STAGESTRUCK - The Complete Series

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STAGESTRUCK - The Complete Series Page 2

by Ward, Alice

  “Actually, I went to Hawkeye Community College.” I answered bashfully. “But I did lots of volunteer work at the Waterloo Center for Arts. We did a youth theater camp last summer, and I worked with one of Marion’s nieces. She flew out for our final performance and gave me her contact information after the show.”

  “Well, they say that the business is all about who you know.” Mark piped up. “And it sounds like you’ve got your foot in with the right people. I think that calls for a celebratory round of drinks.” He signaled a waitress and ordered six Manhattans.

  “That’s kind of corny, isn’t it Mark?” Parker teased.

  “Not at all.” He answered in exaggerated defense. “I think that it’s appropriate for Kate’s first drink in her new hometown to be the namesake of this fabulous borough. Can you handle whiskey, Kate?”

  “I can hold my own.” I answered with a smile. The waitress delivered our drinks and my new friends and I toasted my arrival in New York. My first drink burned going down, but the alcohol eased my anxiety and soon I felt relaxed and at home. Bridget, an interior designer, entertained us with stories of some of her more outrageous clients and told me the best places to shop for vintage furniture. We made plans to hit the flea markets together that weekend, and Mark and Parker offered to join us.

  “We may not have a design degree,” Mark explained, “but we have fantastic taste, if I do say so myself.”

  Janette laughed. “You’ll learn quickly that the guys have no problem complimenting themselves.”

  “A little self confidence never hurt anybody.” Parker countered.

  “Speaking of self confidence…” Mark said, nodding towards the dance floor. “Do you feel like getting out there and showing us your moves?”

  “With you?” I asked.

  Mark laughed. “Yes with me. I may not sleep with women, but I do dance with them.”

  He took my hand and led me out onto the dance floor. I saw a flash of surprise pass over his face as I began moving to the music.

  “Not bad,” he said with a grin. “For a small town girl you sure have big city moves. Now, let me explain to you why we’re out here.”

  “I thought we were here to dance.”

  “We are,” he said mischievously, “but not with each other. See that hot guy at the edge of the crowd? He’s been eying you all night. What do you say I spin you into him, and you take it from there?”

  I was so shocked by his suggestion that I didn’t bother to look at the man he was talking about. “No, I can’t do that.” I insisted. I’ve had plenty of experience with men, but I’m not the assertive type. And I NEVER have one night stands.

  “Are you afraid of men?” He asked.

  “No… but…”

  “But nothing,” Mark insisted. “This is your first night in the city that never sleeps, you can’t go home alone.”

  I could tell that he wasn’t going to let the idea go. “Fine,” I agreed. “I’ll dance with him, just to get you off my back. But I’m taking the train home with Janette tonight.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Mark pointed behind me as he danced us closer to our target. Janette was grinding against a broad-shouldered man who looked like he’d just stepped off a Rolling Stone’s cover.

  “Who’s that?” I asked Mark.

  “Who knows? Don’t worry about Janette; concentrate on the task at hand.” With a smile, he spun me into the crowd. I ‘accidently’ grabbed the man he’d pushed me towards, under the guise of recovering my balance. The stranger was tall and lanky, with shaggy brown hair and piercing chestnut eyes.

  “I’m SO sorry.” I told him. “My friend isn’t a very good dancer.”

  “I’ll forgive you, on one condition.” He smiled and held out his hand. I accepted it and we started dancing, our bodies pressed together.

  “I’m Max Shepherd.” He told me with a smile.

  “Hi Max, I’m Katie Harper.” I laughed.

  After our awkward introduction, we danced silently through the first song. The next song was a slow one, and I was surprised when Max pulled me close.

  “I agreed to one dance.” I teased.

  “Yes, and now you’ve made up for bumping into me.” He agreed. “I’m hoping you’ll agree to a second dance and explain WHY you bumped into me. It was pretty obvious that it wasn’t an accident.” He finished with a sly grin.

