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Rendezvous Page 23

by Lane, Arie

  “You can wear it around the house,” he suggests.

  “No way in hell are you ever going to catch me in a Mumu. Over my dead body, Bitch Boy. You like it so much, let’s see you parade around the house in that shit.”

  I end up leaving the store with three baggy shirts and two pairs of pants I’m sure I could fit at least two other people in. And I’m pretty sure somewhere in one of those bags is that heinous garment that Dante was holding up.

  Chapter 22


  It’s a week before my birthday and Bentley has been spending hours on something in the kitchen. I plan to keep her company and lighten the mood. Instead I say something that sets her off as she slams the knife in her hand down onto the counter and looks up at me.

  “If you say so much as one more word, I swear on all things holy, I will slice off your manhood, grind it into sloppy joe and serve you that shit for dinner.”

  I laugh at her as I reply, “You wouldn’t do that, you’re as attached to my dick as I am.”

  I think I’m being cute, but she storms out of the room, leaving me standing here like an idiot. I’m about to go apologize, but before I can, I get a crack against the side of my head. Turning around I find a very pissed off Dante.

  “What the fuck did you say to her? That poor girl has been slaving away in this kitchen to make your birthday dinner. She’s been on the phone with Aggie for hours making sure she gets every step right since it takes days to make whatever fucking dish it is that Aggie makes you. And you have to come in here and antagonize her,” he bitches.

  “I swear, Dante, I was just teasing her. She was concentrating so hard on cutting that onion; I thought she’d pop a blood vessel. I was just trying to lighten the mood,” I answer sheepishly.

  “Lighten the mood. How exactly is picking on an already overly self-conscious pregnant woman lightening the mood?” Pointing at the knife, he continues, “You’re lucky she didn’t stab your ass, Baby Cakes. If that was me you were poking at, I’d have filleted your ass raw!”

  Holding my hands up in surrender, I back up slowly. “I get it. I’ll go find her and apologize.”

  “Like hell you will. The only thing you’re going to tell that woman is what the fuck you want for your birthday. She’s been off her rocker nuts, asking everyone within shouting distance what the fuck to get you. It’s bad enough she feels like shit that you always seem to know exactly what she would want. Don’t make her feel any fucking worse about it. Put her and us out of our fucking misery and give the woman a hint.”

  I look up at Dante like he’s insane. Why would Bentley be making such a big deal over nothing? I told her straight up I don’t want anything. She already gave me the only thing I could ask for when she upped her release date and agreed to attend the signing.

  “Dante, I don’t want anything from her from my birthday. At least not something she can buy, or make,” I say, motioning to the food on the counter.

  “That isn’t good enough. She’s not going to not get something for you just because you tell her not to. She’s a woman. Everything has a double meaning. If she said that to you and you did nothing, you wouldn’t have an ass left once she was done chewing it off.”

  “I’m serious though, Dante. What I want from her isn’t something she can do,” I lean in close so I can’t be overheard. “It’s what she can say,” I whisper, while looking down at the small box I pulled from my pocket.

  Dante gasps, then covers his mouth while trying to hide his excitement. “You’re planning to ask her again? Well not really again since you never got the chance the first time, since she took off and all. I assume when you say all she can give you is…you’re hoping she says yes. When are you doing this? I want to be there, I need to see her face,” he replies in excitement.

  “I have it all planned out. All she needs to do is show up for the book signing, and yes I’m hoping she says yes. Otherwise I’m going to look like a fucking idiot in front of hundreds of people.

  I swear Dante to secrecy, which is no easy feat since the man has absolutely no self-control. If he had free reign, I’m sure everyone within a five hundred mile radius would know what I’m planning.

  I spend the next four days trying to avoid pissing Bentley off. I have almost succeeded until she comes downstairs wearing the ugliest thing I had ever seen.

  “Would you please tell Dante that this is not attractive,” she pleads.

