Bear in a Bakery (Estes Park Shifters Book 1)

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Bear in a Bakery (Estes Park Shifters Book 1) Page 8

by Elizabeth Otto

  At one time those words would have gutted her but now… she felt nothing but a mild ambivalence. It wasn’t true; they’d rarely spoken about marriage and she’d never once pressured him to get engaged. No matter what she said, he’d turn it around on her, so she didn’t reply.

  He shook his head and crammed his hands in his pockets. “I wanted to marry you, Allie. I did. But it was always one thing after another with this, this place. And then when I gave you the money for the convection ovens and you made no attempt to pay me back, I knew I couldn’t marry a woman who would take advantage of me like that.”

  Her face went cold, her lips numb. She was so stunned, she couldn’t respond right away.

  “You didn’t give me the money for anything. You… you gave me the ovens as a birthday gift.”

  She recalled how he’d had the delivery men wrap the twin ovens in a huge red ribbons and bows, and probably paid them extra to sing, ‘happy birthday,’ to her while they rolled them in. She’d drooled over those ovens since deciding to open Sticky Sweet, but the cost had been prohibitive. She’d mentioned it once to Blake and he’d surprised her with the purchase.

  Never had they talked about the ovens being on loan instead of gifts.

  He snorted a laugh. “Marybeth warned me the bakery was going under and you’d have an excuse not to pay.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Marybeth?” What did she have to do with this?

  “Come on, Allie. No man gives a woman an eight-thousand-dollar birthday gift. I mean, Allie, honey, you were never worth that.”

  There was a crash as Dax pushed away from the table he’d been standing by and tipped it to the ground. In three big steps, he was nose-to-nose with Blake with an impassive expression that made him seem deadly.

  “Outside.” One word. Uttered with such force that Allie gripped the counter behind her.

  Blake’s nostrils flared as he glared unflinchingly at Dax. She shouldn’t care if her lover gave her ex a taste of his own behavior. On a purely vindictive level, she wanted to see the inferior shifter get his ass beat. But she abhorred violence, especially if it was because of her.

  “You were a horrible partner, Blake, and an even worse lover. I don’t owe you anything.”

  His lips pulled into a thin line, the rise and fall of his chest matching Dax’s.

  “Insult me all you want while you write out the check, okay?”

  “I’m not paying you back for something you gifted to me.”

  “You never had time for me,” Blake hissed. He spun away from Dax to face her. Dax gripped the Blake’s shoulder, but it didn’t deter him. “You were never worth my time. That stupid list you started? Oh yeah, I saw it. Add something else to it: Eats too many cupcakes. Seriously.” He waved a hand suggestively at her body and frowned.

  Dax grabbed huge handfuls of Blake’s suit, and hauled him backwards so fast he tipped back onto his heels. Without mercy, he dragged the smaller man toward the door. Blake twisted, partially freeing himself. His hand shot around the back of Dax’s neck and the two locked in a grip. In a blink, Dax gripped the front of the other man’s neck with an unforgiving grip.

  Blake’s face turned red, then a purple.

  “I’ll shift and eat your fucking heart out. Do you hear me? You’re nothing but a small, inferior bear. Impotent. Completely unable to defend yourself against an Alpha like me. We’re not done, do you hear me? But you are going to leave, right now.”

  The door slammed open with a resounding crack as Becks threw it open. Dax pushed his adversary through, with an added shove that sent Blake flying. He pulled the door shut and flipped the deadbolt.

  Allie slumped against the counter, her chest tight and breath coming in hard pulls. She wanted to shrink and hide, to just curl up into herself and turn off Blake’s words. He’d seen the list. The one she’d felt compelled to write because he made her feel so small. There was no denying the truth anymore. Blake had always made her feel like less than he deserved, like an inferior woman because she had goals and aspirations that didn’t include waiting and doting on him for hours a day.

  It was shit. He was shit. She knew this.

  But why did his words hurt so bad?

