STAGESTRUCK - The Complete Series

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STAGESTRUCK - The Complete Series Page 21

by Ward, Alice

  “No, I thought that we’d just hail a couple of cabs.” Janette replied.

  “You’re more than welcome to ride with me.” Dylan’s voice called out from behind us. We turned in unison and I saw him approaching with a broad smile on his face. He looked dashing in a black suit and a starched white dress shirt.

  “Family, meet my costar Dylan Matthews. Dylan, these are my parents, Caroline and Carl Harper, my brother Nathan, my grandmother Gloria, and Janette, my best friend.” My family nodded and mumbled their hellos.

  “It’s so nice to meet you all.” Dylan said graciously. “I was just about to head to the party and there’s plenty of room in my car. My driver is pulling it around now, I’d be honored if you’d all ride with me.”

  “Oh, Mr. Mathews, you’re even more charming in person than you are on television.” Mimi rushed. “The honor would be all ours.”

  “It’s settled then.” Dylan grinned. “And please, call me Dylan. There’s Peter now with the car.”

  We watched as a grey stretch limousine pulled up to the curb. A uniformed driver hopped out and opened the back door.

  “Good evening, Mr. Matthews, did you have a good show?”

  “It was fantastic, though the start tonight was Ms. Harper. Kate this is Peter, he’s worked for me since my very first stint on Broadway. I’ve repeatedly asked him to call me by my first name, but he refuses. Peter this is Kate Harper and her family, Caroline, Carl, Gloria, Nathan, and Janette. They’ll be riding with us to the destination I mentioned earlier.”

  “It’s nice to meet you all.” Peter nodded as we filed in to the limo.

  “You’re all determined to keep me the party venue a secret.” I observed as we pulled away from the curb. “I don’t see what the big deal is, I’ll find out in a few minutes.”

  “Well then, you won’t have to be patient much longer.” Mimi said dismissively as she turned to Dylan. “I must say Dylan; I’m impressed by your manners. I wouldn’t expect someone of your stature to take the time to introduce his driver. I bet you remember his birthday too, don’t you?” She smiled.

  “Yes mam,” he blushed. “My mother always said that the biggest measure of a man is how he treats others.”

  “It sounds like you were raised right.” Dad said, joining the conversation. Mom clinched her jaw and I was relieved that he was able to hold her tongue.

  “Thank you, sir. The same can be said for Kate, she’s an amazing woman. You must be incredibly proud of her.”

  “We are.” Dad beamed.

  “Alright guys, we’re here.” Janette announced.

  I looked out the window; we were outside of Syd’s but it didn’t look like Syd’s anymore. Velvet ropes had been set up on either side of a red carpet aisle lit by a giant spotlight. As Mica had predicted, several members of the paparazzi had learned about the party and were lined up against the ropes.

  “Those were just supposed to be for looks, but I guess they’ll serve a purpose.” Janette said as Peter hopped out of the car and circled around to the back passenger’s side door.

  “I can’t believe that you laid a red carpet across the sidewalk.” I told Janette. “That’s awesome.”

  “We transformed the inside too.” She smiled. “It looked fantastic when I left earlier. I didn’t want to tell you we were coming to Syd’s because I didn’t want you to be disappointed. I know it’s not the fanciest place. But I couldn’t imagine celebrating tonight anywhere else, so we dressed it up. Do you like it?” She asked nervously as we stepped through the front door.

  I was speechless as I took in the décor. The entire bar looked like it had been scrubbed from top to bottom. The tables were topped with black linen cloths and adorned with glowing white and gold candles. A string quartet played on stage and mingling waiters held trays of champagne.

  “I love it.” I told Janette. “But you went overboard.”

  “Oh Janette honey, this is just lovely.” Mom said as the rest of our group entered behind us. “I think Mimi needs to sit down, we’ll go ahead and get settled at a table. Will there be food? I’m famished.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Harper, the food will be served in just a little while.”

  “Great. Carl, why don’t you go to the bar and get us something to drink? I’ll have a diet soda and get your mother a glass of wine.”

