Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1)

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Possess Me: A Billionaire Romance (Intensity Book 1) Page 31

by TN King

  But again, his arms tightened, lips pressing into her neck then, a soft brush of them over her skin. “Stay Ellie,” he whispered, a request in the form of a demand she didn’t even want to deny him, simply off of his voice alone. “I’ve got you, love.”

  She hesitated for a fraction further, her body still tense within his arms, at least until she gave over to it. She slowly relaxed her body, one muscle at a time, releasing her breath. She wrapped her arms further around his neck again, holding onto him and trusting in him and what he was asking of her.

  The driver proceeded them up that walkway, stepping in front of the doormen before they had time to do so much as move towards doing their jobs. He pulled the doors open, stepping back so Morgan could pass with Ellie still safely in the circle of his arms.

  Their faces, registered both shock and concern. They were staring at her, in the circle of Morgan’s arms, held up as if she were ill or something bad had happened.

  Neither Morgan nor the driver gave them any sort of explanation though, just moving aside so Morgan could sweep through the entrance and into the immense lobby.

  Ellie shut her eyes reflexively the moment they passed through the doors, she didn’t want to see anyone’s reactions to her being carried in the circle of Morgan’s arms like this. Like a child or an invalid, she was sure they would think. What were they thinking? She worried, her eyes squeezing all the tighter. Not that it took long though, he only had to take a few more steps for her to realize how dumb that was. Who cared what they thought? Who cared what they didn’t think? The only person’s opinion that mattered to her here was the one carrying her now, through that lobby and through all of those people. She smiled softly, pressing her face into his neck and inhaling that musky, unique scent of his.

  Who cares what any of them think.

  Her smile grew even further, the elevator dinging announcing just how caught up in Morgan she had become again. The trip which had felt like it had taken hours and hours so many times before suddenly felt as if it took no time at all, a small matter of minutes until the two of them were stepping out of the elevator entirely and out into the hallway towards their suites.

  He walked easily down the hallway, not setting her down at all, but instead leaning just enough to lift a hand in order to punch the code into the keypad, a random click of numbers and the sound of the door popping open was all that she could hear.

  She didn’t bother lifting her head though, choosing to remain face first into his neck as they walked. She would, she realized, until he encouraged her to do otherwise. Why would she want to move? This was the real heaven, here in his arms. Though, with the way that his arms were tightening again, his palms moving against her gently, she was beginning to wonder… was he taking her to his bed? She certainly hoped so, she was suddenly more than ready, with the way the night had gone. With the way he’d been treating her. She felt ready, it felt right and suddenly, her heart, mind, and body were all finally in tune.

  Morgan said nothing though, just holding her and brushing his hands over her body in a way that needed no words added and driving her completely crazy. He felt amazing.

  Her eyes remained shut, while she tried not to pray that he was taking her directly to bed. It was where she wanted to be.

  He stopped again, the sound of another code being tapped into the pad sounding to her ears. It took her a minute, the assault of her own perfume that Miss Petra had insisted on them spritzing her with oddly before they left… letting her know that it was her room and not his that they had gone to.

  Still… that was fine, her room had a bed as well. Her hope and anticipation grew, trembling now ‒ though not from the same adrenaline crash that had hit her earlier ‒ but from the desire that now gripped her. An anxious, filtering need that made it so hard for her not to squirm in his arms…. For her not to so obviously, rub her thighs together for some of that friction she so readily wanted to seek.

  Morgan continued his stride, going through the door and down the hall, kicking the one door shut behind them and heading down the hallway towards her bedroom. He made short work of kicking the door open, heading towards the bed without further preamble.

  YES! She almost fist pumped right then and there, her smile beaming. Right over to her canopy bed. Right over to exactly where she wanted him taking her. Finally. She sighed, her eyes opening slowly without pulling back from him.

  He bent, carefully releasing his arms from around her in order to lower her to the floor. He got her on her own two feet once more, easing away so she could stand evenly.

