The Boss Upstairs (Orchard Heights Book 3 (standalone))

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The Boss Upstairs (Orchard Heights Book 3 (standalone)) Page 7

by Roya Carmen

  “Ooohhh…the bedroom,” Abigails coos.

  “Who cares about the bedroom,” Claudia scoffs. “Stop interrupting, Abby.”

  “We ended up in his walk-in closet, standing in front of a rack of ties, and I was looking at them, and he pressed himself close against my back—”

  “Did he have a stiffy?” Claudia asks.

  Abigail, Sandra and Sally giggle like school girls, and I roll my eyes. “I couldn’t quite tell actually.”

  “Uh, well,” Claudia says. “That’s no good. I’d be concerned about that if I were you.”

  I shake my head. I have more grave concerns to mull over, like how I’m going to keep my job after this fiasco. “And then I whispered, ‘Kiss my neck.’ And he did. He kissed the back of my neck so softly, I could have died.”

  “Oh, God, that’s hot,” Claudia gushes. “Someone bring me a fan.”

  “That’s when I turned to him,” I continue, relishing in the sinful memory of it. “And he kissed my collarbone, and I reached for a kiss and he pushed me away. That’s the story. Are you happy now?”

  “What a tease.” Claudia blows out a breath. “Your boss is a tease.”

  “I don’t know,” I say in an attempt to defend him. “I just think he got carried away, and then realized what he was doing. He’s my boss. He can’t be kissing me.”

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Abigail chimes in.

  Sandra and Sally both furiously nod in quiet agreement. Lorraine just gives me the evil stare. You little slut, it whispers.

  “What about you, Abby?” I say, desperate to change the subject. “How are things with Abe? How is the baby making project going?”

  She blushes. “Well. Very well. No baby yet, but we’re having fun.”

  I smile, happy for her. She has the world at her feet. She’s marrying the love of her life, and working on a family. Her little boy or girl will surely have a sibling too. Sometimes I get sad at the thought that it might just be the two of us, Ethan and I.

  I would have loved for him to have a little brother or sister.


  I consider my options carefully. I have a lot of skirts; office pencil skirts, casual jean skirts, and flirty flowy skirts. I think a fun playful skirt would be best in this case. Or perhaps a pencil skirt? I wonder what Weston prefers. He strikes me as a bit of a control freak, a take-charge type, a Dominant… a Daddy. Flirty fun skirt, it is.

  I finally settle on my favorite red polka dot skirt, and pair it with a frilly white off-the-shoulder top. I usually only wear this top in the summer, but he specifically requested off-the-shoulders.

  Should I even dress up like this? The bet was just for fun. Or maybe it was serious. I really don’t know. And after the recent turn of events, he might not want me to dress provocatively. He might be all business again.

  I hate this.

  I finally decide to keep the outfit. The skirt is demure, just above the knee, and the top is tasteful. The pumps I select are pink patent leather Mary Janes with a rounded toe as he requested, and a three inch chunky heel. I throw on a grey cardigan, and I actually look librarian-ish. I wear my hair down as he requested.

  I kiss Ethan goodbye, and thank Patricia again. My heart pounds as I head to the elevator. I have no clue what will happen next, and I can’t stand it.

  I shake my head, telling myself that it will all be okay in the end. He can’t possibly fire me because of last Friday’s incident.

  My heart is beating like a jackhammer when he answers the door. He stares down at my shoes, not quite able to look at me. His eyes slowly travel up over my legs and my skirt, and finally he reaches my face and pulls his gaze away. “Come in.”

  “How are you?” I ask in an attempt at pretending everything is normal, which it clearly isn’t.

  “Well,” he says and follows me to my office. The click-clack of my heels is the only sound we hear. When I finally reach my desk, I exhale a long breath. This is going to be a long day.

  “I’d like to see you in my office once you get settled in,” he tells me, his voice ominous. He doesn’t say ‘please’. He’s ordering me around, and he can, because he’s my boss.


  This can’t be good. I have a very bad feeling about it. His demeanor is all business and he hasn’t cracked a smile since I came in. He’s clearly not happy, and is about to deal with me.

  Well, if he thinks he can just kick me to the curb just because we almost kissed, he’s got another thing coming.

  I quickly retrieve the necessary items from my briefcase, and set them on my desk. I smooth down my hair, stand a little straighter, and head to his office.

  I walk down the short hallway leading to his desk. He raises his head when he feels me approaching. His stance is rigid, and he shoots me a tight apologetic smile. My heart sinks. I know what this is all about.

  He gestures to one of the two chairs across his desk. “Please take a seat.”

  I sit down on the swivel leather chair, and cross my legs. “How can I help you today?”

  He clears his throat “I wanted to talk to you about last Friday.”

