Werewolf Storm

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Werewolf Storm Page 4

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Push, push, push.” I muttered as fat rain drops splattered down on the front windows like they were tapping away madly at the glass.

  “And growing outside of whatever you natural pack is, a think that’s a factor too. You attract powerful werewolves into your realm of energy, you threaten them through you’re mere presence,” The doctor started up again as I stood still and watched her push up now, her mind working as fast her thoughts. “I bet there are other things you do that you probably haven’t thought to question because you’ve always thought of yourself as what you’ve been told to think of yourself as, just a beta werewolf.”

  I frowned at her words, my anger dropping slightly. There was some truth to what she was saying. “I think highly emotional trauma coupled with hitting puberty kind of held back how fully your abilities should be.”

  She looked at me now and I held her gaze. “Otherwise your Dire wolf self, it would be more established, more obvious to you, to others at least close to you.” She said softly. “Think about times when you’ve had a sense of thinking that was just a little bit odd, a little bit weirder than normal when you’ve done something. Or wondered why you can do certain things, that seemingly other beta werewolves can’t. Can you think of any of those moments.”

  I breathed heavily and thought about what she was saying to me. Yes there were times I’d felt exactly like what she was trying to describe to me. “Yes, apart from being a magnet for power and trouble in the last year or so. Sometimes I think I can feel other wolves energy, emotions. Literally feel it, against my skin when I’m in their presence. Like if they’re highly agitated it’s like fire ants biting my skin. I know my strength increases rather than decreases like other werewwolves on a lunar eclipse night.”

  “Yes, that’s it exactly!” She cried out happily at me and I stared her down stony faced. I could hear the rain now pounding on the front windows heavily. I hated the way I was feeling now. Emotionally wrought and like I was just some sort of entertainment factor to the doctor.

  Then I felt my ears pop and I growled at her openly, stepping forward, extending my lips back so she could see my teeth and how unpleasant I felt towards her for making me feel like this.

  Megan Marisin’s eyes went wide. “Wow.”


  “What?” I snarled at her as the room lit up behind her. Lightening was happening outside now. The storm had arrived and suited my pissed off mood perfectly.

  “You’re eyes and teeth.” She muttered sounding shocked to me.

  “My what big teeth you have.” I replied back at her and she nodded her head. I reached up to my teeth and pricked my finger on four very sharp canine fangs in my otherwise normal, mouth. I ran my finger along over the fangs and along the rest of my still human teeth. “What the hell?”

  “And you’re eyes too. Bathroom mirror,” She said leading the way back into her bathroom. I turned on the light switch and looked directly into the mirror. My normally brown eyes, were colbalt blue with violet flecks in them. I leaned closer to the mirror, like it was a trick. An illusion of some kind.

  “How the hell?” I turned my face from side to side, I still looked like my human self and with my new features, well, I looked very fucking hot indeed. The fangs and eyes, they were enough for me to not look like me. It was fascinating and perplexing. I looked back at Doctor Marisini.

  “My theory is, that you’re not a beta werewolf Bg, you’re much more than that. And you have latent alpha abilities. That just haven’t been developed yet, because of elements of your life, like not growing up with your true pack, the attack, the post-traumatic stress of that, affecting the way you’re abilities showed themselves to you. I think as you’ve grown up and gotten more comfortable in your life, without trauma to hinder your true self, you’re abilities are probably going to start showing up, more and more.”

  “Did you see my teeth shape shift, my eyes change?” I asked her. Hadn’t I been facing her directly when talking to her?

  “Don’t hate me, but I think, you work on high emotions. The higher and stronger the emotion, the easy the trigger your partial shift. Maybe?” She suggested just as the light in the bathroom clinked and went out. She reached for the switch on the wall. “Power’s out.”

  “The storm’s just started” I sighed as we wandered back out to the living room where it was bucketing down heavily. The living room now looked dark, like we were covered in night shadows. We both looked out the window. “Can I wait it out here till it passes before you drive me back to the station?”