  Ellie didn’t let go though, her arms still clinging around his neck, waiting for him to crawl into the bed with her, and on top of her.

  He chuckled slightly, his hands going from around her to her wrists, lightly loosening her grip. “Okay, you can let go now, sweetness,” he instructed, taking a half step back. Then chuckling again, he repeated, “You can let go now, Sweetness.”

  She sighed, relaxing the hold until her arms fell from around him, until she was standing completely on her own.

  Morgan stepped back, removing himself bodily from her, and she nearly fell sideways once more.

  He laughed, taking that full step back to her, grabbing her to keep her from slumping completely and straightening her. “Woah now,” he laughed, taking hold of her arms and connecting his gaze with her own. “Don’t go face-planting on me now.”

  Ellie stared back, falling right under the spell of his mesmerizing gaze. She was his, without any question, all his. She belonged completely, one hundred percent, to him. She knew it now. None of what had happened before mattered now. Everything had shifted. Not even his leaving her the morning after their first night together. None of it made a bit of difference. She wanted to be his in every way, wanted to show him just how entirely he had her. It resonated through her, vibrating down to her very core.

  He made sure she was steady on her own this time, taking a step back and dropping his gaze all the way down to her diamond pump clad feet, resting there for a second before dragging his eyes upward. Along her legs, a slow steady perusal, and up the firm slope of her stomach. His gray eyes intensified, darkening as they ran over her pert, rounded breasts…heaving from his intimate perusal. His gaze moved finally, lifting up from where it had become stuck, along the line of her neck and back to her face, eyes connecting hungrily with hers.

  Her body nearly jerked from the look in his eyes, belly twisting in desire. Those grey eyes were full of lust… and something else she’d never seen before, lurking behind those stormy depths and tempting her even further. She couldn’t figure out what that something else was, or even appropriately class it, but still her body shuddered all the same. Here it is, finally, and I’m so beyond ready. She was more than, her eyes moving back to his with a hunger all her own.

  Silent, Morgan stood there for a whole moment, his eyes intensifying as he took another step forward. But his face wasn’t lowering to hers, he was just standing in front of her, fingers reaching just beneath the straps of her dress in order to lower them down her biceps. His palms brushing them even further down her arms until it fell.

  Ellie fought to control the tremble in her muscles, but she couldn’t. Just the brush of his warm skin against hers made her feel weak in the knees. Her whole body yearning to step forward into him so she could throw herself at him. She’d worked so hard over the past few days to keep from throwing herself at him and climbing his body, but now it was all she wanted to do.

  He continued lowering the dress, exposing her chest in a quick flash of air, her nipples peaking the minute the air hit them. Down further over her ribcage, and then over her hips, the material swaying along her body in a slow, sensual swish of silk. His eyes roaming along her now exposed skin in a hot, hungry perusal. She was almost completely bare now, all she wore on her body was a matching blue silk panty, clinging to her hips sensually.

  The silken dress puddled at her feet, her standing in the middle of it with desire evident
over every inch of her skin.

  He took another step back, again giving her the same hungry perusal he had given her before he had gotten the dress off of her.

  Her skin tingled, heat building in the base of her feet and spiraling upwards, goosebumps breaking out along her flesh the longer that he looked at her. She stood, a trembling mess of need, her back arching instinctively under his gaze.

  Again though, instead of stepping back to her, he dropped down, kneeling at her feet and lifted his head, looking at her from a completely different angle, and no less desirous for it.

  Ellie dropped her head to meet his gaze, watching as he lifted one long leg from where she was standing, balancing her heel against his strong, muscled thigh.

  He held her ankle, fingers running along the slope of it, as he eased one diamond heel from her foot. Pulling it off of her foot and putting it down next to him.

  At the feel of his strong fingers she inhaled, chest seizing. All she could do was imagine those strong fingers, those deft hands all over her skin- blazing a trail of heat along her body.

