The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement

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The Billionaire’s Baby Arrangement Page 12

by Krista Lakes

  “Yes,” he groaned. His hands went to her hair, tangling in the curls. He tugged at it, keeping her in control as she pleasured him.

  She took him in her mouth again, running her tongue under him, guiding its swollen, velvety head along the top of her mouth, back towards her throat. She held him there, sucking harder. He clenched his ass and pushed into her, threatening her gag reflex. She smirked at him and cupped his balls, holding him firmly, sucking and running her tongue around him.

  He tasted salty but a little sweet, a flavor she found she liked.

  She set her fingers on her pussy, pushing the wet lips carefully. Having him in her mouth, groaning with pleasure, it was impossible not to want to feel the same. With her other hand she started tugging on the shaft of his cock again. As she sucked on his head she rubbed her clit in little circles.

  She rubbed herself to the same rhythm that she bobbed her head up and down on his cock. He was right, it made his cock feel better in her mouth, and she felt herself begin to tingle again. She rubbed herself more eagerly, wanting to feel that rush of light, and in turn became more greedy on his cock. She reached under his sack, lifting it and then wrapping her fingers around him to make an ‘O’ that held his cock and balls snugly together.

  She opened her jaw and let him push his cock into the back of her throat. She prepared for the moment his head went too far and resisted the urge to gag. She felt her saliva run down him as he throbbed in her mouth, her lips almost touching his balls. She bobbed her head up and down in little wet sucking motions.

  He put his hands on her face and pulled his cock from her mouth.

  “I want to fuck that tight little pussy.” His eyes were wild, his patience receding.

  “Mmm,” she said. She started lying down on her back, her legs spread around him.

  “No,” he said. He shifted the weight of his body to the side, and with his strength lifted her, rolled her over quickly. He grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under her belly. She lay prone, arching her ass up. She turned, wanting to see what he was doing.

  He was on his knees behind her, her legs beneath him, her round little ass pointed up at him.

  “Not in my ass,” she said, suddenly apprehensive.

  He laughed. “No, not in your ass.”

  He reached between her thighs, spreading them a little wider and rubbing his finger against her pussy. His other hand took his meaty cock in hand and rubbed it on her wet swollen lips.

  “Stop teasing and fuck me.” She had to feel him inside of her, now.

  With a push, he entered her, stopping just as soon as he was inside. The sensation was different, not as pleasurable as when he licked and fingered her, but it felt good in another way. He pressed his weight down, his hands gripping her ass cheeks, pushing and squeezing them roughly as his knees pinched her legs closer together.

  With every inch, she found her body stretching to accommodate him. She knew that she’d be sore in the morning, but for now, she just gripped the bed spread and tried to enjoy it.

  “God that pussy is so tight,” he said. She could feel herself, snug as a glove around him. He rocked his hips, pushing deeper into her. She relaxed, let him penetrate her. His weight and muscle pressing down hard on her little body felt good, mixing with the small pain his thickness gave her virgin pussy.

  “Fuck me,” she moaned, laying her face down on the comforter, letting herself go limp, letting him fuck her however he wanted to.

  He rolled his hips into her, his hands playing with her round ass. Squeezing it, giving it light spanks that tingled through her hips into her pussy. His cock filled her perfectly, stretched her and rubbed her. He thrust harder, the pain almost a pleasure of its own now.

  She lifted herself up on her elbows, turning around to watch him fuck her. It was possibly the hottest, sexiest thing she’d ever seen in her life. Watching him push into her, his face concentrated on his own pleasure nearly sent her spiraling.

  Jackson Weathers, billionaire CEO and known playboy, was enjoying her. He was enjoying her. He had fucked the hottest women in the world and was finding her sexier than them. She felt like a sex goddess.

  He groaned with pleasure, staring down at her ass again, starting to thrust himself harder into her. She felt his balls press against the tops of her thighs as he settled deeper, shifted his weight onto her thighs, his thick cock burrowing more deeply, rubbing and nudging, pulsing.

