Surviving Today

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Surviving Today Page 18

by Mande Chambers

  Actually, Scott had lost his mind. It was nice of him to notice. Now really wasn’t the time to get into that, though.

  “In her defense, you technically attacked her first.” At the look Corbin shot him, Scott raised his hands. “Now, before you jump my shit for pointing that out, I feel it’s my solemn duty to put on the record that you threw a knife at her head the nanosecond she stepped foot into that room. If you want my honest opinion, you’re lucky she aimed for your shoulder.”

  “No one asked for your opinion,” Corbin grumbled, rubbing his shoulder. “And, if memory serves, the only reason she aimed for my shoulder was because she was too busy dodging someone’s attacks with a stick to aim for anything more severe.” He cleared his throat and coughed Scott’s name into his hand, pointing at him behind his hand.

  “You’re not as slick as you think you are.” Scott smiled sheepishly. “If it makes you feel any better, Evans, after she beat my ass and had me pinned to the mat, she threw a knife at my head once she realized it was me behind the mask.”

  Corbin snorted. “That doesn’t surprise me. What did you honestly expect after your last meeting prior to last night?” At the look Scott shot him, Corbin held up his hand and added, “I’m just saying. If you weren’t willing to do the time, so to speak, you shouldn’t have committed the proverbial crime. In this case, if you weren’t willing to suffer the consequences of your actions, you should have rethought previously mentioned actions that day.”

  “Being number one of her hit—I mean shit—list blows.”

  “Good luck with that. And you had it right the first time.”

  Scott flipped him off.

  Corbin stuck his tongue out.

  A throat cleared from across the room. “Children, there is still an adult present in the room.”


  “An adult? Where?” Corbin asked, looking around in a panic.

  “Smartass. I simply meant that I am still in the room,” Derrick answered, shooting Corbin a look that clearly stated he wasn’t amused, even a little bit.

  I really wish you weren’t.

  Evans sunk further down in his chair, looking like a child who was in for a long lecture. Scott turned around to face Derrick, a weak smile on his face.

  And this is where things get awkward…

  “Weren’t the two of you in D.C. last night?” Derrick asked.

  In three…

  Scott nodded, not trusting his voice. He saw the train wreck about to happen, but he was powerless to stop it. He had a split second decision to make. Lie through his teeth or man up and tell the truth.

  It was dealer’s choice at this point in the game.


  “Megan was in L.A. last night on business.” Derrick crossed his arms over his chest as he waited for confirmation. “So, I know you can’t be talking about my Megan.”


  Derrick looked at Corbin when Scott’s silence dragged on. “Right?”

  “Sure, man. If that’s what you need to tell yourself.”

  Scott glared at Corbin. “Dude, not helping.”

  “Dude, not trying to.” Corbin shrugged. “Bro, we’re busted. He’s got us dead to rights. Deal with it.”


  “Scott, old buddy, old pal,” Derrick said, boring holes into the side of Scott’s head until his eyes met his. “How exactly do you know Megan?”

  And there is was.


  “Um, well, that’s kind of a long story and I have a date with a couple of feds downtown,” Scott answered, pushing up from his chair.

  Yes, he was a chicken shit. Balk freaking balk. It wasn’t exactly his proudest moment, but to his defense, he had all of five seconds to digest the fact that Derrick was dating Megan. Of all the scenarios he imagined when he’d come to talk to Derrick, this one hadn’t even crossed his mind. He was a little off his game here.

  Okay, fine. He was a lot off his game.

  “The abridged version works for now.”


  Scott paused in front of him. He racked his brain for something to say, but he drew a complete blank. The wheel was still turning, but the hamster was on break. He couldn’t think of one good reason other than the cold, hard truth. At that point, his brain switched off, flashing the message good luck over and over again.

  “They attended Roosevelt together. She knew Annelise,” Corbin popped off as he pulled himself up from the table.

  Sometimes Scott really did love that man.

  What? It wasn’t exactly a lie. The fact that she was Annelise was a technicality for another day.

