Predator's Fire

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Predator's Fire Page 13

by Rosanna Leo

  Lloyd’s smile grew tight. “I’d like to see you try. My bear woman will scratch your eyes out, pipsqueak.”

  “Okay,” interrupted Ryland. “Back to the matter at hand. Killian, your folks were pretty crazed when they left here.”

  “They’ve been pretty crazed forever.”

  “So what are your thoughts on beefing up security here? I’m assuming we need to.”

  “They admitted the Alpha Brethren were the ones who intimidated Janine. They threatened Nina and expressed their distaste for shifter/human couplings. They tried to flay me and my brothers when we were kids. So, yeah, considering August Crane is just as deranged as my parents, we need to beef up security.”

  “How big a group do you think Crane has?”

  Killian considered, swallowing the ball of revulsion in his throat as he allowed painful memories back in. “It’s hard to say. I haven’t attended a prayer meeting since my teens, but even then Crane had hundreds of shifters on his side. Mostly drifters and rejects, many without a conscience.”

  “I’ve been researching different security options,” said Bart. “None of them are ideal. Hell, we live on an island. It’s not as if we can fence ourselves in.”

  “No,” said Ry with an emphatic shake of his head. “I built this resort so shifters would feel free. I won’t pen anyone in. We’re not animals…completely.”

  “Are the Alpha Brethren armed?” asked Bart.

  “Only with their shifter abilities,” replied Killian. “If a showdown happens, we’re not talking guns and knives. It’ll be teeth and claws.”

  “Good,” said Soren, his lips twisting into a grim smile. “We’ll kick their asses old school. No one insults my mate.”

  Ryland brought forward a large map of the island and spread it on the table between them. “Bart and I have been reviewing the island, looking for spots of vulnerability. Most of our people arrive at the dock, of course, but that doesn’t mean Crane and his band of merry men couldn’t sneak here elsewhere. For the most part, the island provides many natural defenses. Craggy areas, rapids on the north and east sides. Even a shifter would find it hard to breach those locations. I think if we’re planning to post guards anywhere, we need to prop up the south and west, near the beaches.”

  “I agree,” said Bart. “I could station men in those areas and call for reinforcements from our shifter police friends on the mainland.”

  “We have those old observation towers,” reminded Killian. “I know we don’t really use them with the tourists much, but they’d make good lookouts. And we could erect some more in the vulnerable areas.”

  “If we need to,” said Lloyd, “we can post groups of men around the clock.”

  While the men discussed some of the logistics, Killian’s gut rumbled with unease. He stood up and left the table, pacing at the end of the room, needing air. A headache sprouted at the back of his brain, gaining power with every second.

  What was she doing? Was she thinking of him, too? If push came to shove, would he be able to defend Nina in any circumstance?

  His jaguar reached out a paw, sharp claws extended with the need to protect their female.

  Yes. So help him, he’d go to his grave defending her.

  The depth of the emotion twisted his intestines into knots. If only he had her near, if he could just see her for a few minutes to make sure she was okay. Perspiration gathered on his brow, on his lip and a nervous trickle wound down the back of his neck.

  Maybe it would be better if she left Gemini Island. He should send her away, somewhere far and safe. Even as he considered what was surely the most honorable option, every sinew in his body screamed to have her near.

  If his parents were truly mad enough to follow up on their threats, would she be better off in a new home or at his side? Could he even bear to be parted from her, or would it feel as if his heart were being torn from his chest?

  Sucking back shallow breaths, he sat at the table again and rested his forehead on it.

  How could he let her go now that he’d basked in her smile and tasted her skin?

  A hand touched his shoulder. He looked up.

  Ryland grinned. “Bud, we won’t let anything happen to our families. That includes Nina now.”

  “Thanks, but I wonder if I should send her away for her safety.”

  The mated men in the room exchanged a look of skepticism.

  “Good luck, dude,” said Soren. “Now that you’ve done the nasty, it’ll be hard to let her out of your sight. The old mate bond ought to be fucking with your head right about now.”

