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Lake, Ciara - Xihirah [Xihiran Shifters 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Ciara Lake

  “I can sit here and take my time while the water runs all over me.” With closed eyes, she dreamed. “This is absolutely fantastic. I can’t wait to take my clothes off and give this a try. I’ll never want to leave.”

  “I can’t wait either,” Kael whispered loud enough for her to hear. She jumped up from the bench, rushing toward the other room to collect her things. She hadn’t fully decided what to do about him. Her mind raced with all sorts of ideas. She heard him gasp as she bumped into him. He was a solid wall of muscle. Quickly, she glanced up to look into his face. She recognized lust filling his animalistic eyes. His body’s response to her thrilled her. The feminine power she felt over this male delighted her. Truth be known, she was enjoying this male animal’s reaction to her. In the back of her mind, she knew she was playing with fire. But, she liked the restrained burn from his flame. Thinking of how it would feel if fully released made her hot all over. Kael seemed to be caught off guard by her behavior. It was evident by the look on his face that she had surprised him when she had run straight into him.

  * * * *

  “Are you hurt?” Kael demanded. The concern he’d harmed her pushed aside the desire, at least for the moment. “Are you all right? Are you hurt, Saleeya?”

  Saleeya’s soft body shuddered, and the tremble raced through her into his hard frame. Kael swore softly as he pulled her tight against him to absorb the shaking.

  “My Deity!” Saleeya exclaimed. “I’m sorry I bumped into you. I was so caught up in my excitement. I saw you there, but ran right into you. How clumsy of me, please forgive me. My word, I should have been paying more attention,” she stammered. “Are you smiling?” She frowned, her lips turning up at one corner as she squinted at him.

  “Yes, you’re a delight, even though you forgot I was standing here and ran right into me,” he teased her. “I’m glad I wasn’t the wall.” He chuckled.

  “You’re as hard as one.” Saleeya smiled back.

  “Yes, I am.” Kael’s eyes gleamed wickedly. “And yes, your enthusiasm makes me smile. Now, let me show you how to use the shower.” Saleeya pushed against his chest, and Kael watched her hurry to her luggage to pull out a small case.

  * * * *

  “Okay, okay, do you mind terribly if I get my soaps? I’ll be right back for you to show me how to use the shower.” In mere seconds, Saleeya was back with her soaps. “I’m ready for you to show me what to do.”

  “If you wish, but I’m sure it’ll come naturally for you.” Kael’s tone and expression spoke volumes more than his words. Saleeya knew that they weren’t exactly talking about the same things. He watched so intently she could feel his eyes on her. It was delightfully smoldering. He wanted to demonstrate more than how the shower worked. He wanted to show her how he worked. She wasn’t surprised when he asked.

  “Saleeya, I’m going to disrobe to shower with you. I can demonstrate better without clothing.” He looked at her with such desire, drawing a wave of heat to her cheeks.

  Saleeya sobered, smacked him lightly on the chest. “Show me how to turn the water on and off. Show me how to adjust the temperature. That’ll be sufficient. You can keep your clothes on for that.” Saleeya stunned herself that she had actually smacked him on his chest. She was becoming overly giddy and flirtatious, which could be disastrous. Being a Prince of Xihirah and their military leader, she was sure not many people would tease him or strike him teasingly. No doubt, most others would be apprehensive of his reaction. His social position made him a man to be taken seriously. One could see that by his interactions with his soldiers and staff. Also, how he dealt with Vitalion made her see he wasn’t to be played with. She should be wise enough to avoid such a compromise in their relationship as well. She was definitely behaving poorly.

  She bit her lip, and her mind raced. Her behavior was so unlike her. She always made every attempt to be professional. She had no idea how to control this giddy immaturity or where it came from. His lips curled upward, and he palmed his chest where her fingers had struck. Had he enjoyed her touch, she wondered. Her own fingers tingled and burned where they’d made contact. Touching him was electrical. “Did I smack you too hard?” Saleeya bowed her head in apology.

  “No, you can’t hurt me. I enjoy your touch, no matter how it’s delivered.”

  He winked at her.