  Dax took her upper arms in his hands, but she couldn’t look up at him. It was embarrassing, humiliating that he’d heard what Blake had said. That list, that stupid list, was an expression of her dissatisfaction with her life and herself. It had never been meant for another’s eyes—especially Blake’s. The worst thing is that, though she’d used it as a tool to get rid of negativity, she’d instead, started to really believe there was something wrong with her. It had taken her so long to undo the damage Blake had done to her self-confidence and value of her own worth. And here she was, believing it all over again.

  “Allie, look at me.”

  His soft, caring voice brought tears to her eyes. She couldn’t do this right now. She needed time to process the humiliation and lick her wounds.

  “I need you to go.”

  Allie stepped back, her arms suddenly cold where his hands had been.

  “Let’s talk about this.”

  She shook her head and studied the lines of her hardwood floor. “No. I don’t want to talk about anything. Thank you for everything, but I need to be alone.”

  I need time to not feel worthless again.

  Dax moved to her before she could react, taking her face between his hands and tipping her face up. His lips found hers in a kiss that poured out adoration like melted chocolate. It was quick, and then he stepped back and walked out the door before she could even catch her breath.

  She stood where she was for several minutes. It seemed as if her rib cage had fallen out and left a gaping hole where a bright light of joy and confidence had just been.

  It was a good thing she’d sent Dax away. If she hadn’t been worthy of Blake, how would she ever make Dax happy?

  She was too much to handle, and not nearly enough for a man like him.

  Chapter Ten

  The asshole was easy to find, thanks to the stink of his cliché Old Spice cologne.

  Anger brewed so deep and hot inside him, he couldn’t let it go. He wasn’t done letting the asshole know how he felt about his treatment of Allie. Dax never really appreciated how he could go into stealth mode, even while in his human form, until now. His footfalls made barely any sound and his body moved effortlessly through the blend of shadows and light. The sun was rising over the mountains, casting threads of orange and red all around as Blake reached to open his car door, seemingly unaware of Dax coming up behind him.

  The bastard actually had the confidence to talk to Allie like that and think he’d walk away unscathed. He was seething inside and his bear was burning to sink its claws into Blake’s pompous face.

  Dax grabbed Blake’s suitcoat with one hand and pulled him backwards. The man grunted, his arms flailing as Dax spun him and slammed him against the car door. He took deep enjoyment at the fear on the smaller man’s face. Dax put a hand to the base of the man’s throat and squeezed.

  “Some shifter you are.” Dax smiled as a surge of predatory joy pumped through him.

  Blake sputtered as he closed his hands over Dax’s wrist and tried to pull him off. Flesh and tendon were slowly caving in beneath his hand as he applied more pressure. A purple hue took over Blake’s face. Dax sighed. Smaller bears were so fragile.

  Relaxing his grip, Dax leaned down close to Blake’s face. “You’re going to slink away and never bother Allie again, understand?”

  Blake was clawing at Dax’s wrists, his lips seeming to swell as his face changed colors.

  Ooops. Dax slid his hand to grab the asshole’s shirt, glaring at him in demand for a response.

  “Yes,” he coughed out. “Okay.”

  “Whatever the fuck money you think she owes you is paid in full. If I find out you’ve been within two miles of her again, you’ll fucking owe me. Got it?”

  He didn’t wait for Blake’s response. Releasing him wit
h a shove, Dax strode away before his temper got the best of him. Sometimes the bear was hard to control and when his human side got pissed, it made it even more difficult. The animal stirred inside, making his skin itch and burn. More than anything, he wanted to go to Allie, gather her up and kiss her until she forgot all about Blake. But he was too agitated and close to losing his temper.

  Something was majorly off with Blake’s response to their confrontation. He’d been too complacent, too willing to let Dax dominate him. The man was a puss and he wondered what the hell Allie had ever seen in him? A shifter that would go belly up that easily wasn’t worthy of any woman.

  Dax cranked his neck to the side. Like an orgasm, when the need to shift took over, nothing would ease him until he let it out. He drove the curved road deep into the Rocky Mountains, stopping at the very tip of his father’s land. Morning was in full swing by the time he got out and took breath of heady, pine-filled air. Dax stripped off his shirt and kicked out of his pants. Naked, he stepped into a ray of sunlight and closed his eyes as warmth permeated every inch of his body.

