G-Force (Book 2): Forced Gravity

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G-Force (Book 2): Forced Gravity Page 10

by Nye, Laine

  “Then we just lie low and hope no one recognizes Steve or myself.” Charlene stated.

  Steve nodded his agreement. Brad responded. “It’s all we can do hon. We can’t let this get out of hand. Steve, I wish you had just thrown them into the walls and escaped on the ground. This maneuver you pulled was far too flamboyant. You have put us all at risk.”

  “It was all I could think to do at the time.” Steve answered defensively. “I was mostly just trying to protect mom.”

  “I get that.” Brad answered. “Thank you for getting her and you out of harm’s way. I just wish you had chosen a more subtle way. We need to turn off our cell phones and have no contact on them for a couple days and see if this thing winds down.

  Steve had the same g-force ability as his father, albeit at a much stronger level. What he did not have was the instinct that went with it like his father. Brad would have known what to do without any effort beyond reaction time. His instincts would have told him what to do. Steve could not rely on any such capability. Therefore, Brad understood to a large degree what his son was saying and could sympathize. But he still wished for a different outcome from Steve. Brad was cognizant of the fact that he needed to be patient with Steve. He was still young. And he didn’t have Brad’s innate understanding of how to best use his g-force. But Brad also knew how impetuous his son could be. There had been a better way to handle the situation and keep it low key. He wished his son could see the better way when he used his g-force. He had nearly gotten everyone killed at the library when he threw the bomber into the wall. Only Brad’s instinct on how to turn it around saved everyone’s life. Brad knew after having reasoned it out that there was a safer way to use the forced gravity on that day at the library. If only his son had let him be in charge. Brad still had nightmares about that day. Unbeknownst to him, so did Steve.


  If Jeff Rowley had been watching T.V. at the time that the bomber was killed, he would likely have seen footage of Brad on the news. His picture had been everywhere along with several of the others who had been involved. Jeff could have seen Brad two years ago, and at least known what town he was in.

  But now, the opportunity to find Brad was knocking at his door. Not because Brad was seen on television this time. But because his son was. It wasn’t that he would see the resemblance between Brad and son so much. But rather that Steve was caught on video doing things that only Brad could do. Who else could it be but Brad’s son?

  Jeff sat at his television riveted to the footage that was shown from a few different angles around the store. All of them showed the same thing. Some kid upside down, on the ceiling with a woman and they were running across the roof of the store as if they were on solid ground. He saw them run down the wall, face down, straight toward the floor then simply jump off the wall and make a slight flip forward and land on the floor smoothly. He recorded the video images. He watched them over-and-over again. The comments from the news people was that it was very likely to be fake. The newscasters said that it appeared that someone had been shooting at the duo. Many alleged gunshots were heard and there were holes in the roof of the store that the cameramen filmed after the incident. They had not identified who the shooters were. One older teen who had been in the store was bragging that he might know who they were and would go tell the police. He had his fifteen minutes of fame and then faded back into the woodwork. However, his name had been revealed on one news show. The witness was known as Skip Harris.

  Jeff did not think it was fake news. He surmised that this must be the very son of his enemy. He believed he had finally found Brad Shaw. He began calling his investigators. He told them to fly out to Sacramento and drive to Citrus Heights to find out what they could. Told them to find this Skip Harris and get some info on him.

  It wasn’t long before the P.I.s found Harris living in an apartment with a young girl. When they tried to interview him, he refused to say anything. He was bruised and walking with a limp when they met with him. Held his right arm tightly to his side. Upon further questioning, they learned that he had been beaten up by the shooters to warn him from admitting who the perps were. He was terrified and would say nothing about the identities of the gang. They continued to press him to no avail. He would not tell them anything.

  When the investigators reported back to Jeff about finding Harris and told him Harris would not cooperate, Jeff told them to fly back home. He paid them what he owed plus expenses.

  Jeff had a friend he used in the business. His name was Timothy Mann. He was six-foot four. Weighed two hundred seventy pounds. To reach his ideal body mass weight, he would need to lose about fourteen ounces. He was very muscular and very dangerous. He was called the Manster based on his last name and his monstrous size. Jeff contacted him and asked him to go to California with two other friends. He was going to talk to Harris with some vigorous energy.

  Upon arriving in Sacramento, Timothy ‘the Manster’ Mann rented a car on Jeff Rowley’s dime. The two guys he brought with him were brothers, and they were friends of Jeff’s also. Their names were Frank and Josh Creamer. Though they were mixed up with Jeff’s drug distribution and the violence that sometimes went with it, Josh was fairly laid back. More mellow than the rest of the group that Jeff had aligned himself with. Not Frank. He liked to mix things up. Hurt people. He wasn’t as dangerous as Tim, but he was more heartless.

  They drove to Citrus Heights and used their GPS to locate the address they had received from Jeff who had in turn received it from the private investigators. This Harris kid was in trouble unless he gave them the names of those who had been shooting at the two that had been on the ceiling.