  “Of course.” She replied absently watching the pounding rain. “Oh, there was another thing with your blood work.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “You’re pregnant.” She said. “I’m hungry, are you hungry?” She asked turning around again.

  “Starving, actually.” I replied feeling fairly shell shocked. I walked after her into the kitchen. “Say that last bit again, would you. I’m not sure I heard you correctly.” She opened the fridge and pulled out two beers.

  “You’re pregnant. I figured you knew. After all it’s been, what, two months since I took you’re blood? You’re period should have stopped by now.” I shook my head. I was still getting my period, regular as clock work. “It happens apparently.” She replied.

  “Guess, I won’t be having that beer then. How could I be pregnant?” Paris and I always practised safe sex. And even as I said the words, I knew with certainty, exactly when I had gotten myself knocked up.

  When Paris came back after the kidnapping. He was convinced, that I’d slept with Addison in his absence. And in order to prove I in fact, hadn’t, I submitted myself to his punishment of me. Which included me scrubbing myself clean for him, in front of him while he watched. Overseeing that my skin was cleaned properly, so as not to smell of the other werewolf. After I was considered clean, Paris shape shifted and took me on the bathroom floor, and then I shape shifted too and he mounted me again.

  It was a shock to my system that I could be pregnant. It had been widely reported that the last four generations of werewolves, were seemingly suffering more and more fertility issues. Werewolves it seemed were a dying breed. It was hard for a werewolf to get pregnant, and harder still, was for a werewolf to successfully carry a cub to full term. Because despite being pregnant, each month we all still had to shape shift. And that could bring on big sets of problems to pregnant females.

  I walked back out of the kitchen into the pitch dark, living room and walked over to my handbag. Reaching into it, I pulled out my cell phone and looked at the time displayed on it. “Oh wow, I didn’t realise it was so late. No wonder I’m so freakishly hungry. We’ve been talking for hours.”

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to lose track of time.” Megan called out from the kitchen. “I have tuna and I have peanut butter for sandwiches and there is water, soft drink and beer to drink.” I put my hands up to my teeth again, my fangs were gone, I had my regular teeth again. Odd how I again, hadn’t felt the change in them.

  “Peanut butter sandwich and brewski sound just about perfect to me at this point.” I replied checking the some thirty odd text messages from Paris. “Except the brewski will be a soft drink.” I frowned as I read on. I checked my voicemail and let out a whistle. I had twenty new voicemail messages. “Play last message.” I command the voicemail and listened as Paris’s voice came onto the phone.

  “Cadey, sweetheart please call me as soon as you get this message, it’s vitally important. Turn on the TV and you’ll see why. I love you and I need to get to you as soon as possible. I just hope you’ve kept your phone. Call me.” He said sighing as he ended the call. The windows of the front living room started to rattle, visibly shaking.

  “What is that?” Megan called out.

  “You’re windows are rattling like they’re about to come off their frames Doc.” She appeared by my side and we stood looking back out at the two large front glass windows.

  “I need to turn on your TV, where’s
the remote?” I looked around us quickly.

  “Power’s out.” She muttered softly as the windows rippled before us and the rain outside gushed like a live water fall before us. “I think we’re in danger of being flooded. We need to get out of here.”

  “And go where?”

  She looked at me in surprise. “I don’t…I don’t know…this is my girlfriend’s house and oh…”


  “She should’ve been home by now.” We watched the rain, the windows and I had a sense of foreboding loom over me.

  “I’m sure she just got caught up in the down pour and had to take shelter somewhere like us. Till the storm passes. Traffic’s got to be hell.” I tried to see the water level outside but between the windows moving like they were a shimmer and the down pour of water blurring any clear line of sight, it was impossible.

  “My instincts say we need to get of here. I’m going to grab us some drinks from the fridge, and my database and we’re out of here. We need to leave.” She said somewhat automatically detached from the persona I’d come to know as the Doctor side of herself.

  “Yeah, okay.” I replied and looked at the phone in my hand. I dialled Paris’s number and got through on the first ring.