  With a cry, he threw his head back and let the shift consume him. His flesh gave way to a coat of thick, red-brown fur, his bones and tendons and muscles thickening into new architecture. Lobbing onto all fours, Dax gave a huge shake, the mass of his new body shifting side to side as sun warmed his coat.

  Eagerly, he ran into the forest. With a roar, he tackled the base of a wind-damaged tree and wrestled it until it cracked. With his front paws, Dax pounced on the weakened trunk until it snapped with a resounding crack and fell. He turned to another for more of the same, and then another. Panting, he shook bark from his fur and realized he didn’t feel any better. He was still edgy and irritable.


  He needed her. Now that he’d been deep inside her body, holding her against him while she writhed in pleasure, he needed more of her like he needed to breathe. He needed her in his bed every night, waking up to him each morning; sharing his home and his life. She’d obviously not been treated right by Blake. No wonder she was gun-shy about giving him a try, and her heart. Blake had dealt her a heavy hand in the confidence department.

  He should have strangled the life out of that fucker.

  Racing back to his truck, Dax burst up onto his hind legs and shook hard enough to shake the ground. His body popped and crunched as the massive animal sunk down into the body of a man. With a groan, Dax dropped onto his hands and knees and hung his head. The transition always stunned him for a moment as his brain and body caught up to the enormity of change. Struggling to catch his breath, Dax was about to flop over and lie on his back when his cell phone rang.

  Remembering it was in his jeans’ pocket, he rummaged around in the pile of clothes he’d dropped on the ground until he found it. Jett’s number flashed on the screen.

  “Yeah.” Dax barked between breaths.

  “Something’s wrong with dad. Get your ass home. Now.”

  Dax didn’t wait for his brother to say more. Slamming into his jeans and stuffing his feet into his boots, he jumped in the truck and took off, leaving his shirt lying in the grass. The road looped back down the mountainside, only a few miles from their father’s.

  He sighed in relief to see the healer’s truck parked next to Jett’s outside his father’s house. Bursting inside, he was about to call for his brother when Jett stepped into the hallway.

  “Calm your tits, Dax. He’s going to be okay.”

  “What happened?”

  Jett put a hand on Dax’s shoulder and pegged him with a look. “You’re not going to like this, but I swear… Dad asked if you were serious about taking a mate and I said — “

  Dax opened his mouth to interrupt, but Jett slammed a palm over Dax’s mouth.

  “I said that you had a woman you were trying to win over. A good woman. One you were dead serious about.”

  Dax twisted his face out of his brother’s grasp and slapped his hand away. He didn’t care what they’d been talking about; he just wanted to know what was wrong with his dad. He hated to think his fears over his father’s advancing age coming true.


  “He started to feel dizzy, like he had to sit down. Luckily I was standing right beside him, so I caught him before he hit the floor.”

  “Well, what the fuck does the healer say caused it?”

  A sly grin lifted Jett’s lips. “Shock.”


  “Dad was so surprised that you’re actually thinking about meeting the deadline for a mate, he went into shock.”

  Dax narrowed his eyes and steeled his jaw. He sensed an air of jest in his brother’s tone, but with Jett, it was hard to tell. He wasn’t sure what to think. Yes, his father had been after him for a long time to do his duty and take a mate, raise a family. But…was it possible the, still uncertain, news could make him react like this?

  A light chuckle came from the hallway. Trinity Ralston, the pack’s healer, slipped his glasses into the front pocket of his button down as he came to join them. Patting Dax on the back, the elder healer shook his head.

  “Not shock like what you’re probably thinking. He’s doing well, boys. What happened is perfectly normal, and given the news, expected.”

  It was Jett’s turn to look confused.

