Lake, Ciara - Xihirah [Xihiran Shifters 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Lake, Ciara - Xihirah [Xihiran Shifters 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 20

by Ciara Lake

  “Hello, I’m Kael’s mother, Carlista. We’ll catch up to Kael in a moment. Did my sons tell you what has happened?” Carlista carefully asked.

  “No, what’s happened?” Saleeya’s father’s face turned gray. Carlista and her daughters explained all that had transpired, including Saleeya’s and Kael’s joining as they led the way to the Med Clinic.

  * * * *

  “Saleeya, are you awake, my love?” Kael softly took Saleeya’s hand in his.

  “Yes, Medtor Fanstal tells me that I’m going to recover.”

  “Of course you are.” Kael smiled close to her face.

  “Kael, I carry our baby,” Saleeya said with tears in her beautiful eyes. “He’s not certain that the baby will survive. My body has had much trauma. Oh, Kael, I’m so sorry.” Saleeya wept lightly. “I didn’t know I was pregnant.”

  “Saleeya, I pray to Xian that our baby lives. What’s to be will be. You’ll recover. You and I can make other children if this child doesn’t survive. He’ll go to be with our ancestors, if that’s Xian’s will. Don’t cry. I know it’ll be painful to lose our child, but we still have each other. You’re a hero and very courageous. Our child would be very proud of his mother. The Xihirians love you. I love you more.” Kael kissed her hand. “Your parents are here. Kleave and I picked them up at the Spaceport Terminal. My mother and sisters have probably informed them of all that has happened. I’ll go get them, but I want to stay with you too,” Kael told Saleeya as Carlista and her parents entered her clinic room.

  Her mother and father rushed over to the side of her clinic bed, worry and fear etched their faces. “Saleeya, how are you feeling?” Saleeya’s mother grabbed for Saleeya’s other hand. Her mother kissed her hand and arm. “Oh, my precious daughter, I’m so sorry you’re hurt. We love you so much.”

  “I feel better, Momma. I’m so happy to see you and Dad. Did they tell you what happened?”

  “Yes, Saleeya. I’m so proud. You risked your life to save others. You’re very brave. I hear you have mated with Kael. And there’s going to be a Joining Ceremony as soon as you’re all better.” Sandria kissed her daughter’s hand again. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I’m so thrilled for you. This is a scary and happy day. I don’t know what to feel. How did you keep this news from us. We wondered why we hadn’t heard from you in a while. We were a little worried.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom. So much has happened and so fast.” Saleeya gripped her mother’s hand and looked to her dad.

  “I understand, my sweet Saleeya. Do you love him? Is he nice to you?” Saleeya could see the concern in her mother’s face.

  “Yes, Momma, he’s wonderful. I meant to tell you soon. It’s just so much has happened. I…I’m going to have his baby, I hope, if all goes well,” Saleeya stuttered between tears of sorrow and joy.

  “Saleeya, be strong and we’ll help you through this. You have a Joining Ceremony very soon and this will all be behind you. All will be well. We’re here for you. We’ll help you now.” Her mother kissed her face and brushed the hair back from her face.

  “Mrs. Stayvel, let me take you and your husband to your suite and you can rest for a while. The voyage is very wearing. I’ll get you if anything changes with Saleeya’s condition,” Kael offered.

  “I don’t think I can leave Saleeya.” Sandria shook her head stubbornly.

  “Excuse me, I’m Medtor Fanstal,” the doctor interrupted. “I insist that you leave and allow Saleeya to rest. She’ll be fine. She has had three severe injuries and surgery. Plus, she’s pregnant. There are too many visitors and this disturbs her recovery. The more she rests the better for her and the baby. Please, leave to go to your suites. You should rest too.” Fanstal turned to Kael. “Prince Kael, please, you need to rest as well. If you like I’ll have a cot brought in here, but you’ll need to allow Saleeya to rest,” Fanstal instructed the group.

  “I can sleep on that cot,” Saleeya’s mother volunteered.

  “No, Mother, you need to go to a bed. I know it’s a difficult trip. I’ll see you after you rest,” Saleeya told her mother.

  “I can hear and see when I’m being replaced.” Sandria smiled from Saleeya to Kael. “Okay, I’ll go with your father and rest. You’re to let us know if anything changes, Kael Braeden.” Sandria pointed her finger at Kael. She demanded of him in a motherly, commanding voice.

