His Firefly Cowgirl

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His Firefly Cowgirl Page 7

by Beth Williamson

  Her nipples were already hard, but now they ached. “I want that too.”

  “Then let’s get out of this water before we drown trying to see just how hard we can make your nipples before you come.”

  Her body roared from aroused to needy in an instant. They swam side by side to the shore where he’d left his clothes and towels. As they walked out of the pond, he took her hand. As his fingers laced with hers, she could hardly believe how wonderful it felt.

  He shook out the towels, making a bed of sorts on the soft grass of the bank. He turned to look at her, his cock standing straight at attention. She licked her lips at the sight. It twitched, slapping against his belly.

  “You start that and we’re liable to be finished before we get going.” He lay on the towels and crooked his finger. “My lady?”

  She joined him, her body tingling with anticipation. He pushed her on her back and his mouth found hers. He kissed, licked and nibbled at her lips, taking his time to thoroughly explore her. It reminded her of many erotic moments in his arms.

  She leaned back and reveled in his skills. He kissed his way across her jaw to her ear while his hand found the nipple awaiting his attention and plucked it. When he reached her ear, he blew into the pink shell, sending goose bumps down her spine.

  “You like that?”

  “Mmmmm.” She turned her cheek to give him better access.

  He sucked at her earlobe before kissing his way down her neck. A slow, sweet trail on her skin. When he reached her breast, he licked around the areole making her near frantic with need. His hand continued its journey down her belly to her aching pussy.

  As his fingers sank into the depths of her core, he finally pulled the nipple into his hot mouth. Her breath caught and she closed her eyes. He circled her clit, then plucked it, and pinched it, then stroked it.

  “Oh my God, you’re good.”

  He chuckled against her skin and continued his work by moving to her other breast. As he continued to play her like an instrument, his cock pulsed against her hip.

  “I’d like a bit of that, please.”

  This time he raised his head. “Wait right here.” He grabbed for his jeans nearby and produced a condom from his wallet. “This ain’t new but it will work.”

  She watched impatiently as he got to touch his cock and she didn’t. “Please, Dax. I can’t wait.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “Good.” She sat up and pushed him onto his back then threw her leg over him. “I want a ride, cowboy.”

  He smiled and grabbed her hips. “I’m all yours, Soph.”

  She guided the tip of his staff and sank down on its length. She moved inch by inch until he was fully embedded within her. Sophie paused, the moment so poignant, so perfect, she wanted to stop time and savor it.

  “You feel so good.” His fingers dug into her hips as she began to move.

  “You aren’t so bad yourself.” Her hair hung down in wild disarray but he smiled up at her as though she were the only person in the world. Love made her ride him, passion made her tease both of them by going slow, then fast, over and over.

  He thrust up as she pushed down until they found a forgotten rhythm. She gasped as he found her breasts again, tweaking one nipple than the other while his other hand flicked her clit. Her body pulsed and moved with need, with an eagerness to find that release she craved.

  Faster. Faster.

  She slammed down onto him as her orgasm raced through her. It began somewhere in her past and moved to her present, and to her future. Waves crashed over her and she shouted his name, the ecstasy sharp. He shouted her name, thrust deep within her depths until they were truly joined as one.

  Sophie collapsed onto his chest, spent and breathing heavily. She’d never experienced such pleasure with anyone else. Sophie knew she never would.

  Dax was hers, and she was his.

  They lay on the towels for another half an hour while their passion and bodies cooled. Dax was happy. It was a lame term to describe what he felt, but there it was. He had been lucky enough for a second chance with the woman he loved.

  The sunshine played on her skin and he traced the pattern of the leaves with his finger.

  “I’m sorry for not coming after you in Houston or visiting you in college. I was afraid you’d find another man, another life, better than me.” He got the words out before he lost his nerve.

  “And I’m sorry I didn’t see what I had was far more important than what I didn’t. I should have chosen you.” She sat up and looked at him with her wild, knotty hair. “I think we should go swimming again.”

  His heart twisted at the sight. “Last one in is a rotten egg.”

  They scrambled to their feet and raced for the pond. He jumped in like a madman, laughing and splashing her. Their horseplay was cut short when someone shouted his name.

  He wiped the water from his eyes and spotted Clint and Hannah standing on the shoreline. Both of them had their arms crossed and scowls on their faces.


  Sophie slicked her hair back and glanced at him. He didn’t want to see regret in her gaze, and thankfully he didn’t. She waited for him to say something to them.