  Derrick placed a hand on Scott’s chest as he moved past him to grab his boots and hoodie. “So, per usual, all this drama comes back around to Lise.”

  Scott gave a quick nod. “Yeah, pretty much.”

  “And how exactly is she involved with your ex?”

  She is my ex.

  Scott removed Derrick’s hand from his chest. “That is a question for your girlfriend.”



  That was what Derrick was. There was no point in hiding it. He wasn’t a bakery, so there really wasn’t a point to sugarcoating it either. Scott was lying straight to his face. He was also hiding something. Derrick could feel it in his bones.

  Okay, even if he hadn’t been suspicious prior to leaving the house, he had no choice but to be suspicious now. Scott had absolutely no poker face. Not only wasn’t he able to look Derrick in the eye, at all, but his silence in the truck—they were carpooling per Derrick’s request—on the way to the precinct spoke volumes.

  There was more to Scott’s relationship with Megan than them attending the same private high school together.

  The look on Scott’s face when Corbin had explained Derrick’s relationship to Megan had said it all. Scott had tried to hide the look of shock, regret, and absolute horror, but he wasn’t quick enough.

  What? Derrick wasn’t above eavesdropping in his own house.

  Now, onto the other reason he was seeing red. Why the hell would Megan let him believe she was in L.A., when she was really in D.C. with Scott and Corbin? She knew damn well he didn’t care where she went or who she was with as long as she was safe.

  How had she ended up in a situation that pitted her against Scott and Corbin in a fight? Those two men were trained soldiers. While Megan was capable of taking care of herself, they were out of her league in a fight.

  Megs proved three years away hasn’t affected her aim one bit.

  Corbin’s words echoed in Derrick’s mind as he pulled into the parking lot of the small precinct. Three years away from what? And where had she learned to throw a knife well enough to catch someone in the shoulder when she wasn’t even paying attention to where she was throwing it?

  I spent an unknown amount of time tied up in an SUV…and the moment we’re not in cuffs…

  That part of the conversation called out to Derrick’s memory banks as he climbed out of the truck. He continued his mental musings as they headed into the Colstrip Police Department.

  Now, why in God’s name would Megan and Corbin be tied up in an SUV? Something in that statement told Derrick they were in some serious trouble.

  Once she realized it was me, she threw a knife at my head. Scott’s words bounced around in Derrick’s head as he entered the building. As did Corbin’s reply. What did you expect to happen after your last meeting prior to last night?

  Just what in the hell did that mean?

  Derrick pulled himself out of his musings as the evening dispatch nodded at him and buzzed the group into the back. He followed the hallway to the back of the building, turning right, then left into the open meeting area in the back.

  As Corbin, Scott, and Derrick walked into the large room, David Haeger stood up. “Sarge, this is Max Cortez and Julian Marcus of Homeland Security.”

  Derrick nodded, pointing at Scott and Corbin. “Reece Whitfield—who now goes by Scott Raleigh, FYI—an
d Corbin Evans as requested.”

  “Where is she, Cortez?” Scott demanded, folding his arms over his chest. “I’m too tired to play games with you. I’d like to get this over with as quickly as possible. I’ve spent a lot of time and energy attempting to not end up in the same state as her, let alone the same room.”

  “Nice to see you again, too, Raleigh,” the tall black haired man David had introduced as Max returned. “Polite as always.”

  Did anyone else find it odd that the federal agents were dressed down in black tactical pants and black long sleeved shirts with combat boots instead of suits and ties?

  “Polite went out the window last night when your boy decked me, while the other one stabbed me in the neck with a drug filled syringe. The syringe was filled with an untested drug that could have killed me, by the way. I tend to get pissy after being assaulted and drugged while minding my own business at a bar. My bad,” Scott shot back.

