Cedric the Demonic Knight

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Cedric the Demonic Knight Page 11

by Valerie Willis

  The fight we had over me leaving there was ugly. I had no desire to leave that place. It was my ball and chain, and a reminder of what I did wrong. All I know, is he said something just right. It was a phrase that my father had used, and I knew that he had forgiven me. With that, Wylleam was able to make it clear that they all knew but wanted something more for me. Over the last one hundred years, I have aged very little. I have made several mistakes, but never allowed that excitement have what it wanted. Every night I repeat every gruesome detail of Williamsburg, from Yvette to my torment of wanting death. Not one night has been free of these images, this pain.

  And that now leads me to what I am forced to do tonight. I will have to face a side of me I have spent every day hiding and fighting against. This will require me to give in to what destroyed the life I could have had.” Cedric’s eyes were still looking into the past as the muscles in his jaws twitched. “Angeline, I can’t promise you anything.”

  She sat there staring at him. He had told her his deepest secret without a second thought. This monster had experienced the worse kind of pain. Her heart sunk as she remembered her words to him. If I knew how to curse someone, I hope that you experience the worse heartbreak ever. There was no way for her to know, to understand that he had suffered through that already. Her heart skipped a beat when his green eyes looked at her, meeting her own. No words came to her as she looked at him for the first time as a broken man. He had wanted her from the beginning, but had been too afraid of what may happen to her in allowing that feeling to be set free. This was the type of sincere love that most spent a lifetime never finding, but was this the person she really wanted it from?

  “Do you understand what I am telling you?” Her brown eyes couldn’t break away from the sharpness of his stare. “I have attempted this process once before. It destroyed me. I have been struggling to deny myself the pleasure of being with you because I can feel that same excitement that took me to hell and beyond. This isn’t the type of pleasure I indulge in at the brothels, but something deeper. Do you understand I may kill you tonight?”

  “I, I understand.” Her voice was low and barely audible as she took in the pain that he wore on his face as a tear ran down her cheek. “But, I don’t know what I am doing. I don’t want it to be like this. I’ve never done this. Do you even love me? How can anyone want to do this without love? I don’t think I can…”

  Frustrated, he stood up. Jerking his shirt and boots off, huffing. “You’re too young; you don’t get it at all.”

  “I’m sorry.” Hugging her knees tighter, she watched nervously as he started to unbuckle his belt. “I didn’t mean what I said that night. If I knew, I would have never said it.”

  “What night?” He paused looking back at her, baffled. “What on earth are you talking about?”

  “When I said, I hope that you experience the worst heartbreak ever. I had no idea. If I knew that,” Burying her face into her knees, she began to sob. “What happened to you is horrible. I am so sorry, but I can’t help but feel scared! Worse of all, I can’t stop this sensation of being alone and abandoned. I am nothing and I have nothing. If this kills me, at least I could stop feeling, but I’ll never know what love will ever be like.”

  “Heh,” His lips brushed up against her ear, his breath tingled across her neck as he spoke. “No matter what happens, just keep your eyes closed. No matter what you feel, I promise that you’ll at least be in a state of bliss when you die. Perhaps you’ll even know what love is when I am finished with you, pet.”


  Gasping for air, she sat up in the bed. Sweat poured over her body and she felt as if she had been holding her breath far too long underwater. Grabbing her head, images and waves of pleasure recapped what she had experienced the night before. Moments of blindly reaching down, the gripping of the horns that he had on his head had increased her excitement. Every touch had sent her senses reeling. Her skin crawled with excitement as she tried to hold on to the sensations that poured from her memory. Her last thoughts were those hungry for more of the pleasure he was bestowing. It was clear that there had been four hands, all working her over one-way or another. Two had been those on his wings. She had failed to keep her eyes shut!

  Then the flash of the moment in which she felt their souls pull away from one another and when they returned, they were complete for the first time in their lives. His wings had been large, and his eyes flashed when he caught sight of hers staring up at his demonic form. She should have been frightened, but she just wanted him to have her. Her heart was racing as she recalled the rhythm of his motions and the overwhelming thrill of his lips and tongue that he ran across her body from her breast to-

  She gripped her neck but found no bandage. A lasting image of his fangs came to her mind, but her injured arm sent her a sharp ache. It was bandaged and the smell of ointment was overwhelming. Blood splotched it heavily and her stomach turned. It was scarred before, but there was no telling how bad the new wounds would look when she healed. Shivers crawled across her skin and she pulled the covers over her, still naked under them. He had chosen her arm over repeating the bite on the neck with his past lover, Yvette. Despite this, she couldn’t shake the sensation of how much she wanted him to have her. She wanted to be his, and when he first took her, it was the most amazing feeling she had ever felt. She was his Lady and wife, he her Lord and husband, and what happened last night was something they could have every night for the rest of, at least, her life.

  “Don’t worry. I dressed the wound as soon as we were done.” Cedric’s voice caused her to jerk and waves of bliss washed over her, begging she remember more. “There is no doubt we are bonded to one another. Your body has been trying to beg me to it all morning with waves of pleasure.”