  “Oh thank god.” He said quickly into the phone, sounding relieved. “Where are you? We’re still stuck in traffic, its fucking horrendous trying to get out of here, when everyone else is going the opposite way to the way you want to go. Escape from New York is in full progress.”

  “What are you talking about? Where are you going?” I asked Paris quickly as one of the windows started to groan, like an invisible pressure was being applied to it.

  “Haven’t you been listening to the reports, it’s all over the news,” He said loudly back at me.

  “What is? I’ve been literally talking to Doctor Marisini all day. Not watching television. When do I watch television? It’s not like you even own a TV and since I spend most of my time at your place rather than mine…so yeah, talking to the Doctor, she had some rather interesting news for me.”

  “The super storm that’s due to hit New York in a big way the news reporters are calling it a Franken-storm. Saying it’s going to be a monster that could potentially to be catastrophic.”

  “When did say this?” I practically yell down the phone as the other window started making noises like it was being stretched.

  “Bg, it’s been all over the news, all day continuously. The Mayor has issued an evacuation call for all the low lying areas of New York. He has stressed everyone should leave. The train stations have ceased all services. If the storm hits landfall in the next hour, it’s likely to turn into the hurricane from hell.”

  “Oh shit.” I muttered. “Paris, the storm is already here, I’m looking at it. I think it’s already started.”

  “Don’t worry we’re close to New Jersey now. Just got find a way around the barriers they’re setting up to get to Sea Bright.” He replied. “I’m coming to you. Just stay where you are.”

  A thought occurred to me. “How do you know I’m in Sea Bright?”

  “The photo you sent me, I read the café name printed on the window behind Megan. Googled it and turns out there is only one café called Cup N Go. And it’s in Sea Bright, New Jersey, New York.”

  I was suddenly filled with regret that’d been so bratty towards him earlier on. I would love nothing more for Paris’s arms to be around me. Resting over my lower stomach and marvelling at the wonderful news I had yet to tell him. “I’m sorry about today, my behaviour when you asked where I was,”

  “Sweetheart it’s okay, right now I just want to get to you.”

  “Oh, we’re not at the Café anymore we’re at Megan’s house!’ I said loudly, my eyes widening as twin large cracks appeared in the shaking glass windows. “Oh that’s not good.”

  “What’s not good? Just stay on the phone line with me, I don’t want to loose you again today.” And In spite of the sense of dread filling me, I smile at his words.

  “I love you.” I replied softly.

  “I love you too sweetheart. Even when you’re naughty.” Megan strode into the room quickly looking pale and panicked.

  “What is it?”

  “We have a problem. The database with all of my research, and all, of the information I have on you. It’s missing.”


  The windows creaked once and then I was jumping on Megan and shoving her out of the way as glass blew inwards at us with razor sharp precision. Wind blew in and threw us both into the wall. I felt glass fly into my hair and graze my scalp and cut the exposed skin of my neck. I was still gripping my cell phone tightly, like it was my life preserver. I briefly heard Paris call out to me on the phone. But I couldn’t lift my hand, the wind, was pressing me into the wall. Holding me there, with pure g-forces. My eyes squinted as my hair first whipped my fast then plastered it in a curtain of silken black. “Megan!” I called out as the sound of wind filled the house. It was like a roar of confusion and pain.

  I’d never heard such a thing in my life before. Then again, I’d never been in the middle of a hurricane either. Always a first with me. “Megan!” I tried again with my eyes half shut. I couldn’t spot her in my limited vision because I was pressed to the wall by the force of the wind rushing in the room. But it sounded like the wind, just carried my voice off in it.

  My voice had no volume here. I had no body mass. I was being shoved by the wind, roughly along the wall I was stuck to. Until I banged into something hard. The sharp edge of it poking me just above my hip. I gritted my teeth. I tried to open my eyes but wet wind hit my face, I had no idea where I was, I thought I’d gotten clear of the living room. Maybe I hadn’t. Something solid and hard flew into my knee and I cried out as it flew off me again as other things, smaller things hit my arms as I tried to raise them. The cold wet on me, was it rain?