  He removed the other heel in the same manner, thumb brushing along the arch of her foot.

  Ellie stepped down onto the carpet, her one foot landing and lowering her three inches without the heels. She let out another shaky breath, her thighs finally grazing against each other. Oh God. She was so wet, leaking down her thighs, and she felt sure it was ruining the silk underwear in the process.

  He gazed up at her, those steel gray eyes warming her even further, hand closing tighter around her foot and lifting it up to his face. His lips pressed into the tops of her toes, and again, each time lingering longer than the last.

  Her eyes rounded, shock filtering through her as her body flushed with heat, front just the feel of his warm mouth on her feet of all places. The man was kissing her feet? Why did that affect her so strongly? Why was her body flushing so heavily?

  He lifted her other foot again, trading them out, and repeating that same motion…Lips pressing onto her foot and inspiring the same reaction even still.

  Ellie was astounded, staring at him in disbelief. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Morgan Hunt, billionaire, CEO, playboy was kissing her feet? Not in a weird way either, but in a way that felt… emotional. In this very astonishing moment— she felt more adored than she had ever in her entire life.

  He looked up at her once more, his hands going to both ankles then, wrapping around them simultaneously and raising the length of her legs, pressing into her skin the entire time. Like a warm sheath over her skin, his hands left behind hot trails after them, only stopping when they reached her hips. His fingers slid up under the blue silk there, hooking around the sides and pulling them slowly down her hips. Even slower still, down her now trembling thighs and calves.

  Her breath caught again, a shaking mess as she stepped out of them for him, her breath whooshing out of her when he rose deftly back to his feet. One graceful lift, his body now towering over her own with the kind of confidence that broke through all of her barriers at once.

  He stared at her, lifting that now dampened underwear up to his face, inhaling the silken lingerie deeply.

  She’d never seen someone actually do that, her throat working hard so she could actually swallow as she stared in shocked silence. That is sooo sexy. You’re so fucked Ellie. Only he could make sniffing underwear into such an erotic act.

  He stared even more closely at her, underwear still lifted, and let out a deep growl. One that seemed to resonate from his chest and shake the very air around them both.

  Oh, no. Now that is even sexier. Her body shuddering with a shaky intensity of its own. It was a good thing he had removed her underwear for her, as her thighs were soaking even further from his growl alone.

  He stilled even further, seeming to fight himself as he stared. He looked intense, those steely eyes boring through her, like he wanted to say something. But he didn’t speak, not even the barest hint of a word out of his lips as he lowered that underwear from his face, fingers tightening about them and balling them into the inside of his fist. “These are mine,” he whispered lowly, shoving the silk into the jacket of his tux with another hard stare.

  Whatever he wants. Yes. She agreed with a nod, short and empathetic. Anything he wanted. I am totally and completely yours. However he wanted, whenever he wanted. All his. But she couldn’t seem to move or speak, couldn’t get those words out of her mouth even though it was all she wanted to say to him.

  He stalked forward again, his hard gaze steady on her as he approached. He stopped just a hair’s breadth from her, his chest almost brushing against her peaked nipples, lowering his body and…

  She gasped, his arms swinging her up into the circle of them again, held close to his chest.

  God, yes. She almost groaned again, excitement coursing through her. Yes, he was going to take her to bed and claim what was his. Exactly like she wanted him to do. Her heart pounded within her chest, breath quickening as she prepared herself for the onslaught that would be his body over hers. His body in hers again.

  He smiled, that same dark, skin filled thing that inspired such longing within her before. His body shifting, bending so he could lay her down on that princess bed that he’d acquired for her.

  Her eyes lifted, looking up at him looming above her in that appealing tuxedo he was wearing. The very sight of it erotic, him in his black and white tuxedo standing just over her flushed, bare skin. Her body was on fire, more within than without, a teeming, lust filled haze filling her vision as she stared up at him. Waiting. Watching and waiting, wishing that he would crawl over her already. Wishing to feel him moving inside of her again, taking her to those heavenly plateaus that only he could.

