We Shouldn’t: The Raven Brothers - Book 2

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We Shouldn’t: The Raven Brothers - Book 2 Page 22

by Kaylee, Katy

  She let out an exasperated breath and stood. “You’re hopeless. Whether he did or didn’t is irrelevant. Are you really going to let opportunities pass you buy because Hunter may have been behind it…which he isn’t. Talking to you was my idea.”

  God, I was such an idiot. Why couldn’t I get out of my own way? Perhaps Hunter was right, and it was time for me to see a therapist.

  “I’m sorry. I seem ungrateful. You’re right. I should appreciate help from others more. I guess I’ve lived so much on my own that it’s hard to accept.”

  “I can understand that. I went from having my life dictated to me to having to fend for myself to becoming a Raven. It’s been a crazy ride. But what I’ve learned is that while we don’t want people telling us what to do or treating us like we’re incapable, we can’t do everything on our own, and it’s more fun when others support us. I have no experience in foundations, but Chase believes I can do it. I can’t tell you what it means to me to have his belief in me. And if I falter, he’ll be there for me. And if he oversteps his bounds, I’ll step on his toes to push him back.”

  I laughed.

  “That’s how relationships work.”

  “You’re very wise for someone so young,” I said, meaning it.

  “Thank you. Now, can I offer you a job?”

  The initial response that threatened to come out of my mouth was no, but I reined it in. “If it doesn’t bother Hunter, then yes.”

  “Whether it bothers him or not doesn’t matter. But it won’t.” Sara walked to my door. “He’s in his office if you feel the need to let him know. I’ll be by Monday with details about the job.”

  “Thank you, Sara.”

  She smiled brightly. “I think we’re going to do great things together.”




  I stood looking out the window of my loft thinking how several weeks ago, at this time of night, I’d be hunting for a woman to bring home and lose myself in to numb my battered mind. Then I met Grace, and instead of numbing me, being with her awakened parts of me I thought had died in the desert of Iraq.

  Thinking of her was painful, and yet, I was grateful for my time with her. My dreams weren’t completely gone. I was still hyper-aware of my surroundings, ready for danger to pop out at any time. Guilt still weighed heavy on me. But like a counterbalance, talking with other men who understood trauma and fear, and learning breathing and other coping techniques offset my problems so that I didn’t feel like I was walking through a warzone every second of my waking and sleeping life. And loving Grace had helped with that too, I suspected.

  Several times during the day, I started walking to the elevator to go down to her office but always stopped myself. She’d been clear on how she felt about me, and if that changed, she’d come see me. Pushing myself on her was what had created all her problems, so continuing to push her wouldn’t make it better. It was time for me to sit back and hope she’d change her mind. And if she didn’t, well, I didn’t know what the fuck I’d do. Actually, I did. I was sure at some point I wouldn’t be able to wait any longer, and I’d seek her out. For now, I’d wait.

  In the meantime, I went through my contacts to see if I could find anyone to help Sara. I knew lots of people, but most of them were involved in security type fields. My father would be the best one to point her towards foundation resources. He had friends in every aspect of the city.

  My stomach growled telling me it was time to eat. I checked my watch. Eight-thirty. Yep. I’d missed dinner. I headed to the kitchen but was sidetracked when there was a knock on my door. I was surprised because there was a doorman in my building, and he hadn’t rung up.

  I looked through the peephole. Grace?

  I jerked the door open, wondering if she was a mirage.

  “Hi,” she said hesitantly. She sounded real.


  “Your doorman knows me, so he said I could come up. I’m not interrupting or anything, am I?”

  I frowned, all of a sudden feeling angry that she’d think I wasn’t alone. “I haven’t reverted to my old behavior. There are no women in my bed.”

  She flinched, and her expression showed guilt. “No, I didn’t mean that. I…ah…” She looked down for a moment and then back up at me. “I wanted to apologize for how I treated you the other day.”

  I nodded.

  She stared at me for a moment like she was waiting for me to respond. When I didn’t, she said, “Well, that was all. Just that I’m sorry.”

  She was standing in my fucking doorway. Why hadn’t I invited her in? Why wasn’t she in my arms? That’s what I wanted. I couldn’t let my anger get the best of me again.

  I opened the door. “I was getting ready to have some dinner. Want to join me?”

  “Ah…yes…sure.” She stepped in.

  I led her to the kitchen. I looked through my fridge and cupboards but wasn’t sure what to make. I couldn’t focus on the food, because my head was filled with thoughts about why she was here and if I could salvage us.


  I turned to her. She looked so tired and nervous. I wanted to make it better but knew she hated it when I tried to fix things.


  “I’m sorry too for not appreciating you more. For not being more grateful for the gift of your trust and caring for me. You were right that I never let go of my issues around what happened with my ex.”

  I watched her, wanting to believe she was wanting us to try again but afraid I might be wrong.

  “My own fears had me ready to see fault in you, which wasn’t fair to you. I hurt you, and I hate that I have because you’re a wonderful man. Better than I deserved.”

  “No.” I finally found my voice. “You deserve to be loved. You just have to allow it.”

