Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy)

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Touched by Darkness (Young Creator Trilogy) Page 5

by Christiane Shoenhair

  of Haven. We expect to get quite a bit of resistance if our talk doesn’t go well. Do you three

  understand the plan?” Aunt Tisi and I nod our heads, but Keagan mutters to himself, not looking

  at his mother.

  “Excuse me, young man,did you have some sort of concern?” I have never seen

  Keagan’s mom look displeased with him, so seeing her be stern with him surprises me. Not only

  that, but it also seems as if she is a lot more confident and walks around with an air of authority.

  I remember at Haven, Helen and I spent a wonderful day together, which ended when Keagan

  overheard me talking crap about him and getting his feelings hurt. He threw his mother out of the

  house, leaving me with him to bear whatever punishment he had decided on this time. Which

  was Porsche of all people. Ugh, Porsche! Skanky, self-centered witch of a horrible person. Why

  does she always have to pop into my head?

  Keagan glances at his mom, seeming as shocked as I am at her tone and confrontational

  stance. Then, right before my eyes, Keagan—like a five year old scolded by his mom—shuffles

  his feet and glances at the ground, murmuring a barely audible,“No, ma’am.”

  Helen glances my way and winks. I return her gesture with a hundred-watt smile,

  cheering on the inside for her. The role of authority that she has taken on really fits her well, and

  I’m very happy to see Helen so buoyant. Especially putting Keagan in his place like she did. “All right then, go ahead and get ready you two. You know the drill, make sure to wear

  all black to blend with the night.”

  I start heading in the direction of the tent, and to my surprise Keagan falls into step with

  me. I watch him out of the corner of my eye. He still makes the butterflies in my stomach do

  summersaults every timeI’m around him. Being this close is not helping; I wish I could get over

  my attraction to this arrogant jerk. The problem is I have all of these great memories of Keagan,

  and it is making it really hard to let go. It would be so much easier if it was just a little crush and

  I didn’t know how it felt to be held in his strong arms and have his lips pressed to mine.

  However, I think that I miss his smile directed at me the most. Keagan and I used to go running

  together at Dalton Academy every morning, and on those runs we really developed a great

  friendship. Thinking back just makes me sad to realize what I have lost. I come back to the

  present when Keagan stops. Scanning my surroundings to quickly gain my bearing, I realize that

  we are in front of my tent. I turn to Keagan, not knowing what to do or say.

  “Go throw your clothes on and wait for me in your tent. I have some stuff to take care of,

  and then I will be back to come get you,” he tells me as he turns to leave.

  “I’m not going to be waiting for you, I’m planning on getting some food before tonight.

  If you want to meet up at a certain time I can work with that.” I don’t care that Keagan is now

  glaring at me. I want him to realize that hecan’t just tell me what to do.

  “Fine.” He glances at the black watch on his left wrist. “Let’s meet back here in one

  hour.” He is clearly annoyed,but I don’t let it bother me.

  “Fine,” I snap.

  “Fine,” h e replies.

  I head off in search of something to eat, and find Sam and Chelsey eating dinner together.

  As soon as they see me, they wave me over. After grabbing my food, I join them. “So how is everything going with Keagan?” Chelsey wants to know.

  “It’s not. He seems to have completely forgotten me.It’s likehe’s a different person than

  the one that I knew.”

  “I really do think this proves that he didn’t know that you were a Young Creator, based

  onhow he treats you now versus when he got to know you as a normal girl.”

  “Chelsey, you’re right. I guess him caring about me really influenced his beliefs as far as

  the Guardian ways went. But what does that mean as far as how he is now? Should we be

  worried?” I ask her.

  “I think that you need to keep an eye on him,” Sam cuts in. I look at Chelsey to see if she

  feels the same.

  “I agree with Sam, Trish. He seems like a completely different person. I’m glad that he is

  here,but I don’t really know if he is completely with this cause or not. Plus, he has been hanging

  out with Eddie and Porsche. Enough said.”

  “I’m so glad that I have you guys. Youknow I don’t think with my head when it comes

  to Keagan. You have a point,I will make sure to keep my guard up.”

  I realize that I only have fifteen minutes before I have to meet with Keagan, so I shovel

  my food into my mouth, excuse myself, and rush to my tent. I find Keagan already waiting,

  tapping his foot with impatience. “Finally!I have been waiting for at least ten minutes.” I glance at my watch and notice that I still have five more minutes before I was supposed

  to meet with him, so I shrug my shoulders and tell him,“I’m here now and it’s not like I’m late,

  so quit whining, Keagan.”

  I can see the rage that is about to consume him in the way that his eye starts twitching, his

  lips press tightly together, and his breathing speeds up. I really don’t feel like being yelled at by

  Keagan, so I decide to quickly change the subject to something I know will calm him down. “So what’s Riley been up to?I haven’t seen your sister around at all today.” Keagan takes a few breaths, calming that crazy temper of his, and starts telling me that

  she has been put in charge of one of the groups and has been getting them ready for tonight. We

  start walking, heading in the direction of the only exit in the valley. I know that it is going to take

  a while to get to Haven. I remember the trip that Keagan, Sam, Kia, and I made after Haven was

  attacked by Allecto and her henchmen. “How are we getting there?”

