Most Eligible Texan

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Most Eligible Texan Page 5

by Jules Bennett

  Matt lifted a shoulder. “What would your dream date be? We might be able to work out a deal and both get what we want.”

  What did that mean? Did he want a date with her?

  Why the hell was this all so confusing now? When she’d been married to Billy and they’d all gone out with friends and had a good time, she and Matt would joke and laugh and there was never this crackling tension.

  Crackling tension. What a great way to say sexual energy, though she had no idea if this was all one-sided or not. Or had this been there before and she’d never noticed? Surely she would’ve sensed it if Matt had been interested.

  “I don’t know what my dream date would be,” she admitted. “I’ve never thought about it.”

  Matt reached over and Rachel thought for sure he was reaching for her, but he slid a wisp of a curl from Ellie’s forehead. Rachel’s heart flipped. She had no idea what to expect with Matt and his reaction to Ellie, but he’d put her needs ahead of anything else. The baby items on the patio had to have cost a ridiculous amount, and now he sat here acting so caring and doting toward her little girl as if this were the most natural thing in the world.

  He settled his hand on her knee and Rachel realized he’d slid even closer. “What about a day out on my boat? You could relax and do nothing but get a suntan and snap your finger for another fruity drink.”

  Rachel tipped her head and smiled. “Do you honestly think I could relax and do nothing? When have you ever known me to laze around?”

  Right now, though, it was getting rather difficult to think of anything because all she could concentrate on was his large, firm hand on her knee. Forget the fact a good portion of her lap had gone numb from Ellie’s weight; she could most definitely feel Matt’s searing touch.

  “Okay, then, maybe a trip to Galloway Cove. You could swim, have dinner on the beach, get a massage from one of my staff.”

  Rachel shook her head. “I’m pretty sure I won’t be bidding. First of all, I’m not sure I could afford you once the ladies see your credentials. And second, I couldn’t leave Ellie for an entire day.”

  “If you bid on me and win, Ellie could come, too. I have on-site staff at every single one of my homes.”

  Of course he did. Billy had come from money, but that was nothing compared to the lifestyle Matt lived. Billy partied with his money, but Matt invested. He had homes, jets, an island and who knew how many cars. Most likely he had businesses on the side from the company he ran. Men like him never had just one business going because that wouldn’t be smart. And Matt was one of the most intelligent people Rachel had ever known.

  “I think I better just write a check to the foundation and stay behind the scenes.”

  Matt’s thumb stroked over her knee. Back and forth, back and forth. The warmth through the fabric of her capris ironically sent shivers through her.

  “Matt,” she whispered, not knowing what to say but realizing this moment was getting away from them.

  “What if I want you to bid on me?” he asked, never looking away from her. “Maybe I want to give you that day you need. Perhaps it’s time someone makes you take time for yourself.”

  Rachel didn’t know what to say. She’d seen Matt charm women in the past, but she’d never been on the receiving end. He was dead serious that he wanted her to bid on him. But if she did that, if they went off on some fantasy date, Rachel couldn’t guarantee that she’d be able to avoid temptation. Matt had always held a special place in her heart, but she was seeing him in a whole different light now. Getting mixed up with him on a physical level would only end in heartache...and she had plenty of that to last a lifetime.

  “You don’t have to answer now,” he added. He hadn’t eased back, nor had he removed his hand. “But I’m all in under one condition.”

  She was almost afraid to ask.

  “And that is?”

  That cocky, signature Matt Galloway grin spread across his face. “You’re the only one I’m dealing with. As in the photos that need taking and anything else that is needed from me for the auction itself. You’re it for me.”

  That last sentence seemed to spear straight through that tough exterior she’d shielded herself with. Matt had that power, a power she’d always known he possessed, but she’d never fully realized the impact he could have on her until now.

  “I’m not exactly a professional photographer,” she reminded him.

