Werewolf Storm

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by Girl, Breukelen

  Werewolf Storm

  By Breukelen Girl

  Smashwords Edition

  © Copyright 2013

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may contain violent and sexual content. By reading and purchasing this book and downloading it, you consent to being of legal age for such material.

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  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. You can find more of Bg’s free writing on her blog “A Werewolf Blog in Brooklyn”


  Growing up Werewolf


  Lycan La Vida Loca


  Lunar Nights

  Of Wolf and Male

  Beasts of Burden

  Nature Of The Beast – coming in 2013



  Wild Life

  The Pack

  Lunar Night Stand

  Werewolf Storm

  Bleeding Hearts


  When have the words, “We need to talk” ever lead to anything good?

  It’s been my experience that this phrase, those words used in that order, are bad. Bad, bad, bad as in bad to the bone. They will make you unhappy. They will make you sad. They loom in your mind causing paranoia and they open your consciousness to what you know is inevitable and coming for you.

  This was the text I received from a mysterious number on my cell phone. Well it wasn’t quite that mysterious since the textee had signed off with their name, Dr Megan Marisini. So I saved her phone number to my contacts list and dialled her immediately.

  I do not do the fretting thing. I am a werewolf, I do not sit back passively and wait for shit to happen to me. I meet it head on. It’s how I’ve been raised. Raised in the belief that fear is a weapon to be used on those who would hurt you, it is not an emotion for you to believe in and allow into your head. If you do, you’re kind of fucked before you begin.

  “Hi Dr Marasini, it’s Bg, you know me as,”

  “Stop.” She said abruptly down the phone at me.


  “I mean, no more talking, we’re on open lines here. You’re on a cell phone, those things have GPS and other abilities for tracking and tracing. I’d prefer we do this in person, not over the phone.” She said quickly at me.

  I’d only met the good doctor once, not so long ago. And it had been a brief meeting under rather time limited and stressful circumstances. She didn’t really know me and she wasn’t my regular doctor. She was a friend of my pack mate, Paris D’arenberg.

  It was on the tip of my smart mouth to ask her if she was paranoid much? But Dr Marisini like me, was not wholly human. She was a shape shifter and I a werewolf, so paranoia was technically a good thing.

  It helped keep us alert and aware when we might otherwise become too relaxed, in this world we lived in and amongst. I knew why she was calling. It was my blood test results from two months ago. Initially it had been a rush job but then there hadn’t been a need for the rush, as the problem that I had found myself with, was eliminated. Literally, dead. The werewolf way of dealing with things.

  “Doc, I told you that I’m fine, and Paris is fine too. We sorted that problem out.” I said trying for coded. Dr Marisini had attended to both me and my pack mate, Paris when we’d found out I’d been poisoned with wolfs bane after Paris had escaped a kidnapping ordeal.

  “I still need to talk to you. It’s important.” She stressed down the line at me. I frowned and wondered how worried I should be now that she’d added importance to the mix of that dreaded phrase.

  “Where and when?”

  “I’ll text you details.” Before I could open my mouth again to respond, she disconnected the call or got cut off. But I’m betting she hung up because when I looked at the flat screen of the cell phone and was greeted by the time and date on it. Our call had lasted around thirty seconds. How long did it take to trace a call again? I racked my brain trying to think. It was something I’m not sure I knew the answer to. Dr Marisini’s behaviour was making my paranoia streak begin to kick in.

  A few seconds later I received the text message from her, she wanted to meet me New Jersey. That surprised me, given that she came from the Hamptons. Maybe that was just my ignorance, when she’d attended to Paris and I previously, we’d been in the Hamptons, so had Dr Marisini. The Hamptons were at least a good two hour drive from Manhattan, New York.

  I’d assumed because she’d been so prompt in responding to us there, that she lived around there, was local. The text message told me she wanted to meet in twenty minutes. Which meant, that there was no way the Doctor could be driving from The Hamptons, she had to already be in New Jersey.

  Well, I wasn’t. I was in Manhattan and getting to New Jersey in twenty minutes would be a push from where I was. Especially since I still had to head to a subway since I didn’t own a car and didn’t drive and didn’t fancy an expensive taxi fare there. Besides which, I was feeling kind of bratty. How dare the Doctor get my imagination going with all her mystery and seriousness, what kind of way was that to leave a person hanging unnecessarily?

  I texted the Doctor back and said I was on my way but it would be more like forty minutes to an hour of travel for me. I headed to Grand Central Station and checked the boards for train times. As I scanned the train information on display another board displayed a message, whilst a voice over the PA system kept repeating the same friendly message.

  “Please note, some lines may experience expected delays in travel as we anticipate weather interference on some train lines this afternoon with storms expected. Customers should prepare alternate travel arrangement or check with the ticket box for affected lines. We thank you for your co-operation and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.”