  She felt herself begin to tingle again, that rolling swell of heat and electricity. She was going to cum, but this one would be different. It was coming from somewhere else inside of her.

  He must have felt her clench his cock tighter, because he grew more wild, lowering his hips with more force down onto her, shaking her little body with every thrust, Her thighs clenched. A flood of heat filled her, her fluids gushing around his thrusting cock. He pulled out, and she cried out with the sudden loss of his cock. However, his hand went to her clit, immediately causing new waves of pleasure to roll through her.

  Her pleasure only spurred him on. He immediately re-entered her, pounding away at her now soaking wet pussy. His hand went to her shoulder, holding her down as he continued to use her body. He couldn’t speak anymore, his body lost to the primal pleasure of finding release in her.

  She wanted it. She wanted him to explode inside of her, bringing her along for the ride. The idea of him loosing himself so completely within her caused her body to tighten around him, increasing the pleasure until he lost control.

  He pushed down hard on her upper back, forcing her back to the bed. Every thrust was primal now. He was lost to a world of pleasure that she created. She groaned, enjoying every second of knowing that she was the cause of his pleasure.

  She felt him speed up, felt him swell up within her. With a grunt he came hard. Thick ropes of semen splashed in her interior, and she felt her body open up to his orgasm. She felt his seed race up toward her fertile fields, looking for soil in which to plant new life. For a moment, she wanted nothing else, nothing but his semen to make a new life inside of her.

  He continued thrusting, continued spraying inside of her, until he collapsed against her. His muscular chest felt good against her back, and she could feel the last few drops collecting by her entrance. Even that would be enough, she knew, to get her pregnant.

  After a few moments, he pulled out of her and knelt up. He sat back, staring down at her, admiring his work. Admiring her body, filthy now with his seed.

  Her hair stuck to her forehead. She was covered in sweat.

  He rolled on to his back on the bed, staring at the ceiling while he caught his breath.

  “That was better than in the back seat of the limo,” he gasped.

  “Way better,” she agreed. “And, this way, once you’ve recovered, we can go again.”

  “You think I have that kind of stamina?” he asked, rolling onto his side and smiling at her.

  “You are a billionaire,” she replied. She grinned at him. “And, I have heard rumors about billionaires and their refractory periods.”

  He chuckled and pulled her into him, his arm strong and safe around her.

  “Then I guess I’ll just have to show you how true those rumors are,” he murmured. He was already getting hard again.

  Chapter 19


  * * *

  “You look very nice, Mr. Weathers,” Mrs. Bales said, looking up from her desk as he passed. She paused typing a memo to smile at him. “Are you going on a date with that lovely Ms. Emma?”

  At the sound of Emma’s name, Jackson couldn’t help but smile. “No. Business dinner.”

  “Oh, that’s right. It’s Tuesday.” His secretary nodded and then stood up. “Let me fix your tie. It’s crooked.”

  Mrs. Bales hobbled around her desk, mumbling something about getting to the doctor for another look at her hips. She stood before her employer and fixed his tie for him. She smiled as she smoothed the dark silk of his tie.

  “There you go,” she said. �
��I sent the flowers to your house as instructed. I went with amaryllis because they mean, ‘worth beyond beauty.’”

  “Where did you learn that?” Jackson asked her.

  “I looked it up,” Mrs. Bales replied. “I do know how to use Google. I made sure that the flower meaning card got put in there too, so Emma will know as well.”

  “You’re going to make her think I’m romantic,” he scolded her with a smile. “Everyone knows that isn’t me.”

  “I’ve seen the way you look at her,” Mrs. Bales told him. “There’s a secret between the two of you, but you look at her like she’s worth something. I haven’t seen you look at any of your other dates like that.”

  “It’s how I look at you,” he replied, kissing his secretary’s cheek. She had been his secretary for longer than he could remember.

