Katia's Promise

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Katia's Promise Page 6

by Catherine Lanigan

  Austin had thrown Katia’s flowers in a nearby trash bin and walked out of LaGuardia determined never to give Katia Stanislaus another thought. He would wipe her out of his mind as easily as she’d erased him.

  But Austin didn’t forget. What he remembered most was her uncanny ability to sense his moods. Wherever she was in the house or gardens, if he was upset or lonely, she always found him and knew exactly what to say to uplift him. She always put him first. Because he was obsessed with tennis, she urged him to teach her. She’d come close to beating him once too often.

  It had always seemed to him that no matter what hobby, sport or academic interest he’d taken up and tried to excel in, Katia had been better. She’d gobbled up life as if she was at a banquet. She had twice the drive to succeed as he did, and she’d told him that she never wanted to settle for an ordinary life. Like her mother, she wanted the best of everything, but Stephania had never had the education to reach her goals. Katia believed that learning something new every day was the key to success.

  When Katia had first moved into the mansion, he’d tried to wish her away, but his parents had needed Stephania. Because everyone else had been so busy with their lives and work, Austin had often got stuck with Katia, who’d followed him around like a shadow. She’d been an embarrassment to him for years. Then she’d become his friend. Then he’d wanted more than just friendship. When he’d been about to graduate from York and start his college life, he’d realized that he was in love with her. Austin had actually thought he would ask her to marry him, though they would have had to wait four years until he got his business degree. But that hadn’t mattered.

  He’d gone to LaGuardia that day hoping that Katia was the kind of girl who would wait.

  As he’d driven back to the school that evening, he’d had to hold his hand over his stomach. He’d felt gutted. And it had been Katia, the one person in the world he’d trusted, who’d struck the blow.

  Now she was here in his home, rubbing shoulders with the council members. He didn’t know how she’d sneaked in without him noticing. Being the snake she was, she had probably learned how to slither, undetected, in and out of places, situations...and hearts.

  It hadn’t been until his presentation was over that he had seen her. He’d recognized her instantly, of course, but he could barely believe she was here, in his house.

  “Why are you here, Katia?” Austin growled at his bedroom walls. He snapped off his iPad and went to the window to stare out onto Maple Avenue.

  His guests were leaving. One by one, all the cars and SUVs pulled away from the curb and drove off. He had no idea what they thought about the museum because he had not joined them for the buffet or spent time asking questions.

  The bottom line was that Austin was certain that even if there was a dissenting voice, he would turn them around in time.

  Focusing on the museum helped clear his mind a little. Over the past four years, he’d worked with the city and county planning commissions to obtain permits and allowances for the museum. Thanks to their guidance, he’d learned very quickly he could not build within the city limits. There would be too many problems with the parking and the placement of the entrance and exits.

  Austin had been looking for years for a few acres to buy for his intended museum. He’d come across the ten acres of old cornfield by sheer luck while reading the announcements of sheriff’s sales in the newspaper. As it turned out, he was the only bidder on the property. It was too small to attract interest from local farmers or even the corporate farms that were buying up a great deal of the Midwest. This little patch of land had screamed out to Austin that it was meant to belong to him. It was exactly the size he needed, and the location was perfect. Austin hadn’t been able to write out the check fast enough.

  Austin heard the front door close, then he heard Daisy’s voice shout up the stairs. “They’re gone now.”

  Austin peered down at the sidewalk and saw Katia walking with Mrs. Beabots, Liz Crenshaw and Maddie Strong. He couldn’t be sure, but if he wasn’t mistaken, he also saw Cate Sullivan, the best Realtor in Indian Lake County, shake Katia’s hand before walking off.

  Real estate? Why would Katia be talking to a Realtor?

  Austin watched as the other women hugged each other, waved and went their separate ways. Katia stood with Mrs. Beabots for a moment, waving to Liz, who drove away in her old truck, and then the two women continued along Maple Avenue.

  Where are you going, Katia?

