G-Spot 2 Trickery: The 6th Deadly Sin (G-Spot 2: The Seven Deadly Sins)

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G-Spot 2 Trickery: The 6th Deadly Sin (G-Spot 2: The Seven Deadly Sins) Page 7

by Noire

  “Damn! You can only handle one of us, white boy?” a cute light-skinned chick reached out and grabbed Sallie’s arm as he turned back to his car with his prize for the night. “One is fun, but two is terrific, baby. Karisma ain’t been out here a good damn minute. She don’t know shit about pleasing no real man like you! But I’m a professional, baby. Take me with y’all and I’ll lay some head on you that will blow your fuckin’ mind!”

  Sallie grinned as he brushed past her and held the car door open so the young hoe she’d called Karisma could get in. “Next time,” he told the older hoe as all the other working girls started screaming for him to come back and get them when he was finished so they could show him what he was missing out on.

  Sallie slammed his car door and turned and looked at the black girl he had chosen. She had big, juicy titties and a small waist, and he could tell how wide her hips were by the way her thighs spread out all over the car’s seat. She was real young, but at closer glance he didn’t see the innocence he had expected to see in her face. Instead, there was something fun and mischievous in her eyes, and she looked like she was ready to hang out and have a good time.

  “How much?” he asked her as they grinned at each other.

  She shrugged. “Depends on what you like.”

  Sallie nodded. “What I like, huh?”

  “Yep,” she said, “what you like.”

  “I tell you what,” Sallie grinned even wider and slid his arm around her slender shoulder. “How about we do something that you like?”

  The girl’s grin disappeared and she gave him a quick, suspicious look like, what the fuck you talking about, trick? She held up her wrist and tapped her watch.

  “Oh, I know,” Sallie said smoothly. “Time is money. But I’ll pay you good for your time, baby. Real good. Check this out. Do you like Chinese food?”

  She nodded. “Hell yeah. Who don’t?”

  “Cool,” Sallie said as he turned his key in the ignition and pulled out into Harlem’s night-life traffic. “Let’s go get us some then.”


  Less than an hour later Sallie’s stomach was full of Chinese food and his dick was full of action. He had driven the young hoe down to Chinatown and brought her an egg roll, and then taken her to a meat and poultry storage unit that was upstairs in the building he was staying in.

  Sallie had busted the padlock on the door to the storage unit pretty easily, and then he led her into a large office across from the industrial freezer where the duck, chicken, pork, and beef that was sold in restaurants all throughout Chinatown was stored.

  “Eeew,” the hood chick had the nerve to wrinkle up her nose and complain as soon as they walked through the door. “What’s that nasty-ass smell? It stinks like a mothafucka up in here!”

  There were three windows on the far wall and Sallie walked over and opened all three as wide as they would go. They sat on a small couch in the office and smoked some weed and tossed back the bottle of E & J that Sallie had picked up from the liquor store next door to the Chinese restaurant. The girl was young, but she had a real long throat, and after she sucked up the Erk and Jerk they were both loose enough to get down to business.

  “Let me undress you,” Slick Sallie said softly as he touched the girl’s hair. He let his fingers slide down her toned neck and trail over her arm. Her body was young and perfect. Her skin looked like solid milk chocolate. Sallie gathered the bottom of her shirt in his hands, then raised it up over her deeply indented navel, her bulging breasts, and finally over her head.

  She sat on the raggedy couch naked from the waist up, looking like a nubile African princess sitting on a throne. Sallie stood up and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. She reached for the top button on her pants, but he brushed her hands aside gently.

  “Let me do it,” he whispered. His face was flushed red from the liquor that was burning in his belly, and the smell of her black pussy that was tantalizing his nose.

  He dropped to his knees in front of her and opened her tight pants and slid her zipper down. Sticking his fingers in her waistband, he inched her pants down over her wide hips, looking past her yellow thong, and surprised to see her plump pussy had been shaved naked.

  Sallie pulled the crotch of her thong aside with two fingers and gasped. Her clit was dark and glistening, nestled snuggly between the juicy outer lips of her beautiful cunt. He could hardly wait to get her pants off. He just couldn’t help himself. He dove in with his tongue and took him a big wet gulp of that gorgeous pussy right then and there.