  “I recall your hobby behind the lens and I would bet anything you’ve kept up with it, especially to take pictures of Ellie.” He slid his hand away, but eased forward until their faces were only a few inches apart. “Do we have a deal?”

  Rachel simply nodded, unable to speak with him so close. She wasn’t sure what she was getting herself into, but Alexis would be thrilled to have Matt as the headliner. Wasn’t that the goal?


  Gus closed the tack box and blew out a sigh. He’d worked hard today, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Lone Wolf Ranch gave him the reason to get out of bed each day, especially since his beloved Sarah had passed. That made two women in his lifetime who had left an imprint on his heart. There was only so much heartache a man could take, and Gus had met his quota.

  From here on out, he planned on devoting his every single day to his livestock, his ranch and his granddaughter. There was no way in hell his sweet Alexis could hook up with Daniel Clayton. That boy was nothing but trouble and the grandson of Rose Clayton...Gus’s first love.

  The Claytons were dead to him. He’d rather give up his ranch than see their families merge...and he sure as hell wasn’t giving up his ranch.

  The years he and Rose spent together all seemed like a lifetime ago. In fact, it was. They’d been in love and Gus had worked his ass off to make sure he was ready for marriage before he set out to get approval from Rose’s father.

  Gus had never been so nervous, so excited, so ready to spend his life with the woman of his dreams. But when he’d come back, he’d discovered his beloved Rose had been married the year before to a man handpicked by her father.

  Gus wasn’t going down that road in his mind again. He’d traveled that path too many times to count, too many times wondering what the hell had happened. But in the end, he’d married Rose’s best friend, Sarah, and they’d had a beautiful life together until she passed.

  The rap of knuckles on wood had him turning from the stalls. Outlined in the doorway of his barn with the sun setting against her back stood Rose Clayton. He might as well have conjured her up from his thoughts. Lately his mind had been focused on her more than it should, but that was only because they were conspiring with each other...not that they were reconnecting. That love story had ended long ago.

  “I hope this isn’t a bad time,” Rose stated, stepping into the barn.

  She always appeared as if she were going to a tea party at the country club, but as she strode through the barn filled with the smell of hay and horses, Gus got a lump in his throat. She looked absolutely beautiful here. Her pale pink capris and matching jacket with a crisp white shirt and gold necklace created quite the contrast to his filthy work clothes. She’d always been that way, though...a vast juxtaposition from him.

  Damn it. He needed to focus on the present, and not waste his time dwelling on nostalgic memories.

  “I’m just finishing up for the day,” he replied, adjusting the tip of his Stetson. “You’re lucky Alexis isn’t around or she’d wonder what you were doing here.”

  “I actually just saw her getting out of her car in town so I knew it was a safe time.”

  The way she looked at him as she moved through the open space, the way she spoke so softly, all of it was so Rose. Everything about her was precise, well-mannered, captivating.

  And he’d always been the man who wasn’t good enough for her. Being pushed from her life was the last time he’d ever allowed anyone to make him feel infe

  But he could look and even admit that she was more stunning now than she’d been forty years ago.

  “I was wondering how the auction is shaping up,” Rose stated, clutching her purse with both hands. “I hadn’t heard from you in a few days and I didn’t know what Alexis has said.”

  Why did Rose seem so nervous? She typically had confidence he admired, even though they weren’t friends—more like sworn enemies.

  “Alexis and her friend Rachel were going over the list of names the other day. Daniel still hasn’t fully committed even though he did allow us to put him on the roster. He told Rachel he was still on the fence, so you’ll have to nudge him.” He released a breath. “Rachel is doing the marketing and has all of his information and the headshot that you sent anonymously, but we’ll need him to actually sign the contract.”

  Rose sighed. “That’s what I was afraid of. I’ve told him he’s a perfect bachelor. What woman wouldn’t want to go out with a successful rancher? He has his own jet—he could take his fantasy date anywhere.”

