The Zombie Commeth

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by June Ashley

  The Zombie Commeth

  By: June Ashley

  Chapter 1 - A Regular Day?

  Ahhh here it is my next work of beautiful art... this is based on a true story that I made up and me and my friends talked about at lunch we got bored and are effed up as you'll soon see... the names have been changed for the real peoples protection... now without further adieu...

  It started out as any other normal day. Andy woke up bright and early at 6:30 in the morning to get ready for school. Andy was 16 years old and a sophomore at Chopticon High School. He was about 6 feet tall with brown hair and eyes. After he got out of the shower and all that getting ready stuff he hopped on the bus to school. An hour later the bus pulled up in the parking lot of Chopticon. The school was in the middle of nowhere in the small town of Morganza Maryland. The only other thing in the town was a small post office right across the street from the school. The school had barns on either side of it... the last place you would expect something terrible to happen. Something terrible would happen that day though... or would it? Yes, it would. The bell rang and Andy got off the bus. The first thing he noticed is that his best friend Jaime wasn't at school. That was very sad because Andy forgot that it was celebrity speaker day. Jackie Chan would be speaking after 2nd period. Andy got to 1st period, which he hated and met his good friend Sarah. She walked in dressed in black as always.

  "Hi Sarah." he said. Sarah smiled back and sat down. First period was so boring as usual but after it was over Andy and Sarah walked over to the auditorium to get ready to meet Jackie Chan. When they got to the lobby outside the auditorium Andy and Sarah noticed that the sky had gotten very dark. "That's weird it was sunny this morning." said Andy

  "I like the clouds." said Sarah. "They are dark and dreary like my tortured soul."

  "Uhhhh ok." said Andy. "I'll be right back." Andy went off to go se his favorite teacher Mrs. Dell. He also said he would meet his other best friend Lauren there. When Andy got to Mrs. Dell's room Lauren was already there talking to her. They were laughing at something Mrs. Dell said. She was so funny... or was she?

  "Hi Andy." Lauren said.

  "Hi. Mrs. Dell are you gonna come sit with us?" asked Andy.

  "No I've got other things to do." she said.

  "Like what?"

  "Um... planning." she said and then sent Andy and Lauren off to the auditorium.

  "Did you see something weird about that?" asked Lauren. "Like she was hiding something?"

  "Maybe a little." Andy couldn't think about Mrs. Dell though. He was to excited about getting to meet Jackie Chan. The two friends got to the auditorium, but the doors were already closed, and locked. "That's weird they never lock the doors." Lauren walked over to the front doors and pulled the handle.

  "These are locked to." she said. "I can't believe it. Everyone in the school is in there but us." There were 1600 kids at Chopticon that day. All crowded into that one room. It was all to easy. The stage had been set... for horror. Andy and Lauren went over to the doors of the auditorium. It was very dark in their. Just then they heard screams. "Wow that must be one great show." Lauren said.

  "I don't know." said Andy. "They sound like they're scared." Just then they heard a knock on the door. Their friend Kyle had his face pressed against the glass. "Holy shit Kyle you scared us." Then Kyle's face started sliding down the glass. It left a trail of blood. Then Andy and Lauren could see that it was only Kyle's head on the glass.

  "AHHHHHH" Lauren screamed. Andy back away from the glass as more screams were heard inside. The window broke and a grey rotting hand reached out. It was a hand of a zombie. The zombie had Kyle's head in it's hand.

  "Brainsssss" the zombie said as it ate Kyle's brains. Then the zombie spotted Andy and Lauren. It broke down the door and walked towards them. They back into the corner as the zombie got closer.

  Chapter 2 - Survival

  Andy and Lauren were backed into the corner. The zombie was getting closer to them.

  "Oh we're in deep shit." said Lauren. Just then there was a scream behind them. The zombie turned around to see Jackie Chan leaping in the air.

  "Get down children!" he yelled as he kicked the zombie. Andy and Lauren ran out of the way. Jackie took several throwing stars out of his pocket and like lighting threw them at the zombie. Every star landed in the zombies face.

  "Brainssss." said the zombie. Then it exploded.