  I didn’t know if this is one of the moments where I should be honest, or lie and tell her no matter what she wears she’ll be beautiful. The truth is this thing makes her look like an overstuffed cow, and the black and white animal spots aren’t helping. I guess in hindsight I should have just done as she asked, but instead I try flattery.

  “Baby, that looks beautiful on you.” I say, trying to sound as sincere as possible. I’m trying to be endearing but the pained expression on my face likely gives me away.

  “Don’t patronize me, asshole. I know I look like something that belongs is a fucking hay field. Is it really too hard for you to just be honest and tell the fucking idiot that I look like a heifer? Why anyone would want to walk around looking like a fucking moo cow is beyond me,” she screeches with exasperation as she storms back out of the room.

  Instead of going after her to apologize, I go and hunt Dante down. I find him watching a movie with a guy I recognize, but can’t place.

  Tearing into the room I point accusingly at him. “What the fuck were you thinking?” I criticize. “What the hell is that thing you talked Bentley into wearing? She looks like a fucking farm animal. Don’t…” I say cutting him off. “Don’t tell me you think she looks fine. She looks like a hot fucking mess and now she feels like one too. You better get your ass out there and fix this, because I will not have her tear her closet apart again just because her self-image is taking a beating. Fix it!” I said as I stalk back out of the room.


  I feel like I’m constantly being made the butt of everyone’s jokes lately, and the doctor doesn’t think it’s healthy for me or the baby to be sparring. So instead, I take off for a couple of hours each day and practice Tai-Chi. It doesn’t help with my increasing violent tendencies, but it does help me relax.

  I haven’t told Tristan, but I started seeing a therapist to help me get over the shit with Darla. I’m not embarrassed of him knowing, I just don’t want him to be disappointed if she’s unable to help me. The truth is I’m still terrified I’ll be a horrible mother and I need someone other than him to understand my fears. The lady I’m seeing is very understanding and doesn’t mind when I go off on a profanity fueled tangent.

  We’ve made a lot of progress and while Tristan was out with Dante the night before, I took the first step towards getting over one of my fears. I didn’t fully accomplish it, but I did manage to sit on the ledge of the tub with the water up to the middle of my thighs. I got nervous a couple of times and considered getting back out, but once I calmed down and reminded myself no one else’s around, it wasn’t too bad. It’s not much I know, I’m attempting everything in baby steps, so next time I’ll try lowering myself enough for the water to settle around my waist.

  I have been keeping myself busy with my book release so that I’m not dwelling on all of the things worrying me. I damn near lost it over Tristan’s birthday dinner. Thank some lucky stars I have Maddie here to finish what I’ve started, otherwise the whole thing would have been ruined. She’s going to heat it up when I let her know we’re on our way back from the signing so that it’s ready when we get home.

  It’s a small relief but it doesn’t alleviate my anxiety. I’m still at a loss on what to buy for him, and if he tells me one more time he wants nothing, I’m going to stab him with the sharpest kitchen utensil I can find, which right about now is the barbeque fork.

  A few days before Tristan’s birthday, Cage comes through for me, and just as I’m about to explode. Apparently, Tristan has always wanted to spend a weekend at a casino in Vegas. S
o I book a trip for Cage and him and have an allowance added to the room so he doesn’t have to spend his own money to gamble with. Cage figures he’ll back out if he knows about it so instead of telling him, Cage is just going to drag is ass to the airport next weekend. He already has a bag with the shit he’ll need stowed away, so the only thing he’ll have to do is get Tristan in the car.

  Tristan and Cage get home the day before the signing, and neither speaks of what happened. I know the whole what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas bullshit, but I thought they would at least say they had fun. Instead neither of them speaks, as they give each other a nod and head in different directions.

  The next morning Tristan loads the car with my books, swag, banners and other things I will need for the signing. He insists I not lift a finger, so instead I sit in the car with my ever expanding belly. I swear in these past few weeks it has doubled in size. I told Tristan the night before that I really miss being able to see my feet. He thought I was joking until I almost fell down the steps because I couldn’t see where they were.

