The Reformation

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by Will Durant

Contarini, Gasparo, Cardinal (1535–42), 446, 562, 866, 893, 896, 897, 898, 912, 920–921, 929

  Contemptu mundi, De (Erasmus), 271

  Contra atheos (Postel), 881

  Contr’un (La Boétie), 882

  conversation, art of, 767

  Conversos, baptized Jews, 201, 207–208, 209–210, 213, 214, 215, 217–218, 219, 639, 734

  Cop, Nicholas, 460, 480, 504

  Copenhagen, Denmark, 145, 146, 153, 621, 628

  University, 621, 627

  Copernicus, Nicolaus (1473–1543), 19, 173, 238, 239, 241, 452, 477, 849, 855–863

  quoted, 858, 861–862

  Book of Revolutions, 849

  Little Commentary, 857–858

  Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs, 860

  copyright protection, 157, 784

  Cordova, Francisco Hernández de (1475?-1526), 865

  Cordova, Castile, 197, 208

  cathedral, 846

  Mosque, 221*, 846

  Cordus, Curicius (1486–1535), 868

  Cordus, Valerius (1515–44), 868, 873

  Corinth, 186

  cornering products, 295, 296

  Coron, Turkey, 706

  Coronado, Francisco (1510–54), 865

  Correa, Caspar (c. 1490–1565), 815

  Corte-Real, Gaspar (1450?-1510), 194

  corruption, 18, 71, 212, 590, 603

  Cortes, Hernando (1485–1547), 199–200, 817, 865

  Córtese, Gregorio (1483–1548), 897, 899

  Cosa, Juan de la (1460?-1510), 240

  Cosmographia universalis (Münster), 864

  cosmography, 676

  Cossa, Baldassare, see John XXIII

  Cossacks, 654–655

  Costa Rica, 267

  Coster, Laurens (c. 1370–0. 1443), 158

  Cottereau, Jean, 824

  Councils and the Churches, On the (Luther), 448

  Counsel of the Appointed Cardinals on Reforming the Church, 897–898

  quoted, 898

  Counter Reformation, 128, 897, 922, 932

  counterfeiters, 647

  “Count’s War,” 628

  Courland, 173

  court, French, 60, 494–496

  court of love, 72, 500

  Courtenay, Edward (152 6}-56), 591, 592, 593

  Courtenay, William, Archbishop (1342?-96), 32, 35–36

  courtesans, 7, 761

  Courtier, The (Castiglione), 500, 742, 767, 816

  Courtrai, France, 58

  Coutances, France, chapel (1371–86), 79

  Covenanters, 489

  Coventry, England, Cathedral (1373–94), 119

  Coverdale, Miles (1488?-1569), 532, 571

  Cracow, Poland, 143, 172, 629, 725

  cathedral, 174

  university, 173, 237, 788

  craft guilds, 38, 59, 144

  Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472–1553), 345, 415, 450, 836–838, 848

  Anna Cuspinian (Coll. Reinhart, Winterthur), 837

  Johannes Cuspinian (Coll. Reinhart, Winterthur), 837

  Judgment of Paris (Coll. Baron von Schenk), 836

  Self-portrait (Uffizi), 837

  Venus and Cupid (Brussels), 836

  Cranach, Lucas, the Younger (1515–86), Sleeping Hercules (Dresden), 837

  Cranmer, Thomas (1489–1556), 444, 532, 545, 547, 560, 565, 576, 579, 580, 581, 584, 589, 597, 894

