Christmas Secrets in Snowflake Cove (Michaelmas Bay Book 1)

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Christmas Secrets in Snowflake Cove (Michaelmas Bay Book 1) Page 11

by Emily Harvale

  Felicia looked her up and down. ‘I’ll have a G&T. A large one. And so will Peter. He’ll be here shortly. And water. Bottled water. You do have bottled water, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes. I’ll go and fill a bottle for you right now.’

  Zachary, who had come into the dining room with his family a few seconds before, gave a burst of laughter. ‘Evie’s teasing you, Felicia. There’s no need to look so horrified.’ He smiled at Evie.

  ‘I think there’s every need,’ Felicia replied. ‘Have you seen this list?’ She waved the wine list in the air.

  ‘No. But I’m looking forward to trying the local sparkling wine.’

  Evie could almost feel the daggers in her back as she walked away from Felicia’s table, but Zachary continued:

  ‘There’ll be champagne for you tomorrow. John has very kindly put in an order with a local wine merchant who can deliver it in the morning, along with some other of our favourite wines. We’ve even managed to get a few bottles of Pop’s favourite, so everyone’s happy. There’ll be plenty to last for the duration of our stay.’

  The Thorn party may be happy but Evie wasn’t. She shoved open the kitchen door and spotted her dad warming his hands by the kitchen Aga. ‘What’s this about you ordering champagne and other, no doubt eye-poppingly expensive, wine? There’s nothing wrong with our wine list. We’ve got some very good wines.’

  ‘But not quite what Joshua and his family are used to, sweetheart. Besides it’s not a problem. Joshua paid for it all upfront and told me to add twenty-five per cent to the bill. Zachary even said that we can keep any that aren’t opened. They’ve chosen some extremely good labels. I’m looking forward to trying a glass of one or two myself. Everyone’s happy. Anthony, from Michaelmas Bay Wines will be getting a fantastic cut, and we’ve made more on this wine order than we could in a couple of months of being fully booked. It’s a miracle in every bottle.’

  ‘Oh I see. Well in that case I suppose it’s fine. Is there any sign of Gran? Is she coming down for dinner? I don’t know why she won’t. It’s not as if we’re eating with the guests.’

  Molly shook her head. ‘She texted me from her room to say she’s not very hungry but could someone take her up a sherry and some cheese and biscuits. Cheese and biscuits, my eye. Logan here is doing a grand job so she’ll have more than cheese and biscuits. I’ll pop up and see her as soon as the starters are all out.’

  ‘I’d better go and finish taking orders then. Roland? Are you staying to do the drinks or is Robin coming to take over?’

  ‘Robin’s coming. But I’ll do them until he gets here.’

  ‘Great. So far we need two large G&Ts and a bottle of water for the harpy with two names. Damn. I forgot to ask if she wanted sparkling or still. I suppose she’ll expect me to know. Take her both and let her pick.’

  Roland smiled and brushed his arm against hers as he walked past her to the bar. ‘You look stressed, Evangeline. I could give you a shoulder massage, or something. That might help. I’m good with my hands.’

  ‘I bet you are.’ She moved away and caught Logan looking at her whilst he was stirring the gravy. ‘How are you enjoying it so far, Logan?’

  ‘Loving it, thanks. It’s good to be back here.’

  ‘I bet you can’t wait to see Severine, can you?’

  He didn’t even flinch. ‘No. It’ll be interesting to see if she’s changed at all. You’ve changed a lot – in looks, but not in personality.’

  ‘Is that good or bad? Forget it. I’d rather not know. Severine’s the same as she always was. No. Actually she’s even prettier now. Raven’s gorgeous, isn’t she? But she doesn’t really take after her mum, does she? What do you think?’

  He shrugged. ‘She’s very pretty. And she seems like a nice kid.’

  ‘She wasn’t quite so nice when she arrived a few days ago. Sorry. I didn’t mean that. She was a bit moody when she got here but she seems to have cheered up.’

  A grin tugged at Logan’s mouth. ‘I thought you said she didn’t take after her mum?’

  Evie laughed. ‘I meant in looks. Perhaps she takes after her dad in that department. Do you think so?’

  ‘Yes, I think she probably does.’ He met Evie’s look. ‘Do you know who he is? Gran said there seemed to be some doubt.’

