Of Princes and Dragons: Book 2 (Lords and Commoners)

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Of Princes and Dragons: Book 2 (Lords and Commoners) Page 2

by Lynne Hill-Clark

  However, tonight was different. Teller was all she could think about. How is it that after all these years he still has so much power over me? Is that what true love is? I suppose not. If he still loved me, he would have found me by now.

  Vallachia tried to make herself think of something, anything besides Teller. Focus on work — politics, she told herself. This was what normally consumed her life. Her thoughts strayed to the previous year, one she usually tried not to think about. It had been grueling. However tonight she did not know which was worse; thinking about fighting the vampire plagues of 1353 or thinking of Teller. While the Court had managed to stop Ramdasha’s new vampires from destroying Europe, they still had not found him — the leader of the resistance to the Court. Ramdasha wanted to rule a world where vampires lived free and humans were subjugated to the superior vampire race. Undoubtedly, he was regrouping somewhere. But where, the Court did not know.

  A swirl of air softly surrounded her, interrupting her musings. The swooshing of large wings filled her ears. She could tell who had landed behind her by the lovely musky scent. She did not turn to look at him. “You should not be here. You belong with Patricia.”

  “No, I belong with you,” Elijah whispered in her ear. The way he said it meant that he should be with her forever, not only at this precise moment. “Father informed me that you were upset. Is that true?”

  Val did not answer as they continued to gaze out across the ever-growing city in the distance.

  “He also said that if I was not careful, I would lose you,” Elijah added.

  “I received that lecture as well. Why has your father always been so determined to see us together? Why does he even care?”

  “He loves you.”

  She chuckled. Love had never been a part of her relationship with the lord.

  “He does. And he knows how much you mean to me.” Elijah looked thoughtful for a moment. “In the beginning he thought you would make a prized bride for me.”

  Val rolled her eyes — something she had learned from Riddick. The last thing she wanted was to be someone’s prize. “I’m glad to meet his standard.”

  “Of course, you have become much more than that over the years. You have been indispensable to the Court. You are our secret weapon. Your ability to win allies and fight when needed has proven that you are a better leader than either of us could have predicted. The Court needs you. We would not have been able to reclaim the North and maintain control without you.”

  “I have not done anything special — no more than you or Riddick or Samuel,” Val countered.

  “You are too modest. That is one of the many things I love about you. We would be lost without you — I would be lost without you.” Elijah put his arms around her.

  Val gave into the embrace and buried her head in his chest. It felt wonderful. They had not been this close in quite some time, perhaps since they had been trapped in Ramdasha’s old cavern in Constantinople. That had been when she finally admitted to herself that she loved Elijah.

  “I never wanted to be a leader,” Val said. “I don’t want power. I simply want to protect humans and the vampires I care about.”

  “That is precisely what makes you a good leader,” he whispered. “You should be by my side as my queen. Father knows this. In fact, everyone knows this except for you.” Elijah sighed. “Do you know how hard it is to be this close to you and yet you are still not mine?”

  Val pulled away from him. “You should get back to Patricia or you will lose her.”

  “That is inevitable. She is growing impatient because I will not ask her to marry me.”

  “You should marry her. She pleases you.”

  “No, she doesn’t. If you truly want me to be happy, then you will marry me.”

  Vallachia’s stomach began to ache. The night had been trying. She was tired of thinking. “Surely I alone am not responsible for your happiness, My Lord.” She gently pushed him away. “You should go to her.”

  Elijah smiled his handsome crooked smile. “I suppose I can leave now that it is clear you are alone.”

  Val finished pushing him away with a hard shove that would have thrown a human across the room.

  Elijah gave her a wink — which he’d learned from Riddick. “I’ll call on your lady friends for you. They know how to make you feel better.” He always knew what she needed. Then he was gone.

  Val smiled. Riddick is a terrible influence on us. He was teaching them impudent behavior — eye rolling, winking. Then her face fell. Elijah is going to break Patricia’s heart. Vallachia’s heart ached for Patricia.

  Vallachia sat on the large overstuffed settee in her chambers and rubbed the faint scar on her right palm. The scar that she received the day she had saved a small boy in her village. Teller had asked her to marry him that night. He loved me once, why has he not come for me?

  It was not long before she heard Mari in the hallway. “Give me a moment to speak with her.” Mari was talking to their other girlfriends. Then there came a soft knock at Vallachia’s door.

  Oh, no, Val thought, here we go. “Come in.”

  In a flash Mari was at Val’s side on the settee. “What is going on?” Her voice was that of a concerned mother trying to comfort a small child.

  “I have been thinking about Teller.”

  “I know you loved him dearly. You were meant to be with him at one time ... but no one has heard any word of him since ... he was turned.” Surely she was going to say, “Since your father’s death,” or even worse, “Since Teller killed your father.” She had carefully chosen better words. “Perhaps it is time to move on?”

  Val let out a frustrated moan. “You are the third person to say that to me tonight.”

  “Well then, perhaps you should listen.” Mari kept her voice soft.

  An angry heat caused Val’s cheeks to redden. “I can’t! I won’t! Don’t you understand?”

