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Rebirth Page 23

by Valerie Willis

  “I assume you are still awake.” Talib hadn’t left the room. “We need to talk.”

  Hotan’s heart thudded hard, Well I can’t do much else.

  How long was he going to be enduring talks with Talib.

  “First off, what the hell were you thinking? You should have come to me.” His voice was sincere, this wasn’t the lecturing he had expected. “You could have killed someone else.”

  I had to do something. I was leaking information! My mind was wide open for anyone to just waltz right in. I need all the help I can get and in any form. It felt like the right thing to do. Here we go again. I need to push information out of Talib if I can. I had no reason to come to you for permission to do anything. You’ve left me one time too many on the side, lacking information.

  “Consider your experiment a full success then.” The words were bitter as they left his mouth. “You managed to take advantage of the situation. What exactly went on in there I have no idea. You obviously waved me to the side and came out with no help from me. Congratulations. You won.”

  You could feel that, huh? Oh, if he could only shoot him a smirk! I could see and feel it unlike before. It was then that I realized it is my sole choice to allow it, manipulate it, or even throw it back. You were desperate, very desperate.

  “You were sending large waves of energy out. You also had poor Mr. Piedmont’s arm in your grasp.” There was the infamous sigh again. “And let us not forget you have never expanded your powers out prior. Far as I could tell you were good as dead too.”

  It’s not like anyone died. Mr. Piedmont is still alive and breathing as well as everyone else who was there. This was already getting annoying. Did you seriously come in here to lecture me against my will? I can’t even move or look at anything!

  “Hotan.” His voice sounded awkward, breaking slightly. “Hotan died. Someone did die.”

  You knew? You knew he was still there? There was only the sound of a slamming door. What have I done…

  He could feel the sickening sensation that rolled itself into knots in his stomach. Talib had known this whole time his brother was there. No wonder he was having a hard time figuring out how to deal with the situation. How could anyone choose a stranger over your own brother?

  He had made the call himself that night to clear his mind and body of the Old Hotan. Poor Talib has no chances of rescuing his brother. He was dead. He would never be able to answer anyone what happened that night. How could he ever justify killing off what was left of their beloved leader? He had made a selfish move with the full extent of his power. There has to be an answer among the information he absorbed from him to make this better. The new puzzle was how to open Pandora’s box and obtain the knowledge held within his soul.

  Hotan cracked his eyes open. It took so much effort to do it. It felt like hours passed before he managed to blink out the blurry eyesight. Focusing slowly, he realized he was on his side. That had to be a good sign. How he had managed to do it was a wonder in itself, it took all he had to slightly shift his fingers.

  After the overexposure of light coming from the window started to recede, he realized that someone was in the room with him. Her back was to him with a long loose braid of brown hair dangling down the back of her red dress. He barely could see her side profile, but she was sipping from a dainty teacup while staring out the window. Moreover, he was fully aware he was no longer colorblind. Everything greeted his eyes in a symphony of colors.

  “Good afternoon.” Her coo was elegant and she didn’t move a muscle. “So sorry about Talib the other day.”

  “…” No use in talking aloud, he still had a hard time moving his eyelids, let alone using his mouth and vocal cords. I should be the one apologizing. I should have at least let him know what I was going to attempt to do.

  “I don’t blame you.” Her movements were quiet and smooth as she seated herself in the chair next to him. “Talib lost his brother years ago. All that remained was a broken shell that gave up on life after losing his wife. You needed answers and you went for it. I would have done the same. Honestly, I think we all would have taken the same path as you did, Hotan. Please do not let your guilt consume you with so many depending on your swift recovery.”

  He took it hard. She was beautiful with her tall features and big hazel eyes. I had no idea that Hotan was still there. It was like just one last fragment of a puzzle long lost.

  “Talib isn’t as hard as he used to be.” Her smile was comforting. “Centuries of being alone have done its share of damage to that wall he used to have. None of you knew that Talib was hiding the fact a small piece of his brother remained. Hotan should have let the process complete itself. If he had, we probably would have never woken up.”

  I never thought of that fact. Pondering a moment on the concept, he finally realized she was right. In fact, if he had dissolved completely and I had acquired the power out right there would have never been instability of power. His power was the engine that kept the process of reincarnation going. The moment his abilities started fluctuating it lost its ebb and started choking itself out. It still leaves out to why he felt the need to do a partial rebirth.

  “Ah, yes. You are right on that. Why would he even need to consider doing a rebirth of his being, is beyond us all.” Sighing she took another sip of her tea. “Just please don’t be too upset with Talib’s rant a few days ago. You have to understand he feels like the one to blame for this mess as well as other things.”

  But, how could he stop any of it. Finally, he could sigh at the least! I practically killed his brother.

  “Oh no,” Sitting her cup in its saucer on the table, she leaned close to his face, smiling the whole time. “He was more scared of losing you, my dear. You are so much like his brother before we were forced from our homes all those years ago. Talib had already come to terms with losing his brother, but losing you too, that would have been too much for him.”

  Of losing me? He barely knew Talib, they were strangers, not even close to being friends. Why me?