  As if on cue, nausea swept over Killian in an unmerciful wave. As he battled the urge to keel over, his jaguar prowled inside him.

  We need to see her. It’s the only thing that will make us feel good.

  “I gotta go,” he said, pushing away from the table and heading toward the door as if escaping a burning building.

  “And there goes the formerly-mighty jaguar shifter Killian Moon,” declared Connor, putting on the voice of a National Geographic documentarian. “Laid to waste by a female. Pathetic.”

  As Killian headed outside, he heard the telltale thumps as his friends took turns pummeling Connor.

  * * * *

  Killian barged into the resort’s Italian restaurant, past the maître d’. He spotted Lia, Gioia, and Charlotte.

  No Nina.

  His pulse sped up. Surely if he looked at his chest, he’d see the outline of a madly-thumping heart. Where was she? Taking a breath to calm himself, he hoped she was in the bathroom. He tried to catch her scent over the handmade pizzas and ravioli in vodka sauce, but not even a hint of cherry blossom remained.

  He raced to the table where the women sat. "Where's Nina? Is she okay?"

  They all smiled, knowing his pain. Lia spoke for the group. "She's fine, just a little under the weather."

  Damn. Did someone just punch him? He could have sworn someone just punched him.

  She reached out and gave his arm a squeeze. "Killian, I know this sounds a bit personal, but did you and Nina mate yet?"

  He felt the hot blush as it crept across his face. "Sorta. I haven't marked her, though. It's all happening so quickly."

  "Yeah," interjected Charlotte, rubbing her baby tummy. "You might want to jump on that, sport.

  Gioia laughed at Charlotte. "You’re one to talk! How long did it take you and Bart to get together? A decade?”

  “That was different,” replied Charlotte. “We were, well, idiots.” She grinned at him. “Killian’s smarter. Aren’t you?”

  “Still,” said Gioia. “This mate stuff is a little overwhelming. You can’t fault Killian for wanting to slow things down. However, my boy,” she said, turning to him, “I think she's suffering from the mate bond already. She was fine when she left you earlier, but the moment she got into the restaurant, she became pale and complained of a headache. We could tell the bond has made her a little loopy. She was totally distracted. We walked her back to her cabin so she could rest."

  He leaned on one of the chairs, a little sick for her. So she felt it, too. Of course, he knew she would, but this soon? Fate had a funny way of working things out sometimes. "Thanks for taking care of her, ladies."

  "No sweat," replied Charlotte, winking as she grabbed a hunk of garlic bread. "You want something to eat before the big conquest?"

  "No, thanks. I'd like to check on Nina. You girls take care." With a smile, thankful to have friends who understood wacky shifter urges, he left the restaurant.

  He raced to her cabin, knocking gently on the door when he arrived. No one answered, but he could smell her skin and hair through the barrier. The scent poured into his lungs as he inhaled, calming him and his love-struck cat. He knocked again, a little louder, but she still didn't respond. He tried the door and found it unlocked, so he opened it and crept in. Although pleased she'd left it open for him, he'd have to talk to her about locking doors from now on. He didn't lik
e to think anyone else might be able to saunter in.

  The cabin was dark, all lights extinguished and blinds pulled over the windows. "Nina?" he called in a quiet voice.

  The sound of shallow breathing landed on his ear. He moved into her bedroom and found her on the bed, asleep, but fitful. Curled into a tight ball, holding her stomach, Nina frowned. She mumbled, as if having a nightmare, and he was sure he heard her say his name once or twice. Beads of perspiration dotted her brow, so he touched a hand to her face, smoothing it over the clammy skin.

  She calmed immediately.

  Just as he touched her, his own heart ceased its erratic beat and fell into a regular pulse. He was fine as long as he could touch her, see her, and smell her.

  He removed his clothes and slid into bed, curling around her body. She wore a T-shirt and panties and he wished he could rid her of her garments, but didn't want to disturb her. Instead, he held her and kissed the back of her neck, absorbing her sweetness. His jaguar lay still inside him, prostrate before its image of Nina, big head resting on its paws. The animal closed its eyes, happy to be with her again. As emotion tore through his heart, Killian closed his eyes, too.

