Hook (Fighter Romance) (Las Vegas Series #1)

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Hook (Fighter Romance) (Las Vegas Series #1) Page 6

by Marie York

  Mackenzie sauntered by and ripped it out of my hand. “Sounds delicious and French,” she said, giving Knox a flirty eye. I glared at her, trying to convey a warning for her to behave herself. She chose to ignore me.

  Knox took the bottle out of her hands and smiled. “Too bad for you, you aren’t twenty-one,” he said. “Besides, I spent enough on you already. Thought it was only fair that I spend the same on your sister.”

  “Wait a minute!” I declared. “Please tell me that wine did not cost…”

  “Fifteen hundred dollars. Okay, then, I won’t tell you that.”

  Fifteen hundred dollars on a bottle of wine! That was double my rent. More money than I made in two weeks, stripping my clothes off for a bunch of men. How could I drink something that was worth more than everything I owned? “We are not drinking it,” I stated.

  “Suit yourself,” he said, walking past me. “Mackenzie, want to show me where the corkscrew is?”

  “I’ll show you whatever you want,” she said, strutting to the kitchen.

  Knox glanced back to me with a smile that made me weak in my knees. “By the way, it smells amazing in here. I hope you didn’t go to too much trouble.”

  I shrugged. “It’s lasagna, not rocket science,” I said with mock confidence, hoping he’d believe me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Mila looked sexy as hell, in her tiny shorts and even tinier tank top. It was effortless for her, unlike her little sister who tried too hard. Mackenzie kept staring at me from across the table and I swear I felt her foot rub against my leg at one point. It pissed me off, but I ignored it. She was a typical teenage girl screaming out for attention. I didn’t have time for her games. The only games I wanted to be playing were with Mila in the bedroom.

  The lasagna wasn’t that great, but I pretended like it was the best damn thing I ever tasted. It was adorable that she actually cooked what I requested. To be honest, I was surprised she didn’t just order it from somewhere and try to pass it off as her own. That was one of the things I liked about her. She was tenacious, and determined to do everything on her own. So, of course, she would go all out and attempt to make me what I wanted.

  Mackenzie picked up a plate of biscuits and held it out to me. “They’re big, just the way I like them,” she said, biting her lip trying so hard to be sexy. It was almost comical. She was a child, for Chrissakes. It made me wonder where their parents were. How long had Mila been taking care of her?

  I had a million questions, and I had a feeling with Mackenzie around, I might actually get some answers. “So, were you born here in Vegas?”

  “Nobody is born in Vegas,” Mackenzie scoffed.

  “We grew up in California actually,” Mila offered, and then forked some lasagna into her mouth. She made a face of disgust before swallowing it down.

  “So, what brought you to Vegas?” I asked.

  “Sex, drugs, you know the usual,” Mackenzie said with a laugh.

  “Ignore her,” Mila said, rolling her pretty green eyes. She ran a finger up and down her chest, toying with a necklace.

  My eyes followed her fingers as they dipped low into the crease of her shirt. I could still remember how the tight pink buds looked beneath her shirt.

  “The rent was cheap enough, and I make more money at the club then at any of the other jobs I’ve ever held. It felt like a no brainer at the time.”

  “What about family? Any left?” I asked, taking a bite of my biscuit.

  “Just a great aunt that we don’t see,” Mila responded.

  “Our parents are dead, duh. Isn’t that what you’re getting at?” Mackenzie said, with a roll of her eyes.

  “Mackenzie!” Mila reprimanded.

  “What? It was obvious that’s what he was getting at. I just deleted all the bullshit in between.” I couldn’t fault her for that. There was actually something refreshing in her brutal honesty.

  “How’d they die?” I asked, hoping Mila wouldn’t shut down just as I was getting somewhere.

  “Car accident,” Mila said, but her voice was so soft I could barely hear her. She stared down at her plate, forking her food over and over again, but never bringing it to her mouth.

  “I’m sorry.” I knew what it was like to lose someone you loved. There were a million regrets and broken promises. You’d never have the chance to see them again and tell them all the things you should have said when they were still around. It sucked.

