Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!) Page 3

by Sable Hunter

  “If you ever want to give it a try, let me know. I’d be glad to show you the ropes.”

  “I won’t say no,” Josh said with interest. “I do love to be in control.”

  “Think about it, and if you ever want to take a look around the room, let me know. I know you’re a Casanova, but I bet I can teach you a thing or two. Do you think you’d be a Dom or a Submissive?”

  Josh laughed. “What do you think, smart-ass?”

  “Hey, you never know.” Isaac pointed toward the bar. “I saw the way you looked at my little bartender. Thanks for being kind to her.”

  His friend’s words flashed over Josh like flames of fire, but he didn’t know if Isaac was encouraging him or warning him off. Either way…Emma seemed so fragile, so dainty. Even though she was pouring drinks for rowdy cowboys and bikers, there was something almost ethereal about her. In some ways Josh felt like his presence would sully her in some way. “You’re welcome.”

  “She’s amazing. If you ever think something can’t be done, just tell Emma, then get out of the way.”

  “She seems like a nice girl.” Josh wondered why Isaac was trying so hard to sell him on Emma.

  For a few moments, Isaac didn’t say anything. “Nice. By your tone, I can tell you don’t think she’s exactly your type.”

  Josh heard the disapproval in Isaac’s voice and he started to disagree, but a scream from the back broke up their conversation. “What’s going on?”

  “Excuse me, it doesn’t sound like Janice is taking her walking papers with grace.”

  Josh watched Isaac go, his stride determined.

  “Are you sure you won’t join us, Josh?” Mandy slipped an arm through his and plastered her warm body to his side.

  “No thanks, hon.” He softened his tone, no need to be rude. “I’m about to pay my bill and hit the road.” He was in need of a pain pill, a hot shower and a few hours’ sleep. Feeling fairly positive, he made his way to the bar to ask for his tab. Emma was concocting a mixed drink and he was fascinated by how graceful and sure she was without the benefit of sight. Once she was through, he made himself known. “Emma, this is Josh. I’d like to pay what I owe. And be sure to add in those last two drinks you concocted for that pair of twins.”

  “Of course,” she nodded with a smile. “I’ll give your total to the cashier, they don’t actually let me handle money. Have a good night, Josh and thanks for agreeing to be in the auction.” She opened a drawer at her station and pulled out a piece of paper. “Avery asked me to give you this. All of the details are there, everything you need to know about tomorrow night.”

  “All right, I’ll be here. You have a nice night too.” Josh moved to the cash register.

  Doris, Isaac’s bar manager, eyed him curiously. “You ought to grab a chair, I can tell you’re in pain.”

  “No, I’m good. Gotta get home.”

  “Aren’t you Garrett Long’s boy?”

  Josh stiffened, knowing this was someone who would’ve remembered the scandal. “Yea, I am.”

  Her face broke out into a smile. “I loved your mama. Pearl was a doll. How you been?”

  Relaxing a bit, Josh answered. “I got bunged up a bit on the circuit. I’m home for a while.” He took the tab from her hand and noticed it seemed short. “I think there’s a couple of beers missing.”

  Doris waved her hand. “Emma insisted those were on her. She’s a good girl. I’ve never seen anyone so hardworking and generous. She trains seeing eye dogs, bakes like a dream, and has a kind word for everyone. Pity about her eyes. Although, she doesn’t seem to let it bother her. I’ve never seen anyone so eager to please.”

  Eager to please. The words caused his cock to flex. “Well, give her this for me.” He held out a twenty. Money wasn’t plentiful right now, but he knew what it was like to work for a living.

  “I’ll do it. You take care now and we’re glad you’re back in town.”

  Josh nodded, then began making his way out of the bar. His exit wasn’t an easy one. Hell, every eligible woman within twenty miles had come out tonight – plus some who should’ve stayed home with their husbands. Since he’d become a man, Josh Long had never lacked for female companionship when he wanted it. He prided himself in knowing what a woman wanted and being able to give it to her. Fulfilling erotic wishes was his forte. Tonight, he waved off bedroom eyes, come-hither smiles, and suggestive winks. As he left Hardbodies, he stole one last look toward the bar. Emma appeared to be looking right at him. Could she be as aware of him as he was of her? A shiver of awareness swept down his body. Even though he knew it was futile, he raised a hand to bid her goodbye. Every other female in the place wanted something from him, something he was thoroughly capable of delivering if he so chose. But he didn’t really have anything to offer a woman like Emma.

