Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!) Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  “What do you want?” Emma cried, wishing she had her phone but she’d left her purse in the car and she figured Avery had done the same. Her dog lunged at the end of the leash, but she didn’t know if the man had a knife or a gun and Fergus was more than her protector, he was her family.

  “Oh, Avery knows what I want. Revenge. Because of her, I spent the last year in prison.”

  This was serious. Emma could tell. She tried to think. Tried to decide what to do.

  “Emma has nothing to do with this, Ajax. Let her go.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. She screams so pretty. I enjoyed playing with her the other night, beating on the side of her trailer. I wanted her to think all the devils from hell were after her. Is that what you thought, Emma? Were you afraid? I love fear…” His dropped to a growl. “It makes me hard.”

  Avery glanced over at Emma. Even though her friend was blind, she wasn’t backing down. Striving to remain calm, Avery tried to think of a plan. What Emma couldn’t see was that Ajax had a knife, not a gun. The blade was his weapon of choice, he liked to draw blood and a knife was slower than a gun. He could draw out the pleasure. “Let’s make a deal, Ajax. Isaac is who you hate. Right? You think he stole from you.”

  “Yea, he stole my reputation. Had me banned from the clubs. He also stole my freedom. Over three hundred days behind bars gives a man time to make plans. And all the plans in my head end in just one way. I’m going to hurt you. Hurting you will kill that asshole husband of yours and when he is dead, all the McCoys will suffer. And guess what?” he snarled. “I win.”

  “Okay,” Avery was trying to keep him talking. The more he talked, the longer they’d live. “Tell me how you want this to go. Let’s see if we can think of a way to make you happy and take Emma out of the picture. I’ll do what you want me to do if you’ll just let her go.”

  “Oh, Avery, no.” It broke Emma’s heart for her friend to be willing to bargain her life for Emma’s. “I’m not worth it.”

  “Shut up, bitch!” he screamed at Emma. “I’ll be honest, Avery. I’m not really interested in striking a bargain. You’re screwed. There’s no way you’re slipping from my grasp this time. I wasn’t foolish enough to come alone. There’s someone guarding every exit to this building. Van Dyke is disabling the security system as we speak, so no use trying to set off any type of alarm. He also stored five gallons of insurance for me in the hall closet. I’ve had people on the inside, you see. My friends have been watching you and casing this joint for weeks. I watched and observed, waiting for just the right opportunity. Those stupid guards your husband hired are as blind as the little redheaded bartender.”

  “What kind of insurance?” Avery asked, knowing she probably wouldn’t like the answer.

  Ajax barked a laugh. “Gasoline. I don’t intend to leave any evidence behind.” At their gasps, he smiled. “All right this is what I want. I want you to unlock McCoy’s dungeon.”

  “What dungeon?” Avery asked, playing for time.

  “Don’t play coy with me, I know all about Isaac’s playroom. You don’t keep information like that secret in our community. Next, I want you two to strip. I’m going to tie you up and introduce you both to a new level of pain. I’ve been practicing with the whip, I’m really good now.” He paused, then gestured toward Emma and Fergus. “But first, I want that damn dog shut up somewhere. If you don’t, I’ll gut him. Won’t think a thing about it.”

  Emma whimpered. “No.”

  “Come here, Fergus. You go into my office.”

  Emma gave up her dog to Avery, wondering if she was making a mistake. She could hear him whining as he was led away. All this time, Emma wasn’t idle. She was racking her brain trying to figure a way out of this mess. If only she had a…gun.

  Yes! The memory of Doris telling her about the gun she kept hidden underneath the register slammed into her brain.

  “What are you doing in there?” Ajax started to follow Avery. “Don’t think I’ll let you get away with using a cell to call for help. The landline won’t work. Van Dyke will have taken care of that.”

  All of a sudden Avery screamed.

  “What’s wrong?” Emma cried.

  “Fuck!” Ajax yelled.

  Emma froze, not knowing what was happening. She could hear footsteps, things being thrown. Ajax was cursing.

  “The lights just went out. It’s black dark, I can’t see a thing.” Avery whispered right next to Emma.