  “Walk into the shower, make sure the doors are closed. Simply tell the shower to turn on a gentle stream. You can tell it to stream hard or soft, hot or cold. When you’re finished, tell the shower ‘turn off stream.’ It’s that simple. Since you don’t wish for me to stay to assist you further, I’ll take my leave. I’ll return in two hours to escort you to the midday meal. I’ll let myself out. I’ll lock the suite door behind me. Enjoy your shower. Tell me all about it when I return.”

  “Kael, I’m certain you’re aware of the reasons for my being here. If I’ve in any way…” Saleeya ducked her head to try to squeeze past him to go back into the bedchamber. “I feel embarrassed.” Her cheeks flushed.

  “You’re even more beautiful when you blush.” Kael’s hand reached out to snag her to him. He pulled her close against his body, so snug against him that she could feel every contour of his strong body. His arms were muscular. His chest was hard, well defined. There really was no softness to him. He was solid all over. Saleeya shivered at the pulse of his penis pressed against her stomach. It was solid, throbbing, and much larger than anything she’d ever imagined. He crushed her to him. His warm breath stirred the hair near her ear. A low-pitched growl escaped him as he pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses along her throat to the flesh of her shoulder. His fingers pulled the fabric aside to suckle at the pulse beneath her skin. Saleeya’s body shuddered in response, and moist heat gathered between her legs. A rumble originated from his chest. She automatically moaned in response.

  “Saleeya,” Kael whispered in her ear. “You’re delectable. I want to taste every part of you.” He kissed up and down her neck. “Woman, you’re driving me crazy. Your smell, your touch, I need to have you. I need to mate, to claim you. If you don’t want that…you need to tell me now. I’m losing control over myself.”

  Saleeya shook her head. Every part of her screamed not to back away, to accept what he offered. Desire, like a firestorm, raced through her, pooling between her legs. Her nipples tightened into hard points. They were tender as they pressed into him. Her fingers dug into his arms. Her nails scored his flesh. Dizzy, arousal flowing like wine, she arched against him. Saleeya continued to act on impulse, the primitive instinct that moved couples to intimacy, caught her up in the bliss of the moment. Kael’s warm lips claimed hers. He kissed her deeply. His tongue dove into her mouth. She loved the taste of him, warm and spicy. Saleeya shivered. She moaned into his mouth. Fervently returning his kisses, her hands roamed up and down his back. Their tongues dueled in a sensual dance as she embraced him. Further encouraged by Saleeya’s responsiveness, Kael turned her, backed her up against the mirrored wall, and pressed his body into hers. Their kissing intensified, and she could feel his hands on her buttocks grabbing, pressing into her. Then his hands were on her breasts, and he cupped them, massaged them through her gown. She wanted to surrender to him. Kael’s hips rocked into her. Saleeya instinctually rocked back, and they rocked together in the dance imitating sexual intercourse. Saleeya wanted his touch. Her entire body ached for his touch. She considered wrapping her legs around him, pulling him into her.

  Kael partially separated from her, and he whispered, “Let’s go to the bed.” Saleeya was suddenly chilled from the loss of his body’s warmth. “I don’t want to take you against the wall our first time mating. That’ll be for later.” He looked down at her with the lust-frenzied eyes of a male not quite human, something more. He pulled her toward the door toward the bedchamber. Saleeya’s legs were like rubber bands. She could barely stand without his assistance. The desire she was feeling made her weak. She leaned into him for support, for comfort.

  Saleeya pulled back, her face
heated with shame. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m sorry. I’ve totally lost my mind.” Panic tightened her voice into a squeak.

  Kael smiled. His incisors flashed. His hands trailed up and down her back. “I know what we’re doing. Come here, sweet Saleeya. Lay down with me. I’ll give you pleasure,” he promised her. Gently, he guided her toward the bed. His hands skillfully roamed over her body. She loved the feel of his large hands on her. Her breasts, achingly tender, made her nearly beg him to touch them, kiss them.

