STAGESTRUCK - The Complete Series

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STAGESTRUCK - The Complete Series Page 10

by Ward, Alice

  “That’s better,” I groaned as I swiveled my hips in circles.

  “Kate…” Max gasped. “You’re amazing.” In response, I squeezed him tightly with my pussy muscles. “Ohhh…” He groaned. I pushed my hips forward and through my shoulders back; his cock hit my G-spot and I rocked frantically against him as I felt my orgasm build. Max responded to the urgency of my motions by sticking two fingers in his mouth, and then placing them on either side of my throbbing clit. He stroked and pinched me lightly and I exploded in ecstasy once more. I collapsed onto his chest; he wrapped his arms around me as his still throbbing cock sent aftershocks through my body.

  “Do you need a break now?” He asked sweetly as he kissed the top of my head.

  “No,” I replied immediately. “I want to make you cum… use me Max… tell me what to do.”

  “Oh Kate,” he breathed passionately before kissing me again. As our tongues danced together, Max sat up. He pulled away from me. “Turn around,” he directed. “But don’t let me slip out.”

  I smiled, kissed him, and did as he said. I carefully lifted my left leg and moved it between our bodies. Then I slowly rotated until I faced the headboard. Once in position, I started bouncing up and down on Max’s cock. He grasped my hips firmly, pushing and pulling as he met me thrust for thrust.

  “Put your legs together… I’m going to push you onto your knees.” Max gasped. I placed my hands in front of me on the bed and let Max roll me onto all fours. He kneeled behind me, still gripping my hips as he thrust with abandon.

  “I’m going to cum again.” I warned. I couldn’t believe I was about to have my third orgasm and Max was still at zero.

  “I’m about to cum too…” he gasped. “Cum with me…” He increased his speed; I reached between his legs, cupped his balls in one hand, and rolled them lightly.

  “Oh god… oh Kate!” He cried out. Max lost all control of his body and began thrusting into me like a wild animal. His loss of restraint was contagious and soon we collapsed together on the bed, both dizzy with satisfaction.

  “That was amazing.” I told him as I crawled into his arms. “Stay here with me tonight… we can do it again in the morning.” I suggested.

  “Talk about an offer I can’t refuse.” He teased. He held me tightly and softly stroked my skin as I drifted off to sleep.


  I stirred contently the next morning until I realized that I was alone in the bed. I sat up quickly and scanned the room; Max and all of his things were gone. I checked my bedside alarm and realized that it was already noon. I jumped up, pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt, and shuffled into the living room. To my great relief, a note was waiting for me on the coffee table.


  Steve called and asked me to cover the lunch shift. You were sleeping

  so peacefully, I didn’t want to wake you. Thank you for last night.


  I smiled at his signature and went to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. While I waited for the pot to brew, I surveyed the contents of my refrigerator. I pulled out a slab of bacon, a carton of eggs, and a tube of biscuits. I set the oven to preheat and sent Janette a text.

  “Making breakfast, lots to tell you, come over if you’re up.”

  She arrived at the door in a matter of moments. “Kate, you sly dog.” She grinned. “I saw a certain bartender walk out of here at nine this morning.”

  “What were you doing up at nine in the morning?” I teased.

  Janette blushed and smiled. “I was just getting home… I stayed with Paul last night.”

  “Good for you.” I laughed.

  “Good for both of us… god that bacon smells delicious… okay, so tell me everything that happened, and then I’ll fill you in on me.” She insisted as she poured herself a mug of coffee.

  I told her how Max had arrived to confront me about my attitude, and how I’d greeted him in a bathrobe with a towel on my head.

  “That explains why your hair is such a mess.” She interrupted with a laugh. I nodded and told her about the rest of the night.

  “So one minute Max was insisting that he had to give Megan a chance and the next he was carrying you off to bed?” Janette asked. “What made him change his mind?”

  “I don’t know,” I laughed, “but I think that it may have had something to do with me stripping naked in front of him.”

