Most Eligible Texan

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Most Eligible Texan Page 7

by Jules Bennett

  That was plausible...right? Or was he just trying to justify his actions to himself so he didn’t feel like an ass for making a move on his late friend’s wife?

  “Why don’t you just say what you’re stewing about and let’s move on?” He couldn’t stand the damn silence another second.

  She didn’t move one bit, except her eyes, which darted to him. Oh, yeah. She was pissed.

  “Fine. Start with Billy’s funeral and your immediate absence after.”

  Hell. He’d known this was coming—he’d rehearsed the speech in his head over and over. However, nothing prepared him to actually say the words aloud.

  “I know you were hurting—”

  “Hurting? You crushed me,” she scolded. “Billy’s death tore me apart and I needed you. I was pregnant, scared, facing in-laws who were smothering me, and I just wanted my friend.”

  He’d crushed her. That was a bitter pill to swallow and he had no excuse other than he was selfish and trying to do what he thought was best at the time. But she’d needed him, and he worried more that he’d take them into unknown territory while she was still vulnerable. He’d been a total prick, but hindsight was a bitch.

  “I texted.” That was lame even to his own ears. “I just... I needed space.”

  She turned her attention back to the window. “An entire year,” she murmured. Then she shifted in her seat to fully face him, anger and pain flooding her eyes with unshed tears, and she might as well have stabbed him and twisted the knife.

  “Would you have contacted me had we not run into each other? Or were you only friends with me because of Billy?”

  “No.” She had to know that above all else. “What you and I shared had nothing to do with Billy.”

  And everything to do with him.

  “I would’ve reached out to you, Rachel,” he said softly. “I missed you.”

  “Well, that’s something,” she whispered, almost in relief.

  Matt immediately unbuckled his belt and slid closer, taking her hands even though she tried to pull back. “Look at me, damn it. Did you honestly believe that because he died I was just done with you? With us?”

  “What else was I supposed to think? I mean, we were close for so long and then I didn’t see you. I went by your house and your housekeeper told me you were on vacation. You answered my texts in short sentences as if I was bothering you. Then...nothing.”

  Yeah, because he’d hidden away at his home on Galloway Cove until he could go back to Dallas and not risk telling Rachel how he’d felt for years. There were things about Billy she didn’t know, and it had taken all of his strength to keep those secrets to himself. But those last few days of his life, Billy hadn’t only argued with Rachel. He and Matt had finally had it out and Matt had issued an ultimatum. Rachel didn’t deserve to be treated like she wasn’t the most important thing in Billy’s world. Billy accused Matt of always wanting her, and fists started flying.


  He blinked away from the memories and squeezed her hands. He couldn’t tell her about all of that. He sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her when Billy died, because she was suffering enough. What would the point be in telling her now that her husband had been unfaithful? There was no reason at all to drudge up the past and make her feel even worse.

  “I had to get away,” he croaked out, cursing himself for showing weakness. He swallowed the lump of guilt and the ache that accompanied his desire for her. “I knew Billy’s parents and brother would watch out for you. I needed some time to myself.”

  “I still don’t understand why so long.” She stared back at him, studying his face as if truly trying to understand his way of thinking. “I missed you.”

  There was only so much a man could take, and those last three words sliced through his last thread of control.

  Matt gripped her face between his hands and covered her mouth with his. For a half second he had a sliver of fear that she would push him away. She didn’t pull back, but she stiffened, hopefully from shock and not from repulsion.

  Yes. That’s all he could think as he slid his tongue through the seam of her lips. He’d been right. The real thing didn’t even compare to his fantasies. Not only that, no other woman had ever made him so damn achy and needy like Rachel.

  The second she relaxed, Matt shifted his body to cover hers as she leaned against the back of the sofa. Her hands came up to his shoulders, her fingertips curling around him as if to hold him in place. Like he was going anywhere after finally getting her in this position. If only he could shut out the rest of the world and stay like this with her until he’d finally exorcised her out of his system.

  Matt wanted to rip her dress off, discard this ridiculous suit and lay her flat out, taking everything he’d craved for damn near ten years.

  But he couldn’t. He respected Rachel, and a kiss was one thing, but taking it to the next level was another. And if that was the route they were going to go, he wasn’t dragging her. No, if she wanted him, she’d have to show him.

  At least now she knew where he stood.

  Matt pulled back, still keeping her face between his palms. He rested his forehead against hers and fell into the same breathing pattern as her.

  “Well, you did warn me.”

  He laughed. He couldn’t help it. “I won’t apologize.”

  Rachel tipped her head back. Heavy lids half covered her expressive eyes, and her lips were plump and wet from his passion. She stared at him for a moment before she seemed to close in on herself, blinking and pulling in a deep breath.

  “I didn’t ask for an apology,” she stated. “We kissed. It’s over. We’re friends, so this shouldn’t be a big deal.”

  Processing her words, Matt slowly released her and sat back. Shouldn’t be a big deal? He’d waited to touch her, to taste her for a damn long time, and she just brushed it aside as no big deal? It sure as hell was a huge deal, and she knew it.