  “I, I am having a hard time remembering it all.” He was sitting on the edge of the bed, both hands and chin leaning on the hilt of his unsheathed sword. “Have you been there all night?”

  “Yes.” Sighing he sat up straight and looked back at her. “I didn’t want to take any chances. If you turned, I was going to make sure that you did not make it out of here alive.”

  Thumping of her heart and the rush of her blood all were new sensations as they exchanged glares. There was this sense of connection, a thrilling fulfillment of power even. She was feeling a wide variety of things that were never there before and there was no denying these were the things given to her from the binding. Despite these new experiences, she was still wary of Cedric. He had sat at the edge of the bed, expecting to kill her at any moment. “I’m ok, right?”

  “Yes.” Sheathing his sword, he threw her clothes at her. “Hurry up and get dressed. I want to get to Williamsburg before Lillith finds us.”

  “Do you think she’ll come for you still?” Hugging the blanket to her chest, she pulled the clothes to her, still lost in his green eyes. “Even after you bonded yourself to me?”

  “Lillith will want to kill me and you over this. I need to get to the manor before she arrives tonight.” Her face was turning red as he glared at her, waiting. “What’s the matter now?”

  “Can you at least turn around?” Biting her lip, she looked down at her fidgeting fingers. “Or go outside?”

  “Why?” Now his temper held something new, she could literally feel her own blood boil with his and it resulted in feeling aroused. “Are we really going to keep doing this even after last night?”

  “Sorry.” The door slammed and her heart jolted as she mumbled to herself. “It’s too much all at once for me.”

  Chapter Thirteen: Lillith’s Rage

  The closer they rode to Williamsburg, the thicker the air was with the smell of death. The plants were getting more aggressive in growth and looks. She watched as the green faded into the black bark, the ground burdened with vines and limbs. Barushka snorted and Cedric fought him, urging him down the path. There were no distinguishable remnants left in what used to be the center of town besides the thorn covered well. On occasion Angeline could
make out a random rafter stretching out from the undergrowth. The dirt was a rust color with blotches of black and shivers ran across Angeline’s back as she recalled Cedric letting the blood stained dirt drop to the ground. She realized he was remembering the way he had left the sand in Williamsburg. Blood had spilled in unspeakable amounts over a hundred years ago, and she was leaning on the back of the beast to blame for it.

  Cedric was growing tenser by the moment. With their new connection, she was having an easier time seeing his reactions for what they truly stood for. He was recollecting every detail that had happened as they slowly made their way down the road. Luckily, she could not see the images that flew through his mind. That was something she could live without ever seeing. Barushka made his way to the large manor that sat at the far end of the ruins of the old town square. It was just as large as King Frederick’s castle. It could have been mistaken for a pile of black wooded trees with the way the vines covered it.

  Heat was starting to pour from Cedric and sweat ran down his back. He was feeling aroused, and it wasn’t from her. Lillith was close, still having her fun calling to his incubine blood as she took her time waiting for the sun to set. For the first time she wrapped her hands around his waist, her hands sliding across his abs. He grabbed her and shoved her arms back behind him, making it clear that this was not the time for that. Cheeks red, she still felt feverish from last night and didn’t know if she should act on the sensations that filled her from top to bottom. It was frustrating for Cedric as they stopped in front of the manor. The more aroused Lillith tries to make me, the more aroused I am making Angeline. I don’t think the girl realizes she’s taking half of the load of Lillith’s power off me. This is going to get very difficult the closer Lillith gets.

  “Well, are you going to come with me?” His tone was starting to sound softer, but Angeline was unsure if she was fooling herself. “You might find something you like in there, and the beds are far better than the ones you slept on as a Lady of the Court. House of Romulus only had the very best of everything.”

  “If Lillith is coming, I suppose I should see if there is anything else I can do to defend myself.” She waited for him to finish digging through the pack and followed obediently behind him. “How does one defeat a Succubus?”

  “That’s why we are here.” The door creaked open and revealed nothing but darkness. “I was coming to read more about Boto, the Incubus King, but now I am going to have to research his other half’s lore.”

  “It’s so dark.” Cedric disappeared into the pool of blackness, but her eyes met with a torch as its flame grew larger. “Is it always this dark?”

  “Yes, ever since.” A wave of sorrow astounded her and she gasped, letting him know she felt it. “Stay close. I’ll light more as we walk to the library.”

  As one torch after another danced into life, the massive great hall came to its own again. The large tapestries of epic battles against men and demons hung down behind the head of the table. Huge and stunning, Angeline’s assumptions on how noble life should be was smashed. King Frederick’s Court was nothing but a sheepherder’s dinner table by comparison. This is what it meant to be the best House in the land. No King of today that she knew of could come close to the extravagant appeal that Cedric’s manor held. This is what a castle should be like. The hallway was tall and massive with so many doors it made her head spin. Armor, tables, and more tapestries decorated the hallways. She kept pace with Cedric, struggling to take it all in.