  She sniffed and brushed away a tear I’d been dying to brush myself. “You should be a therapist. You have lots of insight. I couldn’t see my own issues.”

  “Forest through the trees,” I said.

  She nodded. “You’re probably right about that too. That I should see someone to work through my issues.” She took a step closer. “I was wondering if you’d come with me?”

  I quirked a brow not sure why she’d need me in her counseling.

  “Maybe we could do it together,” she said.

  My heart swelled in my chest. “What do you mean? As a friend supporting a friend?”

  She swallowed. “I was hoping as a couple.”

  She was in my arms so fast, I was sure she didn’t know what happened.

  “Thank fuck, you showed up,” I said as I held her close. “I was going mad with waiting for you.”

  She looked up, and this time, her tears appeared to be happy ones. “Why didn’t you come see me?”

  “Because you told me I make things worse when I try to fix things, and I didn’t want that.”

  “I’m an idiot, Hunter.”

  I cradled her face in my palms. “We both have our issues, Grace. I don’t want to push myself or my plans on you. I don’t want you feeling like I don’t listen to you or that I don’t think you’re capable. So from now on, if you have a problem or need something, you’ll need to ask if you want my help. I’m not going to swoop in and try to fix it…or at least, I’m going to try not to.”

  She laughed. “Okay.”

  She’d only just walked in my door, and into my life again, so it was too soon to ask for too much. Then again, I’d put off telling her so much that she needed to know. So taking a deep breath, I continued on.

  “For example, with your work situation being what it is over the next six months, if you needed a place to stay, you’d need to let me know that. I’m not going to simply arrange movers to pack up your stuff and move you in here with me.” But, oh, how I wanted to.

  Her breath hitched. “I don’t need a place to stay…and I’ve got a job…I think.”

  I tried to hide my disappointment. As I’d worried, it was too soon to ask he
r to live with me even though I’d been thinking of asking her before. “Okay.”

  “But I do like your bed. It’s bigger. So is your living space, so I wouldn’t mind if you arranged to pack up my place and move it here.”

  I dropped my forehead to hers. It was time to go all in. “There’s just one thing you need to know, Grace.”

  “Oh?” I heard concern in her voice.

  I lifted my head to look into her beautiful hazel eyes, now with no barrier because she was wearing contacts. “I love you.”

  Her smile was so bright, it made me wish I’d told her sooner.

  “I love you too, Hunter. I have for so long. I’m sure you don’t believe it because I’ve been an idiot, but I have…I do. Love you, that is.”

  “We’ve both been idiots, and your counseling idea is good. It would give us a good, solid start.”

  “Thank you.” She gripped me tighter and held me closer. “I want you to know that I’ve always wanted you. Even when I was letting my fears get the best of me, I wanted you.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that.” I held her tight, vowing that I’d never let her go. “I was hungry for food a minute ago, but now I’m hungry for you.”

  Her arms looped around my neck. “Did I tell you I went on the pill?”

  Minutes later, she was naked in my bed, and I was worshipping her body, her mind, her soul.

  “Thank you for coming back,” I whispered to her as I settled between her thighs, ready to enter her without a condom.

  Her fingers brushed through my hair. “Thank you for giving me another chance. I promise I won’t blow it.”

  “Just promise we can talk if either of us blows it.”

  She nodded.

  I nestled my dick at her entrance. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes. I trust you, Hunter. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” I kissed her, thinking that even if the pill thing didn’t work and she ended up pregnant, I’d be okay with that. In fact, there was an erotic thrill at the idea of impregnating her. I could already see the family we could have.

  With our gazes holding, I pushed in, sliding inch by slow inch, savoring the feel of her pussy walls as she welcomed my dick.

  “You feel wonderful,” she said on a sigh.

  It was fucking fantastic. I kissed her, sealing our love, our body, our souls. When I was fully inside her, I lifted my head. “I love you Grace.”

  “I love you, Hunter.” Her eyes turned sexy. “Now fuck me.”




  Hunter’s eyes turned wicked and a little bit wild at my command.

  “Three of my favorite words,” he growled and then without further ado, he moved in and out of me. Each delicious slide of him made me gasp as pleasure radiated through my body. Never again would I doubt him. I vowed I’d get whatever help I needed to insure that. I made a silent promise that I’d always talk to him and not run.

  He took my hands, clasping them as he lifted them over my head. I wrapped my legs around his hips, my own body rocking with his. I didn’t have anything to compare to, but I felt certain our love making was the thing of poetry and love songs. I wouldn’t have this with any other man. Not just the beautiful sex, but a man who was so open to giving himself to me. Who loved me the way Hunter did.

  “Baby…I need to come,” his hoarse voice said.

  I squeezed his hands. “Me too…” I arched, reaching for the pinnacle of pleasure.

  “You feel so fucking good…” He groaned, and I could tell he was close.

  I tilted my hips on his next thrust, and he hit that one perfect spot inside me. My entire body went taut as my orgasm burst like the brightest ray of sun.