  “Very well.” Mari nodded. After hesitating she added, “However, I would hate to see you lose Elijah because you are waiting for someone who will never come.”

  It was silent for a long moment while Vallachia let the tears fall. They needed to fall; she needed to get this out. Mari put her arm around Val, who then laid her head on Mari’s shoulder.

  “Do you want me to help you search for him?” Mari whispered.

  She is a good friend, Val thought.

  The door flew open as Mary, Elizabeth and Sonia barged in.

  “That is enough sulking. No more talk of men. They are all arses — that is why I prefer women,” Mary declared with a broad smile.

  They most likely thought Vallachia was upset because Elijah was with Patricia. That was fine with Val. She did not want to talk or think about Teller anymore — or Elijah for that matter. Soon they were drinking fine wine while playing cards. Their laugher raised Val’s spirits.

  Chapter 3 Copenhagen 1354 A.D

  After leaving Vallachia and retrieving her friends for her, Elijah retired to his chambers in hopes of being alone. Unfortunately, being alone was not possible. Patricia sat with her arms and legs crossed while reclining on his bed. Her down-turned mouth spoke volumes. Elijah was in no mood to readdress her needs, which he could not fulfill.

  Elijah’s thoughts had been of Vallachia. She loves me. I know she does. There must be some way to get through to her. Although he had not been able to figure her out thus far, so why would tonight be any different?

  “Might I ask where you disappeared to?” Patricia’s voice was full of accusation.

  Elijah let out a heavy sigh. Not again. “That is no concern of yours.”

  “That answer is proof of your guilt. You were with her weren’t you?” An angry light flickered in her eyes.

  “I am guilty of nothing. I will do as I please.”

  “You think that because you are the prince that you can have as many women as you please? Well, I won’t stand for it!”

  “No one is asking you to. I have told you before, you should go. You deserve be
tter — someone who loves you and will be faithful to you.”

  “You are a fool for loving her!” she yelled.

  “And you are a fool for loving me.” Elijah’s voice remained calm and flat.

  Patricia’s anger gave way. A tear rolled down her cheek. “What do I have to do to make you love me?”

  “There is nothing anyone can do to make someone fall in love. Believe me, this is one lesson I have learned over the past few hundred years.”

  “Vallachia does not love you. I do! I’m here — she is not. Don’t you see? It has been the better part of one hundred years and you still have not won her heart. You only want her because she is the only thing you have not been able to have. The entire world is at your command, everything ... except for her. If you were able to finally have her then you would no longer want her.”

  That is enough. Elijah clenched his fists. Surely Patricia was wrong. He had loved Vallachia for a long time and he always would. That much he knew was true. “You had better watch your tongue! You know nothing of Lady Vallachia and our relationship.”

  “I know she turned you away ... again, as you came here alone.”

  No more fighting. I have to end this. “Get out.” Elijah’s voice was low and emotionless.

  Patricia appeared in front of him with desperation in her large brown eyes. Her lovely face was wet with tears. She pressed her lips to Elijah’s. In between kisses she breathed, “Don’t push me away. ... Give me more time to make you see that I am the one for you. ... I can please you, if you give me the chance.”

  Elijah wanted to laugh. Patricia could never take Val’s place in his heart. Elijah was convinced that Patricia was like all the others — selfish, petty and only interested in the status that marrying the prince of vampires would give her. If Vallachia were to marry me it would be because she truly loved me and nothing more. Val is not concerned with power or wealth. She is selfless. Val is the only woman I can fully trust as a companion. Other women are out for little more than personal gain. If I could have Vallachia I would never let her go. She will be mine … someday, he thought.

  Patricia loosened the ties to the top of her gown and one side of her brocade slipped over her shoulder, leaving it bare. As she pressed her body to Elijah’s she pulled his chlamys off.

  He pushed her away but she placed her lips to his in a hard and feverish kiss. It did not take long before he gave in. Her sensual curves were too tempting. Soon he found himself returning her kiss. With ease and half by accident he ripped the top of her delicate silk gown off.

  She pulled him down onto the bed with a triumphant smile.

  There was a weak voice urging Elijah to stop but the dreaded guilt would not fully come until he woke. In the meantime he would allow himself to enjoy her and deal with the contrition later.

  Upon awakening, Elijah slid his uncomfortable arm out from under Patricia. She rolled away from him, exposing her naked back. She was still asleep. Her tangled brown hair fell onto the pillow. Her hair reminded him of one of his first lovers who had taught him a valuable lesson. After her, he tended to keep women at arm’s length. He could not recall her name at first. She had been named after one of the great empresses who had ruled Rome on her own, with no husband at her side. Irene — yes that was it — or was it Zoe? No, that was not right either. Dora, after the beautiful Empress Theodora — that was it. Elijah’s thoughts drifted to his youth. ...

  Chapter 4 Constantinople 600 A.D

  “Once we are married and I am crowned a ruler of the vampires, I will change everything. Vampires will rule this world,” Dora proclaimed as she lay next to Elijah. Her brown eyes sparkled with ambition.