  “Get me a scotch,” Mimi corrected her. “I’m on vacation.”

  “Now that’s my kind of woman.” Dylan laughed. “Can I escort you to your table?”

  “Well of course you can.” Mimi beamed like a school girl as she wrapped her arm through Dylan’s and he led her to a table.

  My mother’s jaw clenched even tighter and I wasn’t the only one who noticed it.

  “Mom, you promised to keep your mouth shut.” Nathan gently reminded her. “Besides, he doesn’t seem like such a bad guy. You can’t believe everything that you read on the internet.”

  “I’ll keep my mouth shut, I don’t want to ruin Kate’s big night. But I don’t buy his act for a second; he’s just trying to win us over.” Mom insisted.

  “Just be nice.” Nathan said as he led her away.

  “I don’t think I’d like to be around if your mom blows her fuse and tells Dylan what she really thinks of him.” Janette mused as we watched them walk away.

  “You’re here!” Mark’s voice filled the restaurant. I turned to see him and Parker approaching us from the entryway. “We had to make an emergency trip to the market for the kitchen staff. Have you been here long?”

  “No, five minutes tops.” I told him.

  “You were amazing tonight, Kate.” Parker told me. “Mark and I have been talking about the performance since we left the theater. I hope you don’t forget us little people now that you’re a big star.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” I laughed.

  “So, do you like what we’ve done with the place?” Mark asked, gesturing around the bar. “I think that the string quartet was a classy touch. But they’re not on all night, after the food service is over a cover band is going on. They have a big song book that people can make requests from; we thought it would be a fun touch.”

  “This is all amazing,” I told them. “But like I told Janette, you guys went overboard. Just renting the bar for the night must have cost a fortune, not to mention everything else.”

  “I got the signing bonus and Parker landed another big account last week, which landed him a bonus as well. We also had a benefactor, who’s asked to remain nameless.” Janette smiled.

  “I see.” I replied suspiciously. “And was this generous, nameless benefactor my costar or my grandmother?”

  “I’ll never tell.” Janette smiled.

  Syd’s regular bartender took the stage, stepped up to the microphone, and announced that dinner would be served shortly. We joined my family and Dylan at their table just as the wait staff started filing out of the kitchen. I was relieved that the menu was simple: everyone received a variety of food in appetizer sized portions. Our waitress deposited our plates and returned a few moments later with salsa, spinach dip, queso, and a platter of chips and crackers for the table to share.

  “We thought about having a buffet, but the stage was the only place we could have set it up and the bands needed it. I hope we haven’t broken any etiquette rules, having formal service for casual food.” Janette said nervously, glancing at my mom.

  “No honey, it’s lovely.” Mom assured her.

  “It’s perfect.” I added.

  As we ate, my family got to know my New York friends. Janette and my mother were getting on surprisingly well; Mom even accepted a glass of wine when Janette offered to get one for her. Dad was in a serious conversation with Mark about the New York public school system and Mimi was dominating Dylan’s attention.

  “I need another drink.” Parker announced. “Join me at the bar?”

  “Sure,” I agreed. “I doubt that anyone will miss us.”

  We stepped up to the bar and Parker ordered two

  “You remembered!” I smiled.

  “We toasted your first night in the city with Manhattans. It only seems fitting to have one tonight… so, Dylan Matthews is at our table, charming your family. Do you know what you’re doing there, Kate?”

  “I’m not doing anything Parker.” I shrugged. “He’s my costar, he’s being friendly.”

  “I don’t know about that,” he replied. “This is a little overboard for someone who’s just being friendly. If you’re not interested in Dylan, you need to put some distance between you. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who takes no for an answer.”

  “I can’t put much distance between us; I have to work with him every day.” I reminded him. “And maybe I like the attention, is that a crime?”

  “Not at all, I just want you to promise that you’ll be careful. You and Max just broke up a few days ago, I’m not sure you’re ready to get involved with someone new, ESPECIALLY someone that you work with everyday. Not to mention, Dylan doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to his personal life.”