  Too impatient to wait this out any longer, Dax pushed past the two men and went to his father’s room. He rushed in but paused when he saw his dad lying like death on top of the covers. His face was pale and relaxed as if in sleep. Lines dug from the corners of his eyes, as if he’d been clenching in pain. His hands, so huge and gnarly from years of shifting between human and bear, were eerily still. Even like this, Rowan was broad, hard and imposing—too robust and rugged yet to be declining.

  And this crap about being shocked over Dax’s possible mate was a load of shit.

  “Son.” Rowan greeted without opening his eyes.

  Dax gave a breath of relief. “I’m here, Dad.” He went to the side of the bed, about to take his father’s hand when Rowan began to slowly push himself into a sitting position. Dax hurried to help him. Rowan sat and waved his son off.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Dax sensed his brother and Trinity as they stepped just inside the doorway.

  “He’s moon-downing.” Trinity came to stand beside his patient.

  He was familiar with the term but had never seen it happen. Not once had he even considered it happening to his father. Alpha males often started a stepping-down phase when their oldest son took a mate. It was a handing over of power, so to speak. Physically, Rowan would lose some of his intense strength and the natural drive of an Alpha to oversee, direct and lead. He’d slowly weaken, losing his exceptional strength and heightened senses until he was basically human again. His ability to shift would remain, but the bear inside him would be a weaker, more placid version.

  Rowan would essentially become less so his son could step into the lead Alpha role.

  “But… I haven’t taken a mate. Dad, I haven’t mated her yet. You can’t do this, not yet.”

  Rowan gave another dismissive wave of his hand. “I believe the pain of losing your mother kick-started this process years ago. The possibility of a serious mate for you turned the switch up. I can’t help the hopefulness in my heart, Dax. My body took it as a sign.”

  Just days ago, his father had threatened to cut him out of the business if he didn’t take a mate by the Pairing. He still had to convince Allie to be his. His father’s biology was jumping the gun.

  “There’s one risk here,” Trinity said pointedly at Dax. Jett came to stand beside them, his arms crossed and expression intent. Apparently, he didn’t already know about this.

  Rowan grabbed Dax’s wrist.

  “Unfortunately, my moon-downing decided to get worse right before the sacred Pairing. If you don’t take a mate—if she won’t have you or you decide she’s not for you— the progression won’t stop like it’s supposed to. I’ll continue to lose my stren
gth and vitality.”

  Dax shook his head. “No. Dad, no.”

  “It won’t stop until I’m dead.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “It’s not a dead puppy on your plate, Allie. It’s a piece of damn cake.”

  Becks nudged Allie with her elbow before sighing and sliding the plate in front of herself. With a grand wave of her fork, she eyed Allie before digging in.

  Allie didn’t give a shit about the white layer cake with lemon filling and cranberry glaze. She’d barely been able to give a shit about anything today. People hadn’t stopped coming for coffee all morning, so she’d slid out a few plates of free cookies, too. She was grateful for being busy. When she had a free second, she sank into Blake’s voice in her head reminding her of her faults.

  Determined not to go down that rabbit hole, Allie got up from her stool and untied her apron. Becks gave her a questioning look.

  “I’m going to check the cookie plates.”

  “They’re full.”

  “Then I’ll start on donut batter.”

  “Sit down and eat this with me.”

  Allie glanced down at herself, taking in the width of her hips and the soft rise of her belly beneath her sundress. “I’m good, thanks.”

  This was bullshit. She was comfortable in her body and this sudden self-loathing was a knee-jerk reaction to Blake being an asshole. She ran her hands lightly over her dress. Dax loved her curves. He’d dug his fingers into her hips and held her tight while he’d fucked her. Not once did he avoid kissing her belly or running his hands over the fullness of her thighs and ass.

  So why did she feel so numb inside?

  “I bet she’s a total bitch.” Becks licked the fork before diving in for another bite.


  “Blake’s fiancé. Think about it. That ass wipe cares more about himself than, say, orphans, or endangered whales or…”

  “Dead puppies?” Allie finished with a small grin.

  Becks waved her fork. “Exactly. What kind of woman marries a man who doesn’t care about dogs?”


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