Valkyrie Divided (Pyralis Book 2)

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Valkyrie Divided (Pyralis Book 2) Page 23

by Brandy L. Cunningham

  Shit. I knew that voice. The Corvo…I spun around, looking all round me, and as I did so, I noticed the look of apprehension that crossed Aeron’s face. He glared at me accusingly. “Another of your boyfriends?”

  “Oh, bite me, Aeron.” I didn’t have time for his childish jealousy, or whatever this was.

  His lips pulled back in a sexy grin. “Already have. It was delicious, by the way.” His eyes gleamed, the ring around them becoming crimson.

  I closed my eyes momentarily, trying to gather my thoughts, and focus on the problem at hand, and not on my sexual desire for Aeron.

  Ahead of me, Devyn had come to a stop, he too sensing impending doom. Turning to face me, he said, “Rafael mentioned the Corvo was hunting you. I imagine now…after…well, you know, that he’s got even more reason to want you.”

  I sighed. I knew what he referred to-my time in Hell-and I realized the truth in his words. “Maybe the two of you should take off, let me handle this…”

  In unison, both men roared. “Not a chance!” then, they spent about thirty seconds in a stand-off in which they glared at one another. I felt like I was dealing with high school boys, and their raging hormones.

  Another laugh drifted to us, distracting them from their male egos. “Valkyrie…oh Valkyrie…come out, come out, wherever you are…”

  I was trying not to let him get to me, but his voice had a certain sadistic quality to it, and it sent chills of fear down my spine. Without me asking, my wings unfurled, and flames began igniting across my skin. “Go away, Corvo. You are not welcome here!”

  Again, the laugh. It grated on my nerves, and I imagine he wanted to disarm me, to cause my fear to escalate before he attacked. When he finally materialized, he was only a few yards away from us, his trademark pin-striped suite immaculate as always, and his white eyes watched me with a gleam.

  “You’ve been a naughty girl, haven’t you, Pyralis? Oh, yes you have.” He lifted his face slightly, before continuing, “Smells like sex…sex and…” suddenly, his face jerked toward Aeron. Slowly he tilted his head, and a ghost of a smile crossed his skeletal features.

  “Ah…the legendary La Croix…been a while, hasn’t it, my friend?”

  At his words, I frowned, looking at Aeron. “What the hell is he talking about Aeron? You know this…thing?”

  Aeron glanced at me, and I saw everything I needed to. Guilt, regret, sadness. It was all there, reflecting on his face. “Wow.” It was all I could come up with.

  “Valkyrie, look, it isn’t what you think. There are things you don’t know, I have a long past…”

  I turned my back on him. “Apparently, but I already knew you were good at keeping secrets.”

  The Corvo, apparently amused by us, chuckled. “Oh, isn’t this sweet, a lover’s quarrel.” His gaze roved over me, and he narrowed his eyes, a malicious gleam in them. “Tell me, Aeron, is she as delicious as I imagine?”

  Now, Aeron’s face turned to stone. All traces of guilt were gone, and only the cold, implacable Aeron I knew remained. “You will not touch her.”

  The Corvo grinned wider. “I see you think you have a right to her, but she gave those rights away when she courted the devil, my friend.”

  Aeron’s jaw ticked. “She didn’t court anyone. She was taken, she gave herself to protect others.”

  The Corvo threw his boney head back and released a loud, obnoxious laugh. “You think she was taken? You think she sacrificed herself?” again he laughed. His head swiveled toward me in an unearthly way. “Is that how it was, Valkyrie?”

  I wanted to die. I hung my head, and my eyes moved toward Aeron. “At first…yes, I gave myself over, to save the Witches.”

  Aeron’s face had frozen, his eyes boring into my own, begging me to deny it. When I didn’t, he blinked rapidly, and I watched as his face cleared, and a mask slipped into place, a cold uncaring mask. “Well, then by all means, Corvo, take her.”

  My heart stopped. My mouth gaped, and I felt as though I were suffocating. He would just hand me over? We all made mistakes, we all made the wrong decision sometimes. Could he really be so cold, so uncaring? Emotion stung my eyes, and I removed my gaze from Aeron’s face, because I could not stand to see his contempt.