  The pain in Mila’s eyes mimicked my own. I was beginning to realize that was the biggest thing we had in common. We were both really good at hiding it. I reached under the table and rested my hand on her thigh. She blinked up at me, and I smiled, hoping the small gesture would mean so much more to her.

  When her lip lifted slightly at the corners, I felt like I just won a fight. It was an unexpected victory and I savored the moment.

  “So are you guys sleeping together?” Mackenzie asked, breaking the moment.

  Any sign of a smile on Mila’s face vanished as her lip curled in anger. She slapped her hand on the table. “Enough!”

  “It’s just a question,” Mackenzie retorted.

  “It’s none of your business,” Mila exclaimed.

  “That’s a yes.”

  Mila stood up, her green eyes flaring with rage. “You’re done.”

  “No, I’m still hungry.” Mackenzie picked up a biscuit and went to take a bite, but Mila ripped it out of her hand and tossed it down on a plate.

  “No, you’re done. Go to your room and stay there.”

  Mackenzie laughed. “I’m not a child. You can’t tell me what to do.”

  Mila’s head looked like it was going to explode and I hated sitting back doing nothing. She might not have liked people helping her out, but I’d be damned to sit on my ass doing nothing while she was losing her shit.

  “So, Mackenzie, tell me. How was jail?”

  “It was fine,” she said, straightening her shoulders and standing taller.

  “It didn’t scare you at all?”


  “Not even a little bit?”

  Mila went to say something, but I held my hand up to her.

  Mackenzie turned her nose up. “No, not even a little bit.”

  “Then you wouldn’t care if I went back down there and revoked the bail I paid. I’m thinking an officer would be here in no time to take you back.”

  She crossed her arms, and looked unamused, but I could see a hint of fear in her eyes. “You wouldn’t!”

  “Oh, but I would. Now, why don’t you apologize to your sister and go do some homework?”

  Her teeth gritted together, and it looked like it physically harmed her to open her mouth. “Sorry,” she uttered, and then stormed off to her room.

  Mila walked over to me, resting her hand on my chest. “You can’t revoke bail money,” she said.

  I laughed. “I know that, and you know that, but she doesn’t know that.”

  A full smile finally settled on Mila’s face, and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever fucking seen. “Well played, sir. Well played.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Mackenzie hadn’t come out of her room yet and it was nice. It was a good feeling, knowing that she was home and safe, and I was thrilled to get a break from dealing with her bullshit… even if it was only a temporary reprieve. I wanted to wrap my legs around Knox and show him how grateful I really was for everything he had done. But I kept my legs to myself.

  I was always in control but, when Knox was around, it was too easy to lose the one thing that had been a constant in my life. I couldn’t give in to temptation. If I did, the tides would shift and I wasn’t okay with that. I meant it when I said I didn’t do charity and, if Knox stayed around, I was afraid of how much more he’d be willing to do for me.

  I couldn’t allow myself to get comfortable with him swooping in and saving the day. Guys like him didn’t stick around for long. I needed to stay strong and be the
survivor I’d grown into.

  Knox rested a finger under my chin and urged me to look at him. Just a simple touch, and I could feel my control slipping away from me. Oh, please let me stay strong, I thought. I don’t know if I can deal with another complication right now. I have enough on my plate with Mackenzie.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked as he placed the dishtowel over his shoulder. I cringed thinking about how that suit must have cost him a small fortune. My dollar store towel didn’t deserve to be against such beautiful material. “Talk to me,” he said, genuine concern in his voice.

  “You scare me,” I admitted, unable to resist that intense gaze.

  “I would never hurt you,” he said, as shock flashed through his features.

  “No, not in that way. I don’t think you’d ever lay a hand on me. At least, I hope.”

  “I wouldn’t. I have never raised my hand to a woman. My parents taught me better than that.”

