Dragon Proposing (Torch Lake Shifters Book 2)

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Dragon Proposing (Torch Lake Shifters Book 2) Page 15

by Sloane Meyers

  Rachel gave him a weak, unconvinced smile, but said nothing else. Jake tried again to rack his brain for something to say that wouldn’t relate to the High Council’s announcement today, but he found it impossible to think about anything else. The announcement was like an elephant in the room, waiting to be acknowledged. Rachel was the first to acknowledge it, although she seemed as reluctant to talk about it as Jake did.

  “So, uh, I guess you saw the press conference today?” She looked at her feet as she spoke, so Jake had no way of knowing what sort of emotion might be swirling in her eyes right now.

  “Yeah, I saw it.”

  She nodded. “I guess that means we can call off our engagement, huh?”

  “Guess so.” Jake felt like his heart was dropping from his chest to his feet, and continuing on through the floor of the tree house to smash into a million pieces on the ground below. This was it. This was where things ended between Rachel and him. Rachel let out a long sigh, and finally looked up at him.

  “Well, thank you for being willing to marry me. And for apologizing last night. It means a lot to me that you did. I hope we can still be friends. Maybe I’ll even stop by the Winking Wizard and drink a beer every now and then.”

  Her smile was brave, and her eyes determined. She was doing her best to remain upbeat about this, but something was bothering her, too. Was she upset that she’d slept with him last night, only to have their engagement unexpectedly broken off today? He felt he should say something to soothe her feelings. He owed her at least that much.

  “Look, Rachel. About last night. I don’t regret what we did, even though everything changed today. I…I had a really good time. It was really special.”

  Rachel blushed and looked down. “It’s no big deal. We were both carried away by the moment. It happens. Like I said, I hope we can still be friends. And feel free to stay at my place as long as you need to. There’s no rush to move out tonight or anything like that.”

  Jake could only stare at the top of her head. She still didn’t look up. No big deal? he wanted to scream. It happens? Didn’t you feel what I felt? The connection? The lifemate bond? She must not have. If she had, she wouldn’t be here, so casually brushing off their intimate encounter and engagement. With a heavy heart, Jake began to stand. He was about to say that he would head back to his room and pack up, with plans to move out tomorrow, but something stopped him.

  Was he a dragon, or not? Was he a man willing to fight for the woman he loved, or not? He always encouraged his friends not to sit by while their lifemates slipped away from them, and yet here he was about to do the same thing. If he had to lose Rachel then so be it. But he at least wasn’t going to lose her without a fight. Before either of them left this tree house tonight, she was going to know how he felt about her.

  “I wasn’t just carried away by the moment last night. I knew exactly what I was doing.”

  She looked up at him warily. “What do you mean?”

  He bent down to sit in front of her on the blanket, taking a deep, nervous breath. Here went everything. “Rachel, I know that this whole thing started out as a business arrangement. There was no romance or love involved, and all we were trying to do was to hold on to your fortune and my shot at being People’s Governor. But somewhere along the line, I fell in love with you.”

  Rachel’s jaw dropped slightly, but she didn’t say anything, and Jake kept talking before she could stop him and tell him he was crazy.

  “It’s true. And I think it happened even before last night. Maybe that’s why I was so hard on you for being rich. I was trying to drown my feelings for you by convincing myself that you and I were too different to truly be a thing. But it didn’t work, because I had already fallen hopelessly over the edge for you. Thank god I realized what a jerk I was being and apologized.”

  “Jake, I…”

  “Wait,” Jake said. “Just let me finish what I’m saying before I lose my nerve. If you don’t feel the same way I do, or you never want to see me again after tonight, I’ll respect your wishes. But I at least need you to know how much I care for you. When I made love to you in the lake last night, it wasn’t just my giving in to passion. Yes, you’re beautiful, and I was overwhelmed with desire. But it was more than just physical desire. It was my heart, telling me that I knew deep down that you and I were meant to be. And after we made love, I felt the lifemate bond forming. I knew then, that destiny had brought us together. What a strange way fate chose to cause our paths to cross, but I knew we were meant to be. I stayed up half the night last night, trying to figure out how to tell you that I loved you. But I finally decided it was better to give you some space. After all, we were getting married. I had all the time in the world to make you see my true feelings for you.”