  Evie leant closer. ‘No, Logan, I don’t. But I think perhaps you do.’

  He nearly spilt the gravy. ‘Me?’ His voice was low but there was a hint of anxiety in his tone. ‘How would I know? I left before anyone knew she was expecting. My dad had just died, don’t forget.’

  ‘I know. But that doesn’t mean you don’t know who Raven’s father is.’

  He stared at her for a moment. ‘It’s not me, Evie, if that’s what you’re thinking.’

  ‘I didn’t think it was,’ she lied. ‘But I saw the expression on your face when you realised who Raven was. You know, or at the very least, you have a strong idea.’

  ‘OK. Let’s say I did.’ He leant closer to avoid being overheard. ‘And I’m not saying for one minute that I do, but if I did, do you honestly think I’d say anything? I’m thinking of coming to live down this way. Severine’s wrath is something I’d rather avoid, thanks all the same. Besides, I can keep a secret, Evie. Even if no one has asked me to. Don’t you think you’d better go and take the rest of those orders?’ He smiled and walked towards the ovens.

  Logan was right. She had better go and take the rest of the orders, or they’d still be here at midnight. The identity of Raven’s father had been a secret for this long; it could remain a secret a little longer.

  Chapter Twenty

  Snow fell thick and fast all evening. Most of the guests in the dining room glanced through the windows every so often and smiled, apart from Felicia, who seemed worried, and Tracy and Trevor Bright who were seated at the table next to her. The Brights were understandably anxious as to whether or not trains would be running. They had to get to their daughter’s in Norfolk, tomorrow. Evie had no idea why Felicia was so concerned. Perhaps the woman hated snow, or perhaps she was worried that it would affect the filming of Zachary’s show.

  Zachary had moved to another table to discuss that with his team and as Evie went to see if they would like coffee, she asked, ‘Will this weather cause you problems?’

  He glanced up at her and smiled. ‘Snow will add to the authenticity and be a brilliant backdrop for the Christmas Special but it will be a problem, logistically. Driving in it is fine. Hauling cameras around in it isn’t quite so appealing. Standing around in it means frozen hands, toes and bodies, even with gloves, hats, boots and layers of warm clothing. Getting a clear shot through a curtain of white flakes is another issue. At least we won’t have a shortage of kids willing to play snowballs, build snowmen and make snow angels on the ground. We’re plotting rough scenes now and despite the added hassle, we see it as a positive rather than a negative.’

  ‘That’s good. Would you like coffee and liqueurs here, or would you prefer to have them in the lounge where it’s a little more comfortable?’

  Brandon answered. ‘Can we have them in the bar? I’m dying for a pint.’

  ‘Of course. I’ll make a couple of pots of coffee and put them on a table in the bar. That way you can help yourself.’

  ‘Will the wine merchant be able to deliver in this weather?’ Felicia asked when Evie approached.

  So that’s what she was worried about. Momentarily ignoring her, Evie turned to Tracy and Trevor Bright and smiled. ‘I heard on the local radio a few minutes ago that the de-icers are out in force on the rails and that trains should be running tomorrow but may be delayed. I’ll keep you posted with updates, although as it’s getting on for eleven, there aren’t any trains tonight, so we’ll have to see what it’s like in the morning. I’m sure it’ll be fine.’

  ‘You’re an angel, Evie,’ Tracy said. ‘We’ll keep our fingers and toes crossed.’

  Evie turned to Felicia. ‘We’ve had deliveries in far worse weather than this. All
our stock comes from local breweries, vineyards or wine merchants. They make it here come rain or shine.’

  ‘This is snow,’ Felicia barked.

  ‘It’s a figure of speech. They make it through snow, don’t worry.’ As Evie headed back towards the doorway she added, ‘And look on the bright side. Your champers will be extra-chilled. But it may take a while to thaw out.’

  ‘Thaw out!’

  ‘Must you tease her?’ Zachary asked, his voice low and a crooked smile on his lips as Evie squeezed past his chair.

  She bent down and whispered in his ear. ‘It seems I must.’ She turned away but he gently took her by the wrist as he got to his feet.

  ‘You’re no angel. You’re a devil.’

  ‘You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.’ She laughed and tossed her hair in a coquettish fashion. He didn’t release her, so she raised her brows and looked him coolly in the eye, just a hint of a grin on her face. ‘Please don’t manhandle the staff, sir. Not without prior permission.’

