Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!) Page 20

by Sable Hunter

  “Well, hello, lover. I didn’t think you’d ever get home.”

  Josh nearly jumped out of his skin. Whirling around, he was flabbergasted to see a naked woman lying on his bed. And not just any naked woman. “Keira, what the hell are you doing in my home?”

  “Waiting on you.”

  “How did you get in?”

  “The back door was open.” Keira went to her knees, her hour glass body was still lush and firm. She went into a classic playgirl pose. “Aren’t you glad to see me?”

  “Hell, no. You’re already overstayed your welcome. Get out!” he demanded.

  “Are you sure?” She licked her finger, then put it between her legs, arching her back as she did so. “We used to have some good times, didn’t we?”

  “You pretty well killed the memory of any good time we ever had when you singlehandedly tried to ruin my career.”

  “Publicity, Joshua. Isn’t it true what they say, any publicity is good publicity?” She went down on all fours and started crawling toward him like a cat.

  Joshua backed up, glad he still had on his jeans and underwear. She was beautiful and sexy as hell. Fortunately, she did absolutely nothing for him. Not anymore.

  Why? She didn’t have red hair, freckles, creamy milk-white skin or a sweet personality.

  In other words, Keira wasn’t Emma.

  “Are you going to leave of your own accord or do I get to throw you out?” He held open the door and gestured through it. “And get dressed, you won’t want to walk barefoot outside, I have grass burrs.”

  Giving him what she thought was a seductive smile, Keira played her ace. “Let’s make a deal. You give me something I want and I’ll give you something you want.”

  “What?” He didn’t want anything from her.

  “I’ll retract my accusations, then take down the social media pages if you’ll fuck me hard one more time.”

  “No way. In hell. Leave. The damage has already been done and there’s no way I could fuck you, everything about you turns me off.” He waited for her to move. “Now! Or I’ll call the Sheriff and have you forcibly removed, I don’t want to soil my hands by touching you.”

  Her countenance instantly changed from pouty to furious. “Well, fuck you, Joshua Long. I’m glad that bull stomped your sorry ass. I hope you’re happy in this hell-hole.” She grabbed her clothes. “I’ll leave, but I can assure you that this isn’t over. I’ll find your weak spot and when I do, you’ll be sorry you treated me like a piece of trash.”

  “Just leave, Keira. And don’t come back. You’re not welcome here.”

  * * *

  “You made this for me?” She accepted the belt and ran her hands up and down the leather, rubbing her thumb over the intricate design. “I feel flowers and vines…and my name! It says Emma!” Throwing her arms around Josh’s neck, she hugged and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. “I love it. I love it so much!”

  “Let’s put it on you.” Even though she couldn’t see it, Josh couldn’t keep the indulgent smile off his lips.

  “Please.” She held her arms up in the air while he clasped it around her waist. “I’m glad you decided to wear pants tonight; it would’ve looked odd with a dress.”

  “Avery told me it was a denim and diamonds type of place. Since I don’t have any diamonds, I decided to go with denim.” She bounced in place. “I feel so special!”

  “You are special, honey.” He kissed her, wishing he had the money to shower her with diamonds. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes, I am. Be good, Fergus, we’ll be back.” She gave her dog a hug.

  “He’s getting used to my place. I think he’s taken over the recliner.”

  “If he gets in the way, just tell him so. He’s smart and seems to understand everything I say.” Emma worried, she didn’t want Josh to resent their presence.

  “He’s fine. Do you want your cane?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He handed it to her. “Just hold it for now, take my arm.”

  She did, feeling so taken care of, it was nice.

  The drive wasn’t far, just a few miles, but to Emma it felt like she was traveling far away. The distance couldn’t be measured in miles, but in experience. When they arrived, Emma took Joshua’s hand as he helped her from his truck. “Tell me what you see, Joshua.”

  He rubbed his thumb across her palm. Every time she asked him to describe something, his heart hurt. “Well, Legends is fancy by Kerrville standards, I guess. The restaurant is housed in an old-fashioned brick building with picture windows in the front and a gas lamp lighting the way. We’re on the square, so there are other shops around, including Avery’s florist shop. Have you been there before?”

