G-Spot 2 Trickery: The 6th Deadly Sin (G-Spot 2: The Seven Deadly Sins)

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G-Spot 2 Trickery: The 6th Deadly Sin (G-Spot 2: The Seven Deadly Sins) Page 2

by Noire

  I couldn’t stop crying. I tried real hard, but I swear I couldn’t stop.

  “W-w-where did she get shot at?” I asked as my eyes scanned her battered body. The way she was all wrapped up she could have had a bullet hole almost anywhere.

  Dutchy sighed with sorrow. “They shot her in her head, Juicy. Execution-style. They put a bullet right above her ear. Like I said, the doctors told me it’s a miracle that she’s still alive, and even if she makes it they don’t know what her mind is gonna be like, nah’m saying?”

  Dutchy’s words cut deep into my heart, and Trey had to hold me up on my feet as I shuddered and remembered how the bullet that killed Gino had passed right through his body and into mine. I hated guns, and if I never heard about another senseless shooting for the rest of my life it would be too damn soon.

  I wiped at my eyes as I managed to whisper, “D-d-did they catch anybody yet? Do the cops know who did this shit?”

  Dutchy shook his head, and a cold, steely look came down on his face.

  “Nah, them fools is still stumbling around in the dark, but trust, baby. Whoever it was, them niggahs is gone get found out. Found out and dealt with. You can believe that.”

  I nodded and then he dropped another bombshell on me.

  “And yo, check this out,” Dutchy said. His voice had gotten real quiet. “Nooni showed up at the crib last night.”

  “Nooni?” My eyes bucked open wide as unexpected joy jumped into my heart. “Y’all found her? She came back home?”

  Dutchy nodded and frowned. “Yeah. She came back alright. And all this fuckin’ time it was them G-Spot niggahs who was holding her! Rita said the girl looked like they had been getting her high and abusing the shit outta her. I didn’t get the whole story, but some kinda way Nooni broke up outta that joint last night and made it back home.”

  “Oh my God,” was all I could say. Just hearing those words made me feel so bad for Nooni. Those horrible nights of being chained to a pole and raped down in The Dungeon flashed through my mind and all of a sudden my body got real cold. I knew exactly what kind of hell Nooni had been through in the G-Spot. The way Granite McKay had whipped my ass and stomped a mud hole in my face and pissed down on me in that nasty little rat hole . . . all them dirty-dicked niggahs who had fucked the shit out of me, chewing on my titties and violating every hole in my body coming and going . . . shittt, my black ass had expected to die down there.

  “Yo,” Dutchy went on talking. He was hyped with rage and I could see the pain written all over his face. “I was supposed to be chillin’ up in the crib with Rita and Chub last night you know, but Rita told me not to come over. She didn’t want no man in the house since it was Nooni’s first night back, nah’m sayin? She said the girl was so shook she didn’t think she could handle having me or any other dude up in there, so I stayed home and went to sleep.”

  He gazed down at Rita’s battered body and shook his head.

  “She wanted me to swing by early this morning so she could fix me some breakfast, but as soon as I pulled up shit was mad chaotic. I saw all this crime scene tape across the door of the fuckin’ building. There were cops everywhere. I’m in law enforcement and I couldn’t even get up the stairs, man. The chick who lives next door told me they’d just taken Rita and some kids out in an ambulance, and the cops were bringing Chub out as I walked up.”

  I pulled away from Trey and frowned.

  “Little Chub? Oh, shit! Is she okay?”

  “Yeah,” Dutchy nodded. “She looked okay. At least on the outside. The building manager said they found her hiding in a kitchen closet. Child Services took her into custody. They’re grillin’ her right now. Tryna find out who she saw and what she knows.”

  My heart broke wide open for Chub. That baby had already been through so much trauma in her young life.

  “So what happened to Nooni?” I asked with dread creeping all up in my chest. “Where is she now? Did Child Services take her into protective custody too?”

  Dutchy frowned. A funny look flashed deep in his eyes as he pushed his hands down in his pockets and shook his head slowly.

  “See, that’s what’s so fuckin’ crazy, Juicy,” he said. “When the paramedics took Rita and them little girls outta the house there wasn’t nobody left inside, and that tells just me one fucked up thing.”