  “That’s becoming your signature move.” Janette teased. “So, does this mean that he’s going to break-up with Megan?” She asked.

  “Well, we didn’t really talk about her.” I confessed. “But what else could it mean? So what about you, what happened with Paul?”

  A wide smile spread across Janette’s face. “Well, I stopped by to pick up our new smoke… I brought yours, by the way.” She added. She retrieved a small plastic bag from her purse and tossed it to me. I stowed it in the cabinet and checked the biscuits as she continued.

  “He’d just gotten a pizza and he invited me to stay and eat. I went back to my place and grabbed a bottle of wine; we ate dinner and drank and listened to his vinyl collection… one thing just led to another…”

  “So are you two a couple now?” I asked.

  “I guess you could say that we’re dating.” Janette answered. “He’s coming to the show tonight, are you going to make it?”

  “I’m not sure… I’ll talk to Max when I get to work and see what he wants to do.”

  “Kate,” Janette scolded, “you better not be one of those girls who disappears when she gets a boyfriend.”

  “I’m not!” I assured her. “But you know how long I’ve wanted to be with Max… I just want to sink in and enjoy it for a while.”

  “Is that a classy way of saying that you didn’t get enough last night?” She teased.

  “I guess you could say that.” I nodded with a sly grin. “But like I said, I’ll talk to him and see what he wants to do.”

  The oven timer chimed just as the bacon finished crisping in the skillet. I retrieved the biscuits, slid the meat out onto paper towels, and quickly scrambled eggs in the left over grease. As we ate our breakfast, we dreamed out loud about the great love stories we were about to embark on.


  I wasn’t scheduled to be at the restaurant until four but I decided to go in early and join Max for his lunch break. I walked in to Orlando’s at three, happier to be there than I’d ever been. The lunch rush had cleared, and most of the staff had left as well; those pulling a double shift wandered aimlessly through the dining room, waiting for guests to arrive. I waved hello to everyone as I walked to the bar area. My heart sank when I spotted Max and Megan huddled together in a corner of the bar. I took a seat on the opposite side and waited for them to part.

  ‘Of course he hasn’t had a chance to talk to her yet.’ I told myself. ‘He’s been here all morning and he’s too classy to break up with her here.’

  They pulled apart and Megan spotted me. “Hi Kate!” She said happily. “You’re here early.”

  “I thought I’d get something to eat before my shift starts.” I explained innocently. “Are you working tonight?”

  “No,” she answered with an excited smile. “I have to get my apartment ready. My parents are coming to visit this week. The four of us are going to have a late dinner after Max gets off tonight, so I need to get home to clean and cook.”

  I tried to smile as I listened to her plans. “That sounds great, Megan. I’m sure that the dinner will be wonderful.”

  “Did you want to order something, Kate?” Max interrupted.

  “Chicken parm… the lunch portion.” I told him. “And have them add a side of fettuccini Alfredo.”

  “Got it,” Max typed my order into the computer and sent it to the kitchen. As he poured me a Diet Coke, Megan gathered her things.

  “Alright, I’m going home.” She smiled. “I’ll see you tonight, baby.” Max smiled at her, and then leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Have a good night, K
ate.” Megan called to me as she left the room.

  Max and I watched her until she left the restaurant. Once she was gone, I turned to him with a quizzical look. “So… you’re meeting her parents? I understand that you didn’t want to break up with her here, but don’t you think you should say something before she starts designing a centerpiece?”

  Max shifted uncomfortably. “Actually… Kate…” He hesitated. I looked up and realized that he couldn’t look me in the eye.

  “You’re staying with her.” I said softly.

  He nodded and tears filled my eyes.

  “Last night meant nothing to you…” I continued.

  “It’s not that at all, Kate.” He sighed. “Last night was amazing… until you feel asleep. I stayed awake all night, holding you and praying that you wouldn’t disappear again. And then I realized that it shouldn’t be so hard. I should be able to trust you… but I just can’t.”