  The hallway dead-ended into two massive doors. The carvings across their wood were amazing. Woodland creatures ran rampant with embellishments of gold, silver, and the occasional glint of a precious gem for their eyes. Unlocking the doors, Cedric pushed them open and the air greeted them with a musty stale scent. He tossed the torch into a brazier that was the center focus of the room, and its light revealed the walls and shelves that held more books than she had seen in her entire lifetime. One shelf in Cedric’s library held more books than the Alchemist studies back at the castle. If she had been like the other Ladies, she would feel like she had scored high in advancing in the noble caste, but this added to her unease, not realizing whom Cedric was. With no new information on the House of Romulus, no one knew if the family had money, since the last heir was throwing his life to the werewolves at every turn.

  “Here we go.” She watched as he shoved a ladder across the room and climbed it. “Come grab these and set them on the table there.”

  “Ok.” Much to her surprise, the room was not covered in thick dust and cobwebs like the hall had been. “Do you come back here often?”

  “When I find a reason to,” The tomes he handed her were heavy and she was making several trips back and forth. “I can’t remember everything I’ve read.”

  “You’ve read all of these?” Finishing, he climbed off the ladder and sat at the table, flipping through the scriptures. “There are so many books here.”

  “Remember, I am well over a hundred years old. I have had more than enough time to find, read, and collect resources.” It was hard to say how much time had passed as she watched the apprehensive look on his face as he dug through the books. “Dammit, there’s nothing here saying anything about how to kill an incubus. The only weaknesses listed for both are their insatiable thirst for the arts of the flesh. Mixed offspring can be killed in several ways and are smaller in size, but nothing on full bloods.”

  “No stories on ever defeating one?” Her skin felt like it was crawling for a moment and she shook the sensation off. “Are you sure?”

  “There are no records of ever defeating one. There are a few lores on how Lillith and Boto fought their own kind to earn their seats of power, but that means only another Succubus or Incubus of full blood could kill her. And even then, it doesn’t clarify how they go about that task.” His eyes had their catlike pupils as they stood there in the poorly lit library. She could clearly see he was at a loss at what they would need to do. “Let’s hope she gets bored with me and leaves.”

  He motioned for her to follow him and they walked from one end of the manor to the opposite side. The manor was as if it lay frozen in time as they reached another set of carved doors depicting battles. Inside this great room were enough weapons for three of King Frederick’s army. The brazier here was much larger, and in one corner, there was a blacksmith’s forge, which sat cold. This was the place where weapons were made to fit any man. Javelins and spears of several types lined a section of the wall, all made at various lengths to best match the height of any warrior. Cedric whistled, spooking her from her admiration of the handiwork before her. Coming closer to where he stood she saw that he was going to show her what he had found. There were bows of several types and arrows made in ways she had never seen before.

  “Do you know much about arrowheads and what each is designed for?” She looked lost as her eyes jumped from one stack to the other. “I suspect that no one would have bothered to teach you that. For now I will cover some of the ones that will matter the most for when Lillith comes.”

  “I have never seen arrows like these.” She picked up one that had a star shaped jagged point to it and the head of it seemed loose. “What is this designed to do? It feels as if the head will fall off at any moment.”

  “That’s exactly it. It’s designed to make a nasty hole in the beast’s flesh.” He pulled the head of the arrow off so she could roll it in her hand and get a better visual. “When they attempt to pull the arrow out, they only pull the shaft out. This sits in place, encouraging the wound to bleed out and the more they move the more the ridges dig into the flesh. Very handy to use on vampires and other blood sucking creatures too, since losing blood slows their powers down drastically.”

  “Ok, good to know.” He handed her a quiver full of these and a few more quivers of other kinds, explaining the purpose of each to her. “Wow, I don’t think any of the rangers I have met ever carried more than one kind of arrow.”

  “For some reason this has become a l
ost art. I believe Williamsburg was the training hub for demon hunting rangers.” Again, a wave rattled her nerves and sorrow mixed with excitement sent her blood rushing. “But since you are skilled enough, I should take advantage of you. I didn’t expect you to be confident enough to shoot across my shoulder and hit your target when we faced Nemaine’s cobras. I suppose the old dog got his whispers in the ear and that’s why he gave you the Black Forest’s enchanted bow.”

  “Enchanted bow?” She pulled the bow off, looking over its gnarled wood in curiosity. “The Black Forest where we took you to the tree spirit?”

  “Yes. She gave that to Wylleam as payment for sending me to help them.” Cedric was digging through armor, putting on some greaves and armguards. “And then made it clear to me she will return a favor when I saw fit. She kept her word, but now I can’t take my shortcut through there to travel anymore. The other tree spirits will not hesitate to kill me, despite the fact I saved them from being torn apart by one of Romasanta’s wild packs.”

  “Romasanta?” She was trying to decide which arrows she wanted to use, or to mix a lot of them into one quiver. “That name sounds familiar.”

  “He’s the father of Werewolves, and he attempted to defile this place at one point.” He spit at the ground, her blood boiled in unison with his. “But he can wait. Lillith is getting very close now. The sun has finally set.”

  “How can you tell?” It was baffling that anyone could tell where the sun was in a place so closed off to the outside world. “How can you—”


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