  My breath caught in my throat. “What’s that?”

  “It tells me exactly why them niggahs rolled up like stompzillas in the first goddamn place.”

  Dutchy grilled me hard, and his eyes were dark and grim.

  “Nooni is the one them fools was gunning for, because Nooni is the one who’s missing!”


  The Dungeon in the basement of the G-Spot was just as nasty as it was the night Cooter Jackson had unlocked Juicy’s handcuffs and set her free.

  Unfortunately for Nooni, with the recent busted pipes and clogged sewage issues at the G-Spot, the conditions down there were even wetter and filthier than ever before.

  “Get ya ass on down them goddamn stairs!” Ace bitched as he twisted Nooni’s wrist painfully and jerked her arm high up the center of her back. Balling up his fist, he punched her in the back of the head and then booted her hard in the tailbone with his big fat knee. Laughing, he flung the crying girl forward with almost all his strength, forcing her to sail through the air and land flat on her face on the wet concrete down below.

  Nooni screamed inside as she hit the ground and her face splashed in a nasty shit-tinged puddle. She tried to cry out in terror as she lay there, but her lips were so busted up and her jaw was so painful and swollen that her cries came out sounding like baby whispers. She stood up slowly, then tripped over her own feet as Ace shoved her roughly from behind. Her arms flailed and wind-milled as she frantically reached for something to catch her and break her fall.

  Collapsing in a wet puddle again, Nooni peered through her terrified, fist-dotted eyes. Already they were ringed in black from the bruised blood that had accumulated under her battered skin, and pretty soon they’d be too puffed-up for her to see out of them at all.

  But right now she could see enough. More than enough.

  And what she saw sent icy fear rushing through her veins. She was in a shit hole. It was hot and dark down there. Wet as hell too. The pajamas her sister had dressed her in were completely soaked through by the dank water, and so were her panties. She peered into the darkness and pushed herself into a sitting position and trembled as she looked around.

  They called this place The Dungeon and that’s exactly what it was. In fact, it was more than that. It was damn near a torture chamber. It was soundproof and dark, and the smell of putrid, stagnant water sent hot bile rushing to her throat. She looked down as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. There was at least an inch of murky water sloshing on the floor and she was sitting her ass right in it. A ripped and badly stained mattress had been pushed up against a wall, but there was no other furniture in sight. Through a doorway off to the left she could see a tiny bathroom, and judging from the foul smell of sewage that clogged the air all around her it was just as nasty as the rest of the room.

  Ace stood behind her with his big belly jiggling as he laughed his ass off. Marching closer to her, he snatched her ponytail in his fist and wound her curls around his wrist. He dragged the screaming young girl through the huge puddle of slimy water, and then he jerked her up off the floor by her hair, tearing out her roots as he flung her with one massive heave and sent her sailing onto the soggy mattress.

  “Ouch! W-w-why you do that Ace?” Nooni screamed as she plopped down on the bed and clutched her burning scalp with both hands. Ace came over and knelt beside her. His fat knees made deep dents in the waterlogged mattress.

  “W-w-what you doing?” Nooni stammered as he grabbed her wrist and yanked her arm high over her head. She felt cold metal against her skin, and then heard a click and realized that his crazy ass had handcuffed her to a pipe that ran along the wall.

  “Nooo!” S
he screeched into the silence. Her whole body broke out in goose bumps. “Don’t lock me up! Please don’t fuckin’ lock me up!”

  Gripped in terror, Nooni yanked and jerked at the icy metal that encircled her wrist and held her captive in place. Her eyes were wild in the darkness. She couldn’t believe what was happening. All she knew is that she was feenin’ real hard, and since she needed to be loose to get her some drugs, she didn’t wanna be chained to nothing in this stankin’ ass basement, not a goddamn thing!

  But no matter how hard she struggled Nooni’s fate was a clear as day. And deep in her heart she knew this was the punishment she got for trying to be so damn grown. Trying to be so damn fast, and so hot in the ass. Whimpering, she got on her knees and flailed her handcuffed arm back and forth. The hard metal bit painfully into her bony wrist as she tried her best to either slide her hand through the small circle or pull her whole damn arm outta socket. But the hole was too small. It was way too narrow to get her fist through. The tender skin at the base of her thumb tore and split, and she felt the warmth of her own blood as it trickled down her arm.

