Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!) Page 8

by Sable Hunter

  “I’m still your friend, and that’s one reason I wanted to talk to you about Emma. She’s special. To finish my story, while I was off talking to the Governor, Avery got sick. Thinking she just needed to splash some water on her face, she went to the restroom. While she was in there, she got worse, she had trouble breathing. Her throat began to close up. Lucky for us, Emma walked in and even though she’s blind, she figured out what was going on fast. She called for an ambulance, but the reaction Avery was experiencing was so intense, she might not have survived if Emma hadn’t walked back out into the crowd and demanded an epipen. Her quick thinking saved Avery’s life. We had no idea she was allergic to saffron, it wasn’t something she’d ever come into contact with before or maybe it was an allergy that had just developed over the last few years. Either way, Emma didn’t panic, she didn’t let her disability make her helpless, she stepped up to the plate and saved Avery. We’ll never forget that.”

  Josh understood. “I hear you and I can promise that I’ll treat Emma with respect. I won’t do anything with her or to her that she’s doesn’t want. Remember, Emma came to me.”

  Isaac laughed. “Women come to you all the time, you’re like a sex ATM.” Isaac handed him the key. “Just be careful with this one, like I said, she’s special.”

  “You sure I’m not messing up any plans for you and Avery?”

  “Nope, we’ll be heading out to spend the night at Tebow on Wednesday. Our uncle, Christian, is coming to visit and we’re going to be there for breakfast on Thursday. We spend about half our time here and half our time there.”

  “Must be nice,” Josh said, anxious to get a move on. “Thanks for this.” He held the key up and began to back away.

  “No problem.” Isaac returned to his programming. “Have a good time.”

  Josh nodded, holding up his hand in farewell.

  He intended to show Miss Emma a really good time indeed.

  * * *

  Between Monday night and Wednesday, Emma questioned her impulsive actions a thousand times. There were times when she was so excited that she couldn’t be still and times when she felt pathetic for putting herself and Josh in such a situation. Even though he’d denied it, she knew he probably would rather be going on a date with any of the other women who’d bid on him. She’d wanted to tell him that she would’ve enjoyed anything he planned, that just getting to go on a date with a man like Josh was a dream come true. What she’d said about the sex had been her way of saving face.

  “Oh, Fergus, I messed up.” She sank to the floor and buried her face in her dog’s neck.

  Did she want to have sex with Josh?

  Yes. But she wanted so much more.

  A series of beeps let her know that it was six, Josh would be arriving in one hour. Emma had been afraid he might back out, but he’d dropped into Hardbodies the night before and reconfirmed their plans. He didn’t tell her what those plans consisted of, but she didn’t really care. She just wanted to spend time with him.

  Standing up, she ran her hands down her dress. Emma hoped what she wore was okay. A small giggle escaped her lips, she always wondered if she was dressed appropriately. Emma couldn’t count how many times she’d worn something that she later found out clashed or wasn’t suitable. This was also the first time she’d dressed for a man. Emma picked up the lace skirt and smiled. The dress felt so pretty. She’d ordered it online, just from a description. Maybe it was okay, she had no idea if she looked sexy or silly.

  The sound of the timer going off alerted Emma that the cake she had in the oven was done. “I hear you, I hear you.” As she lifted the sheet pan from the rack, setting it on the counter to cool, it occurred to Emma how much her life was governed by sounds that alerted her to what was going on in the world around her. Oh well, everyone coped in one way or the other. Grabbing the pan of frosting she’d made earlier, Emma poured the chocolate ganache over the still very hot cake. This process would be a disaster on a layer cake, but as she poured, she poked holes in the moist sponge so the sweet goodness of the chocolate would soak down into the cake. She hoped to entice Josh to share some with her.

  Once she was through, she couldn’t resist licking the spoon. “Yum, yum.” A nudge at her leg told Emma someone else wanted a treat. “Chocolate isn’t good for you, bud.” She put the pot in the sink, ran some water into it, then went to a nearby cabinet to find Fergus a dog biscuit. “There, you like these. They’re duck flavored.”