  “Yes, I have. Thank you, now I know where I am.”

  The sound of a car door slamming told Emma that someone else was close by.

  “Hey, you two. Sorry, we’re late. This woman can’t keep her hands off of me,” Isaac announced and Emma heard Avery protesting his teasing.

  “You look lovely, Emma.”

  “Thank you, Avery.” Joshua hadn’t said anything about how she looked other than he was glad she’d worn pants. She hoped nothing was wrong with him. Other than giving her the belt, he’d been pretty quiet when he picked her up. “I bought this new shirt at Chloe’s Boutique in the mall.”

  “Nice, you look good in those big multi-colored polka dots.” Isaac said.

  “Polka dots?” Avery stood stock still. “This blouse is supposed to be blue to match my eyes!”

  Joshua put an arm around her. “He’s teasing you, baby.”

  Emma blushed. “Okay, I’ll get you back Isaac. Remember, I fix your drinks.”

  Avery laughed. “She’s got you there. Let’s go in. Everybody hungry?”

  “After you,” Joshua held the door. Using her cane, Emma stepped into the Legends restaurant. She felt frissons of excitement pepper her skin. This was the first time she and Joshua had gone out in public together other than the bar. Yes, Avery and Isaac were here also, but that was okay. As far as Emma was concerned, this was a momentous occasion.

  While they waited for the hostess to seat them, Emma let herself absorb the atmosphere. The ambiance was classy, voices were subdued. Music played low and she could hear the clink of glassware and the smells were out of this world. “This is so nice. I’ve never been here before. Thank you for bringing me, Josh.”

  Once they were escorted to their table, Josh held out her chair, then he made sure she knew where her napkin, silverware, and water glass was located. “Will you order for me?” she asked, knowing women did that sometimes. “I know this is a steak restaurant, but if there’s anything I don’t have to cut, that would be nice.”

  “Of course, I’ll be glad to.” He studied the menu. “There’s shrimp or if you prefer beef, medallions in a wine sauce over pasta.”

  “Oh, that sounds good. And I like bleu cheese on my salad if they have it.”

  Once they’d placed their orders, the small talk began. She listened, a little nervous, wanting to take part when she could. The men were discussing the expansion at Tebow. Finally, when there was a lull, she said, “I smell jasmine, are there flowers on the table or a candle?”

  “Flowers.” Avery answered. “They’re from our shop. We provide fresh bouquets for the tables on the weekend.”

  “I’m sure they’re beautiful.”

  “You’re what’s beautiful,” Josh leaned over and whispered in her ear, taking her hand under the tablecloth.

  Emma flushed, dropping her head. “Thank you.” She could hear Isaac and Avery speaking to one another in hushed tones also.

  “Would you like to dance?” She heard Isaac ask his wife, who accepted eagerly.

  “How about you?” Josh whispered in her ear. “Do you trust me?”

  How could she refuse? “I’d love to try. I’ve never danced with anyone before.”

  She stood and he took her hand. “From what I saw on the bar at Hardbodies, you’re a natur

  Emma clung to his arm, letting him guide her through the crowd. “Excuse me, excuse me,” she had to say several times as she bumped into people or they bumped into her. “I don’t know about this, Josh.”

  “Come here. You’ll be fine. Let me hold you.” He pulled her into his arms and she leaned into him happily. “Now just listen to the music and follow me.”

  Josh held her, loving the way her hand felt in his, the way her body molded itself close. She fit him, like she belonged.

  “I don’t know any steps,” she confessed.

  “You don’t need any, just sway. I don’t really care anything about dancing, this is just an excuse to hold you.”

  Emma giggled, running her fingers through the soft hair at his nape. “You don’t need an excuse. I love to be held.” He kissed her temple, but said nothing else. “Are you okay? You’ve been very quiet tonight.”

  Josh thought about the mess with Keira. He still couldn’t believe she’d shown up at his house, then had the gall to wait naked in his bed. “Nothing’s wrong at all.” He just had no idea what Keira might do next. He hoped she didn’t try to stir up any trouble with the McCoys. That would be the last straw. “I’m just happy to be here with you.” Josh had no intention of saying anything to Emma about the whole mess, this was something she didn’t need to be worried about.