  Just as he felt ready to drift off, she turned in his arms and faced him in the darkness. He opened his eyes and smiled. "Hey, sleepy head. I heard you were unwell."

  "Yeah," she confirmed, covering her mouth as she yawned though the word. "It was so weird. It came out of nowhere. I felt…almost seasick." She gazed at him in the darkness, stroking his cheek, playing with his stubble. "I missed you."

  "I missed you, too. More than is probably appropriate at this stage of the game."

  "I'm not sure I understand what's appropriate anymore, Killian. It…hurt not to see you. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but whenever I pictured you, the feeling got stronger. Every time I thought of you, which was pretty much the whole time you were gone, my stomach pitched. How weird is that? You must think I'm a clingy nut job."

  He let out a soft laugh, gliding his hand under her shirt to caress her waist. Peace settled in his bones as his touches grew more intimate, and he explored the soft curves at her lower back and bottom. "No, you're not. You're my mate."

  "You mean you haven't decided to head for the hills yet?"

  "Not unless you head there with me." He angled his head so he could kiss her, not with hunger, as he so wanted. His caress was soft, as he could sense she needed. He did allow his tongue to flick against her lips, just so he could enjoy her taste and keep it with him, for he could tell the pounding headache inspired by the mate bond hadn't abated in her yet. As much as he wanted to ravish her, she needed her sleep. Although still shaking with the strange tremors of longing, she opened to him and her tongue stroked his. She moaned with soft urgency, and he almost lost himself, wanting to move between her legs. However, she grabbed at her stomach as the mate bond tortured her once more.

  "What's happening to me?"

  "We call it the mate bond. When a shifter meets his mate, he's driven by a powerful need to claim her. If both partners are shifters, it tends to drive them both a little crazy, making them feel uneasy and sick when they're not in each other's presence."

  "But I'm not a shifter."

  "Yeah, it's a bit unusual for a human to feel the same way, but not unheard of." He pulled her closer, tangling his legs with hers. "You need to know these things before we go further, Nina. If I mark you and we mate, you'll become like me. You'll age very slowly, you'll become impervious to certain illnesses and wounds, and you'll develop the same kinds of abilities as me."

  She was quiet for a long time, so long he wondered if she'd drifted off to sleep again. But then she stirred and raised herself up on her elbow. She smiled. "Does that mean I'll be a fearsome she-leopard?"

  He laughed, glad she was taking the news well. "You'll be Mrs. Jaguar, thank you very much, and if you keep that up, I'll tan your sweet ass."

  She snuggled in closer to him and sighed. "I'd like to see you try."

  "Don't tempt me, sweet thing. I'm at breaking point already." He ran a hand over her hair and kissed her brow. "Despite my raging hard-on, though, I'm going to have mercy on you tonight and let you sleep so you feel better in the morning."

  She slipped a hand between his legs and massaged his length. "Wow. You weren't kidding."

  Groaning, he extricated her hand and linked it with his. "Morning, sweet thing. Be ready for me in the morning, 'cause I'll be coming for you, trust me."

  They lay together in happy silence for a few moments when she moved in his arms. "Killian?"


  "If we're going to do this mate thing, can I ask a favor?"


  "Before we…do it, I’d like to see my parents.”

  He pulled back a couple of inches so he could peer into her eyes. “I’ve made you nervous with all the mate talk.”

  “No. I mean, maybe a little. It’s a big step. And by becoming like you, I’ll be less like them, right?”

  He dipped his head in a grave nod. “Yes. You’ll outlive them and everyone you know. There’s really no way to live in both worlds, Nina. I know I’m asking a lot of you. I’m not saying you need to stop seeing your parents, but at some point, it’ll become clear you’re not like them. For the safety of the shifters in my world, you’d need to, well…”

  “Give up my world.”

  “That’s right.” He stroked her cheek. “It’s not too late to say no. I’ll respect your decision.” He rubbed his face as he considered the sad implications. “Just understand, we’re it for each other, so choosing human life won’t make either of us any happier.”