  Above him, the girl stiffened up.

  “You gonna eat me out?” she asked, like having a white trick slurp her pussy was the most insane damn thing she had ever heard of.

  “Yeah.” Slick Sallie nodded. “I’m gonna lick your kitty dry.”

  And that’s exactly what he did.

  Sallie yanked her pants all the way down and waited patiently as she stepped out of them. Her bright yellow thong he ripped right the fuck off, the flimsy material giving away like toilet tissue in his hands.

  “Hey!” the hoe protested as she stood there in nothing but her high-heeled shoes. “What you do that shit for?”

  “Ssshh . . .” Sallie pressed one finger to his lips. “I’ll buy you another one,” he promised. He reached into his front pocket and pulled out a fifty-dollar bill and pushed it into her palm. “I’ll buy you ten of those cheap shits.”

  Karisma clenched the money in her fist and thrust her hips out at him. She spread her legs a little bit more so his probing tongue could lap up the clear sticky juices that were beginning to flow down her toned inner-thighs.

  Sal was in hog fuckin’ heaven as he opened his fly and took out his erect dick. He couldn’t get enough of the girl’s scent, or of the way her liquid sugar just seemed to melt into a sweet mist on his tongue. Still on his knees, he gently cupped her big ass in his palms and weighed her cheeks like they were two ripe honeydew melons. Her flesh back there was a solid hunk of meat, and he gripped and massaged her with a frenzy, pressing his tongue as deep up in her snatch as he could get it as he pulled her ass toward him and guided her gyrating hips.

  Karisma was a spicy little freak, Sallie observed with delight. She cupped her own titties and played with her dark, raisin-sized nipples as he slithered his tongue in and out of her clenching pussy. But pussy wasn’t all Sallie wanted. After a while he shifted his position, and with his dick still hanging out of his fly-hole, he bent her over the small table and parted her ass-cheeks wide. A pink slice of her inner walls smiled at him, and Sallie stuck his tongue deeply inside her sex cave and gathered about an ounce of her cream. He held it in his mouth for a second, and then used his tongue to smear it around her asshole in a tight figure-eight motion.

  The girl moaned out loud as Sallie attacked the hell outta that chocolate! Going back and forth rapidly with his expert tongue, he stabbed her fiercely in the pussy, and then he swirled his tongue around the rim of her ass, reaching between her thighs and playing with her clit the whole time.

  And the young hoe was loving that shit! She tossed that ass back at him with wild strokes and opened her legs wider so he could put his whole face up in her. She had nutted twice already, and now she was bent over at the waist with her elbows on the desk, making all kinds of sexy fuck noises and telling him how good her pussy felt. Sallie was willing to bet that no other man had ever licked that chocolate up the way he was licking it, and he sucked her swollen clit until he felt her body convulse and begin to shudder. At the moment of her release he covered her pussy hole and sealed it with his lips so he could catch every drop of sweet juice that flowed from her tunnel, and as she shivered and filled his mouth with her delicious creamy nut, he stroked himself off and shot a huge wad of hot cum into the palm of his own hand.

  Slick Sallie wasn’t done yet though. Ignoring his itching tongue, he stood up and rubbed his slime all over the girl’s full breasts and erect nipples, and at the same time he reached into his back pocket with his free
hand and pulled out his cuffs. Thrusting his tongue into her ear canal to distract her, he slapped one cuff onto her right wrist, and then grabbed her left wrist with his sticky hand and tried to bring her hands together so he could get the other cuff on her too.

  But Karisma was hood-quick. The moment she felt that cold metal bracelet click around her wrist she started swinging and fighting and making a break for the door. Caught off guard, Sallie lunged for her. He bodied her from behind and wrestled her naked ass to the floor.