  “But then the High Council made their announcement today,” Rachel said. Her lower lip was trembling. Jake had no idea whether that was a good sign or not, but he pressed forward.

  “Yes, the High Council made their announcement. And I no longer have all the time in the world. All I have is this moment here. And I know I must sound crazy, and I wouldn’t blame you if you kicked me out of this tree house and out of your house. But Rachel, I have to tell you how much I love you. I don’t want to break off our engagement. I still want to marry you. If you want to delay the wedding now that things aren’t so urgent, so you can have a fancy dress and venue and all of that stuff girls like, then fine. But nothing the High Council said today has changed the fact that I want to spend the rest of our lives together. With nothing material to gain from this anymore, I still choose you.”

  Jake finished speaking, hoping that he had made himself clear enough. His thoughts felt jumbled, and his hands were shaking from the intensity of the emotion that had filled him as he spoke. But he forced himself to hold his gaze steady on Rachel’s eyes. Tears were forming, and he wished she would say something.

  “Please tell me you don’t think I’m crazy,” he said.

  She shook her head, causing a few of the tears to escape. “I don’t think you’re crazy, because I feel the same way.”

  The relief and disbelief that flooded Jake all at the same time made him feel like he was going to faint. “You do?”

  “I do. In fact, I didn’t sleep last night, either, because I couldn’t stop thinking about how to tell you that I was falling for you. And this afternoon, after the High Council made its announcement, I couldn’t bear the thought of coming home. I stayed out for hours, just flying around the lake aimlessly, because I didn’t want to come home and have to face the reality of ending our engagement. I finally told myself that I needed to just be brave and get it over with.”

  Jake closed his eyes, and felt tears pushing at his own eyelids now. He forced them back, but he couldn’t force back the choked sob that rose in his throat. “Oh, Rachel. I think this might be the happiest day of my life.”

  He reached his hands out to grab her hands. She squeezed his hands tightly, and looked up at him with a smile. Her tears were falling freely now, but he didn’t mind because he knew now that they were happy tears. She tried to blink them back, but they were coming too fast for her to keep them away.

  “I don’t want to break off our engagement,” she said, her voice sounding happy and strong for the first time since she’d joined him in the tree house. “I don’t have a lot of experience with lifemates, but after last night, I felt like you were mine. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid you would freak out, since everything between us was supposed to be business.”

  Jake smiled. “Ok, new rule. From now on, we talk to each other openly. Let’s be honest with each other, and not hide how we feel. We could have both saved ourselves a whole day of anguish if we’d just had a conversation about our feelings last night.”

  Rachel giggled. “Very true. So, on that note, there’s actually something else I have to tell you.”


  “I don’t want to wait to get married. I don’t care about a big wedding. It would be wei
rd to me to have one, with all of my family gone. I think I’d just be sad that they weren’t there. I’d rather stick to our original plan, and have a quick, fun ceremony at the Winking Wizard. As much as I tease you about that bar, I really do love the place.”

  Jake sat back, surprised. “Are you sure? I’m happy to keep our original wedding date, if that’s really what you want. But there’s no rush.”

  “I’m sure. The Dark War taught me that the future is never guaranteed. I don’t want to put off marrying you for a single day more than necessary.”

  Jake grinned. He leaned in and kissed the top of her head. “Well, then. Nothing would make me happier than to marry you in two days. We should probably tell our friends, though. They still don’t even know that we’re together, let alone about to get married.”

  Rachel laughed. “Yeah, we should probably tell them. There’s something else we have to do first, though.”

  “What’s that?”


