Her low moan told him that she wanted this as much as he did.

  He tugged at the sides, and her breath caught. She looked up at him, her eyes shining with desire and moonlight as she lifted her hips and let him take the panties away. She lay there, spread out on the bed, awaiting him.

  But her pleasure came first. He would get what he wanted in a moment. He could have that much self control for just a few minutes to make her come. He wanted to know how her face would twist. He wanted to know what little sounds she would make.

  So he knelt on the floor, pulling her so her legs hung off the edge of the bed with him between them. Her breath came in small gasps, her muscles tight and her legs open.

  He started slow, simply taking a long lick from the bottom of her to the top, careful not to give too much attention to her clit. He did a few more of these long, slow licks, and she was beginning to moan with the pleasure. The sound drove him wild, and he had to reach down and rub himself through his pants.

  She gasped as he flicked his tongue against her now fully engorged clit. He sucked on it gently, before lifting the skin off of it and gently flicking his tongue on it. Her gasps and moans became more and more fevered, and she grabbed his hair and pulled, bringing him in closer. She tasted so good, he didn’t care if she pulled on his hair.

  He gladly continued licking her sweetness, until she started tensing up. He kept the same rhythm and intensity as she tensed up more and more, moaning louder and louder, until she arched her hips and let out a scream as an orgasm washed over her body. She bucked her hips again and again as her muscles spasmed and clenched in total bliss.

  She panted his name, her fingers slowly letting go of him as she came down from her orgasm. He quickly pulled his shirt off and shed his pants.

  Her eyes went to his chest and she licked her lips. She sat up, putting her hands on his chest.

  “Let me,” she whispered, her hands going down his chest to the waistband of his boxers. Her skin sent tingles of electricity straight down to his cock. He was half surprised his boxers hadn’t split wide open from the strength of his erection.

  She turned him on.

  She hooked her fingers in his waistband and tugged. It took her a moment to work the fabric down and around him, but then she stared with awe. Most women did.

  She kissed him, pressing her hot skin against his. His cock searched for her opening, wanting to dive into her wet little pussy. It was the only thing he could concentrate on. He needed to know exactly how it felt to be inside of her.

  Gently, he lowered her to the bed. This time, she was fully on it, not hanging with her feet off. She was so damn beautiful he felt like he could come right there, just looking at her. He wasn’t some fresh little teenager with no experience. He’d been with countless women, but the woman in front of him right now drove him crazy with sudden lust.

  He gave her a deep kiss, and as he pulled away she looked deep into his eyes. His first thought was to go and grab the condom, but they didn’t need that. She was signing the contract. They were supposed to make a baby.

  The tip of his cock found the hole it was looking for, and slowly began pressing forward. He rocked forward gently, moving deeper within her as slowly as he could tolerate. He’d forgotten how smooth a woman could be without a condom between them.

  God, she felt amazing. She was heaven on earth. There was nothing but the two of them, joining completely. Nothing was in his way this time. There was no need for him to take any precautions. The freedom was exhilarating. He wanted to come right there, but closed his eyes and pushed himself to go further. He couldn’t have her thinking he was a two-pump chump, even though it was her that was making him want to be.

  She wrapped her arms around him, digging her nails slightly into her back. He filled her completely, loving the gasp of pleasure that escaped her perfect lips as he dove to the hilt.

  Jackson loved t
he sensation of having his skin touch every inch of hers. He lovingly kissed her shoulder while pushing himself deep inside of her. He squeezed her breast, playing with the nipple gently. She moaned softly, and soon she arched her head back, looking for a kiss. He was happy to oblige her, grabbing her under her chin and pulling her in for a kiss while thrusting again deep inside of her.

  Her tongue found his, sweet and innocent. She moaned as he quested ever deeper inside of her, searching for contentment. He moans spurred him on, urging to him to go faster and harder.

  Beneath him, her breasts bounced and her hips rose to meet him. He’d never felt this turned on before. Every second that he held back, the pain of incredible pleasure called to him. All he could hear was Emma’s voice, urging him to go harder and faster.

  He gripped her hips, taking control. He needed to fill her. He needed to claim her as his own. It was no longer a conscious thought, but rather a primal instinct. Her body tightened around him, reacting with her own primal needs.

  “Yes,” she whispered, her eyes going wide as she felt him swell within her.

  She contracted around him, milking him. If her first orgasm was powerful, the second was a tsunami. It washed over him, obliterating everything in its path. There was no mistake, no holding out.

  The only thing he could do was come.

  A rising tide flooded through his body, white lightning pouring out of him. He could feel himself about to lose it. She felt amazing, tight and wet. With a growl, he let himself go deep inside of her. She moaned with pleasure as his semen flooded into her, filling and coating her as she kept working his cock in her pussy. He groaned as he relaxed, his muscles twitching as he emptied the last of his semen into her. She kept dancing her ass against him, working the last drops of cum from deep within him.

  He collapsed, pressing his face into the curve of her shoulder. How did she feel so damn perfect? How did she move in just the right way to drive him wild that easily? He’d meant to go longer. He’d wanted to show her exactly what he was capable of, but he just couldn’t contain himself with her.


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