Creeping Shadow (The Rise of Isaac, Book One)

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Creeping Shadow (The Rise of Isaac, Book One) Page 29

by Peckham, Caroline

  Oliver let go with one hand and reached out desperately towards May as they continued to slide backwards towards the cliff edge. She lifted a hand and her fingers grazed the tips of his.

  The vark leered over them and stamped a clawed foot down hard in front of them, just inches away. Oliver felt the earth beneath them slipping and sliding away. He lunged and gripped May's hand and they clambered upwards, fiercely fighting against the disintegrating cliff edge but it was too late.

  Oliver gasped but couldn't draw air as the ground disappeared beneath him and in one swift, terrifying moment they tumbled over the cliff.

  Oliver lost sight of May as he fell through the canopy of a tree. He shouted out in terror as he fell, the branches ripping at his clothes and tearing at his skin. He hit solid ground again but it was so steep that he couldn't stop falling. He tumbled, feeling rocks bash his body on the descent as he rolled over and over.

  He dug his feet in and scrabbled frantically at the soil, clawing for purchase. The ground disappeared once more and he fell at an alarming rate towards the woodland beneath him. He saw flashes of green leaves below and grey clouds above, then his head collided with something hard and darkness swooped in and consumed him.

  Oliver's eyes flickered open. He had been out cold but sensed that it hadn't been for more than a minute.

  His body was twisted around a tree that was growing at an angle out of the sloping ground. His head felt bruised and his entire body ached. He swung himself around and slid the last few feet to the bottom of the cliff. His hands shook from shock and he spotted cuts and bruises all up his arms where the material from his jumpsuit had torn away.

  He slowly took in his surroundings, finding himself submerged in a dense forest but he couldn't see May anywhere.

  "MAY? WHERE ARE YOU?" he shouted desperately. He listened as hard as he could. Everything was silent. He no matter how hard he strained his ears, he couldn't hear any noise coming from up on the cliff.

  He set his jaw. As soon as he found May he would get help for the others.

  The rain was easing now and the drip drip drip of it falling through the canopy was the only sound he could hear. He got to his feet and pushed his way through the foliage where the trees were spread further apart.

  "May? Are you here?" he tried again, his breathing ragged.


  His clothes were soaked through and he shivered in the cold, his heart hammering uncontrollably in his chest.

  Then he saw her: a crumpled heap hidden by overhanging leaves. He pulled her out into a clearing and rolled her on to her back.

  "You're not dead," he said out loud to try and convince himself. "May?" He shook her gently, then again more firmly.

  "Olly?" Her voice was faint but she was alive.

  He hugged her to his chest, feeling relief flood him.

  "You're okay, we fell over the cliff but you're okay. Can you stand?" Oliver got up and held out a hand to her.

  She nodded and stood up on wobbly legs.

  "The others. What happened? We have to get back to them," May said in a panic, craning her head to try and see up the cliff through the thick trees.

  "I don't know. We need to get help. We can't climb back up, it's too steep," he said, his voice shaking.

  "Okay, let's go around." May set off through the trees, stumbling a little as Oliver hurried after her.

  They had only been walking for a minute or so before the trees opened up, making the ground easier to navigate. The forest was silent but for their squelching footsteps.

  He felt a chill creep up his spine and gripped May's arm to stop her, sensing that something was wrong.

  The quiet of the forest was pressing in on him. He heard the crack of a twig from behind and spun around to find a man standing there.

  Oliver sighed in relief at the sight of Truvian Gold. "Oh thank God," he said, walking towards him. "Did you see what happened? Is everyone okay?"

  "It's unlikely," Truvian said calmly.

  Oliver frowned at the man's demeanour. "Well, can you show us the way out of here?"

  "We need to get help!" May snapped and Truvian's eyes slid to hers.

  "I came to see you," Truvian said, keeping his eyes trained on May.

  "What?" she said, glancing at Oliver in frustration.

  Truvian reached inside his leather jacket and retrieved a long, slender knife. Oliver recoiled at the sight of the blade and his instincts told him to run but instead he stepped closer to May.