  “You big liar.” She smiled as she gave him a gentle push. “Now get going. You’re going to be late.”

  “But at least I look good,” he smiled, pointing to his tie. She rolled her eyes and went back behind her desk to keep working.

  Jackson was in good spirits as he rode the elevator down. He glanced over at the coffee shop as he walked out the building. He was looking for Emma, even though he knew she wasn’t working. It was just habit now. He wondered just how often he had looked over to her without realizing it.

  He drove quickly to the steakhouse where he was meeting with a client. He followed the hostess to the back table where Mr. Cannon waited.

  “You’re late,” Mr. Cannon announced. He already had two empty drink glasses on the table.

  “I’m right on time,” Jackson replied. “You just like my free drinks.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Mr. Cannon said. He caught the hostess’ attention. “Another drink please.”

  Jackson simply laughed. This was how this meeting always went.

  It was his monthly meeting with Cannon Chemicals. They always met at this particular steakhouse, and ate and drank until they could barely move. Jackson would then pick up some beautiful girl at the bar, take her upstairs to the penthouse suite of the hotel, and have a wonderful evening.

  Except that wasn’t going to happen tonight.

  The thought surprised Jackson as he settled into his regular spot and had the regular conversation. He could see a stunning blonde sitting at the bar, but he had no desire to talk to her.

  He wanted to go home and talk with Emma. He wanted to bring Emma up to the penthouse suite.

  “Jackson, you feeling okay?”

  Jackson shook his head, realizing that he wasn’t paying attention to his friend. “Sorry, just thinking.”

  “You were thinking of that sexy little brunette you found,” Mr. Cannon decided. The man grinned at him. “I can’t blame you. When you get tired of her, would you give her my number?”

  Jackson’s hand balled into a fist and he nearly punched Mr. Cannon right in the nose. How dare he talk about Emma that way?

  Luckily, Jackson caught himself before he got past making the fist. He smiled and took a calming breath.

  “You’ll be waiting a long time,” he told the other man. “I think I’m going to hold onto this one.”

  Mr. Cannon laughed like Jackson had told the world’s most hilarious joke. “You? I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  Jackson willed himself to uncurl his fingers. There was no reason to be angry. Mr. Cannon wasn’t saying anything bad about Emma, or Jackson. It was the idea that Jackson would leave her that made him angry.

  Even Jackson could admit that with his track record, it was a fair assumption to make. He wasn’t sure why hearing it out loud made him so angry.

  “So, onto business,” Jackson announced. He needed to stop thinking about Emma. He needed to concentrate on his business.

  “If you say so,” Mr. Cannon replied. He motioned for another drink as the waitress walked by.

  Two hours later, the meeting was over.

  You home? Jackson texted Emma. He could already imagine himself finding her naked in his bed when he walked home. He rather liked that option.

  Babysitting Sammy. I’ll be home in an hour, Emma replied.

  Jackson sighed. He didn’t want to go home without her there.

  Jackson didn’t know quite what to do with himself. All his regular habits were thrown off. He wouldn’t be going upstairs to the penthouse suite with a leggy blonde, but he didn’t want to go home to an empty house, either.

  So, he went to the bar and got a drink. One more drink, and he would head home. He could take his time and get there around the same time Emma would. The idea made him happy.

  “Hello, stranger,” a sensual voice purred from behind him. A soft touch ran across his shoulders.

  “Katy.” Jackson recognized the voice and the soft touch. Standing next to him in a gown made for sliding to the floor, was Katy. She was often the leggy blonde that went upstairs with him after these meetings.

  “I was in town and thought I might find you here,” she purred, sliding onto the bar stool next to him. Everything about her oozed sex. From her exposed cleavage to the way she kept her legs pointed directly at him, she wanted him.

  But for the first time in his life, he didn’t want her.

  Any red-blooded male with a heartbeat should have swooped Katy up and taken what she willingly offered. The woman was sex appeal walking, and an eager and willing partner, but Jackson couldn’t find the desire to sleep with her.

