The American Soldier Collection 3: Amazing Grace (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 3: Amazing Grace (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I’m so glad you didn’t miss it either. I guess I owe Peter big-time. Everyone does.”

  “He was quite persistent that I make the trip. I’m happy that I did. I would have regretted missing this special day.”

  “We have a lot to catch up on, so while I’m gone you should make some plans for us, some quality alone time. I’m sure you are going to get booked up real fast. Everyone’s going to want a piece of you.” Jamie added with a wink.

  “I can’t wait to hear about what everyone’s been up to. Peter only told me bits and pieces here and there. I suppose he didn’t want to ruin things for me.” Grace smiled, glancing back toward the dance floor and all her family.

  Her brother practically pulled off a miracle, and she was so happy he did.

  “I have to tell you, Grace, you look so different. Absolutely stunning and sophisticated. Is this what Europe does to young American girls? “

  Jamie seemed impressed and a bit envious. Jamie had chosen to stay local and close by the family. Grace couldn’t seem to get far enough away from the family.

  “I suppose I have been exposed to a bit more than the average American girl. After all I’m around gorgeous models all day long. I’ve picked up a few pointers.”

  “Well I’d love for you to show me some of those pointers you picked up. I could use them,” Jamie added and the girls laughed.

  “I think you’re gorgeous and your new husband is very lucky he was able to snatch you up.”

  Jamie smiled then glanced back toward the party. Tod and Jamie locked eyes and the two newlyweds smiled simultaneously.

  Grace watched and giggled.

  “See what I mean. He’s keeping an eye on you.”

  Jamie giggled then smiled and linked her arm over Grace’s again.

  “It must have been so exciting seeing all those beautiful places. Paris, Rome, Venice. How many places have you traveled to? Do you remember all of them?”

  “I wouldn’t have if I didn’t take along my camera. I’ll show you the scrapbook I kept on my travels. Now how about we go out on that dance floor and show them how to really do the twist?” Grace took Jamie’s hand, pulling her along with her.

  The celebrating continued and Grace was introduced to many of her brothers’ single friends. When everyone found out she was single, they all turned into matchmakers and started introducing her to every bachelor at the wedding. It was quite embarrassing. She also had the feeling that her family expected her to stay for good. That just wasn’t an option for her.

  Her aunt Grace, who she was named after, even introduced her to one of the waiters working the party.

  Grace couldn’t help but laugh to herself. It was as if she never left or at least had not been gone for as long as she had.

  “Honey, come sit down with me a moment. I want to look at you.”

  Grace smiled at her great-aunt Betsy.

  She took a seat next to the older gray-haired lady who always reminded her of blackberry preserves. That was what Aunt Betsy was known for.

  “You wouldn’t happen to still be making your famous blackberry preserves, would you?” Grace asked.

  Her aunt knew how much Grace loved them, and she smiled wide that Grace asked.

  “Yes, I do and you better be sure you stop by my place tomorrow to have some with me. Your mom and Aunt Grace will be there, too,” Aunt Betsy added then she smiled at Grace.

  The day brought more plans and invitations than Grace felt she could possibly be part of or attend but she would try her hardest starting first thing in the morning. She needed to find a place to stay until she could figure out what she would be doing.

  As the wedding festivities drew to an end, Grace’s family would continue the celebration back at her mom’s house. It was a night to remember and cherish forever.

  * * * *

  The following morning Grace’s phone at the hotel wouldn’t stop ringing. By late morning everyone knew she was back home and they were organizing party after party. She had a few moments of silence and opted to watch TV while she touched up her manicure.

  She stopped immediately when she heard the news. She could hardly breathe. Did she imagine it? There was no way it could be true. No one said a word to her at the wedding, neither did Peter.

  She turned up the volume and listened to the reporter.

  “The Houston Police Department has no comment at this time. When we feel we have information we can release to the public there will be a press conference, and Special Investigator Sandstone will announce his progress. Thank you.” The news representative from the Houston Police Department interrupted her thoughts. Grace just stared at the television screen.

  Grace was still uncertain she heard the words “serial killer” correctly. Then she changed the channel and they made the announcement.

  Apparently these killings had some similarities and they felt that they could possibly be connected to other crimes from the past.

  Grace didn’t like the sensation she had in her gut and was startled when the phone rang as she jumped up to answer it.

  “Hi, honey, it’s Peter. Have you turned on the television?” Grace could hear the concern in her brother’s voice.

  “Yes, I just heard the reports. It’s terrible. What’s going on? I hope they can find the one who’s doing this.” Grace was rambling.

  And she sensed Peter’s hesitation before answering her.

  “It’s a little worse than the media knows. John just called me, Grace, and they think the killer could be the same person who killed Clara.”

  Grace was speechless. She was shocked by her brother’s words and she began to shake. That panicky feeling filled her instantly. Her ears buzzed and she couldn’t even hear what her brother was saying now. It couldn’t be true.

  “Honey, are you okay? Talk to me. Say something.” He raised his voice to her.