  I blushed. “This is my first night in New York.” I confessed. “Bumping into you was Mark’s idea. He wants me to have a good time, and he thought that he saw you glancing in my direction.”

  “Well, your friend was absolutely right.” Max answered with a smile. “So, this is your first night in the city? I thought there was something different about you.”

  I blushed again. “Is it that obvious?”

  “Not at all,” he quickly assured me. “I couldn’t put my finger on it, there’s just something different about you. You’re not like all of the other women here. How about I buy you a drink and give you some pointers on living in New York?”

  “That would be great.” I smiled.

  Max led me to the bar and I told him about myself. He asked all of the right questions and I was surprised by how comfortable I felt around him. We drank and talked for what seemed like hours, and then he leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” He asked.

  I don’t know if it was the alcohol or the excitement of starting my new life, but I felt incredibly adventurous. “Yes.” I answered. “Yes I do.”


  I ran back to the table to grab my purse and tell everyone goodbye. Janette had long since left with the man she’d been dancing with and Bridget and Serena were on the dance floor.

  “I’m heading out. I’ll see you this weekend.” I said to Parker and Mark.

  “Have fun.” Mark smiled.

  I made my way to the door where Max was waiting. “I’m assuming that your place isn’t put together yet, since it’s your first night in town?” He asked.

  “You’re assuming correctly.” I told him. “The place is a mess. It’s only about twenty minutes away though…”

  “My place is closer.” He answered with a smile.

  “Your place it is.”

  Max hailed a cab; we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other, and by the time we got to his building our driver was pissed. Max tossed him a twenty and told him to keep the change.

  A Grab and Go took up the bottom floor of Max’s building. We walked through the entryway to the right of the store and up a steep flight of stairs. Max had his keys ready; he opened the door of his apartment quickly and pulled me inside. I stripped out of my dress as he shut the door behind us.

  “You really cut to the chase.” He said when he turned to see me in my underwear. I was relieved that I’d left the stick on bra at Janette’s.

  “I’m just a girl who knows what I want.” I told him with a daring grin.

  He took two long strides towards me and wrapped me into his arms. I grabbed his face in my hands and pulled his lips to mine. We kissed hungrily as I fumbled with the buttons on Max’s shirt.

  “I’ll do it.” He said, replacing my hands with his. He stripped off his shirt, followed by his shoes and his pants. I felt his enormous erection against my side as he wrapped me in his arms once more. He walked us forward and I felt my calves bump against the seat of his couch.

  “Is this okay?” He asked. “We can move to the bedroom…” He lowered his head while he spoke and flicked my nipples with his tongue.

  “The couch is perfect. I want you now.” I told him. He pushed me down, laid me on my back, and then climbed on top of me. He used his tongue to blaze a path from my belly button to my earlobe before propping himself up with one arm and reaching for the end table. He took a condom from the drawer, opened it, and slid it onto himself with one quick motion.

  “I want you so bad.” I moaned as his mouth returned to my breasts. He used one hand to guide the tip of
his cock into my eager pussy.

  “You’re so tight…” he groaned as he pushed the rest of the way in. “And so wet…”

  I clamped my muscles around his erection in response. “You haven’t seen anything yet.” I said through heavy breath. I maintained my grip on his cock and rocked my hips in clockwise circles.

  Max gasped in pleasure, and then started moving on top of me with short, deep thrusts. I wrapped one hand around his neck and grabbed a handful of his wavy chestnut hair. I tugged gently, trying to signal to Max that I wanted it a little rough. He took my hint, leaned down, and bit my right nipple. The blend of pleasure and pain sent me over the edge and I exploded in a deep, powerful orgasm. My climax triggered his and we collapsed together in a pile of exhaustion and ecstasy.

  After a few minutes of cuddling, Max stretched and sat up. “I’m exhausted. Want to move to the bedroom?”

  “Actually…” I answered slowly. “I have a long day tomorrow. I should probably just head home.”

  “Will you be able to find home?” He asked. “I could take you, if you’d like.”