  Emma sighed, satisfied. “I love this. All of it. Being here with you. Dancing. It’s a dream come true for me.”

  “Good.” Josh closed his eyes too, allowing himself to imagine what she was feeling. What he discovered was that he could shut the world out, put aside his worries and concern, concentrate only on her. He felt his desire rise. “I’ve got a surprise for you when we leave.”

  “Really? Another one?”

  She pulled away, her eyes coming up to meet his. When she did this, he could feel a tugging on his heart. He’d give ten years of his life if she could see again.

  “You’ll just have to wait.” He rubbed a thumb on her cheek. “But I can promise you’re going to love it.” Josh smiled, imaging what her reaction would be.

  “How am I going to be able to wait? I won’t be able to eat,” she said with the cutest pout on her lips.

  “Anticipation will only make it sweeter.” They danced for a few more minutes before Josh squeezed her arm. “I think our food’s ready.”

  “Okay.” She hugged him really tight. “Thank you. You’re giving me so many firsts in my life. I wish I could give you one.”

  “Well…” Josh’s heart beat faster. “Maybe you could.”

  “What can I do?” She asked as they began to make their way back to the table.

  “We’ll talk about it later. Okay?” Reluctantly, he pushed the erotic thought aside for now.

  “Have fun?” Avery asked.

  “Yea, I did. Did you?” Emma asked, seating herself carefully with Josh’s help.

  “Yes, I don’t often get Isaac on the dance floor. You two looked great together out there.”

  “I’m just glad I didn’t stumble or step on his feet.” She was about to ask Josh to tell her what was on her plate when he leaned closer.

  “Meat and pasta at six, asparagus at twelve. A roll is in a separate plate at ten. Glass of water at two. And don’t say thank-you, this is my job and my privilege.”

  Emma kissed him on the cheek before he pulled away. “I’ll thank you later.”

  Josh laughed. “I’m counting on it.”

  They ate and made small talk. Before dessert, Avery rose. “Emma, would you like to join me in the powder room?”

  “Yes, please.” She stood and Josh pressed her cane into her hand.

  “Powder room.” Isaac mused. “When women gang up to go to the powder room, it always makes me nervous.”

  “It’s not gun powder, darling, you don’t have to worry.” Avery gave him a kiss. “We’ll be right back, you two be good.”

  “Come on, Emma.”

  Emma felt Avery touch her shoulder. “Okay, I’ll be right behind you.”

  She moved slowly, letting her cane guide her between the tables. Once she had to stop when someone stepped in front of her, but by taking her time she had no trouble.

  “Here we are.” Avery announced as they entered. “The stalls are to your right, sinks to your left.”

  Emma thanked her. When she finished, she went to the sink to wash her hands. Emma could hear movement, but didn’t know how many other people were in the room with them. “Avery, I want to thank you for asking me and Josh to dinner tonight. I am enjoying it immensely.”

  A stall door banged and water came on in the sink next to Emma. She thought it was Avery and faced that way, but no one said anything.

  From behind her, Avery’s voice sounded. “No problem. We’re having a blast. Joshua Long is special to us and we’re just glad you two are together.”

  “You? Joshua Long? Bull rider Josh Long?”

  The questions came from a voice Emma had never heard before. “Yes.” Frankly, she didn’t know what else to say.

  Only a noise that could best be described as surprised disgust met her ears, then the sound of heels clicking on the floor as the unknown woman exited.

  “What was her problem?” Avery asked.

  “I have no idea,” Emma could honestly say.

  “Well, let’s not worry about it. We have two sexy men waiting for us.”

  When they returned, it was to find that Josh had excused himself as well. Isaac rose to help them into their seats, but Avery noticed someone across the room she wanted to speak to, leaving Emma and Isaac alone.

  “You and Josh have really hit it off, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, he’s very kind to me.”

  “You’re easy to be kind to, Emma.”

  “Isaac,” she began nervously, “could I ask you something?”

  “Of course. Anything.”