  “But his fantasy date is my granddaughter,” Gus reminded her tersely.

  Rose pursed her pale pink lips and nodded. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”

  “Alexis didn’t seem all that pleased to see his name on the list when Rachel was going over it the other day.”

  “He’ll be on that stage,” Rose assured him. “We just have to make sure Alexis isn’t the one bidding on him.”

  Gus smiled. “Oh, I’ll have her busy when it’s his turn. If I have to make up some backstage disaster, Alexis will not bid on Daniel. I’ve mentioned a few bachelors to her, but I’m pushing her toward Matt Galloway, Rachel’s friend from Dallas. He seems perfect for my Lex.”

  Rose stared at him another moment before giving a curt nod. When the silence settled heavy between them, Gus propped his hands on his hips and tipped his head.

  “Something else on your mind?” he asked.

  She opened her mouth, then shut it. After a moment, she finally said, “No. That’s all. I just want to keep this communication open if we’re going to make sure this goes off exactly as planned.”

  Gus didn’t believe her one bit. She could’ve called or texted. Showing up here was rash and dangerous. They might have ended things decades ago, but he still knew when she was lying.


  “Were you happy?”

  The question came out of nowhere and left him speechless for a second. From the soft tone, the questioning gaze, he knew exactly what she referred to.

  “Of course.”

  He never understood the term sad smile until now. The corners of Rose’s mouth tipped up, but her low lids attempted to shield the pain in her eyes.

  “That’s all I ever wanted,” she whispered.

  Gus started to take a step forward, but Rose eased back and squared her shoulders. That fast she’d gathered herself together and whatever moment had just transpired had vanished.

  “I’ll keep you posted about Daniel.”

  When she turned to go, Gus couldn’t stop himself. “You were happy with Ed, weren’t you?”

  Rose said nothing as she slowly turned and offered him that same less-than-convincing smile. Then she walked away. Not a word, not a nod of agreement. Nothing but sadness.

  What the hell had just happened? What was this cryptic visit all about?

  Any time he’d seen Rose and Ed over the years he’d always assumed they were a happily married couple. Sure Gus had been brokenhearted when he and Rose split, but he’d moved on and so had she. They’d turned into totally different people, created their own families and lives.

  Gus never got over his bitterness toward how he was treated, how Rose so easily threw aside what they’d had. But marrying Sarah had been the right thing. He’d loved her with his whole heart and still mourned her loss.

  And he’d be damned if Alexis and Daniel tried hooking up again. The last thing the Slades and the Claytons needed was to circle back together. He didn’t want Rose in his life in any capacity. That might be harsh and rude, but the Claytons weren’t exactly friends.

  There was a nice young man out there for Alexis... Daniel Clayton just wasn’t him.

  * * *

  “Where’s Alexis?”

  Rachel glanced around the garden area at TCC, but only saw Gus striding toward her. The wide hat on his head shadowed his face, but she could still catch that smile.

  “She couldn’t make it, so I told her I’d come help.”

  “Really?” Rachel asked, then shook her head. “Sorry, that was rude. I’m just surprised you’d want to discuss flowers, seating arrangements and how we’ll be setting up the stage.”

  “This charity is dear to me,” he told her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I’ll do anything to help the cause.”

  After a quick pat on her back, Gus dropped his arm and spun in a slow circle. “Well, this place could use some maintenance.”

  Rachel had had those exact thoughts as she’d stepped outside. She and Alexis had planned on meeting here so they could figure out various parts of the auction. Rachel was hoping to get some photos to help use for the promotional side of things. Like maybe one of the empty area where the bachelors would be on display. She could use a simple photo like that and change out different catchy phrases for social media.

  Unfortunately, Rachel wasn’t so sure the gazebo was the best place to show off the hunky men.

  “I don’t even know where to start,” Rachel murmured.

