Bear in a Bakery (Estes Park Shifters Book 1)

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Bear in a Bakery (Estes Park Shifters Book 1) Page 11

by Elizabeth Otto

When was she going to stop allowing herself to be such a damn loser?

  Chapter Fourteen

  He’d really fucked things up.

  Dax watched the line of cars coming up the mountain drive. There were already a few hundred bear shifters on the property, setting up tents and campers and sleeping places under the sky. The party had been going on since early morning when shifters started showing up. It was mostly a free-for-all; mingle and connect and relax until the Pairing started tonight.


  Tonight, he’d have a mate, one way or another.

  His gut clenched. He should have been upfront with Allie from the start. But he’d fallen for this connection between them so hard and fast that he hadn’t thought it through. He was living in the moment and peeking into the future, something he’d never done with a woman before. He had no idea how to develop a real relationship, to cultivate it. Damn it, he was going to figure it out… if it wasn’t too late.

  He pulled his phone from his back pocket to see if Allie had responded to his text. Nothing. He’d tried contacting her all day yesterday to no avail. He wanted to go to her, to get her to listen, but things at home kept him here.

  “Dad still can’t get out bed.” Jett came to stand beside him.

  “I know.”

  When Jett had called, saying their father was too weak to be upright, Dax had left Allie after amazing truck-sex and raced home. They’d taken turns watching over Rowan while the other helped direct people into the woods and clearings for the Pairing. Other members of the Estes Park pack were on site to help, and Dax was grateful. This event was too big for he and Jett to handle on their own, especially with Rowen ill.

  Dax ran a hand through his hair and turned to his brother.

  “You told her, didn’t you?”


  “Damn it, Jett.”

  Jett shrugged. “Honesty is never a mistake. I figured you hadn’t come clean with her.”

  Dax couldn’t be mad with his outspoken brother. Jett had always been cut and dried. What you saw is what you got, and hell if the man minced words. He’d been looking out for Dax’s best interest—at least that’s what Dax told himself—with his need to take a mate. For their father’s sake.

  “What did she say when you asked her to be your mate?”

  “I… never actually asked her.”

  Jett grabbed the sleeve of Dax’s tee shirt and yanked him, so they were face-to-face. “What did you just say?”

  Dax broke free. “I’m an idiot. I didn’t do any of this right.”

  Jett made a half turn in frustration and squared in front of Dax. His purple eyes were understanding but… not. “Fix it, Dax. For dad’s sake, if not your own. Just, fix it.”

  Dax watched his brother storm off. He ran a hand over his face, turning to watch the road again. He’d been so willing to let the instant and powerful connection between them drive this relationship, that he hadn’t done enough himself to win Allie over. Just because he’d finally made up his mind to settle down, with her, doesn’t mean she’d come to the same instant decision.

  She’d already been burned by a shifter, that piece of shit, and what had he done to reassure her fears? Nothing. Her ridiculous Loser Allie List. What had he done to reassure her that it was untrue?


  Fuck his impulsivity! He’d always been this way; stubborn anytime he felt pushed, but once he made his mind up about something, he went a hundred miles an hour to make it happen.

  Allie was more cautious. She balanced him that way. If he’d only listened to her instead of pushing so damn hard, maybe she’d be here with him right now. Hand in hand, waiting for the bonfires to be lit beneath the fullest moon of the year so they could mate for life. Instead she probably felt like she was disposable and replaceable because he’d be forced to take another mate if Allie refused him.

  It was unthinkable. How would he be able to take another woman and make love to her beneath the full moon, fill her with his cum and profess his undying commitment?

  Unfamiliar pressure started behind his temples. Clenching his fists, Dax swallowed hard as he realized his eyes were pricking with tears. He had to save his father, no matter what. But only with Allie. It had to be her.

  The impulse to go to her pounded full and hard in his body. Scanning the still-full road, Dax knew he couldn’t go now.


  # # #

  Well, here goes massive what-the-fuckery.