  I spotted my train line and noted, it all looked fine and like normal. But wished I had thought to take an umbrella if the weather was going to be of the wet variety. I headed off to meet Dr Megan Marisini, shape shifter and casual childhood acquaintance of my pack mate Paris and now, Doctor. My cell phone rang as I paid for and collected my train ticket.

  “Hello Sweetheart,” Paris said warmly down the line at me. I smiled despite myself.

  “My alpha.” I said in a warm voice back at him.

  “Where are you?” He asked making small talk.

  “Grand Central station.” I stated making my way through a turnstile.

  “Grand Central? What are you doing there?”

  “Just on my way to an appointment.” I replied and listened to silence on the other end of the line.

  “Everything alright?” He asked.


  “Who’s with you?” Paris asked sounding very businesslike again. It was in his nature to be a leader, whether he was or not. So it worked out quite well that he was pack leader for the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack.

  “Just me.” I replied and waited for what I was sure would be an unhappy response. Paris had this thing about me going anywhere by myself without him or a far more superior fighting werewolf by my side. He didn’t like it, because trouble seemed to follow me at every chance it got. Not that I thought I caused it. But I somehow seemed to end up in the middle of it.

  “What? No Bg. Where are you right now?” He burst down the phone line with angrily.

  “Told you.” I
muttered back in a low voice.

  “Bg, what the hell happened to the detail I assigned to you?”

  “I may have dismissed them.” I replied meekly. “They should be on their way back to you any time now.”

  “What? Bg what did you tell them that got them to leave your side when I had explicit instructions that they not leave your side.”

  I knew he wouldn’t take that news well. “I may have faked a phone call from you that said you needed their help more than I did and that they were to report to you immediately.”

  “What? How the hell did you do that?” He yelled down the line at me. “Why did you do that?” He asked calming down again.

  “Come on Paris, you know how much I hate having baby sitters.”

  “They’re not baby sitters, they’re body guards, there’s a difference.” He fired off at me angrily. “And given what happened recently to you, I would think necessary.”

  “Hello, what happened to me? To me?” I said in anger back at him. “What about you? You got kidnapped! The kidnapping was about you. I just got messed up by some stupid wolfs bane poisoning unintentionally.” It was in fact, only two and half months ago that our latest round of trouble had been dealt with. My life, was rarely dull. This was practically a quiet day.

  “It wasn’t unintentional, you know that. Being my pack mate means you’re as much a target as I am. I thought we discussed that. Where are you right now?” He demanded.

  “Not telling.” I replied childishly.

  “Bg, don’t test me.” Paris growled down the line at me as I walked to my platform. “If you don’t tell me, I won’t take you on that holiday to Hawaii we talked about.”

  “I’m waiting for the good weather before I cash in on that Hawaii trip offer anyway. “ I sighed heavily. I didn’t mean to be insolent to him. “Paris plenty of people go through life without bodyguards and experience this thing called life and all that it throws at them..”

  “I don’t care about those people, I care about you. Where are you? If you don’t tell me, I’ll just get Addison to track you down you know.” Addison Harrington was the best tracker in the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack. He was also second in command of the pack. He liked me, but not enough to defy his best friend and pack leader, Paris. I looked at the train that pulled up to the platform and waited for the doors to open.

  “Fine, get your sniffer dog out.”

  “I’ll tell Addison you called him that.” Paris growled at me again.

  “Don’t tell him. I didn’t really mean it. I just mean, you need to let me grow up. Deal with stuff as it happens. Not that anything is going to happen to me! I’m just taking a train ride for crying out loud. Not terribly exciting. I’ll be back in an hour or so.” The train doors hissed as they shut again.

  “Bg I’m not kidding. I will not have you walking around New York without extra protection detail. This is not a negotiable matter. You know how I feel about you being by yourself. How you’re sister and brother are on my side when it comes to this.” I looked around and picked out a seat for the ride.

  “Markus isn’t.” I all but pouted down the line at him. Pointing out my second eldest brother, who was in fact my age, was my alley, was a moot point and we both knew it. When it came to decision making in the Sommers family household, only three voices got final say. Our mother and my two older, siblings.

  When it came to decision making over me, then those three voices were joined by Paris and that was that. I rarely got a say in my own life. At least, it felt that way. “And you’re not the boss of me big guy.” I replied softly put out by his manner before disconnecting the call deliberately. It was an immature approach but so was arguing in circles when neither party was willing to give way in the argument at hand.

  Paris was an alpha and his nature was to be unbelievably stubborn and pig headed arrogant when it came to getting his way. He wasn’t used to not getting his way. I was probably the only person and werewolf on the planet that dared test him on it and got away with more than anyone else around him, when it meant he had to concede his defeat in losing out. My cell phone rang again immediately and I knew it was Paris before I even glanced at the screen. I dropped it in my handbag, ignoring it.