  Elijah had no doubt that Dora was serious. Being young and a relatively new vampire he was petrified by her words. Father and his allies had recently formed the High Court of the Elders and decreed that vampires would not rule over humans. Dora’s words were treason. Lord Chastellain would have her killed if he discovered her plans. While Elijah could not help but admire her determination, it was becoming clear that she did not care about him. She was only with Elijah because she wanted to be in power.

  Elijah ran his hand gently through Dora’s hair. Father will surely have her head if he learns of her plans. “Do you love me?” his voice was soft.

  “Of course.” Dora did not meet his gaze.

  She’s lying. This realization was sudden and painful, as if a stone had been heaved at Elijah’s head. What she truly meant was, “Whatever you want to believe, you insignificant child.” Which Elijah largely was at the time but he was a fast learner. Dora was older and wiser than he, with a greed that ran deep. He studied her lovely face. Only her eyes provided a glimpse of her true age. He gave her a weak smile as he stood to dress.

  Looking back on it now, it was clear to Elijah that she did not deserve the name Theodora, after the grandest and most generous empress to rule the new Roman Empire. Her name should have been Irene, after the cruelest of empresses. He finally could see Dora for who she was. He wished that she loved him but this was not the case. She might even have despised him. Elijah was her way to the top and she would not stop at vampire domination; she would make humans her slaves. For all he knew, she might have been planning to kill his father and then him once she was crowned ruler of the night. Elijah’s jaw tightened, yet he managed to keep his expression impartial so she would not be able to deduce that he was on to her.

  Elijah knew what he had to do. He had to be quick, as Dora was strong and fast. Surprise was his best chance of defeating her. Moving as quickly as possible to the sword stand not far from the bed, he seized the nearest weapon and without pause pivoted into a powerful swing. His sword easily severed her pretty head from her lovely body.

  It was his first vampire kill but far from his last. Killing traitors of the Court was to become customary in his life and falling for the wrong woman was a mistake that he would never make again.

  That was why he would always want Vallachia. She was the only woman he had ever met who cared nothing for power or wealth.

  Chapter 5 Copenhagen 1354 A.D

  Upon awakening, Vallachia’s first thought was of Riddick’s odd comment at the celebration the previous evening. Filled with curiosity, she dressed in her trusty and comfortable tunic and breeches and headed out to find him. Hopefully he was truly ready to talk about his past. At the very least, she had to try to get it out of him.

  Some of the lord’s guards informed her that Riddick was in the armory working on a new sword. This was not a surprise. Fighting and weapons were his life; when he was not training with weapons he was making them. That was where she found him, hammering away on red-hot metal. She quietly watched him for a time. He was incredibly focused on his work and she did not want to disturb him.

  From the back he resembled Teller. With his broad shoulders, olive skin and dark hair, he very well could have been Teller working in his father’s smithy shop. This thought was unsettling so she shook her head to get the image out and turned to leave.

  Riddick must have caught her movement out of the corner of his eye, or perhaps he had caught her scent, as he suddenly looked up from his work.

  “Sorry to bother you,” Val said. “I will come back when you are not so busy.”

  “No, it is fine. I figured you would be looking for me after my comment last night.” He dropped his hammer on the table with a deafening clank and eased the new sword into a large vat of water, which sizzled in protest. Steam filled the air. “I’m done anyway. Though I wish I had not mentioned her.”

  “Why?” Val asked.

  “Because now you will not leave it be until I tell you about my past. I have no choice now but to relive it. Anytime I start to think about the past I busy myself. This helps to push it from my mind.”

  “I know it must be difficult for you to talk about because you have not told any of us anything about your human life. It may be helpful for you to talk about it. It might even make you feel better ... somehow.”

>   Riddick sat on the high workbench. “I don’t know about that.” He shook his head as he lowered his chin to his chest.

  Vallachia moved to sit beside him. “I’m not sure why but I always feel better after I talk about things that are bothering me.” This was true, she felt better after talking to Mari last night. “Please tell me, who was she?”

  “My wife, Natalia.”

  “You were married!” Luckily Val was sitting or she might have fallen over in shock. It was impossible to imagine Riddick as a married man.

  “She looked a lot like you. She was tall and had long golden hair ... like yours. When I first saw you in Ramdasha’s cavern I could not take my eyes off you. I was hoping beyond hope that you were her; that somehow, she was not dead and had been turned instead. Of course, it did not take me long to realize that you were not her.” He fell silent for a moment, as memories came flooding back. He did not want to continue.

  “Please, tell me about her.”

  “Natalia was much like you in other ways as well. She was stoic and thoughtful most of the time and only bold when it was needed. She tirelessly cared for an elderly woman who had lost her family. She was a bright light in the darkness. The only light in my life and when that light went out ... ” Riddick’s eyes were full of affection when he looked at Vallachia, as if he were seeing the wonderful wife he was describing. Perhaps at times they were one and the same — in his mind at least.

  “Natalia and I had grown up together in a small town outside of Venice. After a couple of years of marriage we were beginning to think that we were not going to be able to have children. That was when we found out that she was with child. It was one of the best days of my life.” Riddick smiled weakly before a shadow fell over his face. “In one horrible night I lost my beloved and the child she carried.” His voice was deep and his face contorted with pain.


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