  “Rest well, my darling daughter. I’ll be near.” Saleeya’s father kissed Saleeya. He turned to follow Kael and Sandria out of the Med Clinic.

  * * * *

  After five days of resting at the Med Clinic, Saleeya finally shuffled down the corridor to her room, Kael’s warm grip a great help to her weakened body. Kael never left Saleeya’s side; at least, he managed to be there every time Saleeya opened her eyes.

  “Oh, Saleeya, you’re doing great.” Kalista took her other arm. “Your body’s healing rapidly. The Xihirian healing accelerant works miracles with your new transforming physiology.” Kalista rubbed Saleeya’s arm.

  “Yes, and my baby is thriving.” Saleeya smiled back.

  “Our mothers and sisters are busy planning for the Joining Ceremony. They’ve tried to focus on happy and positive things. They’re so excited to share with you their plans.”

  The females ran in and out of Saleeya’s suite with information and questions regarding the ceremony and celebration. The ceremony was going to be breathtaking and a grand royal event.

  “Saleeya, you are looking well. I’m amazed by how well you are doing. I’m so happy. It’s so exciting. You’re a Princess.” Her mother smiled brightly. “They plan to have thousands of flowers at your ceremony. You love flowers. They’re going to have colorful Xihirian silks for tablecloths, foods of all varieties for all tastes, artists to play music, and other festive entertainment. It’s going to be the best party in the universe, at least to me. I guess the celebration lasts for a day. It’ll be so much fun. You’re so blessed and so are we to have you as our daughter.”

  Saleeya happily surrendered the planning to the other females. The time flew as Carlista and Sandria buzzed like crazy with the excitement. The longer Saleeya maintained the baby, the better the prognosis. Saleeya’s father seemed overwhelmed yet happy for Saleeya. The Palace seemed full of energy and happiness once again.

  “Saleeya, do you want to come and sit in the living area? We can talk about the ceremony. We have some sweet meats to eat.” Kalinda popped into Saleeya’s room. She helped Saleeya get out of bed. “Let’s go eat.” Kalinda was bursting with happiness. “Kleave took your father for a tour. He realized how bored he was getting. Your poor father, we’ve worn him out with planning. He’s going to see our labs and our wonderful innovations with my brothers. All of my brothers are great.” Kalinda clapped her hands.

  The entire hustle and bustle of planning for the Joining Ceremony infused the Palace with hectic exhilaration. Kael remained solemn and acted incredibly bossy and irritable to all he encountered. The guards and staff stayed a great distance from him, wary of his mood and the potential of becoming prey to his beast. He was difficult and unpredictable. His worry for Saleeya and their baby ate away at him.

  Saleeya, Carlista, Kalista, and Kalinda seemed to be the only ones willing to suffer his moodiness. They approached him regardless of his outward warning signs to others. The others informed Saleeya that was how Alpha Prime males could be. Saleeya loved him regardless and she knew without a doubt that he would never hurt her or anyone he offered his love and protection.

  She realized that he was worried. He was troubled about the security of their world, her, and their baby’s health. Also, he was worried about the potential dangers of the upcoming public ceremony. Kael and his father put in place new rules on allowing people into the Palace. The Palace was becoming a fortress of security as never before. Guards were taking over the Palace inside and out. Kael and Kliven put new limitations on the guest list, and many of the Council members were encouraged to return to their home worlds to reduce the number of stra
ngers. The tribunal judges selected out of Council members remained to conduct Vitalion’s trial after all the celebrations were finished. Additionally, Saleeya realized that Kael was increasingly irritable due to their inability to have sex.

  As Saleeya healed each day, she yearned to be intimate with Kael, and she knew that he wanted the same. However, they kissed and touched some. He seemed reluctant to cause her harm, almost afraid to even touch her. Sometimes he would come to bed and lie stiffly next to her, not touching her. Saleeya was frustrated by his insistence to refrain from every pleasure except kissing. At night, she could feel his erection press against her. It was very difficult not to make love with him, but her body still ached from its healing injuries, and she worried for their baby.

  “Kael,” Saleeya sweetly called his name while he lay next to her in the morning hours of a new day. “I’m going to get up and go to the family’s community room today. I’m going to be more active today. I’m only telling you. I’m not asking permission. Medtor Fanstal said I need to get up and move around more now,” Saleeya informed her stubborn mate.