  quoted, 598

  Book of Common Prayer, 580, 585

  Crawar, Paul, 607

  Crécy, France, 63, 70, 88, 161

  Cremona, Italy, 161

  Crépy: Peace of (1545), 453, 635, 928

  Treaty (1544), 516

  Crescas, Abraham (d. 1387), 743

  Crescas, Hasdai (1340–1410), 745–746

  Crescas, Jehuda (1420), 743

  Crete, 182

  crime, 115, 304, 604, 757

  Crimea, 187, 652, 655

  Croatia, 184

  Croft, Sir James, 592, 593

  Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658), 568

  Cromwell, Sir Richard, 567

  Cromwell, Thomas (1485?-1540), 534, 548, 549, 561, 563–568, 572, 575, 843

  Cronacas (Lopes), 195

  crop rotation (1300), 143

  Cross, Order of the, 173

  Crotus Rubianus (1480?-1540), 325, 327, 426

  Crowmer, William (1450), III

  cruelty, 71

  Crusades, 16, 17, 24, 156, 186, 332, 340, 347, 663, 703

  Cuba, 262, 264

  cuckoldry, 60

  Cumuneros, revolt, 638–639

  Cunha, Tristao da (1460?-1540), 194

  Curia, papal, 7, 11, 12, 18, 25, 330, 332, 448, 546, 624, 899, 918, 932, 933

  Curio, Caelius Secundus (1503–69), 478, 486

  currency: Castile, 205*

  debasing, 65, 66, 252, 583, 624, 676

  fluid, 755

  Gresham’s law, 857

  international, 632

  stabilization, 664

  standardized, 92

  Curvilinear Decorated Gothic, 118

  Cuspinian, Johannes, 837

  Cuvier, Georges (1769–1832), 868

  Cymbalum mundi (Desperiers), 881

  Cyprus, 680

  Czenger, Hungary, 631

  Dahlberg, Johann von (1445–1503), 320

  Dalmata, Giovanni, 189

  Dalmatic of Charlemagne, 177

  Dalmau, Luis (d. c. 1460), Virgin of the Councilors (1446) (Barcelona, Museum of Catalan Art) 223

  Damascus, 673, 685

  Dames Galantes (Brantôme), 492

  Dance of Death, 72–73, 833

  Dance of Death, The (Holbein) 842

  dancing, H4, 305, 419, 648, 760, 770

  Daniel Alexandrovitch (d. 1303), 650

  Danish Empire, 146

  Dante (1265–1321), 224

  Danzig, 172, 173, 439, 629–630

  Marienkirche (1425), 154

  d’Arc, Jacques, 82, 84

  Darcy, Lord, 566

  Dardanelles, 177, 179, 181, 185

  Daret, Jacques (c. 1404–0. 73), 133

  Darmstadt, Germany, 156, 299

  Darwin, Charles R. (1809–82), 242, 452

  Dataria, 898, 929

  Dati, Giuliano, 895

  daughters, excluded from crown, 61

  Dauphin, 66*

  Dauphiné, France, 58, 510

  David II, King of Scotland (1329–33; 1357–70, 604

  David, Gerard (c. 1460–1523), Rest on the Flight to Egypt (Washington, New York, Madrid), 139

  David ibn abi-Zimra, 736

  debauchery, 232

  Decameron (Boccaccio), 50, 54, 499

  deceptions of senses and judgment, 234

  Defender, The (Erasmus), 435

  Defender of the Faith, 532

  Défense et illustration de la langue françoyse (Bellay), 809

  Defensor Pads (Masilius and Jandun), quoted, 149

  Delhi, India, 673, 676

  Del Monte, Cardinal (1545), 928

  Delorme, Philibert (c. 1515–70), 520, 826, 827, 830, 848

  Architecture, Treatise on, 828

  Deluge, second (1524), 855

  democracy, 254, 611

  Demonic Deceptions, On (Wier), 852

  demonolatry, 232, 233, 234

  Demosthenes (d. 413 B.C.), 285

  Denck, Hans (1495–1527), 395, 397

  Denmark, 144, 145, 146, 153, 159, 515, 621, 627–628, 629

  dentistry, 874

  Deprès, Josquin (1450?-1521), 773, 774, 775

  Descartes, René (1596–1650), 241, 886, 939

  Deschamps, Eustache (1340?-?1407), 72, 73

  Le Miroir de mariage, quoted, 76

  Deschler, Joachim (d. 1571), 836

  Despenser, Hugh le, III (d. 1326), 27

  Desperiers, Bonaventure (c. 1490–1544), 499, 501

  Cymbalum mundi, 881

  Despoina, Lady, 679, 680

  despotism, 651

  determinism, 434, 851

  Deventer, Holland, 128, 129<
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  Dialectique (Ramus), 885

