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Submission Page 30

by Ray Gordon

Evans kissed Hannah's full mouth, pushing his tongue hard against hers as he continued his beautiful fucking, bringing her ever closer to her climax. Writhing under his hard body, she gasped as she shuddered, her cunt gripping its prize as her clitoris erupted in ecstasy.

  Before the pulsings of pleasure had ceased, the hard penis within her quivering vagina suddenly twitched and swelled and pumped out its sperm. Hannah could feel the pumping, gushing deep within her pelvis as Evans filled her with male fruits. Squirming, gasping, she shuddered her last shudder and relaxed, her body bathed with perspiration, her cunt full of love.

  Dressing, Evans looked at Hannah and smiled. He wanted an answer, she knew. His hair was ruffled, his face flushed with recent sex. His eyes, deep and dark, penetrated her soul, seeking her acknowledgment, her love.

  No words passed between them as they left the basement and wandered into Swain's office to find Emily. She, too, desperately needed an answer, Hannah knew. Gazing into the girl's big brown eyes, she smiled nervously. Emily returned her smile. She could see from the sparkle in Hannah's eyes what it was that she wanted, who she wanted - Richard Evans. And, she reflected, it was the only way to allow women some say, at least, in the running of the country.

  'Should I marry you, Richard, it would be on the condition that I, and I alone, run the country,' Hannah declared.

  'I'd agree to that,' Evans replied, stunning both girls.

  'But... but I thought... Are you saying that you'd step aside?' Hannah stammered.

  'Since your disappearance, the people have been causing problems. I've received hundreds of thousands of petitions, asking that you take over. So, you see, whether you marry me or not, it seems that I have little choice.'

  'But why do the people want me?'

  'Rebecca, my darling daughter, wrote a newspaper article about the EFW and Fowler's exploits at the centres. She blew the lid off the whole thing!'

  'How come you allowed the paper to run the story?'

  'I wouldn't have allowed it! She handed the editor a letter, supposedly from me, giving him permission to run it. He rang my office and someone, God knows who, confirmed the letter. How the girl set it all up, I'll never know. Anyway, once the story about Fowler, Swain and the centres broke, there was uproar. I'm not surprised in the least that the people want you, Hannah. After all, you were... I'm sorry, you are, a highly respected journalist with strong political views. I'm sure you'll make a damn good leader. And besides, I've had enough of it all - I really have! Sadly, my dream, vision, call it what you will, has gone.'

  'I don't know what to say!'

  'I hope you'll agree since I've already announced the news on television!'

  Flinging her arms around Hannah, Emily cried. They were special together, she knew. She was happy for Hannah, but sad for herself. 'We'll still be friends,' Hannah whispered. 'Loving, intimate friends.'

  'By the way,' Evans interrupted as the girls hugged each other. 'Fowler's right-hand man, Derek Hammond, is in the cells. You'll need someone to run the centre, to look after the male prisoners, and Swain.'

  'Will you do it, Emily?' Hannah asked.

  'Oh, yes! I'll take care of Fowler, Smith, Hammond and Swain! Let's go and break the good news to them!' Emily laughed, making for the door. 'Ah, Swain, you fat lesbian!' Hannah crowed as she leaned against the cell bars. 'And Smith! The tables have turned for good this time! I suppose you've both heard the good news - I'm running the country. And there's one change that I'm going to make straight away - namely, you're going to spend the rest of your days here!'

  Hanging their heads, Hannah's prisoners knew that the game was over - they'd finally lost. Oppressed by their own evil, the prospect of the bleak days to come, they said nothing as Hannah turned her back on them.

  'I'll be running the centre from now on.' Emily stated, a wicked glint in her eye as she followed Hannah down the corridor. 'I'll be back later to... to begin my new regime,' she added firmly.

  'Shall we go to my house and celebrate?' Evans asked as they joined him in Swain's office. 'There are a few people waiting to see you both.'

  'Who?' Hannah asked.

  'Half the EFW for starters! Oh, and a young couple. Mike someone or other, and a girl called Sharon. They're to be married soon, so it'll be a double celebration.'

  Emily smiled. She'd known all along that she'd lost Mike. But she still had Hannah - half of her, anyway. 'Life's great!' she laughed, hugging Hannah again.

  'It is that!' Evans rejoined. 'Come on, let's go! Rebecca's waiting at the house with Julia, Jo and...'

  'Jo?' Hannah echoed.

  'Yes, she's hoping that you'll forgive her. Come on, Rose is there, and Roxanne. All your friends, Hannah.' Squeezing Emily's hand, Hannah left the centre. The fight was over, she'd won. Looking back to the building as she climbed into the back of Evans's car with Emily, she smiled. 'I hardly believe the way things have turned out!' she said excitedly.

  'Neither can I,' Evans smiled, catching her blue eyes in the rear view mirror. 'But you still haven't answered my question.'

  'No, I haven't, have I?' Hannah replied, turning to Emily.

  Overcome by emotion, tears welled in her eyes as she stroked Emily's thigh. 'We've won, Emily!' she cried, pressing her hand against the girl's warm pubic mound. 'We've bloody well won!'


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