  “He’s known you far longer than you ever could imagine Hotan. I will never forget the day he said he discovered you.” She leaned back in her chair. Her gentle smile mesmerizing him as she continued. “He was walking the neighborhood where you and your mother lived. You were just a small thing then, but there was no doubt he knew who you were. He watched you intensely, but even that early on he knew there was something wrong. That you were different and that his true brother was missing.”

  Why did he wait so long to show himself? If he cared so much, where was he when my mom died? I had no one, no one at all. He wanted to roll over and give her the cold shoulder, but he couldn’t get himself to budge. Why did he keep me in the dark on everything!

  “I wish I knew.” Taking another sip of tea, she let her smile fade. “Only Talib knows why he decided to do things the way he did. Maybe he was afraid of pushing you away. He worked so hard to be there for his brother at every turn and it got him nowhere. He saw a second chance with you and tried doing the opposite, only to get nowhere again. Just be easy on him for me.”

  Easier said than done you know. He’s edgier than I am these days. He managed another sigh, much to his relief. You’re Saphellia… his wife?

  “Yes. It’s a pleasure to meet you face to face.” Gracefully she stood up and floated out of his view. “Get some rest. You’ll need to be back on your feet as soon as possible.”

  Thank you for the information and talk. He closed his eyes feeling the exhaustion creep back into him. I’ll do my best not to give the old man a hard time.

  “Thank you. Call me if you need anything.” The door closed and he let himself drift off once more.

  Sleep is the only recovery.

  Giggling brought Hotan swiftly out of his coma. It sounded like that of a small child. He could manage to open his eyes without a hard time, but it was dark. Nothing could be seen beyond his bed. He managed to tilt his head one way, then stiffly the other way to attempt to see if someo
ne was in the room with him. He saw nothing. At least he was on his back, allowing him the freedom to look around. Taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes, he felt like a small kid again, afraid of the dark.

  Sounds of books hitting the floor from a nearby shelf jerked him out of his peaceful regime. Another round of giggling followed as footsteps echoed playfully. Every tiny hair on his body could stand up.

  What is going on?

  It was like the basement all over again. It was no use; he couldn’t get his voice to come out at all. A moment of silence added to eerie atmosphere as Hotan felt imprisoned by his own body.

  Who’s there?

  He stared hard in the direction of the noise. It was so dark; he couldn’t see the door that lay in that direction. The chair behind him moaned. He was too slow to catch what was sitting there. At least he could make out the chair where Saphellia had sat in. He thought about the time Kyle could see in the dark. Concentrating he was hoping to recall that ability.

  It’s pointless. My body can’t give me any room to use any powers.

  His skin rippled with a chill as he felt something on the foot of the bed, walking towards his head. He spun around, panic engulfing his mind in his helpless state.

  Oh, thank God…

  Relief gushed over him as he watched a gray cat with yellow eyes approaching him. He felt like an idiot. Grinning, he looked the feline in the eyes as it sat down next to his head. It was a petite thing, as it silently sat there, possibly still young. Releasing a sigh, he closed his eyes.

  I feel so stupid…

  “Why?” Every nerve melted away as fears rushed back as the sound of the tiny voice. “Why do you feel so stupid?”

  What in hell is going on! Who’s here! The cat hadn’t moved and as he looked about there was still no signs of anyone. The cat is blocking my view. They have to be by the door.

  “Huh? By the door?” The cat turned about and looked in the direction he had been trying to look. “No. I don’t see anyone over there. Are you sure?”

  The cat! It’s talking! Am I dreaming?

  “Huh?” It turned back, nose-to-nose as it giggled like a kid. “Do you not like cats? I can be something different!”

  What are you? He watched as the cat leaped from the bed. Who are you?

  “I’m Abigail.” Once more giggling came from her direction. “Would you rather for me to be a bird?”

  What do you want from me? A mourning dove landed on his chest. Why are you here?

  “Normally I like to play games.” The bird twitched its head a few times then flew off into the dark out of sight. “But I understand you’re not in the best of shape.”

  Obviously, since I haven’t been able to move a muscle despite how much you’ve startled me. His anger was starting to get to him. I never like it when I am being toyed with, and that still stands now. What are you, Abigail?

  “Oh no! Don’t be mad with me.” She walked to the bedside, big blue eyes, golden hair that must have flowed to the floor in a curly mass as she revealed her true self. “I came to make you feel better! Honest!”

  Make me feel better? He was still astonished over how pale skinned and angelic her form was. I am healing. There’s nothing to do. I need sleep. Are you some kind of shape shifter?

  “Oh, there’s another way.” She grinned sheepishly at him, batting her eyes. “I am the Element of Body. I can change forms as well as control many aspects of the physical kind. Your poor body, what have you done to it? It’s so tired.”

  I overused my powers. He watched as her smile faded and she lifted the back of his hand to her cheek, nuzzling it. I almost went too far, in fact. I think I have been in this bed a month. I have no way of tracking the time here. It seems when I sleep, it’s for days…

  “I missed you around the apartment complex. My light bulb went out in the basement, you know.” She laid his hand down on his chest. “I enjoyed scurrying about and watching you work on everything. You’re so good at fixing things, Mr. Hotan. I haven’t had a chance to fly to the school and watch everyone there lately. It’s not worth going unless you’re going to be there too.”