  “All right, if you must, but you’re not to leave the family wing. I’ll be here to check on you from time to time. Please obey me in this. I have meetings with the military. I’m going to my apartment in Ferileson to gather some of my personal belongings.”

  “You have another apartment someplace else? I thought you lived here at the Palace. I didn’t know that.” Saleeya was surprised and on purpose ignored his ‘obey me’ instructions.

  “My sweet Saleeya, there’re many things you don’t know yet about me. I live here sometimes. I have a private apartment as well. We can live wherever you want to live.” Kael kissed her too chastely on her forehead.

  “When will you be back to check on me to make sure I’m obeying? I feel restless,” Saleeya teased and grabbed his hand as he moved to get out of their bed.

  “I’ll take morning meal with you after I check on a few things.” He watched her with unspoken longing.

  “Kael, I want to be with you tonight. You know what I mean?” Saleeya smiled shyly.

  “Are you ready for sex, and is Medtor Fanstal okay with that type of exertion?” Kael hesitated getting out of their bed.

  “Yes, he approved it yesterday midday when he saw me. I was feeling too tired and sore to share the information with you and was asleep when you came to bed. But I’m much better this morning,” Saleeya cheerfully answered.

  “Well, can we start our day having sex? I’m aching for you. I’ll delay my morning meetings.” Kael’s eyes gleamed, and he rolled closer to her. “I need release. I don’t want to wait for later tonight. I want to make love now. My officers will appreciate my delay if it improves my otherwise difficult mood. I promise I’ll be gentle with you.” Kael reinforced his promise with a sweet kiss. He sat up and moved to the edge of their bed. “Come here, my mate, get out of bed and sit back on me. I won’t put any weight on you this way. You can have complete control over the pace.” Kael’s thick cock jutted up and out from his body in bold invitation.

  Saleeya carefully moved out of the bed. She confidently approached Kael. She ran her hands over his shoulders and down to his abdomen. She hugged him to her breasts. His skin was hot. He looked flushed with desire. Kael kissed her breasts, which were covered by a silky nightgown. Her hands caressed his body while she gently lowered to her knees and in between his strong thighs. He was so powerful. She kissed the side of his muscular thighs and stroked him. Feeling powerful herself in her seduction, Saleeya ran her delicate tongue over his enlarged cock, laved his scrotum, sucked, and nipped her way to the tip of his bulging cock’s head. The taste of his essence leaking from him motivated her to take him more fully into her hot mouth. Kael groaned in approval and gently moved his hips to greet her mouth. “Saleeya, I need for you to come here.” Kael helped Saleeya up. “Take off your nightgown. I want you naked and on my lap.” Kael carefully helped remove Saleeya’s nightgown over her head, cupped, and kissed each of her breasts. “I love it when you take me in your mouth. But I’m anxious to come inside of your warm, tight pussy. It’s been too long.” With her back to him, he maneuvered her onto his stiff cock. Saleeya sank slowly down onto him. Her body eagerly opened to his sweet invasion. Saleeya moaned in pleasure with the familiar intimacy. “Saleeya, don’t let me hurt you.” Kael took a hold of her waist to help glide her up and down at his preferred pace. “I’m so close to losing control,” Kael whispered tightly and then leaned his head back in bliss and growled loudly. Kael’s large, tanned hands nearly encompassed her middle as he took control of her pace and encouraged her movements. Kael was unable to allow Saleeya the control he had promised. She wished she could see his eyes while he took her, but it hurt too much for her twist around. She loved to see the pleasure reflected in his expressive eyes. The wildness of his eyes fired her desire. She rode his huge body and the enjoyment took hold of her so completely the minor pains of discomfort she felt disappeared. Moisture gushed from Saleeya’s pussy and coated their thighs as she reached her climax. Hot seed poured into her as Kael loudly growled into her ear. He held her tightly and ran his hands over her lush, tender breasts. Warm kisses caressed her back, shoulders while he more slowly moved his still-swollen cock deep inside of her pussy. Saleeya rotated her hips and clenched his penis with her vaginal walls, causing more hot semen to pour into her. His muscular body vibrated with his response to their sexual ecstasy.

  “Kael, you’re turning me into a very bad girl,” Saleeya said in a sultry whisper as she rotated her hips, stimulating both of them. She leaned back into him to look up into his eyes.