  “You’ll see.” Keagan gives me a smile, and it’s a real smile. My heart soars in my chest

  and hope starts to bloom where there has only been desperation to hold onto a memory that had seemed so distant. Maybe Keagan is coming around and we can start by being friends again, then maybe… one day. I know its wishful thinking, but I try to look at the positives; if there is a chance for any sort of relationship with Keagan then I will take it. I just miss him, his laugh, and

  the way his eyes twinkle when he is picking on someone that he likes.

  We follow the trail leading out of the valley, then up the stairs that lead to the only exit. It

  is a long, dark tunnel, which passes through the gigantic mountain that blocks our path. The

  journey through the tunnel is harder on me this time. Riley was leading me last time, this time I

  have to figure my own way, constantly stumbling over raised roots and slipping on slick rocks.

  Keagan doesn’t wait. Instead, I find him leaning against the rock wall, chewing on a piece of


  “’Bout time, what took you so long?”

  “I’m just not as familiar with the tunnel as you are, so I was having some issues finding

  my way. Thanks a lot for your help.” I roll my eyes, wanting him to know how annoyed I’m. “Not my problem,” he tells me nonchalantly. I ask for patience when it comes to this idiot

  that Ican’t seem to get out of my head, but I really feel like I’m about to run out. He has my

  emotions all over the place; one minute I want to slug him, and the next I want him to hold me. “Whatever, Keagan!You’re just being a jerk, but I guess I should not be surprised. Let’s

nbsp; go, we don’t have all day.” I begin walking, not paying one bit of attention to Keagan. “Where are you going?” I turn back around atKeagan’s question, discovering that he is

  still leaning against the rock wall, not having moved one step.

  “I’m walking to Haven, which is what we are both supposed to be doing.” I remind

  myself to breathe and not start screaming my frustration at him.

  “I guess if you really want to, you can. I’m going to get myself a ride,” he says, pushing

  off the wall and walking toward the right side of the mountain, trailing his hand along the sharp

  contours of the rock face. I watch him, not knowing what is going on, when all at once a large

  area of the rock wall opens a doorway the size of a three car garage door. I walk over and notice

  that it is a huge cave filled with a few all-terrain vehicles and a couple of four wheelers. Keagan

  heads in the direction of a black four wheeler, but then decides to grab the handle-bars of a dirt

  bike instead. It is a Honda CRV125F; beautiful and sleek. Keagan jumps on it, revving up the

  engine, and it purrs to life. He glances my way with a happy smile on his face and motions for me to get on the bike. Climbing on behind him, I try holding onto the back of the bike, not

  wanting to make him uncomfortable by having our bodies press together.

  “You better hold on tight or else you might fly off the back,” he yells as he slowly eases

  out of the garage. I press my body flush up against him and tightly wrap my arms around his

  waist. My head rests against his shoulder blade and I can smell that wonderful Keagan scent. I

  breathe him in and close my eyes, enjoying the feel of him so close to me, knowing that this may

  be the last time .

  The next thing I know, we are flying through trees and over rocks. The bike handles

  everything with ease, and when Keagan glances over his shoulder and notices the huge smile on

  my face, he decides to have a little fun and do a few small jumps. I laugh and scream my

  enjoyment. I have never been on a dirt bike, but I think I might have to get one. All too soon we

  are at the location Helen pointed out on her dry-erase board. Keagan and I sit down, waiting for

  the sign. The view from up here is incredible. Since we are high up, I can oversee all of Haven,

  which is surrounded by a thick forest and mountains making a beautiful backdrop. The sun is

  starting to set and it illuminates everything in a soft red glow.It’s breathtaking. Keagan and I sit

  side by side, watching the sun go down and waiting. We don’t talk to each other, not one word.

  The silence is comforting.

  I watch as Helen, my mom, and Maximus enter Haven. I’m surprised to see them when I

  haven’t seen any of the other groups get into place. I glance at Keagan, but notice that he doesn’t

  seem worried. Instead, he is watching as the three make their way to the main building. I

  remember that place with the incredible carvings depicting the history of my family and all of the

  bad things that they have chosen to do. It was where I first met Brother Lorrus, who I believe is

  the leader of Haven. He kinda looks like Maximus, but is bald and bulging with muscle. He has

  the shape of a body builder while Maximus has more of a lean runner’s look. My stomach gets

  upset when I think of the rules that were given to me by him. All so cruel, and as if they were

  meant to break someone’s will. I got to feel first-hand how much pain and humiliation is

  administered when you break one of their rules.

  As soon as they step into Haven and people notice them, everyone stares, watching them

  walk toward the Center. I watch a boy run into the Center, and a moment later Brother Lorrus

  exits, arms crossed and a scowl on his face. He is definitely not happy. I guess he knows that they have come to challenge him and Haven’s ways. I wonder what they are going to be discussing. Why not find out.