  “What the fuck is you doing!” The young girl blurted in astonishment. Her big brown eyes were wild and fearful as she kicked up at Sallie with both feet and caught him on the chin with the heel of her shoe. Instead of answering, Sallie reached down and capped her in the face like she was a full-grown man. Karisma mighta been young, but the bitch had some beast in her. She took that blow and rolled with it, then jumped to her feet with her naked titties heaving and threw two real nice power jabs that took Sallie by surprise. The first one caught Sallie in the nose, and the second one thumped his chest so hard it sent an involuntary cough flying from his mouth.

  Then the bitch put up her dukes like she was ready for some more.

  Sallie was in a panic. None of his tricks had ever fought back like this before! He rushed at the girl and bear hugged her around her waist, squeezing the shit outta her. Karisma started screaming and swung her fists, punching him all over his head in short, furious blows. And then the bitch got clever. Her hood instincts kicked in and she leaned forward and sank her bright white teeth deep into Sallie’s forehead, puncturing his skin and biting into his dome like it was a sweet red apple.

  It was Sallie’s turn to scream now, and trust and believe, he shrieked like a muthafucka! Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he wrenched his head out of her mouth as her vicious teeth tore through his flesh. Dark rivulets of blood trickled into his eyes and slid down the tip of his nose. The girl screamed again. And this time the bitch screamed the type of shit that made people stop and pay attention.

  “Fire! Fire!” the young hoe screamed as she tried to break free of his grasp. “Call the fuckin’ cops! The building is on fire!”

  “Shit!!!” Sallie cursed and lunged for her naked, slippery body again. He spun her around and yoked her up by the neck, then smushed his other hand over her mouth, cutting off her cries.

  The girl reached back and fumbled wildly around Sallie’s head, and then suddenly an excruciating burst of pain exploded in his ear canal. He screeched like a bitch as the hoe grabbed his ear again and stabbed her nail tip even deeper into his crevice, pushing her that porcelain into his flesh like she was trying to puncture his ear drum.

  Sallie cringed in pain and let up on her just for a second, and that was all the time the prostitute needed. She swung her cuffed fist at Sallie’s bloody face and the empty end swung free, slamming into his cheekbone as it raked across his nose.

  He yelped and grabbed at his face, stunned like a muthafucka. But then young the chick stunned Sallie even more as she sprinted across the room like a track star, and with one panicked, terrified look back at him, she threw one leg over the window ledge, then crawled her naked ass the rest of the way out and simply fuckin’ . . . jumped.

  Sallie heard a sickening thunk as her body hit the concrete ground, and he coulda sworn he heard her bones snap on impact. The rank taste of her pussy rose on his tongue, and his stomach heaved as he ran over to the window and peered down at the ground in the alley below. The young girl was laying on her side, still as death, and under the glow of the street lights he could faintly make out the edges of a small puddle of blood that was forming around her head.

  “You dumb bitch!” Sallie shrieked into the night. “What the fuck did you do that for?”

  It took him less than two minutes to stuff his dick inside his pants and throw his sweatshirt back on, and then run down the stairs and around the corner to the alley. The girl was still laying right where she’d landed, and Sallie rushed over to her and grabbed her shoulder and shook her real hard.

  “Are you okay?” he demanded. “What the fuck you jump like that for, stupid ass!”

  The girl moaned and her eyelids fluttered open. Recognition and fear flooded her face at the same time, and in a wild, terrified frenzy she swung her cuffed fist at Sallie again. Hard.

  “Owww!” he yelled and jumped back as the metal bracelet sent fire flaming through his nose. The girl turned over onto her stomach and all four of her limbs moved like crab legs as she tried to climb to her feet. Favoring her left leg, she made it upright and took off screaming and limping down the alley, hollering Fire! at the top of her lungs and glancing back over her shoulder like Sallie was some kind of serial killer or something.

  Moments later, people started peering anxiously from the windows of Sallie’s building as well as from the building next door. Their garbled Asian words sounded frantic and concerned, and Sallie cursed when he heard somebody say call 911 in very clear English.

  Pressing his fingers to the bloody bite-mark on his forehead, Sallie darted into the shadows against the building, and then he threw his hoodie over his head and hauled ass around the corner and jetted toward the safety of his parked car.