  “Welcome to my world. Just keep calm. If we can’t see him, he can’t see us. God, I’m glad you’re here.” Emma scooted along the wall, trying to find Avery’s hand.

  “Let’s try to get to the front. There are more places to hide than here in this hall.” As they began to move slowly and silently, they heard Ajax moving, then they heard him jerking the back door open.

  “If we can get to the counter. I know where Doris keeps a gun hidden.”

  “A gun? That’s against every rule that we have,” Avery grumbled. “But it’s also the best news I’ve ever heard.”

  “Van Dyke! Van Dyke! Hell, you cut the electricity, stupid oaf?” He paused, apparently listening to whoever he was speaking to. “No, stay out there and keep watch. I don’t want to be disturbed.” An evil laugh could be heard. “No, I like the game. It’s like playing cat and mouse. You just see that the doors are guarded – no one comes out and no one comes in. I don’t want my playtime cut short. I plan on leaving McCoy’s dungeon decorated with his wife’s blood.”

  …Out on the highway, Isaac was headed to the ranch on his motorcycle. The power beneath him always gave him a special high.

  “Damn!” he exclaimed, hitting at his chest. Something had just burned the shit out of him. He felt inside his shirt and discovered the bag that Nanette had given him was as hot as a firecracker. With a sickening realization, he absorbed the tsunami of fear that slammed into him. Avery, it was Avery. She was in trouble. Slowing just a fraction, he made a big U turn and headed back the other way. “Hold on, baby. I’m coming.”

  …Back in the bar… “He’s coming back.” Avery jerked her arm and Emma found herself standing with her friend in the broom closet.

  “No use hiding from me, bitches! I’ll find you.” Once she heard Ajax walk past them, then turn into the kitchen, Emma saw their chance. “Come on.” She knew their captor didn’t think a blind woman could pose any kind of a threat. The darkness might hamper anyone else, but it served as a cloak for her. She knew this place like the back of her hand.

  They heard drawers being open and things being scattered around. “What’s he doing?”

  “Hell, if I know, searching for a lighter, maybe?” Emma heard him mumbling in the distance.

  “This way,” Emma pulled Avery, continuing to talk in a hushed, desperate whisper. “We’re six steps from the counter.”


  Ajax’s curse was followed by an explosion of barks and growls.

  Fergus was loose. Emma could hear snarling and snapping. “Oh, God.” She scrambled for the gun. Now, was their chance. She hated to shoot up Isaac’s bar but if she got the chance and knew Avery wasn’t in any danger – Emma intended to shoot enough holes in that son-of-bitch to make him a sieve. “Avery, where are you?”

  “Get off me, you damn dog!” Emma heard Ajax yell, then more growling and finally a loud whimper as the barks abruptly ended.

  “Oh, Fergus,” Emma cried, grief for her friend almost knocking her to her knees.

  Holding the gun in front of her, Emma tried to sense Avery. “Where did you go?” she whispered.

  Another scuffle resulting in Avery’s cry of pain and Emma knew he’d found her.

  “Let go of me!” Avery cried. “Emma, run!”

  Emma moved forward slowly down the bar, putting one foot ahead of the other. She was listening. Avery’s soft sobs were all she could hear. What had he done to her?

  “Little Emma, where are you?” Ajax asked with a sick sing-song voice.

  Emma didn’t answer. Sh
e wasn’t about to give away her location. If she was quiet enough, Ajax would come to her.

  “Emma, stay away from us. Listen to my voice and stay far away.” Avery spoke up.

  “Oh, Emma, don’t do that. We’re going to have a party. I’ll carve Avery up so pretty and then I’ll start on you.”

  A board creaked and when it did, she knew exactly where they were. There was no way she could shoot, however, not without taking a chance of hitting Avery. Laying down the gun, she decided to select another weapon. Being super careful, she felt on her station until her hands came into contact with a glass bottle of booze, heavy enough to cause some damage if it came into contact with somebody’s skull. Taking it in hand, she began to move.

  “All right, Emma, I’m tired of this cat and mouse shit. Come here where I can find you or I’ll just end this game here and now. It won’t be as much fun, but I’m fast running out of patience. I’m going to count to five and you come stand in front of me or I’ll stick this knife right between Mrs. McCoy’s ribs.”