  “Talk to me, Grace. It’s okay. John’s on his way. He should be there any second. He’s bringing his friends.”

  * * * *

  Peter knew his sister was scared and he feared her reaction to the news.

  He couldn’t help to think that she would just pack up and go. She left because of Clara’s murder and now she finally returned and this happened.

  He had just heard from Donald and they were sending two special agents over to his mother’s house to ask some questions. Of course they wanted Grace there as well.

  “It can’t be. They caught the guy who killed Clara. He’s in prison. They found the evidence in his house.”

  Someone knocking on the hotel room door interrupted her thoughts.

  “Hold on, Peter, someone’s at the door. It must be John.”

  “Stay on the line and use the peephole,” he directed her.

  “Oh God, this is really happening.”

  * * * *

  Grace put down the phone and answered the door. It was her brother John along with two other guys she didn’t recognize.

  “Are you all right?” John asked, pulling his sister into an embrace.

  Over her shoulder he could see the phone off the hook.

  Grace didn’t answer.

  “Is someone on the phone?”

  Grace nodded. “It’s Peter.”

  John picked it up, speaking to his brother before hanging it back up.

  “Johnny, this can’t be happening. It just can’t be happening. Peter’s wrong. He has to be.” John took Grace’s hands into his own and stared down into her eyes. She knew that serious look. He was in police mode. He was concerned.

  “It is happening, Grace. The word is out. We have friends who are working the case. They got the wrong guy three years ago. The investigators feel that the real killer planted the evidence in Stew Parker’s house. The detectives know that there have been nine other homicides in the past three years with similar patterns and evidence left behind. These killings have been occurring around the surrounding states as well as Florida. The federal government is involved now.” John led Grace to the co

  “Nine murders? Jesus, John. How come the detectives can’t catch this guy?”

  “It’s a work in progress. As they get close, they lose their lead or something else happens elsewhere and throws them off. Two men have been arrested, and then the charges were dropped after lack of evidence. Whoever is responsible is resourceful.”

  She was silent a few minutes

  Grace looked up at the other two men who accompanied her brother.

  “I’m sorry for being so rude. My name is Grace.” She reached out her hand to greet the men.

  “This is Charlie and Mark. They work with me. We were on our way to the shooting range when Peter called. Frank went directly to Mom’s house. That’s why we’re here. We’re going to help you get your things together and check you out of here. You’ll be staying with Mom and Eric where we can keep an eye on our family,” John stated then headed toward the bedroom.

  “What are you talking about, John? What do you mean keep an eye on me? What’s really going on?” she insisted, not moving to help her brother but instead holding her ground.

  Grace knew there was more to this and she wouldn’t leave the hotel room until John gave an explanation.

  Charlie and Mark laughed.

  “If you think one of us won’t throw you over our shoulder and carry you out of here kicking and screaming, you’re kidding yourself. Even my two buddies here would be up for the job,” John said then continued toward the bedroom to pack Grace’s clothes.

  Grace was shocked. Her brother had changed over the years. He was more dominant and demanding. He hadn’t even given her an explanation for this decision to leave under their protection. It aggravated her and obviously challenged her individuality and independent nature.

  “You wouldn’t dare do that.” Grace looked toward Charlie and Mark.

  “Yes, ma’am, we would. I think I’d actually enjoy it,” Charlie stated with a smile and a wink.

  Grace felt herself blush.

  Her brother’s friends were very good-looking men, and she knew the rigorous training the SWAT team officers had to go through on a daily basis. They were in excellent physical condition.

  “Johnny, come on and tell me what’s going on,” Grace called out, calling him Johnny as she used to do when they were little.

  Her brother stopped a moment to look at his little sister. “I think it would be better if Peter explains it to you, sis. You saw how they’re reacting on television already. If the media gets wind of this new information and finds out you’re back in town, it could lead to some unwanted attention and dig up some unhappy memories for the family.” John didn’t finish his thought. She got the message, and they continued to pack Grace’s things.

  Chapter 2

  Grace was worried as a thousand possibilities scattered through her mind.

  She looked out the truck window as John drove the car in the direction of their mother’s house. The long dirt driveway and her mom’s house was nearly a half mile deep into the woods. They had plenty of privacy and owned about twenty acres of land.

  The house was now painted a light cream color with burgundy shutters and a large dark wood wraparound porch. Very different from the old white-and-black house she grew up in. She stared toward the woods and instead of seeing the beauty of the forest, she saw the darkness of what possibly lurked within.

  There were a few other cars and trucks parked outside the front and Grace knew one of them was an unmarked police car.

  Near the side detached garage sat a BMW and Frank and Peter were standing next to one another. She could see Frank’s revolver sitting in its brown leather gun holster on his waist.

  They started walking toward the car as Grace got out. “Okay, we’re all here, now tell me what’s going on.”

  Her brothers knew she was still as independent and stubborn as always. Before they could respond, their attention was drawn toward the front porch.

  The screen door opened and a tall, large figure emerged.