  She gazed at him, her dark eyes shining in the dark. “I understand what you’re saying.” She ran her thumb over his bottom lip. Unable to resist, he pulled it into his mouth, sucking gently. “And I choose you. I want to live with you in your world.”

  He released her thumb and grasped her hand, squeezing. “Thank you.”

  “But could we visit my parents before you mark me? I guess I just want to see them while I’m still the daughter they always knew. It's really important to me."

  "Then it's important to me, too. I’ll talk to Ry and get my shifts covered for the next couple of days. Why don't we visit your folks tomorrow?"

  "Thank you." She kissed him on the neck, letting her tongue smooth over the hollow at his throat. "By the way, I feel better now that you're here."

  He grinned, gladder than a sugar addict cutting into a newly-baked seven-layer cake. "I know, baby. Me, too."

  * * * *

  “I can’t wait to meet your parents,” said Killian as they pulled into their neighborhood.

  She grinned at him, her heart filled to bursting. When’d she’d told him she needed to see her folks, she’d hoped he’d understand. He did, proof positive her mate was a good man. And now, in the car and headed toward the suburban Toronto neighborhood where she was raised, she felt as many shivers of excitement as of nervous anticipation. “They’ll love you.”

  As I do.

  Hold on a minute, Nina. Yes, he’s kind and protective and so damn fine, but you’ve known him all of five minutes. Yes, the universe has thrown you together in some weird twist of furry fate, but love?

  No sense trying to label it any further right now. After all, she’d only just learned shifters exist other than in fantasy books. Her poor brain needed respite.

  Yet she appreciated things moved quickly with shifters. She’d seen and experienced it, and so far, it all felt right, strangely enough. It seemed, in many ways, more normal than normal. Shoot, if she’d mentioned meeting the parents this soon to any of her human exes, they would have feigned amnesia to get out of her clutches. Even her toe-obsessed dentist.

  Killian understood her. He clearly wanted her to be happy. The resulting head rush was enough to make her giggle into her palm and seek out an appropriate tree on which she could immortalize their union with carved in
itials and a big heart. He made her giddy.

  And, oh, how she wanted him.

  Even now, sneaking peeks as he maneuvered the car down her old street, she had to suppress a girlish sigh at the sight of his biceps. To say nothing of how his heated glances inspired her to suffer lightheadedness.

  “Number 27, right?” he asked, checking out the addresses. “27 Simpson Avenue?”

  “You got it. It’s the back split with the red garage.”

  He pulled into the driveway, parked, and turned off the ignition. Smiling, he turned to her. “Ready?”

  “Yeah.” She hadn’t seen her mom and dad since Janine’s funeral and with everything going on, she hadn’t really answered their texts with anything more than a few words. She bolted out of the car and headed up the tumble stone walkway while Killian retrieved their bag from the back seat. Anxious, she rang the bell, but stuck her own key in the lock and opened the door. “Mom. Dad. It’s me.”

  Silence greeted her only for a moment. As she moved down the front hall, a photographic shrine to her many stages of development, she heard her mother’s scream.

  “Nina, go away!”

  Followed by an animalistic roar, it forced her heart into her throat. Even before she could call for Killian, he was there. Tossing their bag to the side, he darted past her in the hallway and raced into the master suite, as if following his nose.

  “Stay back,” he warned as he entered her parents’ bedroom.

  “I don’t think so.” She ran after him.

  She knew the sight in the master bedroom would haunt her the rest of her days, if they managed to get out of there alive. Her dad lay slumped in a corner, blood on his face, an enormous brown bear towering over him. Her mother, still conscious and kicking, was pinned to her lilac quilted bedspread by a huge jaguar, one whose open mouth dripped hunger.

  As much as she should probably faint from terror, she stood paralyzed, unable to tear her gaze from the jaguar’s rosettes. Something about the black whorls seemed familiar, like the name of a school mate from long ago, on the tip of her tongue.

  Shoot. She shouldn’t be analyzing rosettes now. Surely she was on the path to insanity. She took a step forward, worried about her dad’s pallor. “Mom?”


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