  He opened the window and stuck his head out so he could get a better view through the autumn trees. Katia was having a lively conversation with Mrs. Beabots, as if they were long-lost friends. What the...

  Austin spun away from the window and raced out of his room and down the enormous staircase, past a gaping Daisy who was carrying a stack of dirty dishes to the kitchen. He whisked open the front door and rushed to the sidewalk.

  They were easily six blocks away, but if Austin’s eyes were not deceiving him, Katia and Mrs. Beabots had just crossed Maple Avenue and were headed to Mrs. Beabots’s house. Scratching his head, he slowly pivoted and started back toward his home.

  “She’s thinkin’ of movin’ in with the old lady,” Daisy said from the doorway. “Of course, if you’d had just an ounce of curiosity and chutzpah, you would have walked right up to her and asked.”

  Austin glared at Daisy. There were times when Daisy’s bossiness was cute and almost welcome. But at this moment, as he struggled with painful memories, Daisy’s practical, take-charge pep talk was annoying. “So you recognized her?”

  She shook her head. “I never saw her before today. But I know about her. You and your mom told me. After that reaction of yours, I figured it out for myself.” She put her hand on her hip. “As if I would call the cops. That’s your answer for everything. The trash man is late. There’s a Jehovah’s Witness at the door. The pool man didn’t show up. ‘Daisy, call the cops!’ If I had a nickel...”

  He stuck his hands into his pants’ pockets. “I’m pretty predictable, aren’t I?”

  “Down to the minute. I like that about you.” She smiled fondly.

  “I just wish I knew what she was doing here. How did she get in? Did you see her come in?”

  Daisy shrugged. “I didn’t see half of them. Once I opened the door, it seemed to be a steady stream of folks. I don’t know very many of them, except the mayor—I voted for her. Miss Crenshaw and Maddie. Katia seems to know them pretty well.”

  “Really? They’re much younger than Katia. I doubt she would have known them from school. Do you think Katia has been friends with them long?”

  “I couldn’t tell you, but they seemed awfully close, chatting during lunch and all.” She studied Austin. “Aren’t you curious where Katia’s been since she left?”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “You bet I am. And that is the first question I’m going to ask her. Among a thousand—”



  “She’s been living in Chicago. At least until now. She’ll be living here in Indian Lake soon, so you can ask her all the questions you want.”

  Austin was aghast. How was it possible that his housekeeper, who had never met Katia before today, already knew more about her than he did? Austin chided himself. Daisy was right. If he’d had the pluck to face Katia down, he would have found out all these things and possibly more. But he’d retreated; at least, that was what it would look like to Katia and the rest of the townspeople.

  There goes Austin McCreary, slipping into his shell again.

  For years, Austin had used his reputation as a recluse to serve his own purposes. Austin didn’t like people poking into his business or his personal life and asking a lot of questions he didn’t want to answer.

  The underlying problem was that Austin himself didn’t have the one answer he needed. Had Katia ever loved him, and if she had, why would she have left?

  Austin felt that his adult life had begun that day at LaGuardia. He’
d been abandoned, and he’d felt adrift all this time. She’d left a dull ache in his heart that had never completely gone away. It was his pain that told him he’d found true love with Katia. She hadn’t been just a high school romance. What they’d had was real and he knew he’d never find it with anyone else.

  He didn’t know how to respond to the simplest questions, the kind people ask at parties and gatherings, because they always brought back memories of Katia and the plans they’d made for a future together. “Are you married? Do you have children? How’s your business?”

  Though he replied with platitudes, the true answers were troubling, even to him. “I’m not married. She left me. I don’t want children except with Katia, but I can’t forgive her for leaving me. I hate my business. Running my father’s company is boring and unfulfilling.”

  In truth, Austin felt as if he was sleepwalking through his life. Being numb to his heartbreak was his only coping skill.

  But today, Katia had come back. He had to give her credit. She didn’t slink around town, find a place to live, get a job or whatever it was she was here for and then let him find out she was in town. She’d rushed right in.