  His smile widened and a second or two later, his hand slid from her wrist. Her skin tingled although his fingers had been soft against her bare flesh.

  ‘Please accept my apologies.’ He winked at her. ‘I’ll ask permission next time.’

  He turned his attention back to his smiling team as they all stood to go to the bar. Evie noticed Brandon was staring at her and Zachary as if he knew something she didn’t.

  She walked through the open door into the public bar where Roland sat, staring at her.

  ‘Is that guy bothering you,’ he asked when Evie reached the bar a moment later.

  ‘Not in the least,’ she lied. Zachary was bothering her, but not in the way Roland meant. ‘I thought you’d gone home. Robin arrived over an hour ago.’ Exhausted, she perched on a stool and leant her forearms on the bar top.

  Roland swivelled round on his stool and mirrored her action. ‘I stayed for a drink. Dad’s picking me up at Juniper’s at eleven.’

  ‘Where is she tonight? I texted her earlier to see if she was coming over but she hasn’t replied. Oh, wait. It’s that tarot thing tonight, isn’t it? I was supposed to be going but then this lot happened.’ Evie nodded her head back towards the throng of guests. ‘Damn. It would’ve been fun. Did your mum go? Juniper said she might be.’

  ‘Yes. Dad’s picking them up and bringing Juniper home. That’s why I’m getting a lift. Just as well in this weather.’

  ‘Tell her to call me. I want to hear all about it.’

  ‘Why don’t you come over? Darren’s out. You can relax and wait for her to get back.’

  Evie cleared her throat, reached out for a nearby towelling beer mat and wiped some beer that had been spilt on the bar top. ‘Tempting. But it’s a little busy here. Just ask her to call. No matter what time. Where’s Darren? Did she say?’

  ‘Working late as usual. That guy is going to work himself into an early grave.’

  ‘Hmmm. Tell me about it. Do you know anything about his new boss?’

  ‘Only that she cracks the whip.’

  ‘Cracks a whip!’

  Roland smirked. ‘Not a whip, Evangeline. The whip. She makes him work too hard. But if you’re interested in whips, I’m game.’

  ‘Roland. You’re seventeen. I’m twice your age. And no. I’m not interested in whips.’ She shook her head but threw him a ‘friendly’ smile as she slid down from the stool.

  The smile he gave her oozed sex. ‘What’s age got to do with anything? All that means is you may have more experience. Although I wouldn’t bank on that.’

  Evie was going to have to have words with Roland Green before too long. This was getting ridiculous.

  ‘It’s almost eleven. Time you went home.’

  She turned away and came face to face with Zachary. How long had he been standing there? He wasn’t right behind her and Roland but he was close enough to have heard some of the conversation. Roland got off his stool and hesitated, as if he wasn’t sure what to do.

  ‘See you tomorrow, Roland,’ Evie said, effectively dismissing him. ‘Tell Juniper to call me.’

  He scowled briefly at Zachary. ‘Good night, Evangeline. Night, Zachary.’

  ‘Good night,’ Evie and Zachary said in unison, and they both watched Roland walk away.

  ‘Got a bit of a crush on you has he … Evangeline?’

  ‘He’s seventeen. I’ve known him all my life. His sister is my best friend.’

  ‘You didn’t answer my question.’

  ‘You’re asking the wrong person. You’d have to ask him, not me.’

  ‘I might just do that. At least he’s got good taste.’

  Evie’s phone rang before she could respond to that. Glancing at the screen she saw the dancing, drunken reindeer. She smiled and waved the phone at Zachary. ‘Excuse me. Got to take this.’

  He nodded and stepped away.

  ‘Hi Juniper. I was just talking about you to Roland. He’s on his way. Were the cards kind?’

  ‘Kind? They were unbelievable. Are you up? Can I come over? Any chance I can stay the night?’

  ‘Of course you can. Are you OK?’

  ‘I’ll tell you when I get there. I can see Roly heading towards the bridge. What about this weather, eh? It’s incredible, isn’t it? See you in five minutes.’

  ‘I’ll have a large glass of wine waiting.’

  ‘You’re an angel.’

  ‘According to Zachary Thorn, I’m the complete opposite.’