  When we get to the event, I have to slap several wandering hands away from me as they try to rub my belly. While I joke with Tristan about it being like the Buddha’s, some people actually believe it is lucky to rub the hell out of it. I on the other hand find it to be creepy and utterly inappropriate. I’m about to lose my shit when some random stranger walks up behind me and starts groping it. Just as I’m about to flip the fuck out though, Dante appears out of nowhere to let the lady know in no uncertain words just how tasteless her actions are.

  Several guys that Tristan knows stop to congratulate him. Tristan is in his glory as he tells everyone how we are expecting a baby girl. I raise my eyebrow and tease him a few times when he says slips up and says he’s expecting. He has just slipped again when he catches himself and looks over at me. I laugh at him and shake my head. “You know for someone who only had to do a few minutes’ worth of work, you sure are making big claims. In fact, if I remember correctly, you can’t even call what you did work. Now if you somehow want to trade places with me and carry her around yourself, then you can by all means take credit for making this baby. Otherwise I’m pretty sure it’s me that’s expecting, since I’m the one she’s growing inside of, and I’m the one who in a few months from now will be delivering her,” I tease.

  “Your right darling,” he snickers. “But I’ll be the one sitting by your side as you do everything in your power to crush every bone in my hand and call me everything imaginable under the sun. And I’ll still love you more than anything else in this world,” he smirks before planting a chaste kiss on my lips.

  “Don’t you try to sweet talk me, Buddy,” I joke. “I know the only reason you’re sticking around is so you can be wrapped around her little finger. Don’t think I don’t notice how you call her daddy’s little girl. She’s not even here yet, and you’re already trying to conspire against me.”

  He laughs at me as I pretend to pout, and gently lifts my chin so I‘m looking up into his eyes. “I won’t lie and say I don’t already love her. But how can I not, when you made her? You will always be number one in my life, Bentley, she’ll just be coming in at a really close second, or maybe one and a half.”

  Now it was my turn to swoon. The man is adorably ridiculous, and he always knows what to say to my heart want to pound out of my chest.

  “Tristan, you aren’t actually supposed to determine who is more important. I’m not bothered by the fact that you love her, it’s what you’re meant to do. I don’t need your undivided attention. I just need you,” I admit.

  The next hour is filled with signing both new and older books, taking pictures, and meeting the amazing people who enjoy my writing. I lose track of Tristan at some point and don’t see him again until everything is winding down.

  He gives me his trademark sexy smirk, and hands me a book. “Can you sign this one for me, Baby?”

  I look up at him and wonder what he’s playing at. I can’t think of any reason he’d want a signed book from me, or why he would choose here to ask for it. Nonetheless, I take the book from his hand and grab a pen. The cover shows the book I just released. The only problem is I haven’t received the printed copies of it yet.

  I open the cover to the book, but I don’t recognize anything inside of it. As I flip the page I see my title, The Story of Us, but that’s it. I flip through a couple more pages and they are all blank. Turning the next page, on the left is the picture of my sonogram. I look over to the right and instead of seeing my chapter marker, I see my name. I start to read the page in curiosity, wondering what I’m looking at.


  I can remember the moment I saw her. She was standing at the counter with her hair a mess of melting snowflakes and water droplets. I was so enamored that I wasn’t watching where I was going and slammed right into her.

  When she looked up at me, I was instantly lost in the vast sea of green and gold that hid behind her water speckled glasses. Her eyes were mesmerizing. When she opened her mouth, I was graced with a tongue lashing by the sweetest sounding voice I’d ever heard.

  It was in that very moment that I knew I was in love. I knew right away that the woman in front of me was my destiny. I learned just how tragic her life has been, and how hard she’s fought to have a future.