  “No, Saleeya, you’re not a bad girl, you’re my mate. You make me feel so good. I love you.” Kael trailed kisses over her shoulder and down her spine. Saleeya’s entire body shivered in response. “Nothing we do is bad. I’ve missed this closeness. I hope I’ve not hurt you with my passion. I don’t ever want to hurt you in any way.” Kael’s voice was raspy. “Tell me you love me.” He nipped her ear between his teeth. “Do you forgive me for what happened to you here on Xihirah?” Kael asked with a roughened, worried voice.

  “Kael, none of what has happened is your fault. You’ve saved and protected me each time from those demented terrorists. I know you’ll stop them. I trust you.” Saleeya turned to sit sideways on his lap and embrace him.

  “I only have saved you because of your strength and bravery. I feel as though I’ve failed you. It’s very difficult for me to deal with this kind of failure. To fail my mate and my family is unforgivable.” Kael his head lowered.

  “Kael, this is what terrorists do. They make people doubt themselves and their security. They put terror into our hearts. They hurt others when it’s least expected. That’s what terror is.” Saleeya kissed the side of his head to comfort him. His soft black hair felt like cool silk to her warm lips.

  “You and the people of Xihirah have never experienced this form of dishonest warfare. You’re direct people. Your enemies know when you are coming for them. War’s never good, but at least it can have rules. You and your people are honorable. You only give what’s deserved. You’re never sneaky or outside the established rules. I can understand how this has been a surprise and disheartening, but you’re not to blame.” Saleeya kissed his mouth deeply. She realized if she didn’t stop, she’d be riding him once again before she was ready to expend that much energy again. Her Alpha Prime male was eager for her. He showed it in every way. She had better be rested for their time of privacy following the Joining Ceremony. Saleeya smiled into the handsome face of her lover.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Saleeya’s mother, Sandria, and Carlista were party-planning best friends by the end of another week. Sandria suggested adding some Earth wedding traditions. Wholeheartedly, Carlista approved the idea. Saleeya’s father would give Saleeya away to Kael, as was the tradition in Saleeya’s family. Kalinda would be her flower girl. Kalinda was ecstatic and wanted to adorn herself with flowers galore. She pl
anned to be a walking flower. She elected herself to be in charge of all things floral. All of the females were busy with their roles in the planning. Kliven, on the request of Carlista, allowed merchants to come to the Palace with more gowns, shoes, and accessories. Sandria acted as if she were in heaven. She was truly caught up in buying clothes for Saleeya with Kael’s money.

  Saleeya had to laugh at her mother’s expenditures and reasoning behind them. When Saleeya finally found and purchased the most beautiful joining gown, her excitement began to crescendo. The reality of being officially recognized as Kael’s mate suddenly hit Saleeya fully. By the end of the shopping day, the excitement of the ceremony and party hummed through her system like a current. She was feeling much better.

  Carlista was correct that shopping was a cure for most ills that affected females. For sure, Saleeya felt much better. Kael had told her that they were mates and recognized as such even without the ceremony. It was only an excuse for a party. However, Saleeya wanted the humanness of the tradition of the “wedding” to make her feel complete with Kael. She wanted this ceremony more than she had realized. Kael reassured her that she didn’t have to be concerned about the cost of things. He wanted her to have anything she desired. He explained that all female mates were traditionally showered with gifts as part of the joining. Plus, she was a Princess. Merchant after merchant came into the Palace. Kael eyed all of them as if they were prey for the slaughter. If they moved wrong, he growled. His fierceness even set Saleeya on edge. She was constantly calming his anxiety with peaceful words. Subtle touches and promised obedience to his rules about safety helped him too. The women continued to apologize to the merchants for Kael’s mean looks.

  Carlista and the other mated sisters were experiencing the same feral and overprotective reaction from their males. The royal males’ instant and brutal reaction to the attack on their family during the blessing ceremony was now known throughout the Fiaxe galaxy and on Earth. Unfortunately, this only furthered the hate propaganda coming from the extreme Realmist Faction. Negative propaganda spun the Xihirians as an uncontrollable animalistic group instead of the fanatical terrorists’ invasion of their home and attempt to murder innocent women and children. Saleeya prayed for the capture of Tomron and the other leaders of the Realmist. The terror that was being inflicted on the galaxy was crippling. The galaxy would not be the same until the terror was entirely eradicated.


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