  They found the apartment of Skip Harris. No one was home. They sat outside on some grass and waited for Skip to show up.

  Three hours later, Skip came home with his girlfriend. As they walked up the stairs to their door, Mann and his guys went to catch them before they got all the way in and shut the door. As Skip unlocked the door, still looking stiff and sore, the Manster caught up to them. When the door was opened, he shoved both the girl and Harris into their apartment and followed them in with Frank and Josh coming in and quickly shutting the door.

  Mann grabbed Skip, spun him around like a doll. Grabbed the front of his shirt and lifted Harris off the ground one handed. Skip was not small. He was six-foot one inch and weighed about one hundred seventy. But Mann had no trouble lifting him with one arm only.

  “Want me to hurt you a lot worse than you were already hurt?” He asked quietly while looking Skip in the eyes.

  Skip’s girlfriend began to scream but before hardly a sound had come out Frank had slugged her in the mouth. “Wanna try that again missy?”

  She shook her head.

  “Hey leave her alone.” Skip yelled as he dangled in the air. He now had his hands wrapped around the offending hand that was holding him off the floor.

  Mann shook him bodily one handed. “You haven’t answered my question little boy.”

  “No. I don’t want you to hurt me.”

  “You believe that I can and that I will?”

  Skip nodded. He was terrified. Getting beat up by Gorilla and his group was not nearly as life threatening as these guys were.

  “Well good. You understand me then. You need to tell me the names of the guys in the store that did the shooting.”

  “I can’t. They will kill me.”

  “I will kill you much worse than they can right here and right now. You have no chance against me. You do have a chance against these guys you’re protecting. You can get away from them after we are through here. But only if you cooperate.”

  “Gary Clarke. Goes by the name Gorilla.” Skip said sheepishly. His feet finally touched the ground.

  “Who are the others?” Mann asked in a gruff voice. “I need more than one name.”

  “The only other one I know is Johnny Probasco. Goes by the name J. Just the letter.”

  “Who else?”

  “I promise you I
don’t know the other ones. They each have nicknames too. That’s all I know.”

  “What are they called?” Mann asked him.

  “Smack and Spam.” That’s all I know about them. I think one of them is named Richard, but that’s all I know. I promise.”

  The Manster let go of his shirt and stepped back still looking into Skip’s eyes with a deadly look. “You wouldn’t be funnin’ me would you bub?”

  “Huh?” answered Skip.

  “You’re not holding anything back?”

  “No. No. I promise that’s all I know.”

  “Where do they live?”

  “I don’t know any addresses. I just know where Gorilla lives. I used to live pretty close to him on the same street.”

  “Take us there.” Mann demanded. “Why do they call him Gorilla? Is he supposed to be big or something?”

  “He’s bigger than me but smaller than you.”

  “This state is smaller than me.” Mann told him. “You are coming in our car. Your girlfriend too. You show us his place and you won’t see us again unless you have lied to me.”

  “I promise you that I have told you the truth.”

  “We’ll believe it when we see it.” Frank stated.

  The five of them drove across town. Soon, Skip pointed out the house where Gorilla lived.

  “I think he lives downstairs by himself. His dad is upstairs.”

  “Still lives with Daddy. But he’s supposed to be this tough guy, huh?”

  “I guess.” Skip answered. I don’t really know.”

  “You guys want to come along?” Mann asked his prisoners.

  “No. Can we wait here?”

  “You’d better stay put boy. You try to rabbit on me and we will hunt you down. Do you believe me?”

  “Yes.” Skip said quietly. “We will wait for you.”

  His girlfriend was quietly crying and had been since she had been slugged.

  The trio knocked on the front door. Gary’s father answered with a gruff attitude. “Yes?” He demanded. He was a very large man. But much of his muscle had gone to flab. He still felt that he was a force to be reckoned with and spoke arrogantly to all but a few.

  “Could we please to talk to your son, Gary.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Just friends of your son.”

  “At your age?” he asked with a skeptical derisive tone. “My son is much younger than you. What do you want with him?”

  “Just to talk sir.” Mann said in a pseudo-respectful manner.

  “What’s he done now?”

  “We would just like to talk to him.” Frank interjected.

  Just about then, Gary walked into the room and saw the three guys looking very self-assured. Tough men.

  “Are you Gary?” The Manster queried.

  “Yeah. Who wants to know.”

  “Who’s asking you?” Mann shot back.

  “You are.”

  “Well then. That’s who wants to know.” Mann said in a very irritated tone.

  “Hey. You don’t come in my home and talk to my boy like that.” Gary’s father said and stepped between his son and Timothy. Mann’s hand lashed out at high speed hitting the father in the chest. Mr. Clarke’s feet flew out in front of him and the first thing that hit the ground was his shoulders and head. He laid there stunned. Not by the fall, but by the sheer strength and power he felt when he was hit. He slowly rolled on his side and stood up and stepped backward from Mann.

  Gorilla stood there shocked. He had never seen his father beaten so easily.

  “What’s the name of the kid you were shooting at in the store?”

  Mr. Clarke reacted. “What? You shot at someone?”