  She raised her hands to put her palms on his cheeks, and then moved her lips to his, kissing him deeply. He felt an instant stiffening between his legs, and a rush of warmth through his body. She was right. Talking to their friends could wait. There were other, more pressing matters to attend to first.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Rachel had never imagined when she saw this tree house that she would one day be in here kissing her fiancé, her lifemate, and the most handsome man she’d ever met. Yet Jake was all of those things, and here she was, with her lips on his and his arms wrapped around her. This was not at all how she had expected their conversation to go tonight, but she could not have been happier. Her dread and sorrow had been replaced by joy. They were still getting married! He still wanted her.

  Oh, did he ever want her. He pulled her down on her side, lying next to her on the blanket. He never broke their kiss, and she could feel his stiff erection pushing against her. Everywhere his body made contact with hers, she felt a rush of tingling energy. Is this what it meant to love someone, and to truly desire them? Rachel had never felt a passion like this before. Jake drew her in like a magnet. The force on her heart was so strong, but she could not have escaped even if she wanted to.

  And why would she want to? Jake, like every other human being, was far from perfect. But he was perfect for her. They’d had a rough start, but now, he had come to know her as more than just a wealthy heiress. And she had come to know him as more than just a proud dragon. They had seen deep into each other’s souls. Their bodies and hearts were connected. Last night when they made love, she had been so nervous. She’d wondered what Jake meant by it, and whether she would ever have the chance to feel him inside her again.

  She wasn’t nervous anymore. She felt at home in his arms, knowing they both loved each other and their future was secure. And so, she let everything slip away from her mind except the joy she felt at his touch.

  She had been the first to kiss him tonight, but he had quickly taken control. She liked the way his strong arms wrapped around her, and she felt a thrill at the way he pushed his tongue into her mouth with authority. He was a man who knew what he wanted, and was going to take it. And Rachel could think of nothing more she wanted than for him to take her.

  As his tongue explored her mouth, his hands explored her body. He ran his fingers through her hair, loosening it from its neat bun. Then he tickled her back, sending shivers of delight up and down her spine. He reached for her front, massaging her breasts and causing wave after wave of heat to rush through her. He used his palm to cup the curve of her ass, and then squeeze. Rachel was in heaven. She could feel herself growing wetter and wetter between her legs. She wanted him even more than she had last night. She wasn’t quite sure how that was even possible, since last night her desire for him had felt truly overwhelming. But here she was once again melting under his touch.

  His kiss grew deeper and hungrier as he continued to explore. She could feel his stiff dick pressed against her, positioned between her legs. She wanted nothing more than to feel it inside of her. The day had been so long, and she was so tired. But she felt energized in his arms. Like he was able to give her strength where she had none of her own. She pressed closer against him, moving her hips forward to meet his, her body begging for more. He responded with a low growl, and then, he reached for her shirt, tugging at it and pulling it over her head.

  He continued to kiss her as, layer upon layer, their clothes came off. His shirt, his shoes. Her pants, her bra. The pile of discarded clothing grew behind them until they both lay skin to skin, with nothing between them. Rachel felt dizzy from the heat and pressure that filled her. Her thighs were soaked with the wetness that dripped out of her as her whole body begged for more. Jake seemed to sense that she could not take much more waiting. He himself was panting, his body tense and expectant as he moved her gently onto her back and hovered over her.

  Their eyes met, and she held his gaze as he slid into her. Last night had been wild and rough, the water of the lake splashing around them as he moved. Tonight, he was gentle and slow. He filled her completely, deeper than she had ever thought possible, and then he slid his hips back before sliding them forward again. Out and in, out and in. She wanted to hold his gaze. She loved the hunger in his dark brown eyes. But the sensations she felt were too intense. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and let his fire wash over her. His movements were deliberate and purposeful. He was truly making love to her. Rachel felt the pressure grow, sweeter, hotter, and deeper.

  And then, she gave in. Like bursts of fireworks, her release exploded across her body. She moaned and thrashed underneath him, desperate to find relief from the intensity while simultaneously wanting more. Her moans grew louder as the heat continued to pulse through her body. She felt more alive than she ever had as her inner walls pulsed around Jake inside of her, claiming him as her own. Her whole body tingled and throbbed beneath him.

