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Chronological Index of Novels Discussed
Date Title Author Language Pages
1509 Fortunatus anonymous German 55–56
1510–11 Till Eulenspiegel Hermann Bote? German 56–57
1557 The Golden Thread Jörg Wickram German 58
1575/1590 Geschichtklitterung Johann Fischart German 58–59
1587 The History of Dr. Johann Faustus anonymous German 60
1595/1619 The Civil Wars of Granada Ginés Pérez de Hita Spanish 32–33
1605/1615 Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes Spanish 2–18
1605 La pícara Justina Francisco López de Úbeda Spanish 23–25
1605 Another World and Yet the Same Joseph Hall Latin 158–58
1605–7 Euphormio’s Satyricon John Barclay Latin 151–53
1607 Dobson’s Dry Bobs anonymous English 543–45
1607/1613 The English Arcadia Gervase Markham English 548–49
1607–27 Astrea Honoré d’Urfé French 171–81
1608 A Nest of Ninnies Robert Armin English 541–43
1608? The Embroidered Couch Lu Tiancheng Chinese 437–38
1608 Comus Erycius Puteanus Latin 160–61
1608?/1626 The Swindler Francisco de Quevedo Spanish 25–27
1609 A Jewel Mirror in Which All Is Clear Lochen Gyurmé Dechen Tibetan 521–23
1609 The History of Morindos anonymous English 545–46
1612 La Hija de Celestina Alonso de Salas Barbadillo Spanish 27
1613 Moriomachia Robert Anton English 546–48
1614 Dialogue of the Dogs Miguel de Cervantes Spanish 21–22
1617 Persiles and Sigismunda Miguel de Cervantes Spanish 18–21
1618 Marcos de Obregón Vicente Espinel Spanish 29–32
1619 Christianopolis Johann Valentin Andreae Latin 158
17th C The Tale of Hong Kiltong Ho Kyun Korean 492–93
c. 1620 Zhaoyang Palace Guhang yanyan sheng Chinese 438
1620 The Sorcerer’s Revolt Feng Menglong Chinese 438–40
1621 Argenis John Barclay Latin 153–56
1621–26 Urania Mary Wroth English 549–58
1622? Francion Charles Sorel French 182–86
1623 The Story of Han Xiangzi Yang Erzeng Chinese 441–44
1624 A Sixth Book to Arcadia Richard Beling English 558–59
1624/1627 New Atlantis Francis Bacon Latin 158–59
1624–26 Alonso Jerónimo de Alcalá Yañez Spanish 27–28
1620s Lost Tales of the True Way Fang Ruhao Chinese 444–45
1620s Later Tales of the True Way Fang Ruhao Chinese 445
1620s The Man in the Moon Francis Godwin English 560–62
1627–28 The Extravagant Shepherd Charles Sorel French 186–91
1628 Ying-yang Dreams to Caution the World Chang’an Daoren Chinese 445
1629/1638 Polexander Marin Le Roy de Gomberville French 193–98
1631 The Merry Adventures of Emperor Yang Qidongyeren Chinese 445–46
1632 Dorotea Lope de Vega Spanish 34–36
1632 The Pinder of Wakefield anonymous English 562
1632 Ariana Jean Desmarets French 193
1633 Forgotten Tales of the Sui Yuan Yuling Chinese 446
1634 The Dream Johannes Kepler Latin 159–60
1637 The Enchantments of Love María de Zayas Spanish 39–42
1639? The Jealous Wife Fuci Jiaozhu Chinese 446–47
1640 Alexto and Angelica Alexander Hart English 563
1640 The Two Lancashire Lovers Richard Brathwaite English 563–65
1640 Dodona’s Grove James Howell English 565–66
1641 El Diablo cojuelo Luis Vélez de Guevara Spanish 28
1641 The Tower of Myriad Mirrors Tung Yueh Chinese 447–51
1641 Ibrahim Madeleine de Scudéry French 204–8
1642–45 Cassandra Gautier de Costes de La Calprenède French 198–201
1644 La Vida de Don Gregorio Guadaña Antonio Enríquez Gómez Spanish 28
1646 Estebanillo González Geronimo de Bran? Spanish 28–29
sp; 1647 The Disenchantments of Love María de Zayas Spanish 42–45
1647 Argonauticon Americanum Johann Bissel Latin 161
1647–57 Cleopatra Gautier de Costes de La Calprenède French 201–203
1648 Nova Solyma Samuel Gott Latin 161–65
1649–53 Artamenes (Cyrus the Great) Madeleine de Scudéry French 208–12
17th C The Record of the Black Dragon Year anonymous Korean 494
17th C The Dravidian Nights Entertainment anonymous Tamil 532
1650 Amandus and Sophronia Samuel Sheppard English 566–67
1651 A Continuation of Arcadia Anna Weamys English 559–60
1651 Garden of Knowledge Inayat Allah Persian 527
1651–57 The Master Critic Baltasar Gracián Spanish 45–48
1651/1657 The Comic Novel Paul Scarron French 217–22
1651–69 Parthenissa Roger Boyle English 567–69
1652 The Jewel Sir Thomas Urquhart English 582–86
1653–61 The Princess Cloria Sir Percy Herbert English 570–78
1654–60 Clelia Madeleine de Scudéry French 212–16
1650s? The Fortunate Union Mingjiaozhongren Chinese 454–55
1655 Theophania anonymous English 569–70
1655 The School of Venus Michel Millot and Jean L’Ange French 239
1656 Les Nouvelles françaises Jean Regnault de Segrais French 222–23
1656 Nature’s Pictures Margaret Cavendish English 586–87
1656 Don Zara del Fogo Samuel Holland English 588–90
1656–58 La Prétieuse Michel de Pure French 228–29
1657 The Carnal Prayer Mat Li Yu Chinese 451–54
1657/1662 The Other World Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac French 223–28
1659 Pheronnida William Chamberlayne English 590
1659 Epigone Michel de Pure French 229–30
1659 Panthalia Richard Brathwaite English 578–79
1660 Aretina Sir George Mackenzie English 579–82
1660? Dialogues of Luisa Sigea Nicolas Chorier Latin 165–66
1660? The Two Fair Cousins Tianhua Zhang Zhuren Chinese 455
1661? Marriage as Retribution Xizhou Sheng Chinese 456–59
1661 Don Juan Lamberto Thomas Flatman? English 582
1662 The Princess de Montpensier Marie-Madeleine de Lafayette French 242–43
1662 The Life and Death of Mrs Mary Frith anonymous English 591