  Frank stepped close to Gary’s father. “Shut up old man. This doesn’t have to do with you.”

  Gary and his dad stood there feeling very intimidated. No answer.

  “I won’t ask again until after I put you through the wall, boy. You understand?” The Manster asked.

  “Steve.” Gorilla answered quietly.

  “Last name.” Demanded Mann as he stepped toward Gary in an aggressive manner.

  “Collins.” Gary yelled out. “Steve Collins”

  “The dad’s name?”

  Gary, looking afraid and confused for a moment then blurted the name he had once heard. Ssssseth. He said not sure of himself but desperately not wanting to get beat up like Gary had just done to Skip Harris.

  “He just saved you from a hospital bill, old man.” Frank said to Mr. Clarke. “He would have had a bad-time of it.” He continued, nodding at Gary.

  “Okay. Good-job Gorilla.” Mann told him. “If we don’t come back for you, it means the information you gave us is good. Pray we don’t come back.” Then He turned and went out the front door with the others following.

  “We’ve got a name for you Jeff.” Frank told Jeff on his cell. “Name is Seth Collins, son is Steve. He was the roof walker.”

  “Good job guys. Wait for me there. It’s time for me to join you. I will be bringing some more guys with me. You find where this Collins lives and we will be there soon.”

  It took Jeff and his group about sixteen hours to drive out to Sacramento.


  By these actions, the two worlds collided. The enemies of Brad Shaw in Utah and the enemies of Steve Collins in California. The collision was about to turn violent. The plan was to kidnap Steve and Charlene from their home to draw Brad out. That would be when Jeff’s revenge would begin. Only a beginning.


  Nancy had been sitting in her bedroom awestruck by what she had seen on the news the day of Steve and Charlene’s upside-down escape. For an hour after the news cycle had stopped showing images of the two people at the top of the store from multiple cell phone positions, she had hardly moved. Even though their faces were not clear, and they were almost indiscernible, she knew who it was.

  Steve was wearing the same shirt that he had worn the day he had rescued her. It was a light blue with a dark blue zig-zag running down the front and the back of the shirt. Charlene’s blond hair, even though it hung loosely while she was upside down, was easily recognizable to Nancy.

  Nancy sat there on the chair in her room trying to comprehend what she had witnessed on the news. At first, she thought it would turn out to be a practical joke. Some video feat engineered with several cell phone cameras involved. She remembered how Brad’s father had greeted her with his little practical joke. She had seen the family’s sense of humor and how they bounce their funny comments off each other with an immediate comeback by one of the others.

  When she saw the bullet-holes appearing in the roof all around Steve and his mom and saw a quick image of video in the same store of those who were shooting upwards tracking their shots across the ceiling, she knew it was no joke. She had recognized Smack and J in the video. Couldn’t see the others. She had even recorded the news when it cycled around again a half-hour later. Then she had freeze-framed the video over and over; Watching closely. Trying to understand.

  She knew she needed to see Steve, find out what was going on. Finally, she moved. Got off the chair grabbing her phone and calling Steve while she headed down the hallway and out the front door forgetting to say goodbye to her mom.

  She drove toward Steve’s place while trying to call him. No answer. She couldn’t have known that he had turned off his cell concerned that others might be calling about the incident. Afraid that he or his mom had been recognized and the news stations would start hounding them. Just like had happened after the bombing at the library two years earlier, an incident that she knew about but did not know it was Steve and Brad involved.

  She arrived at Collin’s place and parked in the driveway since their two cars were either gone or parked in the garage. She jumped out of her car and ran up the walkway to the front door. She rang the bell impatiently and banged on the door at the same time.

  Steve had seen her from his upstairs window when she had pulled up in the
ir driveway. By the way she jumped out of the car and headed for the door with such urgency told Steve what he already suspected. She knew.

  “Uh-oh.” He said quietly.

  He went downstairs and opened the door. There was Nancy with a perplexed, worried expression on her face.

  “Steve, it was you in the store with your mom. Wasn’t it?” It was a statement. Not a question.

  “Come in Nancy.” He said quietly with a look of resignation on his face.

  She followed him in and he led her upstairs to his bedroom.

  She flopped down in an easy chair. He sat on the bed.

  “I want to understand.” She pleaded. “Please help me.”

  Steve slowly blew out his breath. “Yes Nancy. It was me with my mom.”

  “Are you the one that did that thing, upside down like that? Or was that your mom?”

  “It’s me.”

  “How?” She asked calmly though her insides were trembling.

  “I, I can control gravity.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  Steve shrugged. “I don’t really have an answer to that.” He told her. Because his answer would be ‘I inherited it from my father.’ That would complicate things more than they already were.

  She shook her head like she was trying to chase out a bad memory or shake off a mosquito.

  “All your life?” She asked not really knowing what to say or ask.

  “Yes. I just keep it hidden all the time. If it gets around what I can do, then there will be untold problems for all three of us. I don’t want that Nancy.”

  “So, you kept it a secret even from me.”


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