  "Wow. Nice job."said Andy.

  "There isn't time for that." said Jackie Chan. "The zombies are all over the school and there's no way out. I need you to try to get as many people to the roof as you can lead a group of them. I'm going for help." Jackie Chan pulled out a chainsaw, a big hammer, and a samurai sword out of his pocket. "Take these to defend yourselves." With that Jackie Chan jumped in the air and flew threw the ceiling. "Good luck!" he called as he disappeared into the clouded sky.

  "How did he do that?"

  "I don't know. Lets go in there and help." Andy and Lauren took their new weapons into the auditorium and saw a sight neither of them would ever forget... or would they? No. The auditorium was covered in blood and body parts. People were running and screaming as the zombies swarmed in. Andy grabbed his sword and Lauren got the chainsaw. They ran into the swarm of zombies slicing and hacking away. Zombies ran at them and then went flying away in pieces. After a short horrible battle there were no zombies left in the auditorium. Many of the students had ran into the halls of the school. A lot more had already been killed. Andy and Lauren called the students that were still in the auditorium. There were about 12 of them.

  "Listen!" yelled Andy. "Jackie Chan gave us these weapons to help us get as many people to the roof as possible." Andy recognized several people he knew in the group. He was glad to see that Sarah was still alive. He also saw another of his good friends Stephany, Veronica, Manda, George, and Jim. The others in the group were Jennifer, Ryan, Laura, Chris, Lisa, Patti, and Kelly. "Okay you guys were gonna go up to the roof to wait for Jackie." said Andy.

  The group started out of the auditorium and got into the lobby. Nobody had said anything. Andy assumed they were all in shock. He was to. They had got into the lobby when they stopped.

  "Wait a minute." said Jennifer. "How can we trust you? I don't need your help."

  "Don't be a bitch Jennifer." said Stephany. "They saved us." Many people agreed with her.

  "I don't care. I can get out of this myself."

  "No you can't" said Amanda. "Don't you know the rules of horror? Rule one always stay in a group. Rule two if you hear a noise don't check it out."

  "Fuck you." Jennifer said as she walked away.

  "Come on guys." said Andy "I think we might be able to get out if we can get to the elevator shaft.

  "At least we can see each other." said Veronica. Then the lights went out.

  "Ya had to say something didn't you?" said George. "Oh my god now we're all gonna die! AHHHHH" Lauren slapped him.

  "Get a hold of yourself man." she punched him in the face. "That was for fun."

  Meanwhile Jennifer was wandering the dark halls by herself. She had seen several people she didn't know run by so when she heard movement behind her she assumed that's all it was. In the dark Jennifer didn't realize she took a wrong turn until she ran into the wall.

  "Damn a dead end." she said to herself. She turned around and saw someone standing at the end of the hall. "What do you want?" she said. The person didn't say anything, but walked toward her. Then she realized. "Help!" she called. The zombie rushed toward her. She went to punch it, but it grabbed her arm, and threw her in the corner.

  The group was walking toward the elevator shaft when they heard a scream. "That was Jennifer." said Manda. She broke off from the group and ran in the direction the scream ca
me from.

  "Wait!" Ryan called as he ran after her. "You wait!" yelled Laura as she ran with them.

  "Shit come one all of you!" Lauren ran after them and Jim, Lisa, Patti and Veronica went with her.

  "No we have to get out of here!" Andy yelled. The rest of the group stayed with him. "Shit." he said as they stood in the dark.

  Manda ran down the hall with Ryan and Laura close behind. She turned the corner and saw Jennifer. What was left of Jennifer. Half of her body was gone. It was a disgusting site. There was a hole in the ceiling above Jennifer.

  "What are we gonna do?" Manda turned around and saw several zombie blocking the exit.

  "Look what you got us into!" yelled Ryan.

  "Up here!" Manda and Ryan climbed into the hole in the ceiling and into the ventilation shaft. Laura pulled out a baseball bat. She played softball for the school team.