  Jake was not far behind her. With the tremors still rocking her body, she heard him roar, long and loud. He stiffened and thrust into her, hard, then held himself there as he released into her. Together, they let the pleasure overwhelm them. For several long, delicious moments, the rhythm of their releases was in perfect harmony.

  When, at last, he slid out of her and collapsed onto the blanket beside her, Rachel was trembling. He felt it as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, his voice still breathless.

  “Never better,” she murmured. He held her tighter, and nuzzled his nose into her hair. Through the window of the tree house, she could see the stars twinkling between the branches of the tree. The night was still once again, and Rachel sighed happily. She snuggled against Jake and finally gave in to the exhaustion that had been trying to claim her all day.

  When she opened her eyes again, the twinkling night sky had been replaced by a pink-gray dawn. She sat up, surprised, and looked over to see Jake still sleeping beside her, a slight smile on his face. Had they really slept in here all night? She quietly crept over to look out the window. The morning was beautiful. Birds were just starting to sing, and the air felt fresh and crisp. It was going to be a good day.

  Rachel looked back at Jake and smiled. It was going to be a good life, actually. She had never felt so at peace with a decision. She knew with absolute certainty that she and Jake were meant to be. The wizards had never really believed in the concept of lifemates, but Rachel now believed they’d been missing out. She knew that lifemates existed, and she knew Jake was hers.

  Jake blinked his eyes open suddenly, as if he knew she was looking at him. After a moment to get his bearings, he scrambled to his feet.

  “Oh, shit! We slept out here all night? What time is it? We’re going to be late for work.”

  Rachel laughed. “It’s still early, and besides, it’s a long weekend. Today’s a state holiday, remember? No work today. But we do have a wedding to plan.”

  Jake’s expression changed from worried to happy in an instant. He s
tood, then walked over to the window and pulled Rachel into his arms. “We do. But first, I’m going to take my time wishing you a good morning.”

  He put his lips on hers and started dragging her back toward the blanket. Rachel felt a thrill of excitement run through her, and willingly let Jake pull her down.

  Wedding planning was off to a good start.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Two days later, Jake stood on the beach in front of the cove where he and Rachel had first made love. This time, he wasn’t naked, though. He was wearing a crisp white dress shirt and brand new khaki pants. Beside him stood Rachel, wearing a beautiful white sundress and a stunning turquoise necklace.

  They were surrounded by friends. Leif, Russ, and Clint stood beside Jake. Russ’s lifemate Mandy stood next to Rachel. Mandy was back in town after successfully bringing another dragon shifter to Torch Lake, and had become fast friends with Rachel. Also standing beside Rachel was Rachel’s coworker and friend, Julia. Julia was quiet and seemed in awe of the dragon shifters surrounding her, but Rachel had wanted her there. She said that Julia had been the best friend she’d had at work, and that she hoped to hire Julia to work in her music store once it opened. In front of the group stood Joe the bartender, ready to officiate the ceremony. Those were the only guests at Jake and Rachel’s wedding.

  After careful consideration, Jake and Rachel had decided to have their wedding ceremony here, in the secret cove they loved. The setting was too beautiful to pass up. After their vows were said, the whole group would go back to the Winking Wizard for a reception. They would drink their favorite local beers and eat the best burgers and fries that Torch Lake had to offer. Jake knew that there would be plenty of people there who would want to toast his new marriage, and he smiled at the thought. How had he found a girl as perfect as Rachel? She was rich enough to demand a fancy wedding with all the trimmings, but all she wanted was a simple ceremony and laid back party at their favorite bar. He winced, thinking about all the times he’d called her stuck-up and spoiled. How wrong he had been. She was perfect, and he still had to pinch himself to believe she was his. He’d come so close to losing her, but now, on this perfect, sunny Sunday, she was pledging her life to him. Jake could hardly believe it was possible for one heart to contain as much happiness as his did right now.


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