  “I told you before you’re a terrible liar.”

  Rachel’s eyes widened a fraction before she eased away from him and came to her feet. Considering there was nowhere for her to escape, he sat and watched as she paced. She not only paced—she held her fingertips to her lips. The egotistical side of him liked to think she was replaying their kiss—he sure as hell was.

  “Let me get this straight.” She paced toward the kitchen, then back toward him. “We’ve been friends since college. I marry your best friend. He passes away. I don’t hear from you for too damn long, and now you want to...what? What is it you want from me?”


  No. That wasn’t true. He didn’t want marriage or children. He’d never considered any of that part of his life plan. Billy hadn’t, either, but when he’d married Rachel, he’d been in love. It was the whole family thing that had put him off-kilter.

  “Maybe I want to prove to you that you’re ready to get back out in the world and date.” The thought of her with another man prickled the hairs on the back of his neck and made him fist his hands in his lap. “You returned that kiss, Rachel. Don’t tell me you don’t have needs.”

  She snapped her attention back to him, crossing her arms over her chest. “My needs are none of your concern.”

  They were every bit his concern.

  “Sit down,” he demanded. “You’re making me dizzy watching you pace back and forth.”

  She narrowed her eyes before turning and taking a seat in one of the two swivel-style club chairs on the opposite side. She crossed her legs and adjusted her dress over her knees, but that did nothing to squelch his desire.

  Matt still tasted her on his lips. He still felt her grip on his shoulders. What would she be like when she fully let her guard down and let him pleasure her? Because that moment would happen. Right now she had to get used to the kiss—there would be more—and then he’d slowly reawaken the passion he knew was buried
deep inside.

  * * *

  Matt’s single-story beach home with its white exterior and white columns along the porch might have been the most beautiful thing Rachel had ever seen. The lush greenery looked like a painting, and the various pieces of driftwood in the landscaping were the perfect added touch.

  Rachel could easily see why he kept this island a secret. Some men would’ve thrown parties here at the opulent beachfront home, but Matt kept his life more private.

  And that privacy was one of the main differences between him and Billy. Her late husband liked to live large, celebrate life every single day by going on adventures or partying.

  It was difficult not to compare the two friends, especially now that she’d kissed Matt. No. Correction. He’d kissed her. And boy did he ever kiss. That man’s mouth was potent enough she was still tingling. What the hell would happen to her if he actually got his hands on her?

  The idea had hit her the moment he’d touched his mouth to hers and part of her had wanted him to take things further.

  Which was why she’d had to sit on the other side of the plane for the duration of the flight. Her mind was clouded, that’s all. She didn’t want her best friend...did she?

  Being on the other side of the plane hadn’t stopped Matt from staring at her, looking like the Big Bad Wolf deliciously wrapped in an Italian suit. Predators apparently came in all forms and hers was billionaire oil tycoon posing as her friend. Because the way he’d stared made her feel like he could see right through her clothes to what lay underneath.

  If he saw her saggy tummy and stretch marks, maybe he wouldn’t be so eager. She wouldn’t change her new mommy body for anything, though. Ellie was the greatest thing that had ever happened to her.

  “Where do you want me?”

  That low, sultry tone wrapped Rachel in complete arousal. Damn that man for making her want, making her think things she really shouldn’t. She was human, after all, and she couldn’t turn off her emotions or her needs. Surely there was some unwritten rule about lusting after your late husband’s best friend.

  Rachel turned from the wall of windows facing the stunning ocean view and met Matt’s gaze from across the living room. He’d told her to look around and see which room would be best, and that had been nearly a half hour ago. She wasn’t sure where heʼd gone or what he was doing, but even her time alone in this stunning house hadn’t cooled her off from that most scintillating plane ride.

  “I thought you were calling the shots,” she tossed back. “Granted the other guys I photographed didn’t care where I put them.”

  Matt’s eyes narrowed. “I thought you weren’t comfortable taking my picture for this. You didn’t say you’d done the others.”

  Rachel shrugged. “It saved money and I enjoy it. I never said I didn’t want to take your picture, by the way. I simply said I wasn’t a professional. You should’ve asked someone else.”

  One slow, calculated step at a time, Matt closed the distance between them. “And why is that, Rachel? Afraid of what you’re feeling?”

  She swallowed and tipped her chin. “I’m not afraid of anything. Now back off and stop trying to seduce me.”

  He reached out and smoothed her hair from her face before dropping his hand. “I’m not trying to seduce you. When I seduce you, you’ll know it.”


  The bold term had anticipation and arousal pulsing through her. This was getting them nowhere except dangerously close to the point of no return for their friendship.

  “Are you willing to throw away our friendship for a quick romp?” she countered.

  “Oh, honey. It won’t be quick. I assure you.” He stepped back and spread his arms wide. “Now, where do you want me?”

  Why did he keep phrasing it like that?