  He bent over her again, hands shifting over her, those fingers shifting down over the velvet blanket, bunching it in his hands… and pulling it over her bare skin.

  Ellie’s heart stopped, dropping down to her feet as her lips popped open. What! He’s not going to touch me? Is that it? That’s all of the physical contact I would get? A soft, disappointed sigh filtered out of her lips, her chest seizing with it.

  He seemed to catch the look in her eyes, a tense smile pulling at the corner of his lips. It almost looked like more of a grimace though, meeting her gaze somewhat more matter of factly. “You have been through a lot tonight,” he explained softly, his voice much gentler than his gaze would suggest it to be. “I want you so badly Ellie… don’t doubt that even for a second…” His words drifted away, fists clenching at his sides as he surveyed her, gaze dropping to her now velvet covered body momentarily. “I want to be with you so much more than you can possibly comprehend, but I don’t want anything happening tonight. I’m afraid it might be for the wrong reasons and I think we’ve worked too hard for that.”

  All Ellie could do was blink, staring up at him in disbelief at the words coming out of his mouth. She wanted him too, immensely, and she could hardly believe that now that she was asking—he wasn’t giving in. He was assuring her left and right that he wanted her, and while it wasn’t that she doubted him, she couldn’t pretend not to also be disappointed by it.

  He seemed to understand this, a soft smile on his face as he lowered his body. “Me too,” was all that he said, bending over and kissing the side of her forehead sweetly. “Sleep well Princess,” he murmured against her temple, standing and turning from her bed without a backwards look.

  Ellie thought she was now beginning to understand him better, she thought, knowing by the tense line of his shoulders that he wasn’t looking at her because of his desire and his resolve to not further act on it. She watched him disappear out of the door, unable to protest any more than she already had.

  She lay there in bed, for minutes after he’d left her room, her heart hammering and her body pulsing with an insatiable need. What had just happened to me? She wondered in a mix of horror and need. He could have fucked her until he dropped, he knew full well that she was ready to give all of
herself over. He could feel it, she knew, like a hammering need that filled the atmosphere. She just lay there in utter shock, trying to regain her regular rhythm of breathing and failing horribly. What he said made sense, perfect sense actually, but she didn’t have to like it right then.

  Her gaze lifted up to the ceiling, staring at the pattern there and just breathing. Didn’t he want her just as bad as she wanted him? Yes, she knew he did. She remembered the unfathomable look in his steel eyes, the way he had taken in the scent of her panties so avidly. Yes, he wanted her. She could see it, just like she could feel it from him. He was just thinking differently. Thinking of reasons and doing what he thought was best… she knew that. She just also knew that he left her feeling empty, wanting… and adored.

  She smiled, suddenly exhausted, the replay of images from their glorious night rushing through her mind in a kaleidoscope of a surreal slideshow. The magnificent debut of Miss Ellie White into high society. Into Morgan’s society… “Morgan,” she whispered, her questing hand that had been drifting down her belly with intent falling- stopping just short of what her intended target had been as her eyes fluttered to a warm close.


  The next morning came too soon, Ellie stretched out slowly and languorously in her Princess bed, her whole body coming back to life with each new breath. She felt brand new, like all of the molecules within her body had been sucked out and replaced with new ones. Who wouldn’t feel like this after last night? The whole night had been like a fairytale, even the ending, despite her disappointment. She sighed, sinking lower into the mattress and staring up at the ceiling as she came awake even more. Her mind occupied, filled with Morgan just like it usually was.

  She really needed to have a conversation with him now though.

  Again, the man had surprised her by doing exactly the opposite of what she’d expected. He could have had sex with her at his whim after last night. She’d been ready and so willing, the slightest touch and she would have been his. She still understood his reasoning, but she also still wished that it had happened.


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