  Bam! Bam! Bam!

  “Josh.” He was early! A wave of excited trepidation washed over her. Was this a mistake? She hoped not.

  Well, only one way to find out.

  Outside the door, Josh stood waiting. He’d planned on only using one crutch tonight. Cady had given him two more rehab sessions and each time the pain had lessened. It had been just his damn luck though that he’d been standing in the wrong place in the barn when Denver had come through carrying a two by four. He hadn’t seen Josh and when he turned the corner, he’d clipped Josh’s knee. The pain had been so intense; Josh thought he might pass out. If he hadn’t taken a couple of pain pills, he would’ve had to cancel his date with Emma.

  Inside, he could hear Emma’s footsteps coming toward the door and the muffled sound of a dog barking. He ran a hand down his shirt to make sure all the buttons were done and on down to make sure his fly was zipped. Yea, he was nervous. And the hell of it – he didn’t really know why. Josh couldn’t count how many women he’d charmed between the sheets in the last ten years. He’d given them all exactly what they needed with no complaints, the only thing they ever asked for…was more.

  He raised his fist to knock again when the door swung open. “Josh?”

  “You should ask who’s there before you just open the door, Miss Emma.”

  “Sorry. I was just excited.” She stepped backwards and turned on the light. “No use leaving you in the dark just because I am.”

  “Thanks.” The sudden bright light sort of blinded him. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, let me get my purse.”

  “Uh…we’re just going into the bar. Isaac is letting us use his private party room.”

  “Oh, okay.” She’d wondered where he would take her and now she knew. She wasn’t really going anywhere but across the driveway. “Fergus, you wait here. I’ll be back in a little while.” Twisting her skirt around one finger, she sought for something to say. “I made cake. Do you want me to bring it?”

  “I think I’ve got dessert covered, but thanks.”

  His tone was dry. She couldn’t tell if he was annoyed, happy or pissed. “Are you sure you want to go through with this? We don’t have to, you know.”

  Okay, this was it. His out. Josh considered it – for about half a second, then he dismissed it. Completely. For two reasons. One – Emma had paid money in good faith, probably because he asked her too. And two – he wanted to do it, his whole body was primed for action. Whether or not they had sex would be her call, as always. “If you’re still game, I’m definitely up for it.”

  She couldn’t give Josh points for romance, but Emma didn’t really expect it. No matter how good the cause had been, this was still very much a business transaction. “I’ve been looking forward to it,” Emma said honestly.

  “Good, me too.” Josh waited while she locked the door. “Take my arm. I’m still a bit on the handicap side.”

  “Me too,” she answered, stating the obvious. “How are you feeling?”

  “I can’t complain,” he said, not wanting to discuss his problems. They had taken a few steps, when she swayed and he pulled her closer. “Watch…” Josh wanted to bite his tongue. He’d almost told her to ‘watch her step’. “Sorry, hold tighter. The ground is a bit uneven here. We’ll be under the security lamp in a second.”

  “It’s these rocks,” she explained. “Fergus has us a little trail that he takes. Plus, I don’t usually wear heels like this. I dressed up tonight.”

  “I’m sure you’re lovely. I’ll let you model
for me when we get inside the play room.”

  “Playroom?” Emma could feel her hand shaking. She wondered if Josh could feel it.

  “Ahem,” Josh chuckled, then coughed. “I thought you would’ve known about the room, I mean you work at Hardbodies and you and Avery are friends.”

  “I’m an employee, Josh. A blind employee. I do know there’s a room that Isaac keeps locked, but it’s his building and none of my business.”

  “Well, you’ll see…” Josh stammered. “I mean I’ll show you…Hell!”

  Emma laughed. “Stop worrying about what you say or how you say it. Don’t you think I’m used to it?”

  “Sorry. Maybe so.” They came to the bar’s back entrance and Josh helped her inside. “I’m not that familiar with BDSM, but as I was setting up for our dinner, I can tell you I noticed some interesting contraptions in there.”

  “Like what?”

