Right Side Up ((MMG Novella))

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Right Side Up ((MMG Novella)) Page 9

by R B Hilliard

  “Is that Sam’s date?” Piper choked out.

  “Psssst, Ellie!” Joss loudly whispered from the open kitchen window. “Your dad’s date looks younger than you!”

  As they made their way over, Piper and I pasted big smiles on our faces. “Glad you could make it,” I said, giving him a hug.

  “Sam! How’s it hanging?” Piper asked.

  Ignoring Piper, he said, “Ellie, this is Nexi. Nexi, this is my daughter, Ellie. Oh, and that’s her friend, Piper,” he added.

  “Hiya Ellie,” she said with a little wave of her hand. “Sammy has told me so much about you.”

  Piper broke into a coughing fit, and I could hear Joss giggling like a loon from the kitchen. Trying not to be too obvious, I moved sideways and pretended to accidentally step on Piper’s foot.

  “Ouch!” she hissed.

  “Oh! I’m sorry. You’d better go get some ice on that,” I suggested.

  With a huff, Piper limped over to the kitchen door. Before stepping inside, she shot me a bird.

  In the brief conversation with my dad and Nexi, I learned quite a lot. Apparently Dad not only likes his women young, but he likes them dumb as well. After ten minutes of conversing about nothing, Max appeared looking for Mac’s diaper bag. I almost cried tears of joy.

  “Here, I’ll change him. You stay and talk with Dad and Nexi. Nexi, this is my husband, Max.” Nexi’s eyes lit up in appreciation for my man. As I grabbed Mac from Max, he gave me a skeptical look. I winked at him and said, “Be right back.”

  I bolted through the kitchen door and was instantly met with Piper and Joss’ laughter.

  “Poor Max,” Joss said.

  “I think you crushed my pinkie toe, bitch,” Piper griped.

  “Come talk to me while I change Mac.” They followed me to one of the upstairs bedrooms.

  “So, Dad likes ‘em young,” Piper mused.

  “And dumb,” I retorted. “She can barely string two sentences together. What is he thinking?”

  “That he wants to get laid and not have to converse before or after,” Joss bluntly stated. The thought of my dad having sex, much less with Nexi, made me want to hurl. Before they dug deeper into my father’s sex life, I changed the subject.

  “How’s Kurt’s bunny boiler?” I asked.

  “Oooh, Kurt has a bunny boiler? Do tell,” Piper chimed in.

  “Dana is a bunny boiler. Marsha is a spoiled brat who doesn’t like the word “No,” Joss clarified, “and, according to Kurt, she hasn’t been around since he told her off.”

  I lifted a gurgling Mac from the bed and handed him to Joss’ open arms. “Max said she was a Dana in the making.”

  “Wait! When did Kurt tell her off?” Piper asked.

  Joss explained. “From square one, Kurt and Dillon knew Marsha was trouble. She’d been hanging around the bar and was rude and mouthy. When she applied to work at Dragonfly, they pretended to consider it, but due to her lack of experience, turned her down. Apparently, she didn’t like this. Remember last month when Max and Ellie had the cook out? Marsha was here.”

  “Did we meet her?” Piper asked.

  “No. She was with the group of regulars. They spent the night staring at our men from afar. Anyway, when Kurt went inside to pee, she cornered him and threatened to tell his wife they were sleeping together if he didn’t agree to hire her. He called her bluff and told her to do it. He also told her if she ever stepped foot in Dragonfly again, he would personally kick her ass out.”

  “Unlike some psychos we know, apparently this one actually listened,” I pointed out.

  “Speaking of psychos, is there any news on Dana?” Joss asked.

  “Not that I’ve heard,” I answered.

  “Ellison! Get your ass downstairs!” Max shouted. Piper’s eyes bugged and Joss laughed.

  I couldn’t help but laugh with them. “I guess he’s tired of talking with Dad and Nexi.”

  “I’ve got Mac. Go see what he wants,” Joss said.

  When I reached the bottom of the stairs, Max was waiting. Before I could apologize for leaving him with Nexi, he latched onto my hand and began pulling me down the hall toward his office.

  “What are you doing?” I whispered.