  I’m having a fucking nightmare, Nooni told herself. She looked around in a panic as her eyes adjusted to the dim room and her heart sank down to her toes. This just had to be a nightmare! The kind that just kept playing over and over again on rewind and wouldn’t let you go. Twice she had escaped from the G-Spot. And twice those fuckin’ maniacs had caught her and dragged her right back through these haunted doors.

  It was crazy. Everything about her life was crazy. She cursed the day she’d shook her ass with Truth up in T.C.’s Place and allowed him to introduce her to this madness she was living. And even though Truth had really loved her and he had died trying to set her free, she hated that she had ever loved him enough to step foot through the doors of the G-Spot Social Club.

  Nooni thought about her sisters and the hardbody crew of street niggahs who had bust up in the house blasting tools, and she cried even harder. Who the hell were those dudes and why did they want to bring her back to the G-Spot so damn bad? It was all so confusing. One minute she was trembling in her sister’s bed as her body cried out for drugs, and the next thing she knew there had been a crew of thugs standing over her waving gats, barking in her face, and kicking her mothafuckin’ ass.

  They had dragged her outta the bed, and Nooni had balled herself up in a tiny knot as mad fists got to swinging and crazy boots got to stomping her everywhere. Every damn body in the house took a beat down, but her sister Rita had gotten it the worst, and Nooni cringed as she remembered Rita’s loud and pitiful wails.

  And then there had been the horrible sounds of gunshots. She didn’t even know how many, because her mind had gone totally blank after the first few. But what the hell had happened to Rita and Chub? To Charlize and Lucie? A moan of stark terror pushed its way up from Nooni’s throat. Trapped down in this funky-ass dungeon, was her whole family dead and she the only one still alive?

  “Please!” the terrified young girl whimpered, begging Ace from her knees. She knew he was Salida’s man but right about now she just didn’t give a fuck. “I need me a lil something,” Nooni begged him. “I’ll do whatever you want me to do. I’ll suck your dick, or you can fuck me in the ass, just don’t chain me up down here. Please . . . unlock this thing. I swear I’ll do anything!”

  Ace backed off the mattress and stood over her as he shook his head and frowned. He had absolutely no desire to fuck Nooni, and he damn sure didn’t want her suckin’ his dick. Nooni was a fiend and she’d fallen way off. She had sores all over her chin, and her teeth were black and rotten, like they would crumble into pieces if she bit down on anything too hard.

  “You goddamn right you gonna do anything,” Ace told her. “You gonna do anything and every goddamn thing I tell your ass to do. Believe that.”

  The door opened upstairs and they heard the sound of footsteps. Ace and Nooni both looked toward the stairs at the same time.

  “Is somebody down there crying?” called a sweet, feminine voice.

  It was Salida.

  Nooni’s face lit up and Ace’s did too.

  They waited in silence as a pair of slender ankles perched in elegant red high-heeled shoes appeared on the steps. She stepped down and they saw her slender calves and knees, and after one more step the flaming red skirt that sensuously hugged her hips and thighs came into view.

  “Abraham!” Salida exclaimed, standing on the last step with her hand perched on her hip. She peered into the room with a phony expression of shock and disbelief on her gorgeously made-up face. “Uh-uh! What in the world is going on down here? You’re not down here hurting this baby girl, are you?”

  “Nah,” Ace said and shrugged. “I ain’t doing shit to her.”

  “Yes he is!” Nooni screamed. The sight of the older woman was the sweetest thing her eyes had ever seen. “Please, Mizz Salida,” Nooni begged. Salida was just like a mother to her. She was a boss bitch who carried much clout in the G-Spot, and who controlled the happenings with just the look in her eyes. “He handcuffed me!” Nooni shrieked, pointing at her arm that was linked to the pipes. “He locked me up! Please make him let me go. Please, Mizz Salida. Help! Help me!”

  Salida tiptoed carefully through the foul-smelling water trying not to mess up her expensive designer shoes. She made her way over to the trembling young girl and gazed down at her with caring, maternal eyes. She frowned and tsked with disgust and disapproval, and then she turned to Ace with fire blazing in her eyes.