  He didn’t want her.

  It was a very strange feeling.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m not interested tonight, Katy,” Jackson said, the words forming strangely in his mouth.

  Katy’s eyes went wide. “What?”

  “I said I’m not interested tonight,” Jackson repeated. It was easier the second time.

  Katy blinked rapidly. She had probably never heard those words in her life. “Are you serious?”

  She crossed her arms, showing off her massive, half-covered breasts, and pouted. Her red lips looked primed for sucking and kissing.

  And he didn’t care.

  Jackson chuckled and stood up, leaving his drink half finished on the bar. “Yeah. I am. Have a great night.”

  He tossed some money on the counter for his half-finished drink. He didn’t want it anymore. A thought hit him. Flowers for Emma.

  Only, more. More than just a single bouquet. A whole flower shop. He wanted to see her smile. He had an hour to pull it off.

  “Come on, Jackson,” Katy purred, putting her hand on his chest. “Stay with me. We always have such a good time.”

  He gently took her hand away. “Goodnight, Katy. Don’t ask again.”

  He left the restaurant and went home to surprise Emma with an apartment full of flowers. He couldn’t wait to see her smile.

  Chapter 20


  * * *

  Something was different. Emma wasn’t sure what it was, but as she woke up that morning, she knew something had changed.

  She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was in Jackson’s bed, wrapped up in gray linen that felt smooth against her bare skin. Jackson was nowhere to be seen. She relaxed back into her pillow and sighed.

  He was probably already at work. She on the other hand, felt like she could roll over and fall right back to sleep. Despite the fact that she had slept like a rock, she was exhausted.

  “Too much sex,” she mumbled into the pillow. That had to be the reason she was so tired. It was either that or she was getting sick. She really hoped it was just too much amazing sex and she just needed to get in better shape.

  She groaned, unable to fall back asleep despite wanting to. With a sigh and a groan, she sat up and swung her legs to the edge of the bed. She was so freaking tired, but yet unable to sleep more. Maybe coffee would make her feel better.

  Her feet hit the fluffy rug and she reached for her robe hanging by the bed. It had taken her a few nights to become comfortable with sleeping in the nude. She’d mos
tly accepted it because it was so wonderful to simply cuddle into Jackson’s arms and fall asleep after one of their epic lovemaking sessions.

  It was so much nicer than leaving him to put on pajamas.

  She padded out to the kitchen, eyes still blurry with sleep. She secretly hoped that Jackson would still be in the kitchen. He liked to read the paper in the morning and sip his coffee. She liked finding him and joining him for a shared comfortable, quiet morning.

  He wasn’t there. Emma sighed and wondered what was bothering her. Something was different and she couldn’t put her finger on it. She had felt it a few days ago, but the feeling was stronger now.

  The coffee pot hummed to life as she pressed the buttons. Jackson had the fanciest coffee machine she’d ever seen. It was a good thing she had worked in a coffee shop with a temperamental espresso machine, or she would have never been able to figure out how to work the dang thing.

  In just a few seconds, Emma had a cup of steaming coffee complete with foamed milk and just a dash of vanilla. It was heaven in a cup.

  She wrapped her hands around the mug and sat down at the table. She was a little more awake now, but still tired. It was a good thing she didn’t have to work today, or any day really, because she wasn’t sure she would make it to the end of the day without a nap.

  She sipped her coffee and sat in the sunshine pouring in through the big windows. She could understand why cats loved sunshine windows. They were decadent.

  The smell of roses caught her attention and she smiled. The entire living room was filled with different colors of the beautiful blossoms. She still couldn’t believe Jackson had filled a room with roses for her to walk into when she came home.

  She’d actually been glad he’d video taped the whole thing on his phone. He’d even put it live on Facebook for everyone to see. At first, she felt a little used. He was showing off their relationship for the public, but then, that was what she’d signed up for. It was a good idea to share it.


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