  The Corvo shook his head, as if he were trying to look sad. “Well, Valkyrie, it looks like it’s you and I,” he moved forward, reaching a skeletal hand toward me as the crows took to the sky.

  Everything happened so fast, I could hardly make sense of it, even with my superior senses. His hand, all boney and slender, which had been reaching for me one moment, was nonexistent the next. I blinked in surprise, and found myself looking at a fiery bird in the sky, the Corvo suspended from its…I couldn’t tell if they were claws or arms. Whipping my head around, I stared at the spot where only moments ago Aeron and Devyn had stood. Now, it was only Devyn who looked back at me in stunned silence.

  Not fully knowing what to make of the situation-especially in the wake of what Aeron had said to me-I stared into the sky, tracking the fiery shape as it disappeared into the darkness. Indecision weighed heavily on me, should I go up there after them? Devyn grabbed my arm, bringing my thoughts back to the cement sidewalk on which I stood.

  “Valkyrie, come on, let’s get outta here while we still have the chance!”

  Spurred into action, I raced along the empty streets beside Devyn, my gaze consistently straying to the bright spot fading in the sky. How far could he possibly go? What was happening between them? Why had Aeron said those things if he had really meant to defend me? None of it made sense, but then, things with Aeron rarely did.

  ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ


  Old Allies

  We appeared in the center of camp-the camp I used to call home-amid a whirl of wind and ash. The ash swirled on the breeze, the scent of charred debris and sulfur accompanying the tiny black and gray particles. Trees were swaying, and a howling noise whooshed through the nearby forest and between rocky canyons as the wind tried to force its way through every obstacle. The chaos of the moment came crashing to an abrupt halt as the eyes of those gathered began to fall on Devyn and me. To say that our appearance caused quite the stir would be a serious understatement. It was much more like the world screeching to a halt.

  My own eyes scanned the crowds that gathered around, passing over the many familiar, and some unfamiliar faces I found there. It didn’t matter if they were known to me or not. All of them wore the same wide-eyed, shocked expression. I braced myself for the onslaught of scorn, and mistrust I was certain I’d see there, but to my surprise, that wasn’t at all what I found in their features. Instead, it seemed the general consensus was awe, and even hope. From out of the crowd, my brother stepped, and we faced one another. His green eyes bored into my own golden-hazel ones, and I literally felt what he felt.

  Waves of shock washed over me as though I were the one experiencing it, followed by guilt. I had to tense my muscles to keep myself standing during the intense surge of grief that overtook me. Once the guilt and shock had passed, a euphoria of happiness washed through me, swelling my heart to near bursting, while my twin’s face broke into a broad grin.

  With the grin pasted there, and a sparkle in his eye, Valkyrian said, “Damn it, Val, I should have known not to give up on you,” for a second, he sobered. “I didn’t really mean to kill you, ya know?”

  I hesitated, stuck somewhere between the anger and hurt I still harbored for him, and the feeling of love I felt for my brother. I wasn’t entirely sure I was ready to forgive him for the deceit he and Aeron had used on me, but at the same time, he was my brother, and I loved him. I missed him, and I too had done things that I regretted. Making my decision, I stepped forward, allowing him to pull me into his arms and hold me tight. “I’m sorry,” I whispered on a soft, emotion clogged breath.

  Valkyrian’s arms tightened around me, and he sighed into my thick, dark hair. “Me too, little sis. I love you,” Like a second suspended in time, I felt as though the world fell
away, and with it all its problems. For that second or two, all felt right, safe, and normal.

  As my brother’s arms released me, time whirled back into place around us, and all the trouble we faced sank back down on my shoulders. Holding eye contact with him, I spoke again, but this time, I spoke loud enough for those around us to hear as well. “I’ve made mistakes, I allowed myself to be weak, and I did things for which I don’t deserve forgiveness. I’m sorry, and though I know an apology isn’t nearly enough to fix things, I want you to know that I intend to fix all of this. I am going after Byron.”

  The Shifters, Vampires, Gargoyles and many other Casts gathered began to cheer, but only a moment later, a voice rose on the breeze, and with it came silence.

  “I’m glad you’re ready to get back to the right side, my child, but I’m afraid it isn’t as simple as going after Byron any longer.”