  Rachel clutched the camera bag on her shoulder and nodded toward the hallway. “Let’s start in your office. We’ll do some professional shots and then I’ll have you take off the jacket and tie, and roll up your sleeves and we’ll do some casual ones outside. You’ve got such gorgeous landscaping and pool, it would be a shame not to grab some there.”

  “What about the waterfall?”

  Rachel shook her head in amazement. “You have a waterfall? I seriously need to get my own island.”

  Matt laughed. “I’ll show you when we’re done. Maybe you’ll want some shots there, as well.”

  A photo of this rich, gorgeous oil tycoon posing in front of a waterfall...yup, that would certainly have all the ladies drooling. Not her, of course, but the others who were bidding.

  “You might just decide to bid on me yet,” he drawled.

  “Don’t get too cocky.”

  “If I wasn’t cocky, I wouldn’t have gotten where I am today. And I prefer to use the term confident.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes and headed toward the other end of the house, where the office was. “And I prefer to leave our friendship intact, so keep those lips to yourself.”

  “Whatever you want,” he murmured as she passed by. But his low, seductive tone indicated she’d want something else entirely, and damn it, he was right.


  Rachel was going to need to take a dip in the pool to cool off. Mercy sakes. She’d thought Matt adorned in a three-piece suit, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed over his massive chest, flashing an arrogant smirk at the camera was sexy, but that was nothing compared to the images she currently snapped of him in the waterfall.

  As in, in the waterfall. He’d rolled up his pant legs to his calves, folded his shirt sleeves onto those impressive forearms, and then untucked and unbuttoned the damn thing.

  Oh, he was playing dirty and he knew it. It would serve him right if she let some wealthy socialite bid on him and then make him fulfill some fantasy date.

  But would he kiss that faceless woman good-night? Would he pour every bit of his body and soul into that kiss like he had with her?

  Jealousy didn’t sit well with Rachel. She’d experienced it with her own husband in the final days of their marriage when she suspected infidelity, and she sure as hell didn’t want to experience it again. Matt was a ladies’ man, his newly appointed title made that crystal clear. No way would she ever want to get involved with a player again, and she wasn’t sure if she’d ever be ready for another committed relationship.

  “I think we have enough,” she shouted over the cascading water.

  Matt raked his wet hands through his hair, making the black strands glisten beneath the sun. In an attempt to ignore the curl of lust in her belly, Rachel scrolled through the images she’d taken over the last couple of hours.

  The only problem she saw with each picture was that each one was absolute perfection, which said nothing of her photography skills and everything of the subject on the other side of the lens.

  “Put your camera down.”

  Rachel glanced up. Matt still remained in the water, the bottom of his pants soaked, his shirt clinging like transparent silk against his tanned, muscular chest.


  “Get in the water. Work is over.”

  “Then we should head back.”

  She could not get into that water with him. Then her clothes would get clingy and he’d probably touch her or kiss her again, and at this point she wasn’t sure she would be able to ignore the aching need. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind Matt would set her world on fire; it was everything that came afterward that worried her.

  She’d been without a man for so long...too long. She simply couldn’t trust her erratic emotions right now.

  Matt stalked toward her like some god emerging from the water. Droplets ran down his exposed skin and she was so riveted she couldn’t look away. Part of her even imagined licking each and every one, and that only added fuel to the proverbial flames.

  How had he
put this spell on her and why was she letting him? Oh, right. Because she was on a slippery slope and barely hanging on.

  When he reached for her hand, Rachel set her camera down on a rock. He urged her forward.

  “I can’t get wet,” she protested, though her feet were following him. “I don’t have extra clothes.”

  He walked backward, his eyes never wavering from hers. “Take off your dress and we won’t have a problem.”

  “You’re not getting me out of my clothes.”

  The smirk, that raised brow, the way he kept walking her toward the water’s edge...damn it. He took her statement as a challenge.

  “Matt, we can’t do this.”

  Cool water slid over her toes, over her ankles, soaking the bottom of her dress. She was losing a battle she wasn’t sure she ever had a fair fight in.

  “No one is here to tell us not to.”

  “I’m telling us not to,” she argued. “This isn’t right.”

  “Says who? Tell me you’re not attracted to me, Rachel. Tell me you didn’t kiss me right back and you havenʼt been thinking of it every second since.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip to prevent a lie from slipping out...and also to hold the truth inside. But her silence was just as telling as if she’d admitted her true feelings.

  “It’s just water,” he crooned. “Nothing to be afraid of.”

  “I told you before, I’m not afraid.” She pulled her hand from his and lifted her dress, bunching it in her fist at her side. “Is this how you get all your women? You use that sultry voice, that heavy-lidded gaze and...” She waved up and down at his bare chest.

  “All of my women?” he repeated. “Watch it, Rachel. I’ll start to think you care about my sex life.”

  She’d never given it much thought before now. And in the past several hours, Matt and sex had consumed nearly all of her thoughts.

  Without thinking, she pulled from his grasp and leaned down, scooped up some water and splashed him right in the face. He sputtered for a second before flicking the excess away. Rachel couldn’t help but laugh at his shocked expression, but then that surprise turned to menace.


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