  The knife was unlike anything Oliver had ever seen. It appeared to be comprised of shadowy black and purple smoke, but at the same time looked incredibly sharp. The hilt allowed Truvian's fingers to pass through it for grip.

  "W-What are you doing?" May stammered in fear, reaching for Oliver's wrist. Her cold fingers clasped his skin like a vice.

  Truvian ran a fingertip along the blunt edge of the blade and gazed at May with an intense, animalistic stare that set Oliver's heart pounding.

  "I'd like you to know that I don't want to do this. This is so much bigger than you both," Truvian said, his voice like ice.

  "What do you mean? What are you going to do?" May asked as her fingernails dug into Oliver's skin.

  "I've been sent to kill you, May," Truvian said, taking a step closer.

  The words rung in Oliver's ears and his breath halted in his lungs. He and May stepped backwards at once, keeping the distance between Truvian and them. Oliver knew he needed to stall the man, he had to buy them some time to escape but his mind was solely focused on the sharp blade that was pointed in their direction.

  "Who sent you?" Oliver blurted, tugging May backwards another few steps.

  Truvian smiled, seemingly enjoying his position of power as he took another, slow step toward them. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

  "Try me," Oliver snarled. Part of him expected to hear Rimori's name, he couldn't imagine anyone else that might have a vendetta against them but was thrown by Truvian's answer.

  "Your father, William Knight," Truvian said, a smug smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

  Oliver was frozen rigid as May pulled him backwards once more. His foot caught on a root and his mind kicked into gear as he stumbled, righting himself in a heartbeat.

  "He's trying to distract you," May muttered but Oliver was too curious to ignore Truvian's words.

  "What do you mean? My father's dead," Oliver said, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

  Truvian shook his head and moved closer once more, passing the knife from hand to hand as if deciding which one felt best for when he attacked. "I know him quite well. In fact, he's been helping me plan this little ambush for a while."

  "Don't listen to him, he's lying," May hissed.

  Oliver wanted to face his sister, to look into her eyes and know whether she truly believed her own words. But he couldn't remove his gaze from the blade in case it gave Truvian the opportunity to strike.

  "You think I'm lying, of course," Truvian said, raising a single eyebrow.

  "Of course you're lying!" May shouted furiously, dragging Oliver backwards another few steps.

  Truvian advanced, the smile dropping from his face. He pointed the tip of the knife at May as he spoke. "Keep your mouth shut. This is the third time we've tried to kill you, girl. And this time I'm not going to fail."

  "But you helped May last night after she was attacked!" Oliver burst out.

  "I only helped because there were so many witnesses around. It was William who attacked her, you know? She'd be dead already if you hadn't shown up."

  "But why do you want me dead?" May breathed.

  "I'm following orders," Truvian said with a shrug.

  "From my father?" Oliver snapped.

  Truvian's mouth curved up in a knowing smirk, making Oliver's skin crawl. "Yes, but not just him. William's orders come from the top of the chain, from Isaac Rimori."

  Oliver stepped backwards and felt his spine press up against a tree trunk. He glanced at Ma
y in a panic then realised his mistake as Truvian laughed a short, triumphant laugh then lunged toward them, slashing the blade through the air.

  Oliver forced May out of the way and charged toward Truvian, glancing a blow from the man's shoulder and throwing Oliver off balance. Truvian shot past him and powered towards May with the knife held out in one hand.

  "RUN!" Oliver yelled as he began hurtling after Truvian.

  The adrenalin in his veins and the thought of losing May made his legs work harder than they had in his entire life. May was still ahead but Truvian was only a few feet behind her, darting through the trees so Oliver lost sight of them intermittently.

  Truvian leapt, his arms fully outstretched, with the knife clamped in one hand. He dragged May to the ground. They slid forward and May's head collided with the trunk of a tree, knocking her unconscious.

  Oliver was on Truvian in seconds, ripping him away from her before he had a chance to use the knife. He stamped on the man's hand so the blade came free. Oliver lunged for it but Truvian grabbed his leg and he fell, face first, onto the muddy ground.