  “I believe you,” I said, and I honestly did. He might have been an animal in the cage, known for his crazy antics and unbelievable strength, but, when he touched me, there was such a gentle tenderness to it. I couldn’t imagine it ever being anything but. This was getting too serious too fast. I needed to lighten the mood and take it in another direction, so I grabbed the dishtowel and side-stepped him. I started jumping around mock boxing. “Just so you know,” I joked as I continued pumping my fists. “I can throw a mean right hook.”

  He laughed, snaking a hand around my waist, and pulling me tight against him. His lips brushed my ear and wetness pooled in my panties. “Now, that I’d like to see,” he whispered.

  “Maybe another time. It’s getting late. I have to get Mackenzie up tomorrow at six thirty and make sure she actually shows up to school.” I needed to get him away from me before all of my common sense fled.

  I wasn’t some girl who melted at the feet of a hot guy with a killer body and an even more killer smile. And I needed to remember that.

  “I should be heading out anyway. Have to be at the gym by four-thirty to train.”

  “Four-thirty?” I asked, surprised by his dedication. I guess you didn’t sleep your mornings away if you wanted to be world champion, and he was. I knew he was a fighter—knew he was damn good—but it wasn’t until I Googled him that I realized how good he really was.

  There were a million videos online of his fights, but, after seeing him take a hit to the face, I couldn’t watch anymore. It was too much to handle. I had no idea how he got in a cage time after time and laughed when someone hit him. He actually laughed.

  “I’m a winner, Mila. Sleep is for the weak, and I am far from that.” He grabbed his suit jacket off of the stool and draped it over his arm. “Walk me out?”

  I thought about it for a moment, and then decided there was no harm. “Sure.”

  We walked out of my apartment into the dark and headed to the stairs. Old man Simpson was half deep in a bottle of cheap vodka. Embarrassment crept into me, but I shook it away before it could consume me. I wasn’t going to be embarrassed by old man Simpson, or the fact that Knox’s Hummer was probably bigger than my living room and kitchen combined. This was who I was. If he really liked me, he would accept me as I was, flaws and all.

  “Hey, Mr. Simpson,” I said as we walked by him.

  He pulled his lips from the bottle long enough to mutter a single hi. I waited for Knox to look down on him with disgust, but he kneeled down and said something to him. I couldn’t hear what he said, but Mr. Simpson let out a genuine laugh. Knox patted him on the shoulder, and continued on his way.

  When we got to Knox’s Hummer, he leaned against the door, wrapping his hands around my waist, and pulling me with him. I liked the way I felt pressed against his chest, and I hated that. I didn’t want to like it as much as I did.

  “So, what did you say to old man Simpson?”

  “Nothing important.”

  I arched an eyebrow at him, but he just laughed.

  “Well, nothing I want to talk about now because I’d rather do this.” He dipped his head and pressed his lips to mine. At first it was sweet and gentle, but, as soon as I parted my lips to let him in, it became hot and desperate.

  I grabbed his shirt, not giving a shit how much it was worth just needing to be as close to him as I possibly could. I thrust my tongue against his, tangling them in a slick dance. A moan rumbled up his throat and it only fueled my desires. I pressed into him, feeling his throbbing erection beneath his pants.

  His hands cupped my face, desperate and controlling, as if he was scared I might vanish. Suddenly, I felt trapped. I needed to get away. This was escalating too fast. It was too much. This wasn’t just a kiss because, if it were, I would stay here and kiss him all freaking night long. No. This was so much more. I was feeling things I had never felt before. Wanting things I didn’t think I was destined for. I was setting myself up for disappointment, and I needed to walk away. I needed to end this. And I needed to end it now.

  I pulled my lips from him, and it was like a part of me was ripped away. His breaths were coming in short gasps, and his dark eyes were practically black with lust. I looked away before they sucked me in again.

  “Have good night,” I said and turned away.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I wasn’t stupid. I knew she was running from me, and I couldn’t let her. Wouldn’t. I reached out, wrapping my hand around her wrist, and yanked her back to me. A slight squeak slipped from her mouth as her lips landed on mine. I cupped her face, refusing to let her go this time. She could try to resist me. Pretend like she didn’t want me as much as I wanted her, but we both knew that was a lie.