  My eyes dove into the crowd as Valkyrian stepped to the side, looking for the wizened face of Rafael. When the crowd shifted and he stood there, I smiled. His white hair was frazzled as ever, and his light blue eyes bored into mine, a trace of happiness in them.

  “Rafael, it’s good to see you. Tell me what has happened during my…absence.”

  The Fiddler studied me a moment. He looked me over, from head to toe, and I wasn’t sure what exactly he searched for. Finally, he said, “During the storm and the attacks that followed your disappearance, our hostages were taken. Desmond is gone, and Niada as well. I can only assume they are working for Byron once again.” Bowing his head, he continued, “I’m sorry, Valkyrie.”

  The information that had just been delivered hit me like a blow to the heart. Desmond and Niada both were loose now, and I just didn’t know how to digest that. I didn’t blame Rafael, or anyone else, surely if anyone was to blame, it was me, for being weak, for allowing my heart to be corrupted. I alone should be held responsible for the blame. Taking a few moments to allow the new information to sink in, I studied the face of the Witch who was, in more ways than one, my grandfather. He seemed to have aged, and that detail brought a stab of guilt to my heart. His face was slightly drawn, his eyes sad, and his frame appeared thinner than I recalled.

  “It’s not your fault, Rafael. We will have to deal with that in due time. Please, tell me everything.”

  Rafael opened his mouth to speak, but a commotion stopped him, and together, we turned to see a ball of burning fire hurtling toward us from the darkened sky. I gaped. The fiery mass seemed to be travelling at light speed, and I didn’t think it was going to slow down before it hit the earth. I began to yell for the others to move, but my worries fell on deaf ears. Everyone seemed too dumbfounded, so transfixed, they didn’t hear me, and if they did, they were incapable of responding.

  My gaze strayed to the glowing red-orange form again, and I too seemed to be stunned into immobility. As the form drew closer, I recognized the shape of a bird, wings spread wide, flames licking across the crimson feathers along his arms and shoulders, and I sucked in a breath. It couldn’t be…but yes, as I stared, Aeron descended from the dark sky, arms wide and transformed into crimson wings, his hair aflame, and his body bare other than the spattering of feathers and flames. He landed amid the crowd with a thud, his eyes feral, and his fangs long and sharp. His normal multi-hued hazel eyes blazed with a crimson ring, and in that moment, he looked far more like some wild, enraged creature of mythology than the stoic, impenetrable Vampire I knew.

  So this was the beast that resided within the man. The part of me that was all darkness and reaper purred deeply, aroused by what she saw. The part of me that was just Valkyrie, Vampire, and Witch…and Pyralis, moaned softly, equally turned on by this dangerous, creature and his flames. Something in my mind shifted, turned, and clicked into place. I was beginning to understand why I had always felt so drawn to Aeron. From the very first moment we locked eyes, the monster within him had recognized the beast within me, and vice versa. How it was that we two existed, creatures of blood and death, of fire and violence, was beyond me.

  It didn’t take long for his gaze to find me. It roved over the faces there rapidly, and the feeling that he was searching for me specifically was both exhilarating and chilling. When those fire-ringed eyes landed on my face, they halted, and I was trapped in the magnetism of the savage, in-human look I found in them. His body was nude, all long hard muscles, and he stood hunched down in a crouch, as though ready to pounce at any moment. My throat went dry just seeing the splendor, the raw sexuality displayed. As he stared me down, he said a single word, in a guttural growl that was barely decipherable. “Mine,”

  There wasn’t a doubt in my mind who or what he was referring to, and it seemed that whether in human form, or this wild fire-bird, he had decided I belonged to him. I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about that. On the one hand, I was incredibly aroused by him and his claim on me, but on the other hand, I rebelled at a label of ownership. I didn’t feel that I “belonged” to anyone but myself. I had the distinct feeling, however, that explaining that to this angry, aggressive creature wasn’t going to go over really well, so for once, I kept my mouth shut.

  Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who understood the word, or who it was directed at, because the crowd had slowly rotated around, and now all eyes were on me. Rafael regarded me with amusement, and Valkyrian with a glint of mischief gleaming in his eyes. I rolled my eyes at him, and turned back to Rafael. “Shall we continue?”