  “Yes…oh ….God, yes…” he said as his hips pistoned against mine. Warm liquid filled my body. Him. A part of him was now fully and completely inside me. Tears pricked my eyes at the beauty and emotion that swelled through my chest.

  When he collapsed, he lifted his head. “Are you okay?”

  “These are happy tears.”

  He kissed one eye, and then the other. “Good.” He released my hands so he could support his weight on his forearms and still stay over me, seeped inside me. “I’ve never felt like this with anyone. I’ve never made love before. Not until now. And never without a condom.”

  He was telling me I was special. This time, I made sure to fully hear and understand it. “Me neither.”

  He laughed. “I’m the only man you’ve been with.”

  I ran my fingers through his hair. “You’re the only man I ever wanted to be with. The only one I’ll ever want to be with.” Yes it was scary to admit that, and yet, I couldn’t hold it in. I couldn’t imagine this level of love and connection with anyone else.

  “I want to keep it that way,” he said.

  “Me too.” I pulled him down for a kiss, wanting to seal the deal that I was his and he was mine.

  After a moment, he moved off of me but tucked me in close. I rested my head in the crook of his shoulder, with my hand over his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart.

  “Tell me about this job you might have,” he said.

  “Sara wants to hire me to run her foundation.”

  He looked at me. “Really?”

  I lifted my head, so I could see his expression. “Yes. Is that okay?”

  “Of course. I just…well…you seemed to not want help—”

  “She’s not helping me. Well she is, but we’re helping each other. I don’t have foundation experience, but we’re two smart women, we can figure it out, right?”

  “I have no doubt about it.”

  “I told her I’d volunteer, but she said she’d hire me. It feels a bit like a hand out, and yet, I’m really excited about the idea of it. Think of how many people I can help.”

  He studied me. “You’ve helped a lot of people in your work. You helped me.”

  “I did, but this way, I can help so many more. I think that might have been part of my discontent with my work. I like helping my clients, but with all the problems in the world, it felt like a drop in the bucket.”

  “I’m sure your clients didn’t see it that way.” He stroked my back.

  He was right. I needed to acknowledge that for them, my help might have made a significant difference in their lives. Still. “I’m excited about this, Hunter. Will it be a problem?”

  “Not for me.” But then he stopped. “There is a rule at Raven Industries about no fraternizing.” He had a gleam in his eye that told me he was teasing.

  “Well, then I’ll call Sara and tell her no.”

  I was joining in on his joke, so I was surprised when he said, “The other issue is that all major divisions of Raven Industries are run by a Raven.”

  “Sara is a Raven.”

  “Sara is asking you to run it.”

  I frowned. I wondered if she’d considered that, and if it would be a problem with the brothers or her father-in-law.

  He squeezed my ass. “There is a solution…but…I know how you don’t like me to fix things for you.”

  “I’d like your input.”

  He arched a brow. “You sure?”

  I gave his chest a playful swat. “Yes. What is the solution?”

  “You become a Raven.”

  My breath caught.

  He rolled us until I was under him again. “Marry me, Grace.”

  The practical person in me told me this was too much, too soon, too fast. I told her to shut up. It was time for me to let go and live my life to the fullest. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  His smile was so beautiful and happy, it made my chest ache from the love that filled my heart. Then he kissed me so softly and tenderly that I could taste his love, and I knew then that fairy tales did come true, and I’d found my happily ever after.

  ***The End***

  Marriage of Convenience (Excerpt)


  She’s going to be my everything.

y wife. The mother of my child.

  The reason I get my share of the billion-dollar inheritance.

  The problem?

  It’s all FAKE.

  Sara took me by storm.

  Those big blue eyes and that petite waist.

  I’m the first man to claim her innocence.

  My brain goes out of the window when I touch her pure skin.

  Hiring her for the job was a bad idea.

  Because fake has turned into real.

  And real is crazy as sh*t!

  My innocent little woman has a big dark secret.

  Is it too late for us to undo the mess that we’ve created?


  Sara – Friday night

  Oh my God, oh my God, oh my god!

  When I imagined my first time having sex with a man, this was not at all what I’d conjured in my mind. Growing up sheltered in a strict conservative family, my only experiences with romance came from fairy tales. Sex was taboo, and something I’d learned about by eavesdropping on girls in high school talking about it.

  Not that I didn’t understand sensuality. I blossomed early, starting with my breasts and then my hips. My mind hadn’t changed during puberty, yet boys, and even men, treated my eleven-year-old self differently. My parents punished me for growing a woman’s body at such a young age, making me wear loose clothes and limiting my access to anyone or anything outside of our church.

  Even so, now nineteen, I wasn’t a stranger to arousal. Mostly I turned myself on with thoughts of handsome men desperately in love with me ravishing my body, since the boys at Catholic school only touched the girls they would someday marry. The summer before college, I had a flirtation with the young man who ran the concession stand at the park near my house. He touched my breasts under my shirt, and I touched the hard length in his pants. At the time, it had been titillating, and I’d felt more alive than ever before, but it hadn’t been anything as incredible as the stories I heard from other women or read in the Cosmo I hid under my bed.


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