  They made the short trip down the hall and into the playroom. “Ah, let’s see. There’s everything from a spanking bench to some kind of a cross they tie people to, and there’s a wall full of whips and floggers and drawers full of all kinds of sex toys.” Josh flipped on the light. “Maybe it’s better that you can’t see them.”

  “Sounds kinky,” she murmured and they both laughed. “Might be fun.”

  “Oh, really?” Josh propped his crutch against the wall, he didn’t think he’d need it for the short distances he’s have to travel in the room. “Well, let’s get dinner out of…” As he was speaking, he turned to Emma for the first time in full light. The rest of whatever he was going to say flew out of his mind. “Wow. You look…”

  “I didn’t know what to wear. Is this okay?”

  Josh silently nodded his head. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Emma stood there looking guilelessly beguiling in cream colored lace. Tiny spaghetti straps graced her shoulders above an off the shoulder shawl drape of lace that hung down below her breasts. The waist was fitted, but the skirt was full and had a very feminine handkerchief bottom. She didn’t look like she belonged in a BDSM dungeon, Emma looked as if she were attending a church picnic or about to grace the top of a wedding cake.

  God, she was hot.

  “You look…beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” She was standing still, waiting for him to say something else when she felt him enter her space – not touching, but the heat and presence of his big hard body so close to hers was as tangible as a touch. And then it happened, he bent to press his lips to her cheek. She gasped as the kiss continued to the corner of her mouth, his tongue branding her skin. Emma held her breath until he withdrew.

  “A tiny smudge of chocolate, I couldn’t resist.”

  “Wow, you know how to kick off a date.”

  “I hope so.” Josh made himself busy, taking things from the hamper, setting them on the table.

  Emma waited for him to give her some indication of where to go or what to do. She could hear him moving around. Holding out her hand, she began to move slowly toward him, carefully putting one foot ahead of the other. “Josh. What now?”

  Josh jerked his head up. “God, I’m sorry.” He went to her, taking her hand. “Here, sit down. I’m just getting the food set up. Avery was good enough to put us together a nice meal. I think Isaac said Lilibet Saucier prepared everything.”

  “Oh, good,” Emma said, unsure of what to do. Delicately, carefully, she placed her hands on the table, trying to find if there was a glass of water or something. Her mouth felt dry. She was nervous, unsure. The times when she’d gone into places where she’d never been, Fergus had been with her or she’d had her cane. Usually there was someone to help her get her bearings. She hated appearing inadequate and helpless. Gradually, she found a plate, a fork, and a glass. Carefully, she lifted it to her lips and took a taste. “Wine, nice.”

  “Oh, yea. White. A local vineyard, or so it says on the label.” Josh uncovered one of the dishes. “We’ve got roast chicken, little potatoes with green stuff scattered around on them, and green beans with some kind of little nut shaved on it.”

  Emma giggled at his description. “Sounds delicious.”

  “Yes, well dig in.” She could hear serving utensils scraping against bowls and plates.

  “Okay.” Emma paused, hating to ask for help. “Could you tell me where everything is?”

  “Oh, shit,” Josh whispered under his breath.

  Emma blanched. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, no.” She felt his hand brush her shoulder as he apparently picked up her plate. “Let me help.” As he filled her plate, he felt foolish, out of his element. Here he was with a woman who’d wanted to spend time with him enough to pay for it and he was making a royal mess of the whole thing.

  When he set it back down, Emma’s hands were on her knees and she pulled a portion of her skirt up and clutched it between her fingers. Now she understood the reservations Josh had expressed. Normally she would’ve asked whomever she was dining with where her food was on her plate, but she just couldn’t seem to do that with Josh. “Thank you, it smells really good.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Taking her fork, she used it to poke into something but it felt unwieldy, Emma realized it must be the chicken. She hesitated, hating to use her fingers. “Josh, is this a leg or a thigh or what?”

  Josh froze. “Hell, I’m making a mess of this.” He felt like a heel. “It’s a breast, do you want me to cut it up for you?”

  “No,” she whispered. “I’m not helpless. I just need to be able to envision my plate.”