  "Bring it!" she yelled. The zombies walked at her one by one. She swung her bat and knocked one of their heads off. The body kept coming at her. She attacked and attacked but the zombies slowly got her closed in the corner. She knocked another head off, but the body walked up to her, and took her bat. He ripped her head off, and shoved the bat down her throat.

  Manda and Ryan were crawling through the ventilation shaft and they heard thumping beneath them. Just then the ceiling they were on started to fall away from under them.

  "Crawl faster!" Yelled Manda. The zombies were reaching through the bottom of the ceiling. Manda climbed up through the ventilation shaft to the top floor. Ryan was right behind her when a zombie grabbed his leg and pulled him back down to the first floor. Lauren's group heard him scream. "Lets try to find the others." she said.

  Chapter 3 - Lauren's Group Shrinks

  Manda climbed up to the top floor. She remembered that the others were going to try to find their way to the roof. She decided that's what she was going to do. There was a sound in the locker next to her.

  "Oh no." she said. The door of the locker burst open and something fell out. Manda screamed and started running.

  "Wait." said the thing on the floor. Manda turned around to see who was calling her. She got a closer look and realized it was her friend Bridget.

  "What are you doing here?" asked Manda.

  "Hiding from the zombies. Duh."

  "Well I'm trying to get to the roof you should come to." They heard another noise from a locker. "Who is it this time?" The locker burst open and a dozen zombies fell out. Manda and Bridget screamed and ran down the darkened hall.

  Andy didn't know what to do. Half of the group was gone and he was stuck with half of the group and only Jackie Chan's magical samurai sword. Lauren was gone to so he would have to lead the survivors to the roof. They were almost to the stairs to the top floor when they saw Sarah again.

  "Sarah your alive!" yelled Andy.

  "Yeah I am. Come this way." Sarah led the group to her locker. "I can't get it open could you cut the door off?"

  "This is not time to try to get your books."

  "OPEN THE FUCKING LOCKER!" Andy cut off the door and about a dozen different guns fell out.

  "Why do you have guns in your locker?" asked Stephany.

  "I've got issues." Sarah said as strapped a machine gun to her back.

  "Alright everybody arm yourself." said Andy as he grabbed a shotgun.

  "I like these." Stephany put two large pistols in her pockets.

  "You've got issues."

  Meanwhile Lauren's group was totally lost.

  "Way to go Lauren." said Jim. "Now we're fucked."

  "It's not my fault you followed me." Lauren said. "I could easily chop your head off. Nobody would know it was me."

  "Bitch not if I kill you first!" yelled Jim he jumped toward her, and before she could react he had the magical chainsaw. "Hahahaha." Jim raised the chainsaw above Lauren's head. Just then the ceiling burst open, and a pair of zombie hands grabbed Jim and started to lift him up. Jim dropped the chainsaw. "Help me!" he yelled as he was lifted up. Lisa and Patti grabbed his feat. Veronuca hid in the corner. Lauren picked up the chainsaw and ran over.

  "I'll save you!" she yelled. Just before Lauren could get over there Patti and Lisa lost their grip and Jim was pulled away. Jim screamed and blood poured out of the hole in the ceiling. Lauren had tried to cut the zombies hands off, but her swing missed and she lost control of the chainsaw. It flew into the air, and hit Lisa in the chest. She was cut in half. Veronica threw up at the sight of Lisa's organs going everywhere.

  "How could you do that!" yelled Patti. Lauren and Patti were both covered in blood from Jim and Lisa. "Your on a power trip bitch. You'll kill us all." Patti walked the other way down the hall.

  "Don't go!" It was to late though. Patti had disappeared down the hall. "She won't last five minutes."

  "We're not gonna make it are we?" asked Veronica.

  Lauren was doubting if they would get out alive herself. She looked up at the hole in the wall that Jim had disappeared into. She felt a breeze come from it.

  "Wait. We might gave a chance."

  Veronica looked up at the hole and felt the breeze to. "What if we get attacked up there?" she asked. "I don't know how I could defend myself."