  “Okay, let’s get one thing straight right now. None of you would be here, in this position, right now if you would’ve cooperated last night and stuck around instead of pulling a disappearing act Houdini couldn’t pull off in his wildest dreams,” the strawberry-blonde haired man David had called Julian was nice enough to point out. “And, for what it’s worth, not that you actually care, no one really claims ownership of Piperel and Halia.”

  Scott rolled his eyes.

  “Either way, they devil dognapped us, tied us up, and drugged us on someone’s order, Marcus!” Corbin exploded. “If it wasn’t your order, it was your bosses order. We woke up with hoods over our heads like we were about to be interrogated at some off the books black site reserved for terrorists. We were tied to metal chairs like common criminals. You know damn well we would take a cell in Gitmo over the warehouse from the seventh circle of hell.”

  He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. He added, calmly, “Let’s not forget the whole pitting us against one another in a fight that could be only described as a cock fight. I’m fairly certain the guys in the control room were taking bets on who would win like we were prized dogs fighting in the championship match—illegal as that analogy might be. There were real weapons, real repercussions”—he motioned to the sling on his arm for emphasis—“and real emotions involved.” He glared at Julian as he readjusted his sling. “None of us came out of that room unscathed. So you’re not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed if you actually thought we wouldn’t disappear like the moon during an eclipse the nanosecond the opportunity presented itself.”

  Jesus Christ. What the hell were these guys into?

  Derrick held up a hand. “I’m sorry. Devil dognapped? Seriously? Is that even a thing?” he asked incredulously, decided to clarify one detail at a time.

  Corbin scratched his head. “Well, technically…I guess…”

  “See, since we’re all still…” Scott studied his boots, apparently deciding they were more interesting than finishing that sentence.

  “Wow. Really?” Julian stated at Scott and Corbin like they were idiots. “I believe the cat’s got their tongue.” He looked at Derrick with a look dripping with disdain. “Let me see if I can make this track for you. They believe we kidnapped them last night—”

  “We don’t think,” Corbin cut in. “You did.”

  Julian rolled his eyes, stifling a groan. “Technically, Piperel, Halia, and Beres kidnapped you, but whatever. Anyway, since the three of them are still technically active duty marines—assigned to another department, but still receiving a paycheck from Uncle Sam nonetheless—and marines are called ‘devil dogs’…” Julian looked at Derrick expectantly.

  “Yeah, I got that much,” Derrick snapped.

  “Look, before you piss him off any further—is that steam coming out of his ears?—I need to know which one of you is coming with me to see Nox,” Scott cut in, shooting both Max and Julian dirty looks. “I know you guys were sent here to supervise this little coming to Jesus moment we’re supposed to be having.”

  Julian held his hands up, palms out as he took two very large steps back. “Yeah, I’m good right here.”

  Max shook his head rapidly, backing up just as fast. “Yeah, I’m straight.”

  They all turned to stare at Corbin.

  Corbin raised his good hand, shaking his head. “Oh, no you don’t. Don’t even look at me that way. I’m so not it this time. I’ve already pulled babysitting duty within the last twenty-four hours.”

  “There’s not enough money on the planet,” Julian elaborated on his earlier statement, backing up even further. “You two in the same room together is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. This time I am staying way outside the blast radius.”

  “Look, I did my job. I got you here,” Max said. “The last time the two of you were in the same zip code, IED’s, RPG’s, and heavy weapons fire was involved. Let’s not forget to point out here, one of you damn near didn’t make it out of the confrontation alive. I’m good on explaining why one of you committed murder in the middle of a police station.”

  “There isn’t enough alcohol in the state of Montana,” Corbin stated matter of factly. “Besides, the last time I pulled babysitting detail, I got stuck like a Thanksgiving turkey. You are shit out of luck on this front peeps.”

  Julian looked at David and Derrick. “If you are going to put them in a room alone together, make sure anyone curious enough to eavesdrop does so from the safety of monitors. Those two are dangerous forces of nature by themselves. Together, they are damn near lethal and make Katrina look like a thunderstorm.”

  “Amen brother,” Corbin muttered.