  Oliver kicked out and felt his foot connect with Truvian's face, making him shout out in pain. He rolled over and glanced around for the knife amongst the debris on the forest floor, hearing a scuffle of footsteps behind him.

  A deep, cruel laugh rang in Oliver's ears. He twisted around and spotted the knife with a pang of fear; it was held up high above him in Truvian's hand. Truvian grimaced at him, his cheekbone swollen and dirty where Oliver's boot had connected with it. Oliver scrambled away as fast as he could, his fingers sinking into the soft earth behind him as he moved.

  Truvian rushed forward and gripped the material at Oliver's chest, yanking him upwards so his face was just inches from his own and spoke through gritted teeth. "Your death isn't part of the plan. Just give up the girl."

  "Never," Oliver spat back and kicked out again.

  His foot connected with Truvian's shin, making him release Oliver so he collapsed back down to the ground. Oliver rolled onto his knees and tried to crawl away but Truvian grabbed his hair, forcing the side of his face down into the wet leaves and mud. Truvian's knee dug into his spine, pinning him to the ground.

  The cold blade pressed against Oliver's throat and his whole body stilled. His breathing came in short bursts through clenched teeth. All he could think of was May nearby and how she would be next if he died.

  Truvian leant over Oliver's ear and pressed his knee down, making him groan in pain. Oliver wriggled as hard as he could but couldn't find the strength to push Truvian away.

  Truvian's voice hissed in his ears. "You have been the thorn in my side ever since Rimori sent me to kill the girl. He's waiting to hear from me. He sent that vark as a distraction to give me time alone with her as he did back in the pod tunnels. But here you are again, always standing between her and her fate."

  Truvian pressed the blade harder to Oliver's throat and he felt it begin to pierce the skin. He could barely register any pain, his beating heart was pumping too much adrenalin through his veins.

  Oliver heard May groan as she regained consciousness and was filled with a surge of determination, forcing himself upwards with all the energy he could muster. But he couldn't escape. He closed his eyes, sure he was about to die.

  Truvian froze in a gasp of pain and the weight of him left Oliver's body in one, swift movement. Oliver rolled on to his back and saw Truvian lying in a heap a few feet away.

  Rogan stood above him, a red flame burning like a beacon in his outstretched palm. It extinguished and he rushed forwards. Oliver spotted a shadow of movement in his periphery and cried out in alarm as he spotted Truvian staggering towards May, dragging her up in front of him. She screamed out as he forced the blade up to her neck.

  Oliver scrambled to his feet in a panic.

  "Don't you dare hurt her," Rogan growled.

  There was a mad glint in Truvian's eye and he licked his lips.

  Rogan raised his palms defensively.

  "Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't try anything, Rogan. You wouldn't want my hand to accidentally, slip." He jabbed the knife at her neck and Oliver flinched, feeling fear flood every inch of his body.

  May let out a small squeak. Truvian crouched slightly, pulling her head backwards towards him so his face was partially covered by her blonde hair, using her as a shield.

  "What do you want?" Oliver practically shouted.

  "I want the girl dead, of course. But if I kill her now, you'll kill me. And I can't have that." He tutted at them, shaking his head.

  "Then you might as well let her go," Rogan tried, fire flaring in his hands once more.

  "Ha," Truvian laughed sarcastically. "I don't think so." He backed away from them, dragging May along in front of him.

  "Why would Rimori send you to kill my sister?" Oliver asked, trying to understand the connection.

  "May's death is the key to Rimori's success," Truvian said. "He's going to change everything. He's going to unite the seven worlds under his commanding rule."

  "And what does my sister dying have to do with that?" Oliver demanded, taking a tentative step towards them.

  "Everything and nothing," Truvian said, clearly enjoying the power he held over them all. "She's a loose end I'm simply tying up."

  A brief flash of movement caught Oliver's attention behind Truvian and his eyes flicked over his shoulder.