  Paris thought I needed around the clock extra protection when he or one of his hierarchy or my pack’s hierarchy could not be around to shadow my every move. I didn’t. Being from the leading pack family of the Breukelen werewolf pack, did not cut me slack with him. Whereas my two older siblings, Aksel and Bodil were both alpha werewolves and capable of fighting and fending not only for themselves and others, I was not. So much. Being a beta werewolf, had it’s limitations.

  I could fight, but it was debatable about how good I was at it. Paris clearly didn’t think I could fend for myself. Since dating me, he’d roped my family into agreeing to believe that I should be shadowed around for an unforeseeable time, to ensure my own personal safety.

  All because I’d gotten into a mega bitch fight with an alpha female from his werewolf pack that had seen her try and kill me at least twice, once through stabbing me with silver and leaving me to bleed out. And again, by poisoning my body with internal silver, which slowed down and inhibited any ability I had to heal myself and kept me poisoned and in pain for hours.

  My retaliation after my recovery was epic to say the last. I’d almost started a pack war with Gabby Colton. Paris had been caught in the middle of the whole damn thing. It hadn’t been pretty. Then there were the constant issues of my ex boyfriend Conall and Paris not getting along that again, bordered on the laws of werewolf pack and could lead to possible warfare over welfare. All because of me. Add to that, my recent run in with his werewolf pack, the Manhattan Maen and their attempt to sabotage our relationship by doing bad things to both of us, and, well, I could see how it might look bad. Real bad.

  But I was a werewolf damn it. Not a god damn princess. My cell phone rang almost constantly for most of the train ride, persistently trying to get my attention. Of course, I ignored it for the most part, since it was Paris angrily trying to get a hold of me. By the time I got to the New Jersey line, he’d started texting me instead.

  Don’t ignore me Bg.

  I sighed and read the next instalment.

  Ignoring me won’t make me go away

  I kept reading.

  When I find you, you are in for the biggest spanking of your life.

  I read the message out loud to myself. Shit, pissing off an alpha werewolf was not the smartest thing I’d ever done. Especially one who was my pack mate, who I eventually had to see again, since I practically lived with him. Practically but not exactly, fully. We commuted a fair bit between one another’s places. Well, correction, I did. His apartment in Manhattan’s Tribeca area and my house in Brooklyn. Yet I seemed to be the one out of the two of us who did the most commuting.

  Little wolf

  “You have to catch me first.” I muttered to myself as I texted that exact response to him. He often called me little wolf when I was being, chastised, punished or teased. I could guess what it meant in this case. I pulled up Dr Megan Marisini’s name and gave her an update text on how far away I was before slipping the cell into my handbag again. The sky outside the train looked overcast and gloomy like it was threatening to rain at any second. “This had better be worth getting rained on.”

  Why hadn’t I told the Dr Marisini should come to me rather than have me travel to New Jersey and loose half a freak’n day in doing so? I hadn’t really factored in the travel and the likelihood of time spent over there and the avoiding Paris factor when I got back.

  “This is not a good day to be me.”


  I disembarked at Sea Bright and pulled out my cell phone again, set to call the Doctor. Only I didn’t have to I realised as I walked out of the train station. Dr Megan Marisini was waiting for me, coffee in hand. My stomach grumbled back at me as I eyed the coffee. I could do with one. I walked over to her.

  “Hi Doc,”

/>   “Hi Bg, it’s good to see you again.” She said somewhat nervously extending her hand to me. I shook it. “I figured after your first text that I had time to actually get over here and meet you. Thought it might be best.”

  “Great.” I replied, not really sure what I was supposed to say since I didn’t know what the hell I was doing in New Jersey in the first place. We headed out of the station together. “I could do with one of those.” I said nodding at the coffee cup in her hand.


  I glanced up at the sky overhead, it was cold but it looked like the rain was going to hold off. Clearly I was going to have to be the one to start this ball rolling.

  “How have you been since I last saw you?” She asked me. She pointed to the small red car parked by the curb and I headed towards it.

  “Well no one’s secretly feed me wolfs bane and tried to poison me, so I guess compared to the last time you saw me, good.” I smiled at her as we headed to the car.

  “Well that is good.” The car unlocked with two consecutive beeps.

  “So apart from inviting me out for some local coffee, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about Doc?” I ducked under the passenger side door and slid into the car. Megan looked across at me, she had hazel eyes with flecks of green in them and she no longer had bright green hair like when I’d met her at The Hamptons. It was now two toned. Pink with light pink ends. She wore glasses too.

  “Straight to it, direct.”

  “It is the werewolf way.” I muttered back looking out around as she started the car up and we drove away from the station together. “And let’s face it, you did make that phone call between us seem rather mysterious like.”

  “I hope I didn’t alarm you, that wasn’t my intention.” Megan said glancing across at me as she drove us into a main street of shops. The drive from the station hadn’t taken long, we could’ve practically walked, I thought. Which made me wonder why she had a car to pick me up from the train station for. I dismissed my irrational thought and looked about us. “But I’m sure you know, phone lines just aren’t safe, neither is talking in a car. Not of something of this nature.”


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