  D.I.V.A. Day at the Crossover Community Center was coming to a close, and even after the drama that had jumped off the day had been a big success. I was highly impressed with Trey for investing so much of his energy in his Developing Initiative and Values for Achievement program, and for bringing hope and joy to the young girls of Harlem.

  Trey Jackson was the type of dude who attracted light, and there were corporate ballers and big willies out the ass up in the house all day long. It was obvious to everybody that he had mad status and pull in the community, and people not only loved him, they respected him too.

  And his Talented Ten business owners were just as dedicated as he was. It didn’t matter if they were Asian, Hispanic, Black, or white, the small business owners of Harlem had jumped in together with their money and their products to contribute to Trey’s vision. Food and juice had been donated and delivered from local delis, coupons were being handed out for free groceries from corner stores, there were fifty-percent-off vouchers being passed around from two local dry cleaners, and a couple of nail salon owners had set up booths and were giving young girls free manicures.

  There had been mega young chicks rolling in off the streets to learn about HIV/AIDS testing, and to get free condoms and stuff. There were representatives on hand from cosmetology schools showing young girls how to do their hair and makeup, while career counselors from local colleges gave demonstrations on how to fill out applications for college admission and free financial aid.

  Even though the day was supposed to be all about empowering young girls and giving them a clear road to follow for their future success, plenty of young boys from Harlem had turned out in droves to take advantage of all the free information and services too.

  And me? I was working my ass off! My girl Egypt road the train uptown from Brooklyn, and I kept her busy cutting material and threading needles as I led a bunch of short sessions I called, “From Fabric to Finery in 15 Minutes or Less”.

  I had chicks strung out, oohing and aahing as I picked a girl out of the crowd at random, then posted up at my sewing machine and measuring her body dimensions with just my eyeballs, I whipped her up a sexy, banging JuicyOriginal summer dress in less than fifteen minutes. After a few sessions everybody in the joint wanted them a free JuicyOriginal! Those crazy teenagers started lining up real thick at my station and fighting over who was gonna look the best in their gear.

  There were entertainers from the music industry in the house too, and one of my old friends showed up and stole the show. My girl Candy Montana used to be the lead singer in a hot female trio called Scandalous! And I got amped when her and her man Knowledge Graham walked in looking like Jay-Z and Bey.

  I had known Candy from my old neighborhood, and she had been through the same t
ype of craziness with her man Hurricane Jackson that I had been through with G. Or maybe even worse. Candy was one of those real gorgeous chicks who had such a beautiful voice and a different look about her that no matter where she went she made people stop, stare, and take notice. Me and her were about the same body size, and back in the day whenever I got a chance to sew something hot and slutty that I knew G wouldn’t let me wear, I would send it to Candy and she would style my gear and publicize my JuicyOriginal line.

  Today, Candy got up on the stage they had set up in the middle of the basketball court and gave a real good speech that motivated all the young chicks and had them jumping up and down and screaming her name. She started her session out with a little prayer that was dedicated to her baby sister Caramel, and her two best friends from Scandalous! Dominica and Vonzelle.

  The prayer was sad and tragic because all three of the people she had dedicated it to had died when a fire broke out at the House of Homicide and everybody in the joint got trapped behind the chained doors. Folks had stampeded like crazy as they tried to get outta the building anyway they could, and the few who didn’t go down from the smoke and the flames ended up getting crushed to death under other people’s feet.

  It had been a real miserable time in Harlem when that happened, and for a while the word on the streets was that Candy had lost her mind from all that grief, but time heals everything, and eventually she had come back to being herself, and back to doing the things she loved; singing, dancing, and helping young girls make something out of their lives.

  Because Candy’s life had definitely been real fucked up. Everybody knew that Hurricane Jackson had dogged her out and forced her to do a lot of unspeakable shit, and when word got out about the nasty XXX sex tape he had made her star in with his dog, a lot of people said her singing career was dead. But instead of being embarrassed and running and hiding from all that humiliation, Candy had embraced her life journey and owned it. Today, just like she did at every live appearance she made, Candy got up on that stage and made them shine a light dead on her. She pointed at the ugly scar on her face and then proceed to tell all the young girls in the audience exactly how she got that shit.


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