  With a surge of hope, Oliver spotted Quinn standing there supported by Anna who had her arm looped around her shoulders. Quinn's face was pale and her body was covered in blood. She held up a shaking, bloody palm towards Truvian and Oliver forced his eyes back to his face, not wanting to give her away.

  It was too late. Truvian spotted the glance and span around, pushing May away from him. Quinn released a powerful surge of magic but it missed its target, instead engulfing May in a flash of white light for an agonising moment, before she crumpled to the floor. Truvian bolted into the trees and Oliver ran as hard as he could after him.

  Anger burned inside him like nothing he had ever experienced. He wanted Truvian dead, ripped apart. Branches whipped his face, and caught his clothes. The man was getting too far ahead of him and his legs burned with the effort.

  "STOP!" Oliver roared his frustration, knowing it was pointless.

  Truvian's victorious laughter floated back to him then it was abruptly cut off. He reached the spot where Truvian must have just been but he was gone, vanished as if into thin air. Oliver searched the area as thoroughly as he could but Truvian had somehow escaped.

  Oliver ran back to his friends and fell to the floor by May who was pulled up into Rogan's lap. Quinn collapsed to the ground beside them, exhausted, pulling Anna down with her.

  Rogan had a palm rested on May's forehead sending green light out of it to heal her, his face a picture of concentration. But it wasn't working.

  "She won't wake up," Rogan hissed. "I'm drained from fighting the vark, I don't have enough energy."

  "We need help. Someone get help!" Oliver cried, pulling May into his arms.

  Rogan got to his feet and, without a word, charged off into the forest.



  May and Quinn were suspended in the air on stretchers as they were carried back through the forest by a team of medics. Oliver walked next to May, gripping her lifeless hand. Blankets were wrapped tightly around her but her lips were turning blue. She looked so small and vulnerable it practically broke his heart.

  Oliver was completely numb, his mind in a daze. He barely registered the brambles and thorns scraping at his body with every step, determined to stay next to May no matter how much more difficult the path was made for him.

  Rogan and Anna walked together in between the two stretchers, talking in low murmurs. After an age, they emerged at the top of a hill that sloped away into a small village. The ground became even and widened into a well-worn path.

  They took off at a fast pace and found a series of first aid tents on t
he outskirts of the village. May and Quinn were rushed straight into one and Oliver, Rogan and Anna followed.

  A nurse tended the superficial wounds Oliver had received from the ordeal. By some miracle he had avoided serious injury when falling down the cliff but his ribs were badly bruised from the impact with the vark's arm. He winced as the nurse ran her fingers down his side but he didn't care about the pain, he just stared at May in horror.

  After Anna had been tended to, she came and sat with him. Her presence was warm and comforting and she gripped his hand tightly. He couldn't say anything to her but the look she gave him told him he didn't have to.

  Two mages were brought in to tend to May. The blast she had received from Quinn had sent her body into shock. They spent a long time running their hands over her body, again and again, projecting different coloured light up and down her until, finally, one of the mages broke away and approached Oliver.

  Oliver gripped Anna's hand so tightly he was sure it was hurting but he couldn't let go.

  The kindly-looking mage gazed at him with empathy as she spoke. "She's going to be alright. She should wake up soon." She patted his shoulder then walked away.

  Oliver released a breath and let go of Anna's hand as he sunk his face into his palms, the tightness in his chest releasing. He felt Anna's arm slide over his back and he turned himself, pulling her into a tight embrace, resting his chin on her shoulder.

  They got up a moment later and pulled chairs to the side of May's bed. Oliver gripped her hand and was comforted to find it warm at last.

  He looked over to Quinn who was already upright in her bed. Rogan was sitting with her, holding her hand. She looked over and smiled at them then winced in pain.

  "Is everything okay?" Oliver asked.

  "It's where the fire from the vark hit her. It won't heal properly," Rogan said to them as a mage pressed his hand to Quinn's side again.

  She lay back in her bed and looked over at them. "I'm so sorry Oliver. I was aiming for Truvian. It all happened so fast," Quinn said in a fluster, tears filling her eyes.


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