  A broken down cowboy was really no prize at all.


  Emma stood as still as could be. He was leaving. She’d followed his voice across the bar. The moment he left through the door, she felt it. The let-down was tangible; it was as if all the energy was gone from the room.

  “Hey, little lady, how about a beer?”

  A new voice showed up at the bar. She honed in on him. “Yes, sir. Coming right up.” She took a deep breath and went back to work. In no time at all, it seemed Isaac was making last calls for drinks.

  “Are you okay?”

  Avery’s unexpected voice soothed Emma’s senses like a breath of fresh air. Tonight she’d experienced a maelstrom of emotions. “Yea, I’m good. Is Fergus waiting for me?”

  “Yes, that dog hasn’t moved. He sits by the door and stares at you like you’re the only thing in the world. When you dropped that tray, he got to the edge of the bar before Doris pulled him back.”

  “He’s a good boy, takes his responsibilities seriously.” Emma finished wiping off the bar, making sure not to knock anything to the floor. “I don’t know what I’d do without him.”

  “How’s the trailer working out? Are you comfortable out back?”

  “Oh, yes.” Emma assured her. “I feel safer being close to the bar, especially when you and Isaac stay over.” She knew they spent some nights at Tebow Ranch. “Being this close to work is a plus too,” she laughed. “Can’t beat the commute time.”

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  Emma could hear Avery taking the money out of the register to put in the bank bag. Across the room, she could hear sounds of the help picking up chairs to stack on tables before they swept and in the back the noise of the dishwasher could be heard. Moving closer to her friend, she twisted the rag she was holding in her hand as tightly as she could. “Avery, could I ask you something?”

  “Sure thing, what’s on your mind?”

  “Isaac’s friend, the one who helped me pick up the broken glass? Josh…”

  “Yea? Josh Long. What about him?”

  She could hear a hint of excitement in Avery’s voice. Emma felt a thrill, talking to Avery like this reminded her of the girl-talk she used to share with her girlfriends, before everything went black. “Could you tell me what he looks like?”

  “Heck yeah!” Avery took Emma’s arm. “Let’s go to our apartment. We can have a glass of tea, put our feet up and gossip for a few minutes.”

  Emma let herself be pulled along, taking note of their position at every step. She’d made herself at home at Hardbodies, taking the time to learn the building. The process of mentally mapping her surroundings made her feel safe. Emma knew the place like the back of her hand, where every chair sat, even every floorboard that creaked. She hadn’t made many steps until she felt a warm tongue lick her hand. “Fergus! Hey, boy. You’d better let me take time for him to go for a quick walk, Avery. He hasn’t been out in a while.”

  “Are you kidding? Isaac took him. He loves that dog. Fergus has got it made around my husband.”

  “Fergus the Great, that’s your name. Isn’t it, buddy?” Emma caressed the big yellow lab’s head. He was so dignified, yet
so intensely loyal. She didn’t use him in the bar, but anytime she went outdoors or on a trip to town, Fergus was her eyes. He was a lot more company than her cane. All she had to do was put her hand on his halter and he took over, like now, leading her down the hall behind Avery. “Thanks for having me for a few minutes, I know you must be tired.”

  “Not a problem. Isaac will be a little while closing up. We’ll have time to visit for a few minutes.” Once they were at the door to the apartment, Emma stood still while Avery unlocked the door. “It’s open, you two come on in. There’s a couch straight ahead of you, Emma. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Emma let Fergus lead and soon she was touching the smooth arm of a leather couch. “How was the doctor visit?”

  Avery giggled. “Isaac is so cute. We saw our first ultrasound and he melted. The doctor said he couldn’t be sure of the sex, but Isaac swears he saw a penis. Iced tea okay?”