  “I appreciate your concern Parker, but I can handle myself. As for Max, I doubt that he’s wasting any time thinking about me. We weren’t together very long, I don’t need a mourning period.”

  “Alright, if you’re sure… I really am proud of you, Kate. I knew that you had to be good, but I wasn’t expecting to be blown away. I underestimated you.”

  “So maybe you should trust that I know what I’m doing.”

  “Touché.” He laughed. “We should get back to the table; Dylan looks like he could use a rescue.”

  I glanced back to the table and laughed; Mimi had somehow convinced Dylan to slow dance to the string music.

  “Like I said, he’s interested in more than friendship.” Parker said smugly.

  “Yeah, and he’s making a great case for himself.” I replied. Parker laughed as I set off to rescue Dylan from my grandmother.


  The party finally started winding down around midnight. That’s considered early in New York, but most of the guests were from the theater and everyone was exhausted. I was surprised that my family made it through the evening without falling asleep, and relieved that I didn’t have to take them back to their hotel.

  “We can get in and out of a taxi on our own, darling.” My mother told me as I walked them outside. “We’ve had a wonderful night. Our flight leaves early tomorrow afternoon, are we still doing breakfast at your apartment?”

  “Yes, it will be ready at eight.” I promised. “Sleep well, I’ll see you then.” I hugged them goodbye and waited to make sure they got into the cab safely. I watched them pull away from the curb and then ducked back in to Syd’s. Janette, Parker, and Mark were taking down the decorations while a few stragglers lingered around the bar.

  “Can I help with that?” I asked Janette.

  “This is your night Kate, we can handle the cleanup. Besides, someone’s waiting on you.” She replied, nodding to the back corner of the bar. I turned and saw Dylan sitting at a small table. He smiled and gestured for me to join him. I lifted one finger and mouthed “Just a second.”

  I took Janette by the arm and pulled her towards the ladies’ room. “I need to talk to you for a second.” I whispered. We stepped into the room and I locked the door behind us.

  “What’s going on?” She asked. I told her about the conversation Dylan and I had had in my dressing room just before show time.

  “And now he’s out there waiting for me. He’s so hot, Janette. When we were on stage together tonight, I felt like I was falling for him. But I don’t know if that was real, or if it was the excitement of the show, or…”

  “Kate, you’re over thinking this.” Janette insisted. “Dylan spent the whole night charming your family and now he’s out there waiting for you. Just sit down and talk to him, and see where it goes from there. Do whatever feels right.”

  I took a deep breath. “Okay, I can do that. Thanks Janette.”

  “No problem,” she said as she pushed open the door. Janette joined Mark and Parker at the front of the bar while I made my way to Dylan’s table.

  “I took the liberty of getting us one last drink.” He told me as I took my seat. “I noticed you were drinking Manhattans earlier.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled. I was already pretty drunk and I knew that the Manhattan would push me over my limit, but I drank it anyway. “Dylan, I know that you want to finish our talk, but I’m just not…”

  “Kate,” he interrupted, “the last thing I want to do right now is talk. Do you want to get out of here?”

  “Yes I do,” I replied without thinking.

  A broad smile spread across Dylan’s face. He stood, took me by the hands, and helped me to my feet. “Peter’s outside with the car.” He explained as he led me to the door. We stopped to say goodbye to my friends; Janette and Mark gave me knowing smiles as I left with Dylan, but Parker just looked disappointed.

  “I don’t think your friend Parker likes me very much,” Dylan observed as we slid into the back of the limousine.

  “He’s just protective of me, he’ll come around.” I assured him.

  Dylan wrapped one arm around me and gently caressed my bare shoulder. He leaned over, kissed my neck lightly, and brought his lips to my ear. “You were absolutely amazing tonight Kate.” He whispered.

  “You were pretty amazing yourself.” I said through heavy breaths. “I think we make a good team.”

  Dylan flicked his tongue against the soft flesh behind my earlobe and I melted into him. I squeezed his upper thigh as his left hand slipped under the top of my dress. Giving in to the moment, I moved my hand north and massaged his stiff cock through his slacks.