  ‘Oh God! He’s there? Of course he’s there. What’s he like? Oh hi, Roly. Dad’s in the car. I’m talking to Evie. Love you. Well? I asked what he is like.’

  ‘Oh sorry. I thought you were still talking to your brother. If you run, you’ll get to meet him. He’s in the bar. Juniper? Juniper?’ The line had gone dead.

  Less than one minute later, Juniper burst in, red-faced and panting.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  ‘That man is hotter in the flesh than on TV,’ Juniper said, when, a little after midnight, Evie finally managed to drag her away from the public bar and into the kitchen.

  Logan had gone home and so had Robin. Everyone else had gone to bed, apart from John and Zachary and a couple of the others in Zachary’s team. They were still drinking and playing cards.

  Evie put a pan of milk on the hob to make some hot chocolate and Juniper flopped onto a kitchen chair, her arms sprawled across the table.

  ‘And they’re all so nice, aren’t they?’ Juniper continued. ‘Zachary’s team, I mean. Did you hear him ask me who Miranda Bradley was? He said he’d asked you but you were being very tight-lipped about it. We spent at least ten minutes discussing her knicker elastic. God! I hope he never meets her. Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be?’

  ‘I can’t see him mentioning it to her even if he did meet her. But there’s not much chance of that, is there? Didn’t you say she’s flying out to Spain tomorrow for Christmas and New Year?’

  Juniper nodded. ‘If the flights aren’t grounded in this weather. His family are lovely, too, aren’t they? Everyone was lovely. You’re lovely.’

  ‘And you’re a little bit drunk again tonight. Yes. Everyone was lovely. Apart from the harpy with two names. What is up with that woman? She’s got a great boyfriend. A good job. She obviously gets paid a fortune. Did you see those shoes she was wearing?’

  Juniper nodded again. ‘And that dress she had on was designer. Don’t ask me who because I can’t afford the stuff so I wouldn’t know one from another, but I can tell quality when I see it.’

  ‘Me too. Even her jeans today were expensive. You can tell by the way they fit. Of course it does help if you’ve got a body like hers.’

  ‘That’s probably designer too.’

  Evie grinned and handed Juniper a mug. The hot chocolate in it was topped with cream, sprinkled with chocolate shavings and rounded off with several mini marshmallows.

  ‘So is this. Anyway. Forget about her. Tell me what the tarot cards said. What was she like? A compl
ete con artist or the genuine article?’

  ‘Only time will tell. Her clothes were definitely not designer, I can say that much. Some things she got spot on, but others, she was way off course. For instance, she knew what I did for a living and that I hate my boss. But she said I was one of three siblings. Wrong! She knew I had a boyfriend and that he did drawings of some kind. Well, he does architectural drawings so I’ll give her five points for that. But here’s the interesting slash weird slash I’m going to kill Darren when I see him, bit. She says that he’s making plans of some sort with a woman, but that they involve me and although it means upheaval at home, I’ll be happy in the end. What the hell does that mean? Does it mean I was right the other night and the bastard is ‘doing a Nigel’ on me? Or is this about his work and that something’s going to happen? That he’s going to chuck it in and the upheaval is that he won’t be able to afford to pay the mortgage he took out recently to repair the roof, and we’ll get thrown out. I don’t know what it means, and neither did she. Oh! But she said it will come to a head at Christmas. Which is only a few days away. Then again, she said she thought his name began with the letter ‘C’ – and it doesn’t – so I don’t know if it’s all a load of tosh or not. Mum says it’s all nonsense and that I shouldn’t take it seriously. What do you think?’

  ‘Um. I think if you do get thrown out, you can come and stay here.’ Evie smiled at her friend. ‘I also think she got more wrong than she did right, so I agree with your mum. On the other hand, you could tell Darren what the woman said and see how he reacts. Or, you can wait until Christmas and see what happens. But one thing is for certain. If he is cheating on you – and I still find it hard to believe, but if he is – I’ll help you bury the body.’

  Juniper reached out and squeezed Evie’s hand. ‘Aw, thanks. I can always count on you.’

  ‘That’s what friends are for.’ Evie smiled again and sipped her hot chocolate.

  ‘Ooh!’ Juniper stuck her hand up in the air as if she were a child in class trying to get the teacher’s attention. ‘The other thing the woman said was that my brother was heading into dangerous waters and that it involved an older woman.’


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