  Allie smoothed her red dress, appreciating how the deep-V wrap top hugged her full breasts and made her waist look small. The color contrasted prettily with her half-sleeve tattoo. She’d piled her curls on top of her head in a messy bun with whispy strands hanging down around her face. A pair of flat gold sandals and a gold anklet topped off the outfit. Not too bad considering no part of her wanted to dress up for, or go to, Marybeth’s party.

  How was she going to make it through the night when her heart hurt, and her soul felt so damn heavy? While she was serving sweets to MB’s guests, Dax would be looking for someone new. He’d have his choice—blonde, brunette, short, tall. Hell, he might sample a few before he settled on one. Allie frowned so hard, her forehead hurt.

  While she was enduring MB, Dax would be fucking someone else. He’d be lost to her, forever.

  Allie turned away from the mirror and left the women’s restroom. She fought tears as she returned to the kitchen where sixty boxes of baked goods waited to be delivered Marybeth’s. Dax’s order was gone; someone had come to get them earlier while she was at home getting ready. She didn’t ask Becks who picked them up. She didn’t want to know.

  If Dax had just been honest about his intentions from the start… if he’d given her the chance to open up to the feelings between them without all the pressure, maybe this would have turned out differently.

  “Yeah, and maybe if you’d just taken a chance, you wouldn’t be smearing your mascara.”

  Becks handed Allie a tissue, with a sympathetic smile. Allie took it as a tear rolled down her cheek.

  “Did I say that out loud?”

  “No, honey. I know you well enough to correctly assume what’s going on in your head right now.”

  Allie dabbed at her tears and gave a humorless laugh. “You’re right. I should have been willing to give it a chance, to just go for it… but I can’t. I can’t be that vulnerable again.”

  Becks picked up a stack of boxes and carried them to the back where Allie’s delivery van was waiting. Allie followed suit, and they worked in silence until the van was loaded. Finally, Becks took Allie by the shoulder and gave a squeeze.

  “Remember when you took a chance on this old, run down building? In the three years’ since, you’ve encountered an electrical fire, had a clandestine stash of ten-year-old buried cocaine drug-busted from your basement, been ravaged by raccoons and generally gone through a lot of shit. But, would you take it back and skip all the joy it’s brought you?”

  “I’d like the bank loan to go away.” Allie tried to smile.

  Becks rolled her eyes. “You suck at diversion. Well, would you?”

  How can you compare a relationship to a building? Allie threw her hands up and looked around. Dax might be strong like the bricks that made up these walls, but that’s where the analogy ended. She’d taken too many risks in her life and none of them had panned out very well. She loved her business but taking the leap into entrepreneurship had cost her thousands, with more on the way. She’d jumped in with Blake and had gotten nothing but fear, shame and a bruised heart.

  “I’d better get going, Becks.”

  Allie turned away as her friend crossed her arms and sighed. She didn’t let her mind wander as she drove through Estes Park to the gated drive outside of town where Marybeth lived. There was a man at the gate who took her name, verified she was on the list, and let her through.

  Her father was already here, and Allie hoped he wasn’t rocking in a corner somewhere. She’d tried talking him out of
attending as MB’s date, but he didn’t want to ruffle her bitchy feathers any more than they already were.

  She drove up the tree-lined, inclined driveway, hating herself for being wowed by the forested beauty of MB’s property. Ahead, the trees opened to a manicured clearing of lawns and massive gardens, with a sprawling, two-story log home as the centerpiece. She was directed up the circular driveway and around back where four large, white tents were set up. People milled all over the grounds. It was like something from an uppity British television show. Everyone had champagne flutes in their hands. The men were dressed in three-piece suites with colorful, patterned ties, and the women all had fanciful hats adorned with feathers and gems.

  Apparently, you had to dress like an idiot to attend this thing.

  A waiter offered to help unload the bakery boxes and directed Allie to a table beneath the dessert tent. Together, they arranged cupcakes, sticky buns and other goodies, leaving the extras in boxes beneath the covered table for easy refilling. She thanked the waiter, and then unsure what to do next, pulled up a little stool and sat.

  “No, no, silly girl. Stand up.”