  “Spanking your ass for leaving me with your dad and his juvenile date,” he snapped.

  I tried not to laugh. “How old do you think she is?”

  “Have no clue and don’t care,” he answered. As he dragged me through his office door, he closed and locked it behind him. After shutting the blinds, he turned to me and seductively licked his lips. “Now I’ve got you right where I want you.”

  My panties literally melted. “What are you going to do with me?” I challenged.

  He smiled. “I’m going to find out what you’re wearing under that sexy little skirt of yours.”

  Placing my hands on my hips, I smiled back. “Baby, what if someone comes looking for us or Mac needs us? We are responsible adults with a child now.”

  “Please?” He gave me a pretend pout. Two weeks ago I couldn’t get him to look at me, much less pull me into his office and beg for sex.

  I checked to make sure no one was anywhere near, before saying, “Fine, but we have to be quick.”

  A shit eating grin spread across his handsome face. “I can be quick. Now, bring that fine ass over here, so I can see what’s under that skirt.”

  The second I got within reach, his arm shot out and reeled me in. Standing chest to chest, Max stared down at me. I expected something sarcastic or funny to come out of his mouth. What he gave me was a total surprise.

  “I love you more than anything in this world. You and Mac are it for me. Please tell me you know this, that you believe this?”

  I nodded my head, yes.

  “I need to hear words right now, babe.”

  “I love you, too, Max. I always have and always will.”

  He lovingly traced his fingers over my lips. “So beautiful,” he whispered. My pulse shot through the roof. I was used to a dominate Max. I was used to a playful Max. Rarely did I get a soft and reverent Max. I wasn’t sure what to do with him. Slowly, he touched his lips to mine. When I opened for him, he tilted his head and deepened the kiss. I lifted my hands to his nape and trailed the tips if my fingers through his silky hair.

  I shivered as his large hands slowly began pushing my skirt up my legs. “I love you so much,” he whispered. “Let me show you?”

  “Please,” I breathily said.

  Wrapping his fingers around the edge of my panties, he gently tugged them down my legs and waited for me to step out, before tossing them over by his desk. Methodically, he began unbuttoning my blouse. Four buttons in, he paused.

  “Fast right?”

  “Well, maybe not too fast,” I managed to say.

  Dipping his hands in, he lifted my breasts up and out of my bra and shirt. Someone would get quite the show if they walked in right now. In one swift move, he kicked off his flip-flops, pulled his shirt over his head and dropped his shorts to the floor. As usual, he wasn’t wearing any underwear. After shoving his discarded clothes off to the side, he dropped to his knees in front of me. My breath hitched with anticipation when he lightly tapped my legs, telling me to spread them. Instantly I complied. The second I had them far enough apart, he slipped his head under my skirt and buried his mouth between my legs.

  I gasped with pleasure. Using his tongue, teeth and fingers, he devoured me. Finally, not able to stand it any longer, I shattered into a million orgasmic pieces. Then…and only then…did Max carefully lower me onto the floor and slowly enter me. His blue eyes stayed glued to mine while he made love to me. The only time he took them away was when he was worshipping my breasts. Our connection was tangible…palpable… leaving no doubt in my mind how much he loves me. With each slow, sensual stroke, he showed me I was the only one for him.

  “Max,” I cried out, as the waves of a second orgasm washed over me. The quiet intensity of it was overwhelming. Max threw his head ba
ck and growled his release, before collapsing on top of me. For a minute or so, I clung tightly to him and shook with emotion. When I finally got my bearings, I blurted, “Wow!” He was about to respond when someone knocked on the door. “Crap!” I whispered.

  “Mac needs one of his parents,” Joss sang through the door. “Isn’t that right?” she said in a playful voice. “Tell Mommy and Daddy to stop plugging holes, so they can change your nasty doo-doo diaper.” Mac squealed and then burst into loud sobs. Our son seriously dislikes dirty diapers.

  As smoothly as Max stripped them off, he put his clothes back on. Then he slid into his flip-flops and kissed the top of my head. “I’ve got him. See you in a minute,” he said, before unlocking the door and slipping out to see to our very unhappy baby.

  “That was amazing,” I announced to the empty room.