  To my surprise, Rafael laughed. He looked from one of us to the other, and shook his head in disbelief. “My, my, who would have ever thought, the Pyralis, and the Fenix together in the same space. By all rationality, the two of you should be ripping each other apart.”

  His words caught me so off guard, I gawked at him open mouthed. “What the hell are you talking about? You knew Aeron was the Fenix all along? Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? Will the deception ever stop with you people?!”

  Rafael sighed. “Please, let’s go into the council tent, I will attempt to explain everything to you there.”

  ͼ ͼ ͼ ͼ

  Aeron still hadn’t morphed back into his Human-Vampire form, and it was awkward as hell sitting in the large tent with him stalking back and forth, his nude form flaunting every asset he owned. His arms were folded across his chest, still covered in crimson colored feathers, but his flames had gone away and his hair was once again shoulder-length and dark blond. The fiery ring, and the feral look remained in his eyes, and in all truth, I didn’t completely trust him. I felt like I was watching a starving predator stalking from one end of the tent to the other, trying to decide on the perfect moment to leap at me and rip my head off.

  Rafael sat across from me, his back to the beast that was Aeron, and I wondered why he wasn’t fearful of the unpredictable state he was in. Valkyrian, always the joker, sat beside me, and I could feel the smirk on his face, and hear the poorly suppressed laugh in his chest. I elbowed him in the ribs, sending him a look trying to tell him to knock it off.

  “What? Come on Val, surely you see the humor in this situation. Aeron, the impassive, stone-cold Aeron, is pacing this tent naked, like a wild beast. I mean, I find that pretty fucking hilarious.”

  Aeron growled deeply, shooting a murderous glance at my brother, but when his eyes landed on my face, his body hardened with arousal, and I found myself having to look away quickly. Beside me, Valkyrian roared with laughter, nearly falling from his seat.

  Rafael wasn’t amused. His look at Valkyrian clearly said shut the hell up. “If you cannot contain your humor, Valkyrian, perhaps you should await us outside, with the other children.”

  I snickered, but when Rafael sent me an identical look, I sobered quickly. Clearing his throat, he said, “I find it curious that the creature who was born to kill you, has claimed you as his mate.”

  This time, Valkyrian did fall out of his chair, except this time, he wasn’t laughing. I felt as if the world had fallen out from beneath me. “The…the…” stuttering, I asked, “The creat
ure…that….that’s what?”

  Rafael’s eyes were sad when he lifted them to my face. “I never meant to deceive you, Val. In fact, I had no idea Aeron was the creature known in the prophecies as the Fenix. Not, that is, until you spoke about a Fenix after your rescue, but then, I thought Aeron had died, so he couldn’t possibly be the Fenix. Now, I know I was mistaken.”

  Shaking my head, I was trying to sort through it all. “Okay, I get it, but what the hell do you mean claimed me as his mate?”

  Beside me, Valkyrian stuttered. “Mate, geez, Val, is that all you’ve heard? What about the part where he’s born to kill you?”

  Rafael glanced over his shoulder, regarding Aeron for a moment. “I’m afraid we need to wait for our friend here to get himself under control to finish this story. This is one time when I don’t have the answers.”

  I sighed. I was so sick and tired of waiting for answers. Shoving out of my chair, I glared at Aeron, or the Fenix, or whoever the hell he was. I was getting pissed off. He waltzed in here, all naked and hostile, and acted like he had a right to me, and it was beginning to chafe. “If you’ll excuse me, Rafael, I think I will wait for those answers somewhere else.”

  I began to turn, when the Fiddlers voice gave me pause. “Val, you need to be careful out there. Both Desmond and Niada have escaped. There is no telling where they are, and besides them, there are…others after you now. You need to be cautious. I would prefer if you didn’t leave this camp alone anymore. We cannot afford for…something to happen to you again.”

  The anger in me was beginning to sizzle, and although I knew it wasn’t really Rafael that caused it, it was him I directed it at now. My fingertips sizzled with fire as I turned to splay the three men in the room with my look.

  “You mean you can’t afford for me to go…dark again, right? Why don’t we stop tip-toeing around the truth? You’re afraid I’m gonna go over the deep end again.”


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