  Marybeth breezed over with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. She wore a bright blue dress with a billowing skirt and a train that floated across the ground behind her. Eyeing the desserts with clear delight, MB tapped her fingers together as if she was trying to choose what to sample first. “You’re the hired help, dear. You stand until you’re dismissed.”

  Allie tempered the anger that flared to life. She’d offered to serve guests as a curtesy, so she could schmooze potential customers, not as a hired waitress. MB picked up a cupcake and turned it side to side, studying it like something might jump out and bite her. Finally, she looked at Allie, dipped her finger in the frosting and made slow work of licking it off. She swirled her tongue around the tip of her finger and thrust it into her mouth a couple of times. Her eyes locked with Allie’s as she made slow work of sucking her own finger, in and out. If she was trying to be indecent, it was working.

  “Mmmmm, yes. I think I’ll give this one to your father.”

  “Marybeth!” Allie burst off the stool. That was it; she’d reached her limit. No more! “Your behavior is completely out of line.”

  The older woman gave a blasé expression and dug her finger into the center of the cupcake. She withdrew it and made a face. “Oh, dear. I think I’ve found mouse shit in your cupcake. Oh, Allie. No one will ever buy from you again. Bye, bye, Sticky Sweet.”

  Allie’s mouth dropped. The mice in the bakery had been caught before they could—

  “Oh, my God,” Allie breathed. “You released the mice in my bakery?”

  Marybeth took a bite out of the cupcake and tossed it at Allie’s feet.

  “I believe I’m about to get terribly sick from your contaminated treats, Allie Mae. I’m suddenly not feeling very well. Who would, after eating mouse shit?”

  She grinned like she’d just won an expensive prize. Allie came around the table, equally at a loss of what to say and raging to unleash on Marybeth. She’d never been a violent person, but she was past her limit now and the urge to beat the older woman’s face in was as instinctive as breathing.

  Guests began to filter into the tent, oohing and aahhing over the vast selection. Marybeth spun to the group, waving them toward the cupcakes.

  “They’re delish! Try them! You won’t regret it.” With a wink, she glided away, leaving Allie shaking.

  What should she do now? The cupcakes weren’t contaminated; she knew it. The mice hadn’t had the chance to mess with the food. But Marybeth already had it planned. She’d probably announce later in the evening, after her guests had sampled Sticky Sweet’s goods, that there’d been an ‘unfortunate’ problem with the cupcakes. She’d pretend to get sick, drop a few hints at mouse poop, and everyone who’d eaten one would get sick too— thanks to the subliminal messaging of course.

  Bye, bye Sticky Sweet, was right. She’d be ruined.

  Allie watched with disdain as people enjoyed her food. Why? Why would Marybeth do this to her?


  Her heart sank at the familiar gravel of Blake’s voice. She put a hand out to divert him as he approached and turned away.

  “Not now, Blake.”

  “Yes, now.”

  God, he was so much like MB with his fake smile and self-confidence, as if he could do anything and get away with it. He offered her his arm, thrusting it at her with purpose that said he wouldn’t be denied.

  “I’d like to show you the grounds. I know how much you love gardens but never had time to make one of your own.”

  She recoiled from him, quickly glancing around to see if anyone was noticing them. “No thanks.”

  Blake grabbed her hand and placed it on his arm, closing his fingers over hers so she couldn’t pull away. “I insist.”

  A couple looked at them and Allie was very aware they were being watched. Breathing through her nose, she clenched her jaw and allowed Blake to escort her out of the tent. She barely noticed the colorful flowers or curated, circular pattern. Blake’s scent assaulted her, making her stomach churn. He made small talk about the garden, and his hurried pace suggested he wasn’t a bit interested in a slow perusal. Her heart skipped in warning as he led her across the lawn toward the tree line. They passed other couples who were wandering around, and that gave her some comfort. Blake’s hand tightened over hers, making her fingers hurt from the pressure.

  “Ouch, Blake!”

  She tried to pry him off, but he pulled her into the trees. Daylight was receding, leaving behind a dark lavender haze. Allie pulled back away from him, her shoulder popping with the stunted effort. In a flash, Blake spun her and pushed her back into a tree.