  Dialoghi d’Amore (Abrabanel), 742

  Diane de France (1538–1619), 519

  Diane de Poitiers (1499–1566), 517, 518–522, 827

  Dias, Bartholomeu (1450?-1500), 194, 260

  Dias, Diniz (1446), 194

  Díaz, Alfonso, 640

  Díaz, Juan, of Cuenca, 640

  Díaz del Castillo, Bernai (1492-?81), 817

  dictatorship, proletarian, 638

  dictionaries, 785

  Diderot, Denis (1713–84), 59

  Diet of Electors, Germany, 147

  Diether von Isenburg (1459), 331

  Dietrich of Freiburg (d. c. 1311), 240

  Digges, Thomas (d. 1595), 862

  Dijon, France, 80, 126, 127, 506

  Museum, 131

  Dinant, France, 135, 136

  Diniz, King of Portugal (1279–1325), 191, 237

  Diogenes (412–323 B.C.), quoted, 789

  Dionysius the Areopagite (c. 500), 153

  Dioscorides, Pedanius (1st Century A.D.), 868

  diplomatic missions, men of letters, 48

  discipline, 303, 473–474

  diseases: curing, 850

  England, 39

  dispensations, 11, 18, 214, 215

  dissection, 243, 798, 869–871, 879

  Divinatione, De (Oresme), 234

  Divine Comedy, The (Dante), 224

  Divine service, 447

  divining rod, 753*

  divorce, 112, 712, 762

  Diwan (Divan), 709

  Diyarbekir, Turkey, 698

  Djem, Prince (1459–1495), 681, 704

  Dlugosz, Jan (1415–80), 173

  Dmitri Donskoi (1363–89), 651

  Döbeln, Germany, 356

  Dolet, Étienne (1508–46), 159, 501, 771, 784–785, 798

  Dolgoruki, Yuri (fl. 1156), 650

  domiciliary visits, 474

  Dominica, 264

  Dominicans, 19, 20, 209, 236, 246, 323, 324, 329, 339, 633

  Domostroi, 648

  Domrémy, France, 81–82

  Don Cossacks, 655

  Don Quixote (Cervantes), 816

  Donation of Constantine, 16, 117, 256, 272, 327, 369

  Donne, Sir John (1468), 137–138

  Dorat, Jean (1508–88), 808, 809

  Doria, Andrea (1468P-1560), 513, 697, 706

  Dorpat, Germany, 439

  Dortmund, Germany, 144, 297

  Dostoievski, Fëdor (1821–81), 841

  Douai, France, 59, 92, 96

  Douglas, William, Earl of (1425?-52), 605

  Dózsa, György (d. 1514), 190

  drama, 46, 49, 76, 100, 156, 225, 326, 420, 474, 813, 817

  Portugal, 195, 815

  Dresden, Germany, 339*

  Castle, 835

  dress: female, 74, 75, 114, 127, 199, 202, 205, 305, 767, 768

  male, 74, 75, 114, 127, 136, 199, 202, 275, 304–305, 713, 767, 768

  Wolsey, 528

  Dreux, France, 96

  drink, 39, 113, 417, 477, 769

  Dropsius, Martin, 278

  drunkenness, 236, 304, 344, 471, 529, 648, 713, 759, 769

  dry point engraving, 309, 316

  Dublin, Ireland, university, 236

  Dubois, Jacques (1478–1555), 869, 871

  Dubois, Pierre (c. 1255–1312), 246, 251

  Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255?-?1319), 177

  Dudley, Sir Henry, 599

  duels, 513*, 514

  Dufay, Guillaume (1399–1474), 774–775

  Du Guesclin, Bertrand (1320–80), 68, 69, 201

  Duisy, Guillaume (1429), 84

  Dunkers, 402*

  Dunois, Jean (1403?-68), 81, 83, 86, 97

  Duns Scotus, John (1265?-?1308), 236, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 272, 332, 787

  Dunstable, John (c. 1370–1453), 114, 774

  Duprat, Antoine (1463–1535), 494

  Duran, Profiat (fl. 1410), 741

  Duran, Simon (1361–1444), 720

  Duran, Simon II, (1439–1510), 736

  Durand, William (c. 1270–1334), 7, 246

  Dürer, Agnes Frey, 303, 312, 317

  Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528), 73, 139, 290, 296, 298, 301, 306, 311–320, 350, 768

  quoted, 318

  Adoration of the Magi (Uffizi), 315

  Bernhard von Resten (Dresden), 314

  Charlemagne (Nuremberg), 314

  Dürer’s Father (1490, Uffizi), 314

  Dürer’s Father (1497, London), 314

  Elizabeth Tucher (Cassel), 314

  Feast of the Rose Garlands (Prague), 311, 313, 314

  Four Apostles (Munich), 308, 318

  Hieronymus Holzschuher (Berlin), 314

  Jakob Fugger (Munich), 296

  Madonna and Child (Vienna), 315

  Madonna and Child with Saints (New York), 314

  Oswalt Krell (Munich), 314

  Paumgärtner Altar (Munich), 314

  Portrait of a Gentleman (Madrid), 314

  Selfportrait (1493, Louvre), 312

  Self-portrait (1498, Madrid), 312

  Self-portrait (1500, Munich), 312

  Venetian Lady (Vienna), 314

  Willibald Pirkheimer (Madrid), 314

  Duret, Jean (1550), 829

  Durham, England, 604

  Dvina, river, 656

  dykes, Holland, 136

  dynasties: Abd-el-Wahid, 696

  Angevin, 172

  Árpád, 184

  Aviz, 192

  Bourbon, 61

  Buurji Mamluks, 676

  Capetian, 61, 126

  Hapsburg, 142, 152, 226, 296, 300, 301, 410, 441, 455, 491, 591, 639, 710

  Hohenstaufen, 148

  II Khan, Mongol, 663, 664–666

  Lancastrian 57

  Marini, 695

  Mogul (Mongol), 676

  Nefsid, 696

  Oldenburg, 146

  Palaeologus, 175

  Plantagenet, 57

  Przemyslid, 161

  Safavid, 676, 698

  Stuart, 604

  Timurid, 676

  Tudor, 108, 536, 538, 568, 591

  Valois, 61, 491

  Yorkist, 108

  East Indies, 195

  Easterlings, House of (1564), 632

  Eastern Roman Empire, 175

  Eberlin, Johannes (1521), 383

  eccentric, 856*

  ecclesiastical authority, repudiation, 366

  ecclesiastical courts, 24, 30, 520

  ecclesiastical income, 603

  ecclesiastical imposts, 621

  ecclesiastical offices, filling, 11, 13, 15, 19, 115

  ecclesiastical property, appropriation, 393, 395, 444, 455, 456, 543–544, 590, 619, 625, 626, 628, 654