  “Don’t fight this,” I said, dragging my lips from hers and trailing them down her neck. “You know you want me. Want my cock deep inside you.”

  Her grip tightened on my shirt, and she jumped up, linking her legs around my waist. My hands landed on her ass, taking two generous handfuls and pushing her tight against me.

  “Tell me you want me,” I hissed. “Tell me you want my cock inside you.” I bit the sensitive spot at the crook of her neck, and she let out a sexy as hell moan. “Tell me,” I demanded.

  “I want you. I want your cock deep in my pussy.”

  Her words shot right to my dick, so I turned around, and pressed her against my truck. I pushed my cock into her, letting her feel exactly what she was doing to me. “Do you feel how hard I am for you?”

  “So hard,” she mumbled against my lips just before plunging her tongue into my mouth. Her hands knotted in my hair, tugging and pulling.

  We couldn’t go back to her place, and the only way this was going to end was in dual orgasms. So, I flung the passenger door open, and lifted her into the back seat. I slammed the door shut and crawled on top of her.

  Want and need glowed in those gorgeous eyes, making my dick begging for release. But, I already had mine, and it was time I paid my debt.

  Our mouths were hot against each other and I kissed a path down her neck to the dip in her shirt. I swiped my tongue across the top of her breasts, and bit her nipples through her shirt. It wasn’t enough. I wanted her naked, with no restrictions. She lifted her arms as if reading my mind.

  I ripped her shirt off, tossing it to the front seat. Her black lace bra pushed her tits up into two perfect mounds. I admired it for only a moment before reaching behind her and snapping her free. Her tits fell from the material, and I dipped my head, taking her nipple into my mouth.

  It beaded beneath my tongue, and I ran my teeth across the sensitive nub until Mila was arching beneath me. I massaged the other before dragging my mouth across to it. Her hands knotted in my hair again as she thrust her pussy skyward.

  “Take these off,” I demanded, as I tugged at the button of her shorts.

  She wiggled out of them, and I slipped my hand beneath the black lace. My finger moved across her clit before dipping into her wetness. “You’re so wet for me,” I said, bringing
my mouth back to hers.

  “Only for you,” she groaned, and it sparked something inside of me. The animal came to the forefront, so I grabbed her panties from both sides and ripped them to shreds. I tossed them out of my way, and dove into the one thing I wanted most.

  My tongue swiped at her swollen pussy and up to her clit. “God, you’re so fucking sweet,” I growled, licking up every drop she would give me. I pushed my finger into her, and she gasped at the intrusion. I pumped in and out of her, loving how good she felt.

  I pulled my fingers out and brought them to her mouth, wiping them against her lips. She swiped her tongue against my index finger before taking it into her pretty little mouth. Her lips went up and down as her tongue swirled around it, reminding me of that mind-blowing blowjob she gave me.

  I took my fingers from her mouth, wet and ready, and plunged them back into her waiting pussy.

  “Oh, Knox!” she screamed.

  I kissed her collarbone, trailing my tongue up her neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. Her muscles tightened around my finger, and I picked up speed, finger-fucking her into oblivion.

  “I’m going to come!”

  Just as she was on the brink, I pulled my fingers out, and shoved my cock deep inside her.

  She moaned and dug her nails into my back. I plunged in and out of her, going as deep as I possibly could. I grabbed her leg and placed her calf on my shoulder, letting me go even deeper.

  “This pussy is mine,” I said as I drilled into her, my balls slapping her ass and echoing through the truck. “No one else’s.”

  “It’s only yours,” she cried out, her body writhing beneath me.

  “Good,” I said, and thrust as hard as I could.

  “Oh, my God! Fuck me. Harder.”

  I did as she requested, pumping in and out of her with relentless vigor. Her eyes popped open, and our gazes caught. We held them as her muscles clamped and my balls tightened. We held them as we both came and fell into blissful oblivion.


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