  “Sweet, sweet Allie.” His hand slid up her throat to grip her jaw in his palm. Leaning his other arm into her chest, Blake stepped into her so his body blanketed hers.

  “Blake, no!”

  She knew struggling and pleading would do nothing to redirect him. Blake needed his ego stroked; needed to be validated in some way. If she listened to him spout off and then petted his ego a little, he’d let her go. She remembered what Dax had said about Blake being less than a Beta bear. He was small and powerless on the bear shifter chain of prowess. It’s why he’d never been in a hurry to take a wife—his genetics weren’t desirable like those of an Alpha bear. Nature didn’t care if he mated or not, but an Alpha bear like Dax? Nature put the pressure on, gave him the best selection of mates to choose from.

  Dax. Who was probably picking through an impressive selection of women right now. Women who’d be more than willing to take his superior genetics into their wombs and make him beautiful babies.

  Babies that should have been hers.

  “You pathetic little bear.” She spat before she could stop herself. “You’re at the bottom of your pack’s hierarchy, which is why your such an angry, mean little asshole.”

  Blake jerked a little as if she’d affected him.

  “Don’t even get me started on the sad size of your dick.” God, what had come over her? Allie’s body pumped with the force of her anger. It was almost as if she could feel resolve steeling inside her. Enough! Enough of all this shit.

  Blake’s hand snaked to her throat. He squeezed, forcing her airway closed. Allie grabbed his wrist with both hands, raking her nails over his skin. Blood wet the tips of her fingers as she scratched hard enough to rip his flesh. Pressure ballooned inside her head, her chest spasming with the need to draw breath.

  “Bitch.” Blake hissed.

  A roar cut through the air and the ground trembled. Her eyes rolled to the side where a shadowy flash played in her peripheral. Dax ripped off his shirt, his jeans dropping to the ground as claws arched from his human fingertips, flashing in the light.

  The world went fuzzy, blackness quickly closing in. She reached for Dax, her hand trembling, begging to reach him.

  Right before she fell to the ground.

; Chapter Fifteen

  Allie’s eyes opened, and it was all the reassurance Dax needed to know she was okay.

  Baring his teeth, he cranked his neck to the side and let the shift claim him. With a powerful shake, his body popped and stretched from human to bear. Dropping onto all fours, he watched as Blake’s body twisted from left to right, his bear slower to morph. Massive paws burst from his human hands, a midnight black coat covering the rolling body. Even in his shift, Blake was smaller and no doubt weaker.

  How the man thought he was going to win this fight was beyond Dax.

  Dax roared up, standing on his hind legs and stretching to a full seven-foot height. All his senses were more alert. He sensed it all—the rapid pound of Blake’s heart and the ripe scent of his fear and anger. Allie’s sweet breath and the soft swish of her pulse that said she would be all right.

  Blake rushed Dax with unexpected quickness. Their bodies came together with a quivering clash. Dax wrapped his front legs around Blake, twisted and threw the smaller bear to the ground. He waited until Blake righted himself, rose on his hind legs again and bared his teeth.

  Blake glanced at Allie, spun and advanced on her. Her eyes went wide as the bear barreled down on her. Allie skittered around the tree trunk and peered around it. Dax burst after him, his jaws clamping on Blake’s hind leg. Blood burst into his mouth as he sunk his teeth deep and pulled. The smaller bear jerked to a halt with a roar.

  Blake flopped to the ground and twisted, his front claws swiping at Dax’s face. A burning line sliced over his cheek as the claws made contact, but Dax refused to let go. Grunting, he jerked his adversary backward by increments until he was safely away from Allie.

  Dax let go and pounced over the smaller bear. With a grunt, Blake scrambled to his feet, knocking Dax back, and burst out of the trees. Look at the little fucker, run. Primed for the chase, Dax enjoyed the pursuit. They sprinted across the grounds, through the spiral garden. People screamed and jumped back as the black bear crashed through the dessert tent. Allie’s cupcakes and sweets scattered everywhere. Frosting flung in all directions, splattering clothes and shoes as guests scrambled to get out of the way.


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