  “Hey,” he called to them. “I’d invite you in but we, ah, forgot our swimsuits.”

  Hannah shook her head. “I came down here to ask you about the fire because I knew you’d be here. Clint was the one who told me about the possible arson. At my restaurant. Worse, now I find you here with Sophie. You forced me to end my friendship with her. You told me she was dead to me and refused to let me even text her.”

  Sophie stiffened beside him. He couldn’t look at her.

  “My heart was broken, Hannah. I couldn’t be around anyone that talked to her.”

  “You made me choose between my best friend and my brother. Now you’ve conveniently forgotten all those promises you made to yourself and to us.” She shook her head. “I think I made the wrong choice five years ago. I’m sorry for that, Sophie. My brother is an asshole.”

  Sophie swam toward the opposite end of the pond where her clothes were. Dax stared at his family, wondering how everything had gone so horribly wrong.

  “I came to tell you the fire marshal is in town. I’m going to work with him on the fires so you can spend your time with afternoon frolicking.” Clint turned and gave Dax his back.

  This time Dax made the choice to follow Sophie. By the time he reached her, she’d pulled on her clothes and ran down the path barefoot. He’d fucked up big time.

  He lost the one perfect, beautiful thing in his life. There was no excuse for what he’d done, or hadn’t done. And now he’d lost her.

  Dax nursed a beer by taking small sips. He really, really wanted to get drunk but he’d driven himself to the bar outside town so he needed to be his own designated driver. He sat in a corner booth, away from any chance someone would speak to him.

  He wanted to wallow in self-pity all by himself.

  It had been twenty-four hours since Sophie walked out of his life again. He’d blamed her for so long, he had forgotten how much he expunged her from his life five years earlier. Forcing his sister to break off her friendship? He winced.

  Hannah was right. He was an asshole.

  “You know hiding at this bar doesn’t mean we won’t find you.” Lucas’s voice cut through the din of the noise.

  Dax’s head snapped up from the amber brew to find Hannah, Lucas, Kyle and Clint at his table.

  “Fuck off.” He spoke without any real heat. Misery was a heavy blanket on his shoulders right about then.

  They didn’t take heed. In fact, they slid their asses right into his booth and trapped him with two on one side and two on the other. He looked at them, his closest friends, and saw the concern on their faces.

  “I fucked up.”

  Hannah patted his shoulder. “Yeah, you did.”

  “Ain’t the first time.” Clint was so helpful.

  “Won’t be the last.” Kyle
had to chime in too.

  “Why are you all here?” He had been enjoying the wallowing, as much as he could anyway. Self-pity was weirdly satisfying when you wanted to punish yourself.

  “The fire marshal finished his investigation.” Clint’s statement got Dax’s full attention. “Someone did pour an accelerant around the perimeter of each building. Same substance, and he thinks it was ordinary gas. He suspects it’s the same guy who burned other various buildings in and around small towns in east Texas.”

  “No shit.” Dax forgot about his beer. “Do they know who it is?”

  “Nope, but he seemed right pleased to get a detailed report from a Sophie Barnes with information they hadn’t found at other sites.” Clint’s mouth twisted. “She wasn’t kidding when she said she was good at her job. Might help them break the case.”

  “Fuck.” Dax put his head in his hands. “Everything always leads back to her.”

  Lucas reached over and picked up the beer, taking a big swig. “You know my granddaddy always used to say there’s one mate for you in this life, and sitting on your ass isn’t going to change a thing. You gotta snatch at life with both hands or it’s gonna pass you by.”

  “She might be my mate but she’s not gonna give me a third chance. I stepped in the shit too deep this time.” He glanced around at the four best friends he’d had all his life and realized that family was the most important thing. Family was more than blood. Lucas was a prime example of just that.

  So was Sophie.

  “If you’re going to get her back, you’d better learn to grovel.” Hannah smiled at him. “Girls like men who can grovel.”

  They all laughed and called the server to order drinks. Dax had the support of his family. Now he had to find a way to convince Sophie they were meant to be together.

  And practice being on his knees to grovel. He couldn’t let her get away this time.

  Sophie unlocked the door to her townhouse a week after leaving Tanger, feeling more exhausted than she ever had in her life. She’d pushed herself beyond her limits keeping herself busy and occupied so she didn’t have to think about Dax. About how he’d turned all her friends against her, leaving her alone for years simply because he didn’t want any reminders of her existence.