  “Who the hell done beat this poor child?” she demanded sharply.

  Ace shrugged. “Ain’t nobody beat her. I think the bitch fell down the stairs or something.”

  “Let her loose, mothafucka,” Salida ordered him in a voice filled with rage. “You let this baby loose right goddammit now, you hear? I’m taking her home with me.”

  Ace hesitated for a couple of seconds, and then he shook his head. They had already rehearsed this part but Salida was playing her role like such a damn champ that for a moment he’d thought she was actually serious about wanting him to let Nooni go.

  “Nah, I can’t do that, Mizz Salida,” he said, shaking his head. “Monique told us to find Nooni and bring her back here. She wants us to keep Nooni strictly on lock until we find out where all that money is.”

  “But I don’t know where no money is!” Nooni screeched at the top of her lungs. Great gulping sobs shook her traumatized body, and she arched her back and cried from her soul. “Y’all know I don’t know where it is! I don’t know nothing about no fuckin’ moneyyyy . . .”

  Ignoring the filth on the damp mattress, Salida sat down and perched daintily beside Nooni and gathered the distressed teen in her arms. Making soft, comforting noises, she stroked Nooni’s long hair as big fat tears fell from the girl’s swollen eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” Salida smirked as she delighted in the trickery she was using on the young girl. “I’m so, so sorry, Nooni. But you heard what Ace said. Monique doesn’t want us to let you go. She’d cause a lot of trouble for us if we did that. But look, I’ll try to talk to her, okay? You know, maybe I can convince her to let you come back upstairs, okay? I’ll try that but I can’t guarantee you anything. You know how evil Monique’s ass can be.”

  A fresh wave of tears fell from Nooni’s eyes as her body went stiff on the sodden mattress. A low moan erupted from her mouth that filled the entire room.

  The smirk fell off Salida’s face and she was shocked for real when the girl suddenly rolled away from her and began banging her head on the wall. Over and over again, Nooni bashed her head against the concrete cinderblocks, and Salida was forced to snatch her and throw her body on top of the child to stop her from splitting her forehead and cracking her own skull.

  “Stop, baby,” Salida murmured gently. “Don’t do that. Don’t you hurt yourself like that, sugar. Come on now. Let Mizz Salida help you. I know what you need.”

  Reaching inside her jacket pocket, Salida took out one of her
new drug vials that had been stamped with her signature logo. Opening it quickly, she shook some powder into the palm of her outstretched hand.

  “Here,” she said, pressing her fingers right above Nooni’s swollen, blood-crusted lips. “Hit this,” Salida urged. “It’ll make you feel so much better.”

  Hearing this, Nooni lifted her head as hope and desire surged through her body. Using her free hand, she pressed her left nostril closed and took a deep, grateful hit. Euphoria and bliss exploded in her brain as the potent drugs flooded her system. Nooni shivered in glee. Her pussy got wet. And then she took a second and a third hit as well until there was only a thin trace of powder left in Salida’s palm, which the young girl licked greedily with her wet tongue.

  “I’m gonna help you,” Salida assured the shaken girl as the drugs seized control of Nooni’s central nervous system and the girl fell back on the mattress in relief. “I swear I’ll find a way to help you. But in the meantime you gotta stay strong, you hear?” Salida hugged Nooni goodbye, and then rose from the nasty mattress. “Stay strong, baby. Stay strong.”

  Salida signaled to Ace to follow her upstairs. Once they were behind the closed doors of G’s office she shrugged out of her jacket, kicked off her shoes, and then unzipped her wet skirt and let it fall to the floor. With Ace watching closely, she peeled off her damp panties and tossed them into the trashcan.

  Standing there with her yellow ass looking luscious in a red garter belt and thigh-high stockings, she opened G’s armoire and flicked through the rows of skirts and dresses that were neatly hung on crush-velvet hangers. She selected a fifteen hundred dollar sleeveless, mango-colored Dior dress, then took it off the hanger and draped it over the back of a chair. Turning to face Ace, whose pop-eyes had been glued to her firm, perfectly shaped ass the whole time, Salida slid her hands down her tight waist and let them rest on her gorgeous round hips.


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