  “I’m not sure you could help, but you know so many people. Josh has a talent that I’m not sure anyone is aware of and I wondered if you could think about ways he could use it.”

  Intrigued, Isaac urged her to continue. “What kind of talent?”

  “He makes beautiful things from leather.”

  “Like belts? Wallets?”

  “Yes, and saddles.” She stood up. “He gave me this belt as a gift today.” She turned around so he could see her name on the back. “It’s great, isn’t it?”

  “It definitely is. Okay, sure. Let me see what I can do. There’s certainly a demand for quality leather goods, especially custom work.”

  “Good.” She sat back down, pleased with herself. “I want to see him happy.”

  “Josh is lucky to have you on his side,” Isaac said softly, as Emma heard Josh and Avery returning. “Damn lucky.”

  A little while later, they took their leave. “I had such a nice time. Thank you for inviting us.” Emma hugged Avery, then Isaac.

  “It was our pleasure. Let’s do it again soon.” Isaac said, shaking Josh’s hand.

  “Maybe I could cook for us all sometimes, at Josh’s,” Emma offered.

  “Let’s wait until I get my house up to par.” Josh interjected.

  “Of course,” Avery said quickly, covering up an awkward moment. “Anytime you say.”

  Emma felt bad. She had no business issuing invitations to someone else’s home. Once they were in the car, she apologized. “I shouldn’t have asked them; it wasn’t my place. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I think you’ve got an image of my house in your head that doesn’t exist. It needs a lot of work. The linoleum is curling up on the kitchen floor, the cabinets are scarred and the carpet is stained.”

  “I didn’t know,” she stated softly. “I feel so good when I’m there, it never enters my mind that everything isn’t perfect.”

  “No worries.” He rubbed her knee. “Are you ready for your surprise?”

  “Yes!” She put aside her embarrassment and decided to just enjoy the moment. “Where are
we going?”

  “Back to the bar.”

  “To my trailer?”

  “No,” he said mysteriously. “To Isaac’s dungeon.”

  “Oh, my goodness.” She immediately felt her girl parts respond to him. “I just got wet thinking about it.”

  Laughter burst from Josh’s lips. “Good. I stay hard around you all the time.”

  “You do?” The news made Emma smile.

  “I do.” Once they parked, he helped her from the car. “Okay, I’m going to let you in the dungeon. I want you to go in and undress for me.” He gave Emma her cane. “Once you’re inside, there’ll be a bench to your left, a spanking bench. I want you to lay down on it for me, face down and wait.”

  His whispered directions brought chill bumps to her body. Her nipples and clit began to tingle. “Where will you be?”

  “Oh, I’ll be in shortly. Isaac gave me permission to raid his wine cellar tonight.”

  “Are we going to have something to celebrate?” Emma’s heart began to pound.

  “Well, I’ll let you be the judge of that when we finish.” He kissed her lips, then escorted her inside. Opening the door of the dungeon, he turned on the light. “I want to make sure I’m able to see you.” He held her hand until they were inside the room. “Okay, everything looks good.” Considering all the turmoil that had gone on, Josh was taking extra precautions. “You make yourself at home and I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay,” she said a bit breathlessly. Once he was gone, she removed her clothes, draping them over a chair, letting her fingers linger on the belt he’d made for her. She hoped what she told Isaac would turn into something that would benefit Josh. “Now, to find that bench.” She slowly moved a few feet to her left until her hand and knee came into contact with something. Taking a few seconds to examine it, she eased herself up on it. “Emma, girl, you have stepped through the looking glass.” She could hardly believe how things had changed. A couple of weeks ago she’d been alone, her only love-interest was an imaginary man she talked to in her dreams, and now – she was spread out on a spanking bench awaiting the sexiest man in the world to join her.

  Josh was in a hurry, so much of a hurry that he couldn’t get his act together. He picked out a bottle of bubbly, got halfway to the playroom only to remember he needed glasses. Returning for the glasses, he found two, then set out again, bumping into a chair. “Dammit!” He’d just clobbered his rock-hard dick. “Steady, cowboy, don’t break it off before you get to use it.”


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