  “Your potatoes are above the chicken on the right and the green beans are to the left.”

  “Thank you.” Emma took a deep breath, calming herself. She could do this. If only her hand wasn’t shaking. She could feel him looking at her and this made her feel self-conscious and stupid. Concentrating hard, she took her time and managed to get a green bean in her mouth without dropping food in her lap or getting any on her face.

  For a few minutes they ate in silence until Emma spoke again. “Everything is very good, thank you.”

  Josh was just grateful she’d broken the silence. It was so damn quiet. “Oh, damn, I forgot.” He jumped up and walked off. “I forgot to turn on the speaker.”

  In a few seconds the sound of the band playing in the bar filtered into the room, loud enough to hear but not loud enough so they couldn’t talk. Emma was glad there was something to fill the silence because she couldn’t think of a thing to say. So far, dating wasn’t exactly what it was cracked up to be, but she had enough sense to know the problem wasn’t Josh. “Thank you, that’s very nice.”

  A blush bloomed on her pale skin making Josh wonder whether he would be able to feel the warmth if he touched her pretty cheek. “You wanted to do this badly enough to drop twenty-five hundred dollars on it, the least I can do is try and show you a good time. If I had two good legs, I’d offer to dance with you. I wish I could’ve afforded to do something more elaborate, but…”

  “No, this is great.”

  Her slight smile made Josh feel better. He didn’t date, he’d never dated. He hooked up, that was all. “How did Avery and Isaac get roped into hosting the bachelor auction?” Josh asked inanely, his brain didn’t seem to be working. He hadn’t realized he’d lost the art of conversation or maybe he never had it to begin with.

  Relieved to have something to talk about, Emma plunged in, telling him more than he wanted to know. She related the sequence of events, from the day the fund raising chairman of the Emergency Services group contacted Avery until the moment she approached Josh with the idea of being part of the effort. “From what Doris tells me, Isaac and Avery have always been active in charity work, even before they were married. Some people might be surprised by that, but I’m not, they’re wonderful people.”

  “Yes, they are. Do you want more of anything?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “How about dessert? There’s peach cobbler, or I think it’s peach. It won’t be as good as t
he chocolate I tasted on your lips, but…”

  “There’s more of that, if you want it.” Emma offered shyly, her heart pounding at the remembrance of his mouth on hers.

  “The chocolate or the kiss?”

  “Both.” Emma trembled, surprised at her own boldness. “If you haven’t changed your mind.”

  As much as he wished things were different, he hadn’t changed his mind. “What would you say if I said I’d rather have you for dessert?” Josh knew he didn’t have to seduce her; she’d already told him exactly what she wanted from the evening. But there was something about Emma, an innate innocence that combined with her obvious sensuality which made him want to take care of her.

  She bit her full lip, aiming those big blue eyes in his direction. “I’d say, what are you waiting for?”

  “Hell, if I know.” He rose, threw down his napkin and took her by the hand. “Let’s go sit on the bed. Until my leg gets better, I can’t engage in too many sexual acrobatics.”

  Emma giggled, feeling herself blush again. “I’m not expecting acrobatics or any kinky stuff.” She placed her hand over her heart as he led her to the bed. “I just want you.”

  Sitting down, he pulled Emma beside him. “Now I know why your hair is so fiery red. You are one hot little doll. I bet you can burn the sheets up.”

  Emma shivered, not about to reveal she was a novice. Emma was counting on her usual ability to bluff her way through almost every situation. If she was lucky, he’d never suspect she was a virgin. Not that he would care either way, but she didn’t want him holding back. This was her chance to learn what it was like to be a woman with someone her friends trusted, a chance that might not come again anytime soon. “Should I undress now?” Her hand went to one of the thin, dainty straps, tugging it until the bow came untied.

  Seeing her willingness to bare herself for him, Josh’s hand shook as he placed a hand on her shoulder, conscious of how small she was, how soft her skin felt, how much he wanted to kiss the silky surface. How much he wanted to kiss her all over. “I think that privilege should belong to me, don’t you?” A rush of lust flashed over Josh.


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