  Lauren felt something in her pocket. She remembered that Jackie Chan had given them three items. The sword, the chainsaw, and she had just pulled the magical hammer out of her pocket. "Use this." she said. Veronica took the hammer and her self confidence went up at least two pegs. She used the hammer to clear a bigger hole. Lauren and Veronica climbed up into the ventilation shaft. It was big enough for them to walk in. They didn't see any signs of Jim, just a trail of blood leading away.

  "Let's go. Follow the breeze."

  Patti was walking down the hall by herself. " Stupid Lauren can't tell me what to do." she muttered. She heard footsteps behind her. Patti turned around, ready to fight a zombie, but she saw a women standing in the shadows. She was wearing a dark flowing dress of some kind. Her face was hidden in the shadows. "Who are you?"

  "Your new leader." the women said. In a second she was next to Patti. The women bit Patti, and slowly Patti turned into a zombie. "Now go find the others and bring them to me. Dead or alive. Muwhahahahaha." the laugh echoed down the halls of the school.

  Chapter 4 - Power Restored

  Andy, Sarah, Stephany, Chris, and Kelly were almost to the stairs. Once they got up stairs it would be only a short walk before they got to the elevator shaft and to the roof where it would be safe. The stairs were in sight and there were no zombies. Even if their were zombies Andy and the group were ready for them. Everyone in the group had a weapon of some kind. Andy even had two. A shotgun and a magical sword, a gift from Jackie Chan. Andy wondered where he had gotten to, or if he was coming back, and why he told them to get on the roof. They got to the door to the stairs.

  "Ladies first." Andy said. He pulled the handle, but the door wouldn't budge. "Shit. What's going on here."

  Sarah walked up tp the door. "It's one of those new security doors." she said. "It has an electronic lock so that if an intruder entered the building they can lock the doors. They must have locked them before the power went out."

  "No fucking way!" said Stephany. She walked up to the door and pulled out her pistols. "Open!" she yelled as she put a few bullets in the door.

  "That won't work." said Andy. We have to go to the generator room."

  "No way." said Kelly. "We made it this far I'm staying right here."

  "Alright Kelly you stay here and... um guard the door. The rest of you I'm gonna need your help to get there. Who's with me." Everyone but Kelly raised there hands. "Lets go!"

  "Wait we can't just go running down there we need a plan." said Sarah. She pulled a map of the school out of her pocket.

  "You are so weird." said Stephany.

  "Be that as it may we still need a plan. Bend over." Chris bent over and Sarah put the map on his back. "The door to the generator room will probably be locked so we need to find a different way
in. I think we should go in the ventilation shaft, since that's a big theme here anyway. Now the way I see it there is a shaft that will take us into the generator room. That shaft just happens to be right beside us." Sarah took out her machine gun and shot a hole in the wall. "This will be a piece of cake." She said.

  "Stephany is right you do have issues." Andy said as he climbed into the air duct. Stephany and Sarah followed him.

  "This will be easy so we'll be right back." Chris said to Kelly as he followed the others in. It was going to be very easy...or was it? No.

  "Good luck." Kelly called. "I just heard it won't be easy so your gonna need it."

  "This school has really big ventilation shafts" noticed Stephany since they could walk in this one as well. Sarah led the way, since her machine gun had a flashlight on it. Stephany was right behind her, followed by Chris. Andy brought up the rear since he was the leader of the group.

  "We're almost there." He heard Sarah yell. It had been a very easy trip so far. They were just walking through the ventilation shaft. No zombies had attacked them, even though it would have been a very good time to, since there wasn't very much room to fight. Isn't it funny how that works. As they got closer to the generator room Andy smelled something disgusting.

  "What is that horrible smell?"

  "You smelt it you dealt it."

  "Quiet." said Sarah. "We're here." She jumped out of the air duct, and into the generator room. The rest of the group followed her. "Ok let's see if I can figure this out." Sarah pulled out the walkie talkie she had given Kelly earlier, but forgot to mention it to anyone else. She had given Kelly the instructions to turn on the generator.

  "Kelly do you copy? Over."

  "Yeah I'm here. Over."

  "Read to me what I have to do. Over.

  "Alright first you have to open the power box in front of you. Over."

  "Done. Over."

  "Stop saying over!"

  "Shut up Stephany. Now what? Over."


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