  “But you can trust her?”

  “I don’t know yet,” he told me, “but I’m going to give it a shot. Look, Kate, I’m so sorry. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you. When I came over last night, I had no intention of letting things get physical. I’m sorry that I didn’t stop you when you dropped that robe. I hope that you’ll find a way to forgive me.”

  I brushed the tears from my face and looked at him defiantly. “Cancel my order.” I rose to my feet and pushed the barstool away dramatically as I made my exit. I stomped through the dining room and into Steve’s office.

  “Hey, Kate… you’re early.” He said as he looked up from his paperwork.

  “I’m not staying, Steve.” I told him as I pulled my computer badge from my purse. I tossed it to him. “I’m sorry, I know that when you interviewed me I promised to work out a two week notice, but I can’t take this place anymore. I’ll have my uniform cleaned and delivered.”

  I stomped out of the office before he had a chance to reply and escaped the restaurant as quickly as possible.


  “I can’t believe he’s already meeting her parents.” Janette exclaimed. “That rat bastard. No man in his right mind would choose that ditzy girl over you. He’s obviously crazy and you’re better off without him.” She poured me a shot of peppermint schnapps and slid it across her kitchen bar. I slung it back and asked for another.

  “I can’t believe that I slept with him last night… I can’t believe that I let everyone convince me that he’s a good guy. He’s a slime ball, just like I thought from the beginning.”

  “You were right.” Janette agreed. “You can say ‘I told you so’ if you want.” She sighed. “He did a really good job of pretending to be a good guy though, you have to give him that.”

  “I bet he didn’t even think about leaving Megan once the whole time he was in my bed.” I insisted. “His bullshit story about not being able to trust me pissed me off more than anything. It was a great way to make me look like the bad guy, instead of just admitting that he was cheating scum.”

  Janette nodded. “You need to forget about him and move on. He’s not worth one more thought… and speaking of thoughts, do you have any on what you’re going to do now that you’re unemployed?”

  “I’m going to keep beating down the doors at the theaters until someone offers me a role.” I told her. “I’m going to meet with Marion and ask her if there’s anything else I can be doing to get in front of casting directors, and I’m going to find work that I actually enjoy.”

  “It’s nice to know that you’ve already thought about it.” Janette teased. “I’m surprised you’re not putting in application already, you’ve been out of work for four whole hours now.”

  “If I have to spend a little of my savings while I look for a job I like, so be it.” I sighed as I tossed back my third shot.

  “That’s the spirit.” Janette smiled. She checked her watch. “I really have to get going, Kate. I’m supposed to be on stage in forty-five minutes. Are you sure that you don’t want to come tonight? Parker and Mark will be there.”

  I shook my head. “I’m just not up for it. Besides, the last thing that I need to do is get drunk and make a fool of myself again. I’m just going to stay home and get everything sorted out in my head.”

  “Alright,” Janette agreed. “You know where we’ll be if you change your mind.”


  I spent the night in my pajamas eating ice cream from the carton and watching movie adaptations of my favorite Broadway shows. I started with Chicago, and then moved one to Oklahoma and Rent. I was sure that I’d never be able to watch Phantom of the Opera again. I feel asleep somewhere in the middle of ‘Seasons of Love’.

  I woke up on the couch early the next morning. The memories of the night before slowly returned to my mind and, for a moment, I considered moving to my bed and staying there all day; then I remembered what Mark had said about fighting for what I want. ‘No.’ I told myself. ‘I will not be defeated. I’m going to get something done today, take a step in the right direction.’

  I rose from the couch, set a pot of coffee to brew, and took a quick shower. I called Marion’s office and to see if she would be able to meet with me; her secretary told me that another client had just canceled and that Marion could see me in an hour. I scheduled the appointment and then rushed around to get out of the apartment on time. I arrived at Marion’s office with five minutes to spare.

  “Good morning, Ms. Harper,” her secretary Marge greeted me. “Mrs. Russo is ready for you, go right on in.”