  Eck, Johann, Augustinian friar, 633

  Eck, Johann, of Trier (1521), 360

  quoted, 361

  Eck, Dr. Johann, of Ingoistadt (1486–1543), 285, 350, 354, 356, 426, 443, 446, 851, 920

  Obelisci, 346, 349

  Eckhart, Johannes, Meister, (1260?-?1327), 154, 156, 255, 325

  quoted, 153

  economic disparities, Europe, 297

  economics, 246

  Edinburgh, Scotland, 602, 606, 607, 615

  Royal College of Surgeons (1505), 244

  St. Giles Church, 615

  Edinburgh, Treaty of (1560), 618

  education, 5, 18, 123, 128, 130, 136, 157, 160, 199, 201, 235–238, 383, 786–790% aristocracy, 235–236

  Byzantium, 175

  compulsory, 786

  Denmark, 627

  England, 235, 529, 568

  Geneva, 468, 474

  Granada, 201–202

  Ottoman, 714

  Persia, 664

  Spain, 225

  Education of a Christian Prince (Erasmus), 286

  Edward I, King of England, (1272–1307), 27

  Edward II, King of England, (1307–27), 26–27, 119

  Edward III, King of England (1327–77), 7, 27, 28–29, 30, 32, 38, 40,
48, 61, 62, 63, 68, 69, 118, 119, 150, 161, 162, 231, 234, 569, 604

  quoted, 64

  Edward IV, King of England (1461–70; 1471–83), 90, 91, 107–108, 112, 118

  Edward V, King of England (1483), 108

  Edward VI, King of England (1547–53), 561, 573, 576, 577, 579, 585, 586, 608

  Edward, King of Portugal (1433–38), 192

  Edward, Earl of March, see Edward IV

  Edward the Black Prince (1330–76), 29, 63, 65, 69

  Egidio de Viterbo (1470–1532), 724

  Egypt, 663, 664, 673, 676–678, 681, 710

  Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 405

  Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine (1122?-1204), 58

  Eleanora, wife of Francis I (d.1539), 508, 511, 512, 515

  Elector Palatine, 180

  electors, Germany, 151-152

  Elijah del Medigo, (1463–98), 724

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England (1558–1603), 108, 226, 255, 547, 548, 560, 561, 573, 576, 587, 588, 593, 594, 599, 617, 840

  Elizabeth of Valois (1545–68), 518, 522

  Elmina, Guinea, 259

  Eltville, Germany, 159

  Ely, England, Cathedral, Lady Chapel (1321–27), 118

  Elyot, Thomas (1490?-1546), 789

  Elzevirs, The (1580–1712), 159

  embargoes, 62, 109

  Emden, Germany, 599

  Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy (1553–80), 522, 636

  emperors: German, 300

  papal confirmation, 330

  Empire of Great Britain, 581

  empirical psychology, 869

  empiricism, 247

  enameled glass, 677–678

  enamels, 99, 829

  Encina, Juan del (c. 1468–1534), 225

  Engelbreksson, Engelbrekt (1434), 146

  England: absolute monarchy, 207

  alliance with France, 526

  barbarian inundation, 5

  chivalric pomp, 127

  coronation oath, quoted, 26

  ecclesiastical independence, 33

  ecclesiastical wealth, 30

  foreign trade, 109

  French holdings surrendered, 88

  French possessions (1300), 58

  (1359), 68

  (1369), 69

  hospitals (1500), 245

  Jewish expulsion, 724

  king, divine right, 255

  national unification, 92

  navy, 62, 572

  papal tribute, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 337–338

  Parliament, first, 27

  population (1307), 37; (1515), 493; 0547), 568

  printing press, 159

  Protestantism, strengthening, 216

  religion subject to the state, 209

  revolt (1381), 37–45

  (1536), 565–566

  (1541), 575

  (1549), 581, 582

  (1554), 592

  Rome renounced, 445

  Sanitary Act (1388), 245

  schools, 787

  state officials, selection, 30

  war with France, 8, 27, 28, 29, 41, 45, 62, 63, 81, 535, 596, 599

  English, description, 111

  engraving, 298, 309

  metal, 158

  engravings, 309, 316

  Dürer’s, 316–317


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