  “I can handle it.” I assured him. We exchanged cell phone numbers and I made my escape.

  ‘I can’t believe I just did that.’ I thought to myself as I stepped back onto the street. I hailed a cab and asked the driver to take me to the subway station. ‘It’s alright… it’s the first night of my new life. I can have a little fun if I want to… besides, it’s not like I’m ever going to see him again.’ I assured myself as the cab pulled up at the station.


  “I see here that you’re an actress. I have to tell you, that makes me a little nervous.” Rick, the manager of Orlando’s Italian Cuisine, eyed me from across the table. “I need a reliable waitress, not someone who’s going to call in every time she has an audition.”

  A week had passed since my first night in the city. I’d met with Marion Russo the previous morning and she made me feel confident about my chances on Broadway. She’d also cautioned me that getting on stage might take a long time. I didn’t want to burn through my trust fund too quickly, so after my appointment with Marion I’d spent the rest of the day filling out job applications. I’d worked as a waitress all through high-school, so I thought a restaurant job would be a perfect fit.

  Max had called twice since we spent the night together, but I’d ignored both of the calls. I was embarrassed by my behavior that night and knew that he’d only ever see me as a piece of ass. I’d liked him, but my mother has always warned that happy relationships don’t start with one night stands.

  “I’m highly motivated to work.” I told Rick. “I’ll let you know about auditions at least a week in advance, and I’ll stay out a two week notice if I get cast in anything.”

  “I don’t think you understand how the theater business works.” Rick sighed. “But to be honest, I’m desperate right now. I’ll give you a chance if you can start immediately.”

  I didn’t have any other plans for the day so I quickly agreed to get to work. Rick gave me a uniform and I changed in the employee restroom before meeting Lisa, my trainer, at the hostess station.

  “So, you’re the new girl.” Lisa greeted me crankily.

  “Hi, I’m Kate.” I said with a smile.

  “I hope you last longer than the last four waitresses I trained.” She sighed. “Today you’re just going to shadow me. Pay close attention to the way I do things, ask questions when you have them, and stay out of my way when I’m carrying plates.” She directed.

  “I can do that.” I told her with another smile. I was determined to make her like me.

  Lisa looked me up and down and then gave me a slight grin. “The longer you stay here, the nicer I’ll be.” She explained. “I’m just getting impatient will all of the turnover around here. You’ll need an apron and notepad. You can get them behind the bar.”

  I nodded and walked across the main dining room and through the open doorway that led to the bar area. The moment I turned into the room, my stomach clinched and I felt like I’d walked into a nightmare. There, behind the bar, stood Max Shepherd.


  I stood in the doorway unnoticed and watched Max move behind the bar. He looked sharp in his uniform; the crisp white button-up shirt and pleated black slacks gave him an air of sophistication. As I watched him, I debated my next move. ‘How do I handle this? I can’t just turn around and leave, I need this job… I guess I should just rip the band aid.’

  I walked up to the bar, clearing my throat as I approached. Max turned towards the noise; a look of surprise flashed across his face as our eyes met.

  “Kate!” He exclaimed with a smile. “Oh my god, what are you doing here? I’m happy to see you of course… did you get my messages?”

  “This is awkward…” I begin slowly. “I did get your messages, but that’s not why I’m here… Actually, I didn’t even know that you work here until just now.” I sighed.

  “I see…” he said softly. “So, are you just here for lunch or what?”

  “That’s the awkward part, Lisa sent me in here… I need an apron and a notepad.” I admit with a blush.

  Max slowly realized that I was at Orlando’s to work. He turned, opened a cabinet behind the bar, and retrieved a plain black apron. Then he took a blank note pad from a stack next to the cash register and slid the items across the cherry stained bar.

  “We obviously had different opinions about what our night together meant.” He said angrily. “But there’s no need for this to be awkward. We’re both adults. I’ll do my job and you do yours. We don’t even have to act like we know each other.” He snapped.