  Chapter 6

  Touched by Magic

  “Keagan, I think I’m going to go check on things.” I get up and look down the side of the cliff. It’s pretty steep;I’m gonna have to figure something out if I want to hear their conversation. “What are you talking about,Trish?”

  “Exactly like what it sounded like, what’s so hard to understand? I’m going to go listen to

  how things go when your mom makes the proposal to Lorrus. Any other stupid questions? ” I can’t help but laugh at the look on his face. “You don’t like it when people are rude to you, do you? Well maybe you should remember that when you’re talking to others. My mom always said to treat people how you want to be treated.”

  “We need to stay here, that’s what Tisiphone told us. We have a part in this battle we have to fulfill. You can’t disobey her orders.” Who is this dude, where did my guy go? No sense of adventure at all.

  “You can stay here, but I want to hear what they say. I will be back in just a few minutes. There ’s no reason to worry about anything. I got it.”

  “I can’t let you do that! What if you get captured?It may completely ruin the plan.” “Do I detect some worry for littleold me in your voice?” I try teasing him, but instead of

  a smile I receive a frown.

  “It’s my duty to protect you. If I let you go down there and something happens, then that

  means I failed my duty, which is something that I will not allow.” This Keagan is lame. All he

  ever thinks about is his duty as a Guardian;he doesn’t seem to relax or just enjoy himself. I can’t

  believe how different he is, it’s just too strange.

  “You worry too much, Keagan.It’s gonna all work out.” I look at the cliff again and

  notice that it kinda curves. What better to have running along the curve than stairs carved into it?

  I picture the stairs in my head, and as I have come to expect, they appear out of thin air. I glance

  over my shoulder at Keagan with a smile on my face. He seems shocked at my display of power.

  “You are just going to have to get used to this.”

  I start making my way over to the stairs, but feel a hand on my shoulder holding me back.

  “You need to stay here,Trish.” I squirm out from his hold and turn to face him. “Keagan,I’m a big girl and can make my own decisions. You are not my keeper.” “Technically… I’m your keeper, Trish, and it seems like you need someone to talk some

  sense into you. Are you always this careless?”

  Here he goes again. Why does he always have to push my buttons? Before I can even

  come up with an answer, I notice a commotion near the Center. When I turn around, I see all

  three of our people tied up and led by knifepoint out the door. Oh no, what happened? “Trish,don’t make this hard on me, just let me take you to Haven. We can help you.” I

  turn around, but before I can even comprehend what is happening I feel the sharp edge of

  Keagan’s blade against my throat. This can’t be happening! Keagan has not betrayed us. How

  could he?

  “I know that you are upset right now, but this is the right thing to do. If your kind is not

  properly trained then you cause nothing but evil.”

  “You betrayed us! What about your mom? Don’t you care that she is tied up?” “She has fallen off the path and needs to be re-educated to remember her place. We

  Guardians have a long history of protecting the humans from the likes of you, and Ican’t let this

  happen. That is why we made the decision we did. I’m so glad Porsche talked some sense into

  me.” Porsche. I grit my teeth at the name and curse her inside my head. I have to do something; I

  can’t let them win. Not only would this be terrible for us
and those in Haven, but it would also

  stop us from stopping Allecto and Haddie from their evil plans. “Keagan, you’re making the

  wrong decision. You are endangering the entirety of humanity. Don’t you remember what

  happened on the bridge? We stopped Allecto from killing millions,don’t you think that we are

  on the right path? You really need to consider what you are doing and what the outcome of your

  decision is. It is not too late, let me go and I can fix this mess that you have created.” Keagan seems to consider my words, and while he is silent with his thoughts I notice

  more and more Guardians gathering the rebels. Porsche comes into the clearing with a huge

  smile on her face. She runs up to Brother Lorrus and gives him a huge hug. “Ugh, is Porsche

  dating Brother Lorrus?”

  “No, Trish,that’s her dad.” Why did I not know that? I would have made sure she was

  thrown out of the rebel camp! Why did Keagan have to do this? I thought that he had gotten over his whole Guardian belief. Now the conversation that Helen and Markus had runs through my mind about how much I changed Keagan. I guess without those memories he has changed his outlook. I see Eddie carry Tisiphone into the clearing; she is hanging limply over his arm. I

  really am the only chance that we have.

  “I know you don’t remember what happened while we were at Haven, but you put me

  through hell and it honestly was the most horrible experience in my life. Humiliation, pain, and

  loneliness were just some of the things that I experienced while here. I really think Haven has

  been built on the wrong beliefsand we have to help those people.”

  “If I was so cruel to you, how come that you like me so much?” he asks. “Because you followed your instincts, Keagan, and realized that what Haven stood for

  didn’t feel right. Deep down, in your gut, you had been questioning some of the practices and

  you saved me. You were there for me when I needed you. You are the reason that we are all

  alive, because of the choice that you made. Do you really want to change all of that?” I can feel the pressure from the knife ease. I also notice that they are pulling a kicking,

  screaming Riley into the middle of the village. “Do you want your mother and Riley to


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