  Wasting no time, I dressed and went in search of my husband and child. Instead of finding them, I found Cas and Sarah in the upstairs common area in what appeared to be a standoff.

  “I’m going back to Scotland,” she hissed.

  “I think that is a wise decision,” he snapped back at her.

  Not wanting to get in the middle of it, but also not wanting Max to see them together, I decided to interrupt. “Ummm, guys, Max is changing Mac in one of the rooms up here. You need to take it somewhere else or…”

  “There’s nothing for Max to see,” Cas clipped.

  Sarah turned on her heel and bolted before he could say anything else.

  Feeling protective of my sister-in-law, I did something I normally wouldn’t do. I stepped in. “I have no clue what is going on between you two.” I held up my hand when he started to speak. “And, I don’t want to know,” I continued. “Sarah has been through hell and back. She is young and beautiful, Cas, but she is fragile in a way you cannot understand. Whatever you do, please remember that.” With a nod of his head, I watched him walk away.

  I found Max and Mac seated outside at a picnic table with Dad, Nexi, Benny and Twon. Max scooted over and made room for me to sit. As I slid in next to him, I noticed Dillon talking to Piper.

  “Is Isabella here?” I asked.

  “Over talking to Joss and Kurt,” Max answered. I glanced to where he pointed. Isabella was standing next to Dillon’s brother, Adam, while talking to Joss and Kurt. Ibby had a happy smile on her face.

  “It looks as if they worked everything out.”

  Mac grabbed a piece of my hair and yanked. “Don’t be mean to Mommy,” Max scolded, as he untangled my hair from Mac’s chubby little fingers. Our eyes connected over our son’s head and a million butterflies took flight in my stomach. After all these years this man could still make me dry-mouthed and weak in the knees. With a knowing smile, Max gave me a swift kiss on the lips, before whispering, “Save it for later.” Then he announced it was almost time for fireworks. “I’m going to pound a few shots with the boys before we get started,” he said with a grin.

  I shook my head as he walked away. When I turned back, Nexi and my dad were both staring at me. Whatever.

  By fireworks time, Max, Gage and Kurt were seriously buzzed. I was worried about them playing with explosives and was more than relieved when Dillon, Cas and Tut took over for them. Max moaned and groaned about it, but eventually gave up the ship and grabbed a bottle of water.

  By the time the show was over, Max was sober enough to take care of Mac while I helped clean up inside. Sarah found me in the kitchen and said Amelia was cranky, so Ibby and Sally were heading home and she was going to catch a ride with them. I gave her a hug and told her we’d be home shortly.

  Thirty minutes later, I heard shouting and stuck my head out the door to see what was wrong. Max was shouting on the phone at someone and Cas was pacing circles in front of him. What in the world? The second Max ended the call, he started for me. I met him halfway and he pulled me into a hug. “The girls have been in an accident. I need you to drive me to the site.” Oh no! Without any questions, I bolted inside to get my purse and diaper bag.”

  “I’ve got Mac,” my dad said. Max and I both froze. My dad having our son was one thing. My dad and Nexi having our son was a completely different ball game and, by the look on my husband’s face, it was one he was not thrilled to play.

  “Kurt and I can take him, Sam. You enjoy the rest of your date,” Joss said. I wanted to kiss her.

  “Thanks Joss,” Max said.

  Ignoring the disappointed look on my father’s face, I handed Joss the diaper bag and kissed my son on his forehead. “Be good for Auntie Joss,” I whispered, and took off after Max.

  When I got to the truck, Cas and Max were shouting at each other.

  “What the hell is up with you and my sister?” Max yelled.

  I cut in before Cas could answer. “We don’t have time for this right now, boys. Let’s make sure everyone’s okay before dealing with anything else.”

  We all jumped in the truck and sped off. No one said a work the whole way there. Max and Cas bolted from the truck as soon as we reached a line of stopped cars. Up ahead the road was illuminated by flashing lights from several police cars and emergency vehicles. Not sure what else to do, I decided to wait until they came back with news.

  A few minutes later, the police started waving us over. I watched three ambulances pass by and said a silent prayer. Please let Sarah be okay.

  Out of nowhere, Cas reappeared. He hopped in the front and told me Sarah was unconscious, Max was in an ambulance with her on the way to the hospital and we were to follow them. The whole way there, he silently stared out the window.