  She’d come to his house and crashed his party. If he hadn’t gotten angry, he might have been able to question her and learn everything he wanted to know. Katia had grit, all right. She had enough for the two of them.

  “So are you going to follow her and see where she went?” Daisy asked.

  “Isn’t that illegal?”

  “You could just cruise by Mrs. Beabots’s a bit slower than you usually do on your way to the plant,” Daisy suggested.

  “The plant!” Austin checked his watch. “I’m due there in twenty minutes.”

  “I know.” Daisy reached behind her and grabbed his car keys and his briefcase from the entry table. “I assume you’re taking the ’89 Corvette?”

  “Why would you think that?” he asked.

  “Because it’s the one you moved out of the carriage house and put in the driveway this morning,” Daisy replied in the assuaging tone she used to remind him that she was a better conscience than the one in his head.

  “Oh, right.” He took the keys and briefcase. “I’ll be home at six as usual.”

  “Dinner will be ready,” Daisy replied with a smile. “Steak and butternut squash.”


  He went over to his black convertible, wondering if he should put the top up. If he saw Katia as he passed Mrs. Beabots’s house, would he want her to see him? Should he wave to her as if nothing had happened? Should he stop and talk to her? Maybe he should apologize about the calling-the-police thing. Was she deeply offended by that, or did she even care? He turned on the ignition and backed out of the drive. Daisy stepped back into the house and shut the front door.

  Austin’s head was filled with so many questions he thought it would burst.

  The heck with it. Probably best to let sleeping dogs...totally alone.

  Austin drove down the block, turned left on Iris Avenue and decided to take another route to the plant.


  PELTING RAIN NEARLY drowned out the sound of Jack’s voice. Katia sat across from him in his office, holding her cell phone on the off chance that Austin would return one of the half dozen calls she’d placed to him in the past twenty-one hours. The only number she had was his landline, which had been printed on a brochure she’d picked up at the museum presentation. Austin didn’t have voice mail, but Daisy always answered calls after the fifth ring, giving Austin time to pick up first. Katia had phoned him as she’d driven out of town the night before.

  It had taken her hours to get up the nerve to dial his number, but once she’d spoken with Daisy, she realized she was never going to do business with Austin if she didn’t take care of their personal matters first.

  The second time she’d left a message with Daisy, Katia still had hope that Austin would return her call—out of curiosity, if nothing else. She’d tried a few more times until nine o’clock, which was her personal cutoff for making calls in the evening. Daisy assured her she’d passed on the message, and told Katia she didn’t think another one was going to make any difference.

  “He doesn’t want to talk to me,” Katia had replied flatly.

  “He didn’t say that,” Daisy had countered. “But my experience has been that when he waves me away like he’s been doing when I tell him it was you, he’s not interested.”

  “Waves you away, huh?” Katia had asked. “With no comment?” Katia remembered the gesture from when they were kids. It was how she’d known she was bugging him. Katia’s frustration rose.


  “Thanks so much for your help, Daisy. I’ll see you soon,” Katia had said.

  “Oh, really? And when will that be?” Daisy had probed.

  Katia knew that Daisy would inform Austin of her plans. “I should be there by the end of the week, so the movers tell me.”

  “I hope it goes well for you,” Daisy had said before hanging up.

  Wrongly, Katia had assumed the news that she was moving to Indian Lake would spark some interest from Austin. But so far, he’d remained silent.

  Fine. You want to play hardball, Austin McCreary? Then, you’re in for the fight of your life.

  Jack clicked his ballpoint pen. It was a nervous habit that Katia had noticed years ago. He seemed both anxious and excited. She smiled broadly.

  “It went extremely well,” she told her boss before he had a chance to ask. She tapped her phone screen. “I took dozens of shots of the office space I think will be ideal for us.”

  Jack took the phone and glanced at the photos. “Attractive. Love the walls of windows. Quaint view. How much?”