  Grace’s heart jumped and the temperature in her body rose to an instant uncomfortable temperature as she felt her face become flushed. She prayed she didn’t look as red as she felt. The man before her was a god, handsome like some young heartthrob movie star yet rugged like the cowboys one might see in some old Western. He was huge, too. At least six and a half feet tall and filled with muscles. Who in the world was that guy?

  He was dressed nicely in his white button-down dress shirt and black jeans. She noticed he wore dark cowboy boots and laughed to herself at her ability to instantly and correctly label the man before her. She quickly gathered her body’s emotions and attraction to the man and hoped that no one noticed it.

  The stranger stepped out onto the porch along with Grace’s mother who appeared dwarfish next to the big guy.

  Then another man emerged from the house as well. She wasn’t sure who he was, but he was definitely law enforcement. The gun and badge gave it away. Grace didn’t like the fact that so many law enforcement officers stood around her mother’s home. It brought back unhappy memories and made her feel fearful again. She swallowed hard as she tried to calm her breathing.

  The good-looking guy spoke first.

  “Miss Thompson, I’m Investigator Sandstone and this is Detective Jim Warner.”

  He spoke with such a deep, strong voice Grace’s belly filled with butterflies. She had a hard time trying to seem unaffected by his looks. The man was very attractive.

  She shook both men’s hands and was more affected by the investigator’s touch. She shyly looked away and straightened back her shoulders. Boy, he sure has big hands.

  * * * *

  Sandman was surprised to see such an attractive young woman in front of the house. The pictures that decorated the fireplace mantel inside the mother’s home were old pictures of a young girl from four years ago.

  This woman before him was a knockout, with a perfect body and long, wavy brown hair. Her eyes were magnificent, nearly a hazel-green color that drew him right to her. He thought she was stunning as he introduced himself and Jim.

  “I’d say it’s nice to meet you but I have a feeling I’m not going to like this,” Grace said then walked up the stairs. She brushed right by him and kissed her mom on the cheek.

  “Mom, are you okay? What’s going on? No one seems to be willing to tell me anything. It’s making me very nervous.” Sandman continued watching her.

  “Miss Thompson, it seems that some information and evidence has come to our attention during one of our investigations,” Detective Jim Warner began to explain. “First of all, it seems that the man who was arrested and charged with your sister’s murder was not the one responsible. The evidence found in his home was planted there by the same person we feel is responsible for other killings we’ve been investigating.”

  “Okay, so the investigators who were involved in Clara’s case made some mistakes and you’re here to ask us a few questions?” Grace let out a premature breath of relief. The poor woman hadn’t a clue what this could mean for her.

  “No, ma’am. Unfortunately it’s more complicated than that. You see some evidence was found at the last crime scene. This one took place in Pennsylvania. A picture was found at the scene and that picture was of you. The woman who was found murdered was a model for the company you worked for in Europe.”

  The detective spoke so quickly, Sandman wondered if she got the information correct.

  Grace appeared confused.

  “My picture? Who was the model?”

  “Cheryl Perez. Were you two friendly enough for her to have your photograph at her place?” Detective Jim Warner asked.

  She covered her face with her hands and attempted to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes.

  She turned her back toward them.

  Instantly, her brother Frank was at her side, putting his arms around his sister and directing questions at the detective.

  “What the hell, man, you just tell my sister a friend of hers was murd
ered and that Grace’s picture was there and before she can recover from the news, you’re asking her other questions. Give her a minute, will you!”

  Frank raised his voice then softly spoke to Grace.

  Sandman’s friend, Detective Jim Warner, was caught off guard at her brother’s anger. He probably should have waited a moment before asking other questions but it seemed that patience and empathy were not his strong points when Jim was after a serial killer. They were all on edge and uncertain where this investigation was headed. Sandman figured he’d better try to calm the situation down a bit.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Thompson. It’s just that we are trying to find a killer and—”

  “Miss Thompson, we’re sorry for your loss and for bringing up bad memories about your sister,” Investigator Sandman Sandstone interrupted. “We were hoping you might be able to answer a few questions for us. You see there have been some other murders that we feel are connected. What we need to do is go over some of the other cases. Maybe there’s a clue or some evidence that wasn’t picked up the first time around. They’ll be short and direct questions, ma’am, and we would really appreciate your cooperation. Your brothers are more than welcome to be present during the questioning.” He stood in front of Frank, towering over her brother and appearing dominant. Grace seemed to notice that as well.

  Grace was looking up now, trying to catch her breath and gather her thoughts as she held his gaze. Her eyes were stunning, but the fact that they were welled up with tears bothered him.

  “It’s all right, Frank. Investigator Sandstone, Cheryl would have my picture at her place. We had become friends during the photo shoots over the past year and had exchanged pictures for the scrapbooks we kept. I can’t believe she’s dead. Murdered.” She corrected herself then took a tissue her brother Frank offered. She used it to blot the tears from her eyes.

  Sandman took the seat next to her.

  “What can you tell me about her? Do you know whom she hung out with, any friends, boyfriends, or perhaps anyone who may have been bothering her?”


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