  I nod quietly, urging him to go on.

  He stares down at the fancy pen in his hand. He clicks it repeatedly. “As you know, what happened last Friday was highly inappropriate. As your employer—”

  “I told you… it was fine,” I desperately try to explain. “I gave consent.”

  He rakes a hand through his hair. “Please don’t interrupt me,” he says softly, and I shut the hell up.

  “Let me explain this to you thoroughly, and then you can voice in. You can speak when I give you the go-ahead.”

  Wow. Is he for real? “Okay, Sir.”

  A hint of a smile traces his lips. He clicks his pen again. He’s still not looking at me. I really wish he would. “There clearly is a mutual attraction between us. That much can’t be denied.” He finally lifts his gaze to mine, and a frenzy of butterflies flood my insides.

  He rubs the back of his neck. “I… I’ve always thought you were attractive, and when Rosetta insisted on you, I was a little hesitant but then I rationalized that you and I wouldn't really be working together and would have minimal contact. Yet, I won’t deny that I looked forward to seeing you in my office for the next six months, if only to look.”

  His words are arousing me, despite the fact that he’s being very matter-of-fact about it all. Everything about him is alluring; his soft spoken words, his long fingers toying with that silver pen, the curves of his shoulders in his dress shirt, and most of all, his intoxicating eyes.

  “But… then circumstances changed, and we found ourselves drawn together. I knew it was wrong to ask you to join me for lunch, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to be near you.”

  I remain silent. Not only because he’s ordered me to, but also because I am at a complete loss for words.

  “Yes, you and I can take the next step, but given the social climate these days, and the Me Too movement in the workplace, which I fully support, one can never be too careful.”

  I nod obediently.

  He finally puts down his pen, and flattens his hands on his desk, on either side of a conspicuous red folder. “I need your full written consent before we can proceed.”


  “I really don’t think that is necessary—”

  “I didn’t give you the go-ahead to speak yet.” He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “I’m not done.”

  I sit back, not believing the way he’s behaving, what he’s suggesting. I watch him intently as he flips open the red folder. I glance quickly at the heading on the sheet. It’s upside down, but I can still make it out. It reads: WORK PLAY AGREEMENT

  I stifle a smile. He can’t be serious.

  “I’ve pondered this incessantly and worked on this agreement all weekend,” he tells me, and I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

  I notice the staple in the corner. It’s not just a simple one-page affair, it’s multiple pages.

/>   Damn.

  While I was getting my nails done with my friends, he was busy whipping this plan up. While I played with Ethan at the park, he was working on this. While I binge watched old episodes of Sex and the City, he was typing this report up. This is so hot.

  He hands me a copy of the arrangement, all business. My fingers are trembling when I take it from him, still speechless. My heart is threatening to burst out of my chest.

  He reaches for an extra pen and hands it to me. He then picks up his pen again, and stares down at his copy of the agreement. “I thought we could go through it together, and then you could give me your thoughts. I look forward to hearing them.”

  “Do I…” I hesitate to talk. “Do I have the go-ahead to speak now?” I ask, half-submissive, half-snarky.

  He smiles. “Yes… I’m sorry. I just wanted you to hear me out.”

  “Okay… well, let’s look at this, shall we,” I suggest.

  He clears his throat, and reads from the top. I delight in the sound of his voice and the words he’s reading. It is an exceptionally erotic moment, unlike any I’ve ever experienced before. I see the words on paper, I hear the words, spoken softly by him, and I also feel them deep in my core, in my skin, in my sex. Everywhere.


  Work play agreement.

  Date: September 21st


  Weston Harold Hanson (employer)

  Gretchen Janice Morris (employee)

  For the purpose of this agreement, the employer will henceforth be referred to as Boss Man, and the employee as Grasshopper :)

  Purpose of Agreement:

  The intent of this work play agreement is to communicate an accord between both parties (as listed under Participants above) in the pursuit of a possible sexual relationship. The relationship between the parties is presently that of employer and employee, and shall continue to be so, sexual relations notwithstanding. This agreement clarifies the full agreement and consent of both parties in concurrence with the undertaking of various sexual activities and exploration.

  All sex-related activities must be completely consensual before being undertaken. This agreement’s purpose is to address various terms of these activities, including consent, responsibilities, agreement of terms, sexual health, exclusivity, location, availability, limits, amendments, confidentiality, and possible termination of agreement.

  Both parties acquiesce to the following:


  Boss Man will maintain his managerial position as it stands, assigning work duties as needed, unrelated to the sexual relationship. He is responsible for maintaining proper work conditions, duties, hours, and environment, mentorship and timely compensation.

  Grasshopper will perform her work duties as she has to date. She will take her responsibilities seriously and will be productive in her work. Her hours will be flexible, as previously discussed, but she may not take advantage of her employer’s acquiescences.