  “Less than a third of what you’re paying here.”

  “What’s the catch? Do I have to sign for ten years? A double security fee? Four months’ rent in advance?” Jack braced for the particulars.

  “Two-year contract. Security deposit is one month’s rent and the first and last months’ rent in advance. The parking is limited, but we’re not selling retail clothing. I’ll have a car, but except in bad weather, I’ll be walking to work.”

  “From where?”

  “I’ve already rented a very nice apartment for myself,” she said proudly. “A converted ballroom, to be exact. Nearly eighteen hundred square feet. You know how tiny my apartment is. This is just fabulous. I love it. And I adore the landlady. She’s an old acquaintance, actually.”

  “That was fast. I’m impressed. Did you find a condo for me?”

  Katia couldn’t stifle her laugh. “Sorry, Jack. This is a small town, and there aren’t even any apartment buildings, much less condos.”

  “This is a joke. Where do people live, then?”

  “Houses. There are lots of old mansions that have been turned into apartments. I hired a Realtor to work with you. Her name is Cate Sullivan, and she’s already sent me some listings. I’ll forward them to you.”

  “So basically, we have a place to work, but I have no place to live.” He groaned.

  Katia pulled up the first emails from Cate and handed her phone back to him.

  “Hey, I love this lake! Can’t I find a condo on the lake?”

  “Actually, you’re in luck. Cate said there are some small older condos available. They’re not going to be what you’re used to in Chicago—”

  “I could go fishing!” He grinned at her, but Katia simply stared back at him, straight-faced. “Okay. So I’ve never been fishing. But I could learn.”

  “Sure.” Katia pulled a business card out of her skirt pocket. “Give Cate a call. She said the condos always go up for rent this time of year. I figured if you spent the winter on the lake, by spring you’d have a better idea of what you’d like.”

  Jack interrupted, “And by then we should know if we’re going to be staying.”

  “Jack, the office is a two-year lease. Are we going to do this or not?”

  Suddenly, Katia felt t
he earth shifting again. She’d already called the movers; they were coming in the morning, and she’d given notice to her landlord, who had a new tenant lined up in less than six hours. Katia had never been the kind of person to sit on fences. Once she made a decision, she plunged forward. She’d paid her deposit to Mrs. Beabots. She’d made a call to one of Maddie’s friends who owned a car dealership and she had an appointment to look at cars as soon as she arrived in Indian Lake. A more prudent person would have waited for the green light from her boss. Katia realized she was more desperate to save her job than she’d thought. She had a lot riding on her decisions.

  She continued to stare at Jack.

  Jack’s handsome face was set with determination. “We’re doing this. Period. We have no choice. How soon will you be up and running for me to transition over?”

  “A month, maybe?”

  “Six weeks. That takes me through Thanksgiving, and I promised Ava and Barry I’d be here at least for the holiday. Barry says we can close down this office in three weeks. Our lease is up, so no problem there. I’ll need to come to Indian Lake and check out that condo. You’re in charge of office personnel for now.”

  “I’m only hiring a receptionist. Until we know where this is going, we need to be as bare bones as possible.”

  “Done and done.” He folded his hands. “So did you hook up with McCreary?”

  Katia swallowed hard. She’d been anticipating this question all morning and she still hadn’t decided if she would lie, bend the truth, be honest or evade. Now that the moment was here, she figured all of the above into the equation. “I sure did, Jack!” she replied with more enthusiasm than she’d planned. She hoped she didn’t sound too phony.

  “Excellent. How did the first meeting go?”

  She sat back in her chair confidently. “Very well.”

  “So it’s true he’s planning this museum thing like you told me?”

  “It’s incredible,” she replied honestly, thinking that telling the truth as much as possible could only serve her well in the future. She felt as if she was tiptoeing across quicksand. If she could just get to the other side of all this, she’d be safe. For the moment anyway. “It’s three stories and can house as many as fifty cars.”


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