  The house was groaning and I tried to open my eyes again, I needed to be able to see what dangers were flying around and likely to come at me. I felt something the size of a hardback book hit my shoulder and I felt a shudder behind me. The wall I was against was going to collapse. I had to move. But how?

  There was nothing I could do. I couldn’t move and breathing was becoming harder too. It felt like I was being rubbed against the wall, like I was a cloth that needed to clean something. My breathe felt like it was burning with each dirty inhalation. The air smelled like things, and felt like ice. I felt the ground underneath me, the floorboards of Megan’s house shift like it was being rocked back and forth off its foundations.

  I wondered if I was having my own Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz moment and wanted to laugh. But couldn’t even manage to make my mouth smile. That was too much effort. And I needed to think about how to survive this thing. How to get through this. I had a cub on the way. I tightened my grip on the cell phone still in my hand. Paris would come for me, I told myself silent, he was coming for me.

  I started to choke on the bitter, polluted air that whipped my skin and seemed to fill my ears, my lungs and nostrils. My mouth I kept firmly clamped shut. It felt like my clothing was being ripped from me and then the wall started to move. Sway from side to side, rather unnaturally and I thought I might have just enough time with its movement going against the feeling of the invisible pressure against me, to somehow move off of it and maybe drop to my hands and knees and crawl out of whatever god damn room I was in and make my way into the back of the house, away from the rush of the power vortex I seemed to be trapped in.

  I tried to move off the wall but with little to no success, every time I pushed off the wind in all its howling pressure, just pushed me back against it. I could hear things crashing, I wondered if it was trees outside of us, or parts of Megan’s house collapsing. If it was the house I had to figure out how far away I was from the falling debris. I managed to get one eye half open and regretted it instantly as grit flew straight into it immediately making me shut my eye again.

  I would’ve sworn a
t myself, but there was no use to wasting that kind of energy or thinking like that. Mother nature was throwing a hissy fit and I had to endure her tantrum until she decided she’d used up all her fucking energy.

  The wall heaved and creaked behind me and I half hoped it would throw me off it. But it didn’t. So it occurred to me that I could stop helping the pressure force keeping me pinned. I felt what was obviously the sofa slam into my side and I focussed on not standing up, telling myself to relax and let go.

  It worked, my legs buckled down under me and I managed to slide down the wall to the rubble underneath and around me. The sofa proved a slight buffer against the wind and I gripped it tightly. Managing to open my eyes fully for the first time in what felt like thirty minutes or more. I tried to brush the grit out of my right eye. I don’t know what I expected to see, perhaps a house in ruins, rubble all around me in piles and piles, maybe the roof half torn off the house, and a swirling angry mess of cylindrical proportions dancing beside where I was hiding.

  But it wasn’t that. My ears were continuously popping from the air pressure and I thought I might be deaf by the end of it all if I managed to survive. I was trying to breath and still chocking on air. Trying to get a clean mouthful and then shut my mouth again. It felt like drowning only on dry land and instead of gulping down water, I was gulping down air. I pulled up my top over my mouth, hoping it would help filter the dirt I was inhaling.

  All I could see was blackness. No shapes were visible, there was no colour. I didn’t know where the sky started or ended. I had no idea where anything was. Every surface I touched or clung to, seemed to move one way or another. The sofa twisted around and out from me and I tried to keep a grip of it, and felt it slip from my grasp and myself slam into something sharp and odd angled on the ground.

  There was no sense of time in this blackness. None at all. My senses were on overload, the noises were amplified and constant, everything moved, nothing stopped. I kept myself exactly where I was, trying to grip and dig my hands into a grounded surface. I was shoved and moved around roughly, several times. I dug my fingernails in until they shifted to taloned claws that hooked into whatever I was laying on for grip. I balled myself up as best I could, wrapping an arm over my head to try and protect it.


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