  The memory of that moment was like a knife to her heart. She closed the door and set the borrowed keys on the counter. Myron had texted her earlier that day letting her know her car was fixed and that she would have it back by evening.

  The sedan was the last visual reminder of the two days she’d spent with Dax. It would be good to send it back where it belonged so she could get on with her life.

  She consoled herself with the knowledge she hadn’t confessed how she felt about him. That at least she was grateful for. The past was too painful to set aside. She needed to bury it again. This time for good.

  Sophie had asked her boss for a transfer to anywhere but Texas. She needed a fresh start away from memories, old and new. She might hear something next week.

  For now Saturday was over. One more day and she’d travel to Austin for another investigation. One more day to get through with only herself as company. How was she going to endure the rest of her life? Being with Dax had reminded her of how much life should be enjoyed, not endured.

  Sophie was eager to drop the shackles she’d wrapped around her own wrists and begin anew. No Tanger. No Dax. No heartache.

  She took off her hiking boots and trudged to the kitchen to grab a beer. After she twisted off the top, the doorbell rang. She glanced at her watch. Myron was right on time.

  She opened the door and almost dropped the bottle on her foot.

  Dax stood there looking as perfect and handsome as always. Her heart clenched in pain. “Soph, I—”

  She slammed the door in his face. He knocked softly.

  “Please open the door.”

  “Go away.” She took a gulp of beer, hoping she was hallucinating his presence.

  “I can’t. I have your car keys.”

  “Shit.” She closed her eyes. “Leave them on the mat and go away.”

  “I can’t. You have my mother’s car keys.” He knocked again. “Please, Sophie.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you.”

  “Then just listen. I’ve been waiting all week to tell you this and with Hannah’s help, I’ve been practicing how to grovel. You are the one person I will always return to. You were my true north and I fucked it all up.” He spoke through the door. “I’m sorry. More sorry than I can possibly explain.”

  “You should be. You were vindictive after I left and you took away the people I had left in my life.” She blinked as her eyes stung. “You left me with nothing.”

  A pause while she drank more beer.

  “I know. I was a dick. Believe me that my family and friends have been pounding me over the head with it for the last week.” A thump on the door. “Please, Sophie, let me see your beautiful face.”


  She waited a full minute and no sounds emerged from the other side of the door. She hadn’t wanted to see him but she was a little glad he apologized. That didn’t mean she forgave him.

  “I love you, Sophie. Always have. Always will. You will always own my heart.”

  She fell to her knees and set the bottle down. Her heart pounded at the words she’d hoped to hear. Was she ready to accept them and respond?

  Sophie rocked herself for a few minutes while she contemplated what her choices were. If she opened the door, she was forgiving him. If she remained inside, she would be alone again.

  Her heart cried out for Dax, for the perfect pair they made, for the children they could have together, for the future she could have if she took a chance and forgave him.

  For the love she had for him.

  She made it to her feet and opened the door to find the stoop empty. Her breath caught. She was too late. Sophie ran outside barefoot searching for her car. Searching for Dax.

  “Looking for me?”

  His voice came from behind her. She whirled around to find him sitting on her front porch swing. Sophie burst into tears and ran toward him. Dax opened his arms and she flew into them.

  No matter what happened next. There was this. There was love.

  About the Author

  Beth Williamson, who also writes as Emma Lang, is an award-winning, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of both historical and contemporary romances. Her books range from sensual to scorching hot. She is a Career Achievement Award Nominee in Erotic Romance by Romantic Times Magazine, in both 2009 and 2010, and a semi-finalist in the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest.

  Beth has always been a dreamer, never able to escape her imagination. It led her to the craft of writing romance novels, fueled by Reese’s and tenacious pursuit of the perfect story. She’s passionate about purple, books, and her family. She has a weakness for shoes and purses as well as bookstores.

  Life might be chaotic, as life usually is, but Beth always keeps a smile on her face, a song in her heart, and a cowboy on her mind. ;)

  Website: http://www.bethwilliamson.com

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  Published by Beth Williamson

  Copyright 2015 Beth Williamson

  Edited by Catherine Wayne

  Cover Design and Interior format by The Killion Group


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  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, events, and places portrayed in this book are products of the author’s imagination and are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  For more information on the author and her works, please see www.bethwilliamson.com.

  ISBN: 9781943089024




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