  Swift reality crashed down on her like a bucket of ice. “Stop, Kael,” Saleeya repeated more sternly this time. “I can’t do this.” Kael stopped, watched her. His eyes were wild, beautifully inhuman. He noticeably braced himself with iron control to heed her command. His breathing was heavy, his tan face was flushed, and she heard what sounded like a growl come from his throat. He cocked his head, smiled down at her predatorily. His enlarged canines were exposed.

  In a roughened voice, Kael responded. “Sweet Saleeya, I’ll not hurt you. We’ll mate. You’re mine. My beast is close to the surface. It needs release.”

  Saleeya, puzzled by his statements, explained, “Kael, I’ve never been with anyone. I can’t do this with you. I don’t know you. I’m not like that. Not to mention, I’ll shame the Kriton Ministry, the Council, and myself. We must stop. You have fangs. Are they dangerous?”

  “You’ve nothing to fear. Go ahead and lay down, I won’t hurt you. I’d never force you. I want you to want me, to have no regrets about what we do,” Kael whispered, his voice rough with emotion. Saleeya obediently lay down on the bed. She didn’t want him to leave her, but was afraid to tell him so. Saleeya lay down on the bed and tightly closed her eyes. She lay there for several seconds. Finally the bed gave as he climbed onto it next to her. She was relieved that he had not just left her. Her eyes were still closed as she rolled onto her side. Saleeya could feel him right up against her back. Kael placed his arm around her waist, pulled her back into him. Again, she could feel his breath near her ear, “We’ll rest here together.” He kissed her neck. “You sleep, I’ll calm down. I’ll wake you when it’s time to go to our midday meal.”

  Saleeya could not rest. Her stomach was in knots. Saleeya swallowed back her nerves. Shock tangled with arousal flowed through her blood.

  * * * *

  Kael shifted the warm weight, as foreign as Kriton, in his arms. Restless, her whimpers revealed much about her unrest. He sensed a high-energy personality behind the prim façade she showed. It had taken more than a few minutes for her to settle down. Still he wasn’t certain she was truly sleeping. She needed sleep.

  The contentment he’d found holding her allowed his inner beast to eventually calm. In his forty-six years, he’d never experienced such a surge of intense desire. The powerful rush of emotion was overpowering. There was no doubt in his mind she was his mate. Every pore of his body screamed that fact to him. Grateful to Xian, his creator, for bestowing the lovely Saleeya upon him, he gave a quick, silent prayer of thanks. She was perfect, beautiful, and intelligent. She was attracted to him. Xian had placed this unexpected gift directly in his path. Kael was determined to keep and protect her.

  His mind and body roared from the effect of the mating hormones. Regret ate at him for coming on strong with her. Saleeya’s enchanting personality had intoxicated him, opening his hormonal floodgates and weakening his better judgment. The mating hormones struggled to take control of him and his actions.

  Xihirian males could come on strong when they unexpectedly encountered their mates. If Saleeya understood the battle he faced, she would never have trusted to rest in his arms. From the moment the mating hormone released he had struggled for control like never before. Hearing of the tales of rapture that the males experienced did not prepare him for his experience. Memories of his fervent kisses on her mouth and skin stirred him to arousal again. Freely he had shared the mating hormone. Its spicy flavor flowed free in his saliva. Xihirians’ enhanced sense of smell would enable them to recognize the mating scent on him. The hormone would not wash off. It marked her. To other Xihirians she would smell as if she belonged to him.

  To consummate the mating he needed to release his seed inside her. The hormone would bind Saleeya to him. Even now, Saleeya would feel a deeper attraction toward him. The mating hormone worked rapidly. However, the effects would dissipate without additional kisses and skin to skin contact until he buried his seed deep within her womb. Only then would she be irreversibly his.

  * * * *

  She struggled to find rest while his warm hard body was pressed against hers. Saleeya whispered, “Kael.”

  “Saleeya, shush, don’t say anything right now.” Kael caressed her hair.

  “Okay.” Saleeya shivered from his touch.

  “My control’s barely hanging on.” Kael kissed her hair. “For both our sakes, it’s best if I leave you to rest. I’ll return for you soon.”

  “All right.” Saleeya nodded, trembling when he withdrew his arm from around her. She did not move. “Thank you, Kael.”