  “Thank you Marge,” I told her with a smile. Marge was graying and plump; in a lot of ways she reminded me of Mimi. I stepped in to Marion’s office and she welcomed me with a smile.

  “Kate, I’m so happy to see you. I’m glad you’re here, I was going to call you today myself.”

  “You were?” I asked. “Has something happened? Have you scheduled me another audition?”

  “Not just yet, but I did see several directors and producers at a charity event this weekend. They all commented on the way you’re bouncing back from your Phantom audition. I hear that you’ve been a regular at all of the chorus open calls.” She told me.

  I nodded. “I know that I really messed up that day. I wanted to show everyone that I’m serious about what I want, and that I deserve it. I’ll do whatever it takes, that’s why I wanted to see you today.”

  “I’m not sure I can give you any other advice but to keep doing what you’ve been doing.” Marion said. “I’ll keep making calls on our behalf and shopping your portfolio around. Call me if you get a call back from any of the chorus auditions.” She added. “That’s when I’ll step in and negotiate your contract.”

  “Thank you, Marion, I’ll do that.” I told her. “There was actually something else that I wanted to talk to you about, if you have time.”

  “I have about fifteen minutes before my next meeting, what do you need?”

  I explained to her that I’d quit my waitressing job and that I was hoping to find theater related work. “I’d like to work with kids again, like I did in Waterloo.” I told her. “I don’t need much pay… in fact, I can afford to go without pay completely for a little while. I’d just like to refocus all of my efforts on what I love.”

  Marion smiled widely. “Kate, I’m so happy to hear that. I know a lot of different people in the city’s youth theater programs. I’ll email them over lunch and see if anyone needs help. I’ll forward them your resume as well.”

  “Thank you so much, Marion.” I told her again. “I hope you know how grateful I am that you’ve taken me on. I was wondering... do you have any room on your client list?”

  Marion’s smile disappeared. “Kate, I haven’t had room on my client list in six years. I made room for you because you’re talented and because I have a soft spot for my niece.”

  “Yes mam, of course.” I smiled and stood. “Thank you again for everything, I’ll talk to you soon.”


  “Are you sure that you can’t come to the
show tonight?” Janette asked as she rolled her hair in curlers.

  “I’m sure.” I insisted. “I’ve got to be at the Center first thing in the morning for orientation.” I reminded her.

  A week had passed since my last meeting with Marion. She got in touch with her contact at the Manhattan Youth Theater Program, and after an interview and a background check I was given the job. The program was run like a day camp, where kids could learn about all aspects of the theater. I was set to start the next day and eight a.m.

  “Will you get to work with the kids tomorrow?” She asked.

  “I honestly don’t know.” I confessed. “I’ll be learning the computer system and the facility rules in the morning; I’m not sure if I’ll be there all day or not. The kids won’t show up until after the schools let out.”

  “So the early hours won’t be your usual schedule?” Janette asked hopefully.

  “No,” I assured her with a smile. “Once I’m trained, I’ll be free to party with you at night and sleep through the day.”

  “Oh, thank god.” She smiled. “Paul needs someone to talk to at the shows, Mark and Parker make him a little… uncomfortable.”

  “Don’t tell me that you’re dating a homophobic.” I scolded her.

  “No, it’s not that at all. The guys are both professionals… Paul sells weed and does freelance web-design from his apartment. They don’t have much in common…”

  “So you need me to be there so Paul will have someone who’s down on his level?” I asked with a laugh. “Thanks a lot, Janette.”

  “Oh, you know that’s not what I meant. He knows you and he’s comfortable with you.” She explained.

  “I know,” I assured her. “Speaking of Paul, tell him I said thanks again for getting me that detox stuff yesterday.” An unexpected drug test was the final step in securing the job at the Youth Center. The director had called at nine a.m. and given me five hours to get to the lab for the urine analysis. I’d called Janette in a panic; she called Paul, who saved my ass.


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