  I hate confrontation and I was still overcoming the initial shock of running in to him, so I didn’t respond. Instead, I gathered the apron and notepad and rushed back to the hostess station.

  “Took you long enough,” Lisa snapped as I approached. “I hope you didn’t waste your time flirting with Max. He’s a pretty serious guy and he doesn’t get involved with his coworkers. Better women than you have tried and failed to win his affection.”

  I blushed inadvertently as she talked about Max. “No, I wasn’t flirting with anyone.” I quickly assured her. “The bartender had his hands full when I got there. I waited until he had a free moment to ask him for my stuff.”

  Lisa looked me up and down, as if she was taking stock of me. “Alright,” she finally sighed, “you’re growing on me. I looked over your application while you were at the bar. You already have four years of experience waiting tables?”

  I nodded. “Nowhere this nice, though.” I said modestly. “I worked at a small diner in my hometown. It was a mom and pop place… kind of a neighborhood hangout. I’m sure I have loads to learn, I appreciate you taking the time to teach me.” I finished with a smile; Lisa returned it with a smile of her own. We both knew that I was kissing her ass, but she seemed to appreciate the effort.

  I was also downplaying my serving experience. Minnie’s Diner is one of the most popular restaurants in Waterloo; the Friday night, all you can eat catfish special drew in most of the town, and I never left without at least two hundred dollars in my pocket. I approach waiting tables the same way I approach an acting role; I know what the people want, and that’s exactly what I give them. But Lisa is the head waitress here, and I don’t want to start off my new job by acting like a know it all and insulting my trainer.

  “I started off in a small, hometown diner myself.” Lisa said with a smile. “Don’t worry, I’m sure that you’ll pick up on things quickly. The computers are easy enough to learn and the menu isn’t too big. I’ll send you home with a copy of it and I expect you to have it memorized before your shift tomorrow. Every server has to pass the menu quiz before they can take their own tables. I hope that won’t be a problem?”

  I shook my head. “I have a great memory. I’m an actress, so I have to memorize lines all of the time. I’ll be ready for the quiz tomorrow.” I assured her.

  “An actress, huh?”
She asked with a smile. I nod and tell her that my dream is to be on Broadway. “Well, you’re not the first actress we’ve had.” She laughed. “In fact, Megan’s story is almost exactly the same as yours. She’s off today, but you’ll meet her tomorrow… Anyway, she moved to the city a few years ago with the same dream.”

  “How has it worked out for her?” I ask hesitantly. Since I arrived in New York, I’d met plenty of people who shared my dream but none who’d actually lived it.

  “She’s still working here, if that tells you anything.” Lisa said with a shrug. “Don’t get me wrong, she’s a good actress. I’ve seen her in a few shows… nothing big though. But she has a pretty good gig; she works here to pay the bills and acts in smaller shows to fulfill her passion. If you’re interested in off Broadway stuff, she could probably help you get a few auditions.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” I say with a smile.

  It was slow at Orlando’s, that period between the lunch and dinner rushes, so Lisa spent an hour training me on side-work. I learned how to fold the linen napkins into a sunburst and that servers get discounted meals during their shifts. After prepping the last of the dining room tables for the dinner rush, Lisa and I sat down at a small two top and ordered pasta.

  “It’s good to load up on carbs before a long shift.” Lisa advised. “Helps you keep your strength up. This place gets slammed, being so close to the theaters.”

  “Do any of the stars ever come in?” I asked hopefully.

  Lisa shook her head. “Some of the behind the scenes people pop in from time to time. Producers, tech guys… most of the performers eat in their dressing rooms.”

  I nodded as if I wasn’t disappointed by her answer. “So, aside from Megan is anyone else here involved with the theaters?” I asked.

  Lisa shook her head. “No, no other theater people. Chase, one of the chefs, plays bass in a rock band. And Shaun, one of the dishwashers, fronts a punk band. They’ll both hit on you… shut them down, the harsher the better. They’re players; if you aren’t firm with them, they’ll just keep trying to worm their way into your pants.”


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