  “Don’t,” Kael ground out. “Don’t thank me. Go to sleep while you still can. There’ll be much to do in the coming days.” The bed shifted as he moved off it. Saleeya kept her eyes closed until she heard him quietly exit her room. The door clicked behind him. Her heart stumbled as tears rolled silently down her face. Surrendering to her exhaustion, sleep finally overcame her potent emotions.

  * * * *

  “Saleeya, wake up.” Mia gently touched her shoulder. “It’s time for you to get ready. I’m here to help you.” Thinking she was dreaming, Saleeya woke confused.

  Groggy from sleep, her mind simmering from the arousal throbbing in her body, Saleeya bolted upright. Searching for the speaker, her gaze darted wildly around the room. “What? Oh no, Mia, am I late for the midday meal? Who let you in?” Saleeya squeaked, her hands pushing her hair from her face.

  “The Admoncor let me in. He sent me in here to wake you,” Mia coolly answered.

  Saleeya pushed the covers aside, her hands fixing her clothes. How long have I slept.

  “Saleeya, are you all right?” Concern thickened Mia’s voice. Mia walked over to where Saleeya was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Why is the Admoncor in your suite?” Mia demanded. “Has he been here the whole time?” Mia’s tone was agitated. Saleeya could see concern on her frowning face.

  Saleeya glanced at the other woman. Mia gazed at her, her look disapproving. Saleeya ignored the look, fidgeting with her hair.

  “Mia, just help me find another gown. I’ve got to get ready,” Saleeya snapped.

  “All right, there’s no need to bite my head off.” Mia shook her head. “Is there something I should know about?”

  “What? No, there’s nothing,” Saleeya bit out tightly. “Like what?” She purposely made an exaggerated expression, contorting her features.

  “Nothing, I’m sure there’s a simple explanation for Kael’s presence here.” Mia shrugged her shoulders. “Here’s your deep green gown. It should be comfortable, plus the color is nice with your hair.” She held up the garment. “Before we leave to meet up with the others, we need to talk.” Mia sat down next to Saleeya on the bed.

  “Talk about what?”

  “I’m concerned about Admoncor Braeden being here all this time. I’m worried for you. No one else needs to know he was here all this time. You must focus on your function here…Not be confused by the handsome Prince.”

  “I am focused on my function!” Saleeya enunciated each word. “I’m not confused. Anyway, your function isn’t to tell me what my function is,” Saleeya smartly retorted, glaring daggers at Mia.

  “Wow, are you irritable.” She shook her head.

  “I’m not irritable,” Saleeya denied in a further irritated tone.

  “Okay, if you say so.”

  “My duty’s to encourage peaceful negotiations. Hopefully, that’ll result in helping to eliminate the terrorists from this galaxy. That’s exactly what I
’m going to do. No worries.”

  “Oh Saleeya, let’s not have words. I only want to make sure you’re safe.” Mia helped Saleeya close the back of her dress. “I arrived some time ago, Saleeya. Admoncor Braeden let me in. I was stunned when he answered the door. He asked me to let you sleep for a while longer. While we waited for you to wake, I had the opportunity to talk to him. I told him we were best friends from when we attended the University of Kriton. His attitude warmed toward me. I can tell he really likes you.” Mia paused, and her gaze narrowed, fury lacing it. “Did the Admoncor hurt you, Saleeya?” Mia demanded, her hands on her hips.

  “No.” Saleeya shook her head adamantly. “Why would you think that?”

  “I’m just asking.”

  “I’m fine. He’s fine. With everything happening, I’m just a bit unsteady. I didn’t mean to be cross with you.” Saleeya touched Mia’s arm, guilt easing her grip. “I’m tired and hungry. I know you care about me. There’s a lot of responsibility on both of our shoulders at the moment. I guess it just now hit me. Let me finish getting ready. He’s waiting on us.” Saleeya smiled wistfully. “I hate to keep him waiting any longer.”

  Mia flushed. “Of course, Saleeya, I’ll let you finish up here. You’re right. We mustn’t delay. The Admoncor told me that we should get the Minister and Jarvin in fifteen minutes. I’m looking forward to the pleasant change to sit down to a meal without having to worry about a schedule.”


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