  Sexual Health:

  Both parties agree to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases as soon as possible, and the employee will ensure she is taking a proper form of birth control. Boss Man will wear protection at all times. Boss Man will also ensure that Grasshopper is well and comfortable at all times. In the rare event of a possible pregnancy, Grasshopper must divulge her pregnancy, and both parties agree to discuss options thoroughly. Security of employment is in no way to be affected by this term.


  Both parties agree to be sexually mutually exclusive. If one of the parties enters into an outside sexual relationship, he or she must communicate this matter immediately, and immediate cessation of agreement may occur. Security of employment is in no way to be affected by this term.

  Agreement of terms:

  Grasshopper consents to the following. These may occur at any time, during office hours or outside of work time.

  Flirting and playful banter.

  Light touching.

  Affectionate touching.

  Sexual touching.


  Use of pet names, during work and play.





  Mutual masturbation.

  Oral Sex.

  Vaginal Intercourse.

  Anal play.

  Anal intercourse.

  Sexting. Both parties consent to flirting and sexual content. Grasshopper will welcome any language Boss Man desires to use. This includes email communication and social media messaging if applicable.

  Special requests:

  Boss Man may offer gifts to Grasshopper, and spoil her as he wishes.

  Boss Man may request photos and videos. The nature of said materials is at the discretion of Grasshopper.

  Grasshopper permits Boss Man to take photos and videos of her. The nature of these photos and videos is at the discretion of Grasshopper.

  Boss Man may request Grasshopper to wear specific attire. He favors short skirts and rounded toe heels, thigh-high stockings and hair worn down or up, according to his mood. He loves tasteful lingerie in the bedroom.

  Boss Man may take his Grasshopper out to dinner. Availability of Grasshopper will be carefully considered.

  Boss Man may take his Grasshopper on trips. Availability of Grasshopper will be carefully considered.

  Boss Man may request a personal lap dance or striptease.

  Boss Man may request a viewing of Grasshopper pleasuring herself.

  Boss Man expects and wants Grasshopper to amend this section as needed. He wishes for her complete consent and comfort in all activities. He seeks her pleasure and full contentment. She may add any additional terms she desires. Acceptance or rejection of any of the above terms will in no way affect security of employment.


  Any of the above terms may occur anywhere at the office, or anywhere Boss Man deems fit.


  Boss Man expects Grasshopper to be available at all times for the above terms during work hours. Outside of work hours, dates may be scheduled. Boss Man understands that Grasshopper has many life responsibilities and may not be available to him off work hours, including weekends. Boss Man may request extra time, and availability is at Grasshopper’s discretion.


  It is understood that the relationship between the parties is to be both an employer-employee relationship, as well as a sexual relationship. Either party should not expect more. The parties make no long-term commitments or promises.


  Neither party may show or share this agreement or speak of this agreement or its terms and activities to anyone, including family, friends, social media or internet contacts, or news organizations.


  Agreement may commence as soon as agreement is signed by both parties. No termination date is indicated at the moment.


  In the event of a possible termination of this agreement, both parties agree to remain respectful and follow the terms of this agreement. Termination of this agreement will not affect the security of the employee’s employment. In the event that either the employer or the employee wishes to end the term of employment, the employer promises to give a full six-month compensation.


  Any section of this agreement may be amended at any time by either parties. Any revised agreement must be signed by both parties to be valid. Excuses and delays in signing revised agreements is unacceptable.

  In conclusion, given the mutual consent of the above terms in relation to a possible sexual relationship between the parties, the employee acknowledges that she fully consents to all the terms listed above, and she will not undertake legal action of any kind in the event of a fall-out, or will she communicate regarding these events to anyone (as stated in the confidentiality clause above).

  Hopefully, both parties will enjoy the experiences shared, and grow from mutual respect and

  Employer: _________________________

  Date: ______________________________

  Employee: _________________________

  Date: ______________________________


  He shoots me a quiet smile once he’s done reading the agreement, and all I can think is, Wow! This guy is a whack job, but so fucking incredibly sexy.

  “I’ve left you speechless, I see,” he says quietly. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I like to be as thorough as I can. Amendments will surely need to be made.”

  Oh yeah…

  “You want to discuss the agreement?” he asks. “I would love your feedback. Your thoughts and desires are very important to me.”

  It all whirls around in my mind, Kissing, spanking, biting, restraints, lap dances, strip shows, anal sex… He’s really thought this through and his desires are very specific. I still haven’t recovered the ability to speak.

  “Say something, please.”

  I smile, and blow out a breath. “Well, first off…” I flip to the terms section. “I’m not on any birth control at the moment. I kind of thought we could just use condoms.”


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