  “I would recommend bringing her in here where she’ll behave because of him.” Max pointed to Derrick. At the strange looks the others shot him, he added, “What? You know I’m right. You all know damn well Lavi’s curiosity is beyond peaked and he’s going to listen in anyway. She still has a cover to maintain, so she’ll be on her best behavior. Why not air all the dirty laundry out in the open and get this done so we call all move on with our lives?”

  Corbin looked at Scott. “Did Cortez just come up with a good idea?”

  “Yes, I believe he just did,” Scott replied slowly, with an honest to God look of complete awe on his face.

  “I’m so proud of him,” Julian said, wiping a fake tear from below his eye. “They just grow up so fast.”

  “Fuck you all.” Max flipped the room the bird, solely for the purpose of emphasizing his broad statement, and dropped into one of the many chairs at the table closest to him.

  “Go on and get Megan,” Derrick told David. “Bring her in here. Then you are free to go patrol.”

  David looked at him funny, but left the room to go fulfill his orders.

  Julian dropped into a chair at the opposite end of the table from his partner. “You do realize that, even though she’s injured—nice work by the way Scott.” Scott took a mock bow. “Anyway, as I was pointing out before I so rudely interrupted myself, you do know this isn’t going to be pretty, right?”

  Scott propped a shoulder against the wall closest to the emergency exit door. “Wait. She hasn’t healed yet?”

  Corbin dropped heavily into the chair across from Julian. “Have you looked in the mirror lately? You’re not looking your best, either.”

  “I take longer to heal. I just figured I was grounded because the general was hoping to remove me from the board permanently. I didn’t realize he was nice enough to make it a fair fight.”

  “Once again, I have no idea what the hell you are all going on about,” Derrick snapped out as he sat on one of the sturdier tables, propping his feet on a chair, his hands dangling between his knees.

  Before anyone could answer him, a feminine voice interjected from the doorway behind them, “Nope. He grounded my ass too. Apparently, he wasn’t too fond of my version of running away from home at twenty-seven.”

  Corbin, Derrick, and Max turned to find Megan standing in the doorway. She was holding her side and she had a bruise that covere
d her nose, spreading out under both eyes. She looked like a raccoon.

  Derrick watched as her eyes scanned the room, narrowing as she mentally took roll call. He motioned to David. “That’s all Haeger. Thank you and please shut the door on your way out. I’ve got it from here.”


  He had the sinking feeling he was out of his league on this one.

  No one spoke as David closed the door.

  Megan leaned back against the wall just inside the door. “Cortez, how long to the jackass and I have before we’re ungrounded?”

  “Hey now, name calling isn’t necessary young lady,” Scott protested.

  “If the donkey fits…”

  Max ignored their petty bickering and looked at his watch. “Three hours before we absolutely have to have you back at the safe house.”

  “Awesome. So, who wants to explain to me why the hell you brought him here.” She slid down the wall, stretching her legs out in front of her, arms still wrapped around her sides. “And that estimate gives me plenty of time to kick your asses if I don’t like your answers. What in the name of everything that is holy possessed you to involve Derrick in this mess?”

  “C’mon, Nox,” Julian groaned. “Ask a hard question. Challenge us some. You know why. Everyone knows you’ll play nice around him. The general knew you would maintain your cover at all costs around him.”

  “You know, you would figure that, after years of unwavering consistency, General Yves would have caught on to the fact that what he wants me to do and what I actually do are two totally different beasts.” Megan brushed a strand of dark hair out of her eyes. “If memory serves, I’m quite certain I made it perfectly clear that he and the rest of his little minions were to forget I ever existed when I left.”

  “Megs, you knew when you devised your very elaborate exit strategy—which didn’t exactly go as planned, but ended up being effective nonetheless—that was a pipe dream to be filed away with unicorns and world peace,” Corbin admonished. “It’s time for you and Scott to rejoin the real world and stop living in Fantasyland. You two are way too valuable. Especially you, Megs, and I don’t just mean because of your relationship to him.”


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