  “Oh Kate,” he groaned. “I can’t wait to get you home.”

  As if on cue, the limo slowed to a halt. Peter lowered the blacked out glass divider and announced that we’d arrived. Dylan and I pulled away from each other; he thanked Peter and helped me out of the limo. I gasped when I saw the building in front of us and realized where we were. I was certain that Peter had made a mistake and stopped on the wrong block.

  “Home sweet home,” Dylan smiled as he walked towards the arched entrance.

  I followed behind him, dumbfounded. The Dakota is perhaps New York’s most iconic place to live. The historical landmark has been home to some of the world’s most famous and talented people. It also had a notoriously difficult selection committee. Roberta Flack, John Lennon, and Judy Garland had all called the place home; Billy Joel, Melanie Griffith, and Carly Simon had been rejected by the board. I wondered how Dylan had won their approval. “I can’t believe you live here.” I gasped.

  “I do,” Dylan grinned. “I take it you’re impressed?” He held the door open and I stepped into the lobby. The marble room was breathtaking, with high gables and paneled ceilings. Dylan said hello to his doorman and stepped into the elevator; I remained rooted in place, amazed by my surroundings.

  Dylan stuck his head out of the elevator. “Kate, are you coming?”

  I snapped my attention back to the moment and nodded. “I’m sorry,” I explained; I joined him in the elevator and he hit the button for the fourth floor. “I’ve read so much about the building but I never thought I’d actually see it for myself.”

  Dylan nodded. “I felt the same way the first time I came here. You’ll get used to it after awhile.” He assured me.

  “Who are your neighbors?” I asked him, trying not to sound too star struck.

  He laughed. “An investment banker and an heir to an oil fortune, no one you’d be interested in running into in the hallways. You don’t have to be famous to live here, just rich and willing to jump through their hoops.”

  The elevator chimed and the doors swung open. The hallway was as beautiful as the lobby; I couldn’t imagine what to expect when Dylan swung open his door. We stopped at the second door to the right and he pulled out his keys.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” h
e said as we stepped through the doorway. “I’ll pour us one last drink.”

  The apartment was bigger than the house I grew up in. We stood in a giant, open room that had a kitchen and dining area on one end and a living area on the other. Windows lined the far wall, providing views of the courtyard below. Dylan moved to the wet bar on the far side of the living area; I followed slowly behind him and took a seat on the rich, chestnut leather sofa. Dylan poured a double shot into two highball glasses and joined me. I took a glass from him and he lifted his in a toast.

  “To the first of many nights together, on stage as well as off,” he said with a sly grin. He took a sip of his whiskey, set his glass on the coffee table, and turned to embrace me. I busted out in hysterical laughter.

  “Kate?” Dylan asked, confused by my sudden outburst.

  “I’m sorry,” I said through my fit. I laughed so hard that tears filled my eyes and I lost all control of myself. Soon, the tears of laughter became tears of embarrassment but my giggles wouldn’t subside.

  “Kate, I don’t understand what’s going on. Are you all right?”

  I struggled to take a deep breath and calm myself. After a few moments, the tears were still falling but I was able to speak again. “I’m sorry,” I said again, wiping my eyes. “I can’t do this.” I took a long drink of whiskey to calm my nerves.

  “What can’t you do?” Dylan asked softly.

  “Any of this,” I explained. “This isn’t me Dylan. I’m not the girl who gets driven around in fancy cars and has photographers line up to take her picture. I’m the girl no one talked to in high school. The show and the clothes and the press… it’s all so much to take in. And now there’s you… it can’t all be real. This kind of stuff happens in movies, not to girls like me.”

  Dylan gave me a kind smile. “I remember that feeling; I had it for the first two years of my career. I know it seems impossible right now Kate, but all of it is real, you deserve it, and it’s only going to get better from here. You’re beautiful, and sexy, and if people didn’t talk to you in high school it was probably because you intimidated the hell out of them. You are the most talented actress I’ve ever worked with and I think that together, we could be unstoppable.” He finished softly.


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