  “No, Emma, don’t.”

  Emma took heart at Avery’s voice. She was still okay, if you considered being in the hands of a mad man okay. Placing every foot in just the right place, Emma moved silently through the darkness. From what she’d learned from Doris, when the lights were out, there was no illumination in the bar whatsoever. The front windows were only visible from the vestibule. With no window, the room was black dark even in broad daylight.


  Scarcely able to breathe, she moved forward.


  The only thing she had to make certain of was not hitting Avery.


  Emma was glad he was speaking; he was leading her right to him.


  Judging from his voice, she could almost see him.


  Bless Avery’s heart, now she knew what side she was on.

  “FIVE” Emma cried as she swung the bottle at what she hoped was Ajax’s head.

  “Ow! You bitch!”


  “Emma!” Avery screamed, breaking loose of his hold. “Run to the dungeon!”

  “You’re not getting away from me, ladies. You’re just hastening your doom. In a few minutes, this place will be an inferno!”

  Heeding her friend’s direction, she took off running, sliding down the hall. “How about Fergus?”

  “No time. I’m sorry, Emma.”

  Emma tried not to cry. When Avery grabbed her, pulling her inside the dungeon, she was just glad to hear the lock click into place. “Okay, we’re here. Now what are we going to do?”

  “Don’t worry. I have a plan. This is central Texas, tornado alley, the dungeon has a basement, a storm cellar. It’s going to be hard to find the opening in the dark, but we’ll do it. If we can get in, there’s a door to the outside.”

  “Great. I work well in the dark.”

  * * *

  Josh stood up and wiped his brow. Tearing the boards from the porch was hard work. He reached for a bottle of water and took a swig. This was the first time he’d taken a break. Reaching for his phone, he dialed Emma. She and Avery should be in Austin by now. Raising it to his ear, he listened to it ring - - nothing. “Dang.” Why wasn’t she answering? He frowned. Maybe they were busy. He took another swig and tried again. Still, nothing.

  Lying down the phone, he examined his work. Yea, this was going to look good. He could just picture him and Emma sitting out here in the evenings, rocking, listening to their children as they ran and played in the yard.

  Inhaling deep, Josh sighed. Life was going to be good.

  With the breath, he got a whiff of… Smoke? Standing up straighter, he faced away from the house. Raising his head, he looked over the trees and saw a plume of smoke rising right over Hardbodies. “Damn!” He grabbed the phone and called the fire department, giving them quick directions. He knew the bar was closed today, at least no one was in immediate danger. Hurrying to the truck, he got the funniest feeling. With a sinking heart, he dialed Emma again. “Dammit, baby. You’d better be in Austin.”

  A couple of miles away, Isaac roared down the highway uncaring what laws he was breaking. Hell, he hoped some cop followed him. If he was right, he was going to need the long arm of the law. What the threat was, he didn’t know. All he knew was that his pregnant wife was in danger and neither hell nor high water was going to keep him from getting there. How he knew she was at the bar, Isaac couldn’t explain...but he did. Nanette Beaureguarde had told him that he would just know things and she was right. Avery was supposed to be in Austin, but Isaac was positive she was at the bar. In fact, he’d stake his life on it.

  Getting closer, he rounded the curve. The river ran to his left. The sight always brought him peace, but not today. Up ahead, he saw a sight that made his blood run cold. Gassing the hog, he barreled up to the front of Hardbodies and skidded to a stop, jumping off and tossing the bike to one side.

  His bar was on fire.

  And the woman he loved more than life was inside.

  Inside…Emma whispered. “Avery, I smell smoke.”

  “Yea, me too,” she said, beating the wall in frustration. “I know this stupid panel moves, I just can’t find the lever.”

  “I think we need to get out of here,” Emma urged. “I think I like our chances against Ajax more than against a blaze.”

  “Yea, you’re right. He’s probably long gone anyway, isn’t it?” Avery mused, her voice shaking.

  Emma didn’t know. “Yea, if he’s smart. Surely someone has seen the smoke and called the fire department. Help may be right outside. I think we need to go out and see.” She wasn’t nearly as sure as she sounded. Ajax struck her as a lunatic. He’d probably burn up before he let a chance to get to Avery slip through his fingers.