  “Of course. I’ll take it without sugar, please.” Emma scooted back into the seat, running her hand over the surface of the cushion next to her. “I’m sorry about that scene with Janice. I honestly didn’t hear her or sense she was anywhere around. Please take the cost of the glasses and drinks from my salary.”

  “Are you serious?” Avery chided her. “No, I won’t to do that. Janice admitted she caused you to drop them on purpose, she thought we’d fire you instead of her.”

  “Wow. I didn’t know she hated me so much.” Emma felt funny. There were those who disliked being around anyone who was handicapped, the differences in some people made them nervous.

  “Janice only likes herself,” Avery snorted.

  “Maybe, but I sure don’t want to do anything to mess this up. You and Isaac will never know how grateful I am for this chance. Happy did her best to get me as many gigs as possible, but no one would give me a chance at a real job. Not until you.”

  “Are you serious? We were impressed with how you handled yourself at the Governor’s mansion. You were professional, capable, and you had the crowd eating out of the palm of your hand. And after what you did for me? Your quick reaction saved my life.”

  “Ah, I was just in the right place at the right time. And you avoid saffron now, don’t you?”

  “Absolutely, like the plague. Here’s your tea, I’m setting it on the coffee table right in front of you.”

  “Thank you.” Emma picked the glass up and took a sip.

  “You aren’t dieting are you? You certainly have no reason to, you’ve got an adorable figure.”

  Emma laughed a little self-consciously. “Thank you. I’m not really dieting, but I gain weight easily. It’s best to just cut calories where I can, exercise isn’t my strong-suit.”

  “Sex, girl.” Avery sighed as she took a chair across from Emma. “My favorite way to burn calories is sex.”

  “I bet,” she murmured, not sure how else to respond. Getting herself off was the only type of sex she was having, which was the reason she wanted to know what Josh Long looked like. “Beats the heck out of jumping jacks.”

  “Yea, or the treadmill. I read in one of those fitness magazines that I can burn three hundred calories in 80 minutes of vigorous sex. That’s burning off five Oreos. Running three miles or an hour of yoga would do the same, but sex is a lot more fun.”

  “I agree.” Emma couldn’t vouch for it in person, but she could certainly see Avery’s point.

  “So…” Avery’s voice became instantly conspiratorial, “you want to know what Josh Long looks like?”

  “Yea, I make up pictures in my head for everyone and I don’t have a clue if I’m even close.” Emma could feel herself blushing. She didn’t want to have to explain her fantasy life to Avery. “His voice was very nice and he was polite…”

  “And he’s going to be visiting you in your dreams. Right?” Avery giggled happily, not mentioning that Emma hadn’t asked for descriptions of any of the other customers. “Girl, don’t be shy with me. I write hot romance novels for a living.”

  “Yes, you do.” Emma fanned her face and just told the truth. “I ordered one of your audiobooks, which is why I want a face to go with that sexy voice.”

  “Well…” Avery thought for a second or two. “He’s a big man, about six-foot three, probably weighs two hundred pounds or a little more. Wide shoulders, wedge shape torso.” She sighed. “I haven’t seen him without his shirt on since high school, but he was ripped then.”

  “That’s okay.” Emma was listening carefully. “What about his face?”

  “Dark hair, the color of milk chocolate, not long, not short. Dark eyes too, a golden brown color. Strong jaw and high cheekbones.” Avery paused, then asked out of nowhere. “When did you lose your sight?”

  The topic change took Emma aback for a second or two. “When I was twelve. It was a gradual thing, a genetic anomaly, a thinning of the corneas.” She shrugged.

  Avery let out a long breath. “That’s tough. Do you remember the actor Gerard Butler?”

  “Yea.” Emma smiled. “Josh looks like Gerard Butler?”

  “Not exactly, but close enough. In other words, Joshua Long is hot, honey.”

  “Yes, sounds like it.” Emma’s imagination was already running wild. “Now, next time he comes in, I won’t be picturing Brad Pitt.”

  “No, this guy is super intense. From what Isaac and Joseph have told me, he definitely knows his way around a woman.”

  Emma stroked Fergus’s head. “Oh, I can imagine.” Now that she knew what Josh looked like, she intended to imagine some rather vivid scenes. “I’ve always had a thing for cowboys.”