  I knew early on the chances were pretty good that this woman would break my heart. She proved me right, but not in the way I’d expected. I never understood what it meant to have to fight for love until fighting was my only option.

  Bentley taught me what it meant to love someone unconditionally. What it meant to lose everything. When she walked away from me, she left me with everything, and nothing at the same time. I knew I would never survive the rest of my life without her by my side.

  She is a stronger fighter than any man I’ve ever met, and she is relentless in her pursuits. It took a miracle to bring her back into my arms, and in return, I was blessed with an even bigger miracle. As I write these words, the love of my life is carrying a child who will forever embody the eternal love she and I share.

  So it is in this moment that I stand before this woman who has captured my very heart and soul, and ask that she make my one everlasting wish come true.

  Will you Marry Me, Bentley?

  I look up from the page, tears flooding my eyes, to see Tristan down on one knee with a ring I never thought I would see again. I’m so choked up, the only thing I can do was shake my head yes. Luckily, he understands just fine. Before I can blink, he is on the other side of the table, lifting me in his arms.

  Though I can hear all the of commotion around me, the hoots and claps and the romantic sighs, none of it registers as he slips the ring onto my finger and captures my lips against his. When he steps away from me again, I look down at the ring and a new wave of emotion sweeps over me. I can’t believe what I’m wearing.

  Years ago, I passed this jewelry store while out with Dante. I never showed him the ring, but I told him if I ever got engaged, that the ring from that shop will be the one I’ll wear. For years I passed by that jeweler and for years I continued to tell myself that I was meant to have that ring. I’d fallen in love with that ring, but I never showed it to anyone. I simply admired it through its glass casing. To me, it was really just a pipedream since I never had any intention of getting engaged. I never planned on letting anyone get that close to me.

  There is no way for Tristan to know what that ring meant to me. It’s a one-of-a-kind piece, so he couldn’t have found it anywhere else. He bought that ring, my ring, before I left him. I can’t believe that he held onto it all of this time. That even when I had my doubts, he still believed in this crazy fate that we were meant to belong to each other.

  I stand here smiling like an idiot as everyone admires the beautiful jewel on my finger. Looking up, I see him watching me intently and I just have to know. “How did you know? I know Dante must have said something, but how did you know which one?”

  He smile
s back at me and responds. “Dante told me where to find the jeweler. When I stepped into the store I looked through the case and that ring,” he says gesturing to my finger, “it stood out like a diamond in a coal mine. It made all of the others look dull in comparison. When I looked at it closer, I just knew. It’s everything you are: elegant, breathtaking, enchanting, and its depth houses mystery and intrigue. I’ve always said you’re a conundrum wrapped in an enigma. While I understand you a slight degree better, I know I’ll spend the rest of my lifetime unearthing your secrets.”

  For the first time ever, I know what it feels like to be a lovesick fool. Maybe it’s my hormonal emotions, or his grand romantic gesture, but either way I‘m completely and utterly engrossed in my love for this man.

  Chapter 23


  When we get back to the house as everyone piled into the living room, I burst through the door screaming, “She said yes!” By everyone I mean almost everyone, I mean all of the people Bentley has come to care about: Cage, Jacob, Marco, Aggie, Mrs. Anders, and Maddie. There are still a few people missing but I’m working on that.

  I know Bentley worked her ass off to make a special dinner, but Marco convinces us all to go out and celebrate. I can tell by the time dinner arrives, the day has taken its toll on her. Even though she’s excited, it looks as though she’ll pass out any moment. We have so much to celebrate. I pass around the photo of the sonogram, keeping the baby’s name to myself, while Bentley retells every one of my proposal.

  Marco wastes no time in jumping the gun though. I want to ease Bentley into my plans, but before I can, Marco blurts them out. “Tristan informed me that he’s planning to have the wedding before the baby is born. That doesn’t leave us much time to organize, though I think it should be done either in the gardens or on the beach.”


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