  “All right. Let’s go.” Avery grabbed Emma’s hand. “Wait. There’s some stuff in here we might need.”


  “There’s a candle and matches. I’ll be able to see. And there’s a whip that might come in handy.”

  “Sounds great.” Emma stood back while Avery lit the candle and got the whip. “I tell you what, let me carry the candle and go out first, lighting the way. If he’s out there, he’ll make a grab for me and you can wrap that whip around his neck.” She knew her plan was lame, but it was all they had. “I wish Josh and Isaac were here.”

  “Yea, me too. Okay, let’s try it.”

  Emma stood by while Avery found the things they needed. “Ready or not,” Avery muttered. Knowing the room was soundproof, they didn’t tiptoe to the door. Instead, Avery threw it open and Emma hurried out. Just as she’d predicted, Ajax lay in wait. He knocked Emma to the ground, the candle bouncing across the hall. The air was congested with so much smoke it was hard for Emma to breathe.

  “Come back here, bitch!” He yelled, trying to grab Emma before she got away. And when he did, Avery stepped up behind him and wrapped the whip around his neck – jerking a hard as she could.

  Emma scrambled to her feet, trying to think of anything she could use as a weapon. As she bumped the wall, she grazed up against the fire extinguisher. “Oh, yea.” She pulled it off the wall, then made her way back to where Avery was bravely trying to keep enough pressure on Ajax’s neck to keep him down.

  “I’m coming, Avery. Just tell me when I get within striking distance, then move out of my way.”

  Outside…Isaac and Josh were busy. One had arrived from the front and one from the back. Taking a quick survey of the situation, they both came to the same conclusion. Their worst fears had been confirmed. Fueled by anger and fear, the men who were standing between them and their women didn’t stand a chance. As Josh threw the limp man to one side, he saw Isaac doing the same thing to another unconscious biker. “I called the fire department. Our women are in there.”

  “I know, but not for long. Let’s go. Kane will find these goons, I called him as I pulled up.” Isaac spat the words
out. “The electricity is cut. You got a flashlight?”

  “Yea, in my truck.” Isaac didn’t have to tell him to hurry. By the time he returned, Isaac had the door open. Smoke was billowing out and Josh’s heart was in his throat.

  Fighting through the smoke, they ran in and the first thing Isaac heard was Avery’s voice. “Hit him again, Emma. Hit him again.”

  “This way.” Isaac yelled. “They’re near the dungeon.”

  When they got to the back hall, it was to find their women beating the shit out of a big hulking man with a fire extinguisher and a whip.

  “Now, I’ve seen everything,” Isaac said with a great deal of relief in his voice.

  Josh stepped forward and took Emma by the shoulders. “He’s down, baby. You did good.”

  “Oh, Josh.” She threw herself into his arms. “We’ve got to get out of here. And Fergus, Fergus is hurt. He’s in the kitchen.”

  Isaac took the fire extinguisher and started battling the flames, which were contained mostly in the front. Ajax had lit the flames, but planted them in a location that would give him enough time to deal with the women – or so he thought. “Avery, get out. Josh! Get the women out of here.”

  Josh hurried to find Emma’s dog.

  “Is he alive?”

  “Yea, I think so. He just licked my face. He may be badly hurt though, I feel blood.”

  “Come on, let’s get out!” Avery pulled at Emma, then raced to Isaac. “Let it go.”

  Isaac didn’t want to let it go. This was Hardbodies! But seeing his beloved’s face, he knew what was important. She and their baby were worth a thousand bars. “Yea, let’s go.” He herded them all outside, then went back to drag Ajax out. “I hope you liked prison, asshole. Because you’re headed back there shortly.

  * * *

  “Are you all right? Are you sure?” Joshua moved his hands over her body. She could tell he was scared, he was shaking.

  “I’m not hurt.” Emma promised him. They were sitting in front of the vet’s office. Fergus was in surgery. He’d live, but it had been touch and go for a while. “Really, the creep didn’t know what hit him when Avery and I teamed up to whup his ass.”


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