  “Josh is a professional bull rider or at least he was until he got hurt. I think that’s why he’s come home, he messed up his leg pretty bad.”

  “Oh, no.” Emma felt her heart drop. “How bad is it? Is he in pain?”

  “He was on crutches. I haven’t had a chance to ask Isaac any details.”

  “I can’t believe he came behind the bar to help me pick up the broken glass,” she murmured. “He must be a real gentleman.”

  “He is definitely a gentleman.” She grew silent for a moment. “I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but Josh is like Isaac. He likes to keep a low profile, but the guy is truly special. Most people think he’s just a player and he does have a reputation, but that’s mostly hype. He doesn’t seek any publicity, but Josh works hard for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He’s done over 400 wishes, everything from visiting sick kids in the hospital to taking them behind the scenes at the rodeo so they can spend time with him and meet other cowboys. He even gave his gold championship buckle to a sick little boy who asked him for it. The man has a heart of gold.”

  Emma smiled serenely. “I’m not surprised. I could tell by his voice and by his touch that he wasn’t like anyone I’d ever met before.”

  “Emma!” Avery exclaimed so loudly that both Emma and Fergus jumped. “Why don’t you let me set you up with Josh? Wouldn’t that be perfect?”

  “No.” She began saying no as soon as Avery said ‘set you up with’ and she continued to say it. “No. No. No, thank you, Avery.”

  “Why not? I think it’s a great idea!”

  Emma couldn’t see Avery, of course, but she had no trouble sensing her excitement. No matter. The very idea of her friend/boss approaching this man on her behalf gave her an extreme case of the wiggly willies. “I’d rather you didn’t,” she spoke calmly. “If Josh and I were to ever get together, I’d rather it be our idea.”

  “So, you would go out with him if he asked though?” Avery pushed.

  Emma could tell her friend was on her feet and pacing – not a good sign.

  “He won’t.” Emma stated the obvious.

  “Don’t sell yourself short, Emma. If you want this bad enough, it can happen.”

  Emmalyn heard Avery snap her fingers.

  “What are you doing? Dancing?”

  “No, but I do have an idea.” She grabbed Emma’s hands and pulled her to her feet, whirling her around. “Why don
’t you bid for him at the bachelor auction?”

  “What?” Emma’s head was spinning along with her body.

  “This is perfect! We’ve both worked so hard, everything is ready. The event is going to be a success. Why shouldn’t you have some fun too?”

  Emma didn’t know what to say.

  Seeing the confusion on her face, Avery pulled her down to the couch. “You don’t date. You’re lonely. Josh is the first man I know of that you’ve shown any interest in.”

  “You don’t understand, Avery.” Emma struggled to explain. “I’m different. Men aren’t drawn to me.” She ignored Avery’s noises of protest and just said her peace. “Couple my over-exuberance with my bright red hair and freckles and throw my blindness into the mix – heck, I probably scare the majority of the male population.”

  “Nonsense, you’re one of the loveliest women I know. Josh is going to love you.”

  Emma felt her heart tighten. The world didn’t work the same for her as it did for other people. “I don’t know, Avery.”

  “Think about it.” She squeezed Emma’s hand. “I’m serious.” And knowing exactly what would goad her friend to action, Avery said three words. “I dare you.”

  * * *

  Avery had dared her to bid on Joshua Long at the bachelor auction.

  A thrill rose so fast in Emma’s chest, she had to stop and take deep breaths just to tamp down her excitement. Heck. If only things were that easy.

  Fergus led Emma out the backdoor and across the drive to a small trailer that had fast become their home. As soon as they were inside, Emma released the dog who made a beeline for his food bowl. “Still hungry?” she asked, placing her keys on the bookcase where she knew she’d remember the location. Being blind forced her to be organized.

  “I’m home, honey,” she announced to the empty trailer. “Did you miss me?” Yes, Emma knew it was sorta pathetic, but sometimes she pretended she wasn’t alone. Fergus was good company, but he wasn’t a human being. In her flights of fancy, she lived with a big strong guy who wanted nothing more than to hold her tight, kiss away her troubles, and make love to her all night long. “I missed you, good-looking,” she told him.


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