  “Don’t Ellie…just…don’t,” he replied.

  I had barely parked the truck, before he was out and running for the emergency room doors. Caswell Ashford apparently had some serious feelings for Sarah, so why was he acting as if he didn’t? I shook my head and sighed.

  Max was waiting inside with Isabella’s uncle Charlie, Adam, Bobby and Tut. I assumed since Dillon wasn’t there, he was back with Ibby. Max folded me into his arms and said, “She came to in the ambulance. The doctors think her hand is broken and she has a concussion. They have to do tests to confirm.”

  “What about Ibby, Sally and the baby?” I asked.

  “The baby is fine, but we haven’t heard anything about Ibby or Sally yet,” he answered.

  “Is Sarah okay?” Cas interrupted.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on with you two?” Max growled.

  “We are friends,” Cas quickly replied.

  “Is that it?”

  “It’s all it can be,” Cas stated.

  Max stared at him for a minute before answering. “The doctor is looking at her right now. It doesn’t appear to be too serious, but we’ll know more in a little while. I need to get back to her,” he said to me. “Will you be okay out here?”

  “Go, I’ll be fine,” I told him.

  Three hours later, Max was back with news. The doctors confirmed a mild concussion and few broken bones in Sarah’s hand. She was going to be all right. Max spent some time talking with Cas, Bobby, Tut and Officer Galvez, before making his way back over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled in. As always, he made me feel so safe and protected.

  “What did Officer Galvez say?”

  He gave me a squeeze and sighed. “Dana Harkins tried to run Isabella off the road tonight. We’re not sure Dana knew it was Isabella and not Dillon, as she was driving Dillon’s jeep.”

  My eyes snapped to his and I gasped. “Please tell me you’re kidding?”

  He shook his head and continued, “Dana apparently ran off the road and into the gully below. She didn’t survive the crash.”

  Holy hell, Dana Harkins was dead.

  Chapter Nine



  “CAN YOU BELIEVE all the craziness in our lives? First, there was the kidnapping and now Dillon’s attack. I’m afraid to find out what’s next!” Ellie said.

  We wer
e having a much needed lunch with Piper at Rooster’s, one of our favorite spots to eat in South Charlotte. I enviously watched Ellie take a gulp of her Bloody Mary. What I wouldn’t do for a Bloody Mary or even a glass of red wine right now.

  Piper nodded her head in agreement. “I feel like I haven’t talked to you both in ages. Joss, how’s the pregnancy? Any more morning sickness? Gage and I are never having children, by the way. I hate to puke. I’d rather snot for a year than to throw up.”

  The morning sickness had been brutal for the first three months of my pregnancy. The moment I hit the twelve week mark, the sickness magically disappeared and my appetite kicked back in. When the spotting finally stopped, the doctor signed off on resuming regular activities. In non-medical terms, I could stop lying around like a slug and my husband and I could screw like bunnies, something we’d both been taking full advantage of lately.

  “Well…I wanted to have lunch with you today because I wanted to come clean about a bunch of shit that happened in my first trimester,” I confessed. Between sips of my raspberry tea, I told them about the day Dr. Cooper put me on bed rest. Then I explained how I’d had spotting and mini contractions off and on until my tenth week.

  “Oh honey, you must have been scared out of your mind,” Ellie said.

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Piper asked.

  “Honestly? Because I thought I was going to lose it. Plus, you two were going through your own shit.” Piper glanced over at Ellie and I glared at them both. “What? I’m pregnant, not blind.” Ellie flinched at my words. “Seriously, you don’t think I noticed you and Max barely speaking to each other and then screaming it out in my driveway? Or the way Gage won’t let you go anywhere without an escort?” I directed at Piper. I’ve not been the only one keeping secrets, ladies,” I scoffed.

  Ellie let out a deep sigh. “Don’t be mad, but Kurt confided to Max about your pregnancy a while back. He was worried sick you might lose the baby.” Piper had a guilty expression on her face. Gee, not obvious or anything. I gave them both an eye roll.

  “Let me guess, you told Piper?”

  “Well…I was worried about you,” Ellie admitted.


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