  Scurrying about? You’re the rat in the basement? The mourning dove I see all the time? Abigail was competing with Tina in the ballpark of insanity. So, I did hear giggling in the basement after all!

  “Sorry if I spooked you. It’s so much fun being able to get from place to place traveling through the walls as a mouse or rat. You’d be so surprised of the things I find!” She clapped her hands gleefully. “I put them in the boxes there. Did you get the photo album? It had been thrown out, but the man in the pictures looked so much like you!”

  The photo album had been tossed? You rescued it. The gold chain that he had pulled from that very album was still around his neck. Thank you, it meant a lot to me to have that.

  “Oh, it’s nothing.” Snickering, she snuggled herself onto the bed against him, once more nose to nose with him. “But I need to fix you. I want one thing in return.”

  What do you want? There was a catch after all. When will he ever be able to do something without a price to pay?

  “Kiss me.” He almost didn’t hear her voice as he watched her eyes sadden and tear up. “Kiss me like a lover would.”

  Kiss you? That’s a strange request, and rather awkward. What would Shellie think? I don’t understand why you want me to kiss you like, that?

  “You have to understand. I was a small child when I became an immortal. Doomed forever to be a child.” Her depression hit him as her singsong voice dwindled. “I am trapped at this age for eternity. I have lived like this for over four thousand years, and I have always looked up to Hotan. Admired how handsome he was… and how you are too. I want to know how it would be, to be kissed like a lover. Not loved like the child I appear to be.”

  I am so sorry Abigail. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked away from him. I am so sorry that you are stuck as a child for all this time. How horrible. I, I will do it, but you’ll have to do me a favor. If you want this as sincere as possible, I will have to ask you to change how you look for it. As horrible as that may sound, it’s the best way for me to make sure it’s sincere.

  “You will?” She perked up looking back at him. “Anything! Anything to make it feel as real as possible!”

  I need you to look like Shellie. He was kicking himself on the inside, but a month had passed. He had no clue if Shellie was ok out there with Geliah and Cassandra on the hunt. I need you to look like the girl I do love.

  “Ok.” She walked off into the dark corner. “It seems only right. That way you are staying true to her. I will honor your request, Mr. Hotan.”

  I hate to think what Shellie would do if she- His thoughts ceased as the Shellie look alike came to the side of the bed, including those wonderful emerald green eyes. My God, you... Not one detail missed.

  “You think a lot about her. It wasn’t hard to hit all the details.” She was leaning over him, their lips close. The warmth from her begged his own lips to meet hers. “So sorry to ask this of you…”

  I am the sorry one. Closing his eyes, he let his passion take over. Please forgive me Shellie.

  He was missing Shellie terribly; it wasn’t hard to let his love take over. Allowing himself to drink-up the sight of the doppelganger Abigail. The warmth of her lips, the lonesome compassion that ebbed from her was overwhelming. She pulled away before he did, backing into the darkness, leaving him sitting there in bewilderment. His heart ached from the experience. Still stinging on his lips was her centuries of loneliness.

  “Thank you.” It was clear that she was crying. “Thank you for being true to your end of the deal. You gave me much more than you should have.”

  “It was only fair.” Clenching his fist in front of him, he was relieved to see he was moving with the greatest ease. “Thank you for healing me. I feel like I still owe you, this was quite the job to handle.”

  “Talib has no idea how powerful I am.” Sniffling, a little girl came
from the shadows with her black straight hair flowing to the floor and big brown eyes filling with large tears. “But I stay in the dark, trapped in the body of a small child forever. My body does not feel the effects of using my powers, for it is the advantage of my power. Thank you. Thank you for the lover’s kiss.”

  “Abigail.” Vanishing before his eyes, she was gone. “I will find a way to fix it. I promise. Hotan may have neglected your condition, but I know rebirth can fix this for you. I can fix this for you… one day.”

  Hotan sat there in the bed for hours it seemed.

  Should I stay?

  He started to pace the room, still shaken by his encounter with Abigail.

  What a horrible fate.

  The gifts of powers had come with a heavy price to them all. He too shared the pang of the poison as it destroyed his own way of life. They truly only have each other to depend on under the circumstances. He still couldn’t shake the sensation of her lips from his. What power she held to be able to use it in the way she had. He didn’t even feel it as it worked through his body. His love for Shellie had blinded him to it.

  “Oh my,” Startled by the voice, he jerked up. “Well, that’s a surprise not to see you in bed!”

  “Saphellia,” Hotan had fallen asleep in the chair at some point. “It’s just you…”

  “Yes.” She stepped over the fallen books that scattered across the floor. “I can’t decide if I should ask you how you healed over night or to ask what on earth was wrong with my books being on the shelf.”

  “Luckily, I have one answer for both.” Rubbing the sleep from his face, he was avoiding eye contact with her like the plague. In the back of his mind he was still feeling ashamed of the lustful kiss still felt on his lips. “Abigail was here last night.”


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