  Gus pulled in a deep breath and adjusted his hat. “Well, first thing we’re going to do is get a professional in here. You tell me what you want, and I mean every bloom and color, and I’ll see that it happens.”

  Gus Slade wasn’t joking. His matter-of-fact tone left no room for argument and she certainly wasn’t about to turn away the help.

  “I think everything out here needs to be dug up,” she stated, waving her hand over the overgrown, neglected landscaping. “The gazebo could use a fresh coat of paint, too. Keep it white, definitely, and add some nice fat pots at the entrance. Something classy, yet festive. Maybe whites and golds—or should we add some red in the mix? I love the idea of the clean look with white and gold. Oh, poinsettias. We would definitely need those, too.”

  Gus laughed. “Honey, you better write all that down. I’ll make some calls and get a crew out here. We’ll get this place fixed up in no time.”

  “Hopefully they can make it magical on short notice. We only have a few months to get everything ready, and I’ll still need to get some pictures to advertise after the work is done.”

  She wanted to showcase the auction site and make a fairy tale–like poster to entice women and pique their interest before revealing the bachelors. She figured she would do one bachelor per day on their social media sites; that way each man got his proper attention.

  Gus rocked back on his heels and pulled his cell from his pocket. “Money can make a whole host of things happen when and how you want it. I’ll make a couple of calls right now. Hang tight.”

  Rachel walked around, making mental notes. She took some random pictures on her phone to use for reference later. In her mind, she could easily see the grand garden area filled with a perimeter of festive blossoms, with white chairs lining the middle. She wasn’t sure if any woman would be able to sit once the excitement of bidding started, but there was also a good possibility of some ladies getting weak in the knees. Their bachelor lineup even had Rachel ready to wave a paddle.

  “All set.”

  Rachel shifted her focus back to Gus. “You found someone to come already?”

  “I left a message with Austin Bradshaw. He did some work for me a few years back and there’s nobody else I’d trust to do this job. I know he’s good and he’ll make sure it’s done in the time frame I want.”

  If Gus w
as that confident, and footing the bill, Rachel was definitely onboard. Alexis would be thrilled, too.

  “I can’t thank you enough.” Rachel patted his arm, then adjusted her purse on her shoulder. “So, I’ll go back to the ranch and draw up the list in detail. I took some photos so I can remember exactly what I want, and where. I’ll get that to you this evening.”

  “Sounds good. I’m sure I’ll hear back from Austin today.” Gus narrowed his gaze and grinned. “Do you have your sights set on any bachelors? You’ve seen each one, so you have an edge on the competition. Daniel Clayton has his own ranch. You seem to love that lifestyle.”

  First of all, the auction was only bidding for a date. Second, Rachel was pretty sure Alexis would have something to say if her best friend bid on Daniel.

  And third...there was only one man from the entire group she’d want to bid on, and she was still torn over what to do on that. Matt had flat out asked her to bid on him. She wasn’t sure what to make of his demand, but she certainly wanted to take as much as she was able to from her savings and do just that. If she already had her degree and a job, she’d be able to donate more, but she certainly could spare some to a worthy cause.

  “Ah, so there is a man,” Gus drawled out. “Well, he’s a lucky guy. And who knows, maybe a date will turn into more.”

  Rachel laughed and shook her head. “You’re a hopeless romantic, Gus. But I’m a widow and a single mother. I’m not ready to jump into the dating pool, let alone make another trip down the aisle.”

  The older gentleman opened his mouth to speak, but his cell chimed from his pocket. “Hold that thought,” he said, pulling the phone out.

  Yeah, she wasn’t about to keep that topic open. She couldn’t bring herself to fully think what would happen if she actually bid on Matt.

  A shiver crept over her and she could chalk it up to nothing but pure desire. When she’d had dinner in his suite the other night, she was certain he would’ve closed the gap between them and kissed her. She’d seen the passion in his eyes and she hadn’t missed the way his eyes dropped to her mouth and lingered.


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