Sugar Love
Page 10
"She wouldn't do that," Alphonse says though for some reason, he doesn’t believe his own words.
"I saw marks on his back, Alphonse,” she says firmly. “As if someone had been hitting him with a stick or something."
"He must have been bad or something," Alphonse says with a shrug of indifference.
Rosalinda pinches the bridge of her nose. "A simple spanking and a beating are two different things," she says. "I don't like it."
"I still don't see what the big deal is…” he says slowly.
That makes her temper flare and Rosalinda slams her fist on the desk.
"Just like you didn't see the big deal when I went to go and help Georgia?" she snaps. "Or you didn't see the big deal when I wanted to keep the baby? Alphonse, I don't see why you are so worked up over something that you don't want!"
"Don't say that!" Alphonse yells. "I want that child!"
"But not it's mother?" Rosalinda yells back.
"Yes!" Alphonse yells. "I mean no! I mean...ugh, I don't know, it’s confusing!"
"You know what I think? You don't know what you want!” she yells. “You are like a damn coin flipping back and forth, back and forth! Make up your damn mind already! I'm not Georgianna—snot now and not ever! You can't want this child because you don't want your first one! Mend things with your son first; that little boy loves you but is afraid that you'll reject him. Figure out what you want, Alphonse, before you lose all three of us."
Alphonse watches as she turns on her heel and storms from the room with every step echoing in his soul. Sighing heavily, he slumps in his chair and rubs his temples. They are leaving for Miami in a couple of days and he wants to make a good impression on her family. He is afraid of what might happen if she goes home stressed. He is worried for her, for the baby. He wants her and he wants the baby; he just can’t form the words.
Chapter Sixteen – Alphonse POV
"Are you sure they will like this gift?" I ask Rosalinda as we stand on the porch of her family home.
A couple days ago, we landed in Miami after having flown in on my private jet. The moment I saw the city, I was flabbergasted at how different it looks from Manhattan. Right now, Manhattan is covered in feet of snow; in Miami, the sun is bright and the air warm without a cloud in the sky.
Right now, however, my mind is on Lukas, who is back at the hotel watching cartoons and waiting for us to return. We had to bring him along for this vacation—well, Rosalinda made me. I was all for leaving him at the home with a caretaker but she insisted that we bring him.
I still think over her words, that if I want a relationship with the child she carries then I better make one first with Lukas. I am trying...but every time I look at him, I see Georgianna. He isn't going to stay cute and innocent forever, but...I am going to have to give being a father a try. If I can't handle a child, how am I going to handle a newborn?
After checking into the best hotel in the city—nothing but the best for us—Rosalinda showed me around her city and I have to admit, I like Miami. The warm sun, the nice people, and so forth; but I also loved how much brighter she got as she showed me the city.
Lukas was excited too and we already made plans to go to the beach tomorrow with Rosalinda's other children. We are staying here only for three days: Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and then the day after. After that, Rosalinda and I will go on our vacation to a resort on the island of Crete.
After a tour of the city, she directed me to her family home and when we pulled up to it, I frowned deeply. It wasn't dirty...but it wasn't that clean looking either; it wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. All I can think of is she was raised here? No way is my child coming here.
Rosalinda sees the look on my face and frowns at me.
"Don't you dare judge; not everyone can be born in a mansion with hundreds of servants."
"I wasn't born that way either," I snap. "And I wasn't judging."
"U-huh," she snorts, ringing to doorbell again.
It opens, and a Hispanic elderly woman stands there. Her eyes brighten up when she sees Rosalinda. Both rush to each other, wrapping their arms around each other and speaking rapidly in Spanish as tears slip down their cheeks. I nervously shift in my shoes and then Rosalinda pulls away from the woman.
"Abuela," Rosalinda says. "This is Alphonse. The father of my child."
I know a bit of Spanish to know that abuela means grandmother. I remember Rosalinda telling me that her grandmother raised her.
I dip my head in respect. "Hello, madam," I say. "You…you raised a good woman."
What the hell Alphonse, I scold myself. Those weren't the words you rehearsed!
The woman nods slowly. "Thank you. You can call me Jara."
"I brought you something," I say, holding out a box. "I hope you like it. I brought gifts for the rest of the family too."
"How nice," she says. "Why don't you all come inside? Everyone is actually getting ready for bed."
I arch an eyebrow. "But it's only seven in the evening."
"It's a family tradition that we all wake up at 6 the next morning to open gifts," Rosalinda explains to me. "Abuela, we just stopped by and have to return to our hotel, but we will be here by six. Can I help cood breakfast?"
"Of course, hija," her grandmother says nodding. "It was nice meeting you, Alphonse."
"You too, madam," I say, dipping my head before she closes the door.
"Alphonse, do you want to help Lukas get ready for bed?" Rosalinda asks me.
Lifting my head up from my computer, I see her and Lukas standing there looking at me. The boy's hair is damp and he's wrapped in the towel, so I'm guessing he just got out of the bathtub.
"Maybe another time?" I ask.
Lukas hangs his head and then looks to Rosalinda. "I told you he wouldn't want to do it."
"You're right, Luke," she says smoothly. "He's just afraid he'll fail."
I blink and look up. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, nothing," she says, turning Lukas around to leave. "Just that you are afraid that you'd fail and you can't do the things that I do. You're afraid."
"I am not afraid!" I snap. "I just...know that I can't do it the same way you can."
"There are a lot of things you can't do the same way I can," she says with a smirk.
My jaw clenches at that double meaning. I stand to my feet. "I can do it," I say firmly. "Come on, Lukas."
Walking over, I grab his arm and pull him away from Rosalinda. I'll show her...
When we get to his room, I look around it. We got a two-bedroom suite with him taking one bedroom, Rosalinda taking the other, and me taking the pull out couch. I would have objected but this place is costing me almost $1,500 a night; when it comes to the pullout couches, I better feel as if I'm sleeping on a cloud.
Looking around his room, I see that it's already messy; toys all over the place, his bed rumpled, the smell of half-eaten food. Bending down, I pick up a burger wrapper and look at him with an arched eyebrow.
"Rosa gave me some money before you left," he says, looking at the ground. "I...ordered room service."
"You order just for you or a party?" I ask, looking at the platters and platters of food.
"Just me," he says. "I...I ordered all the food Georgianna doesn't let me eat. Please don't tell her."
I wrinkle my nose. "Why would I tell that woman anything?"
"You act like her," he says. "Giving me nasty foods...not being there for me and always being cold..."
I frown deeply at his words. Rosalinda was right; me being so cold and distant to him has affected his mentality toward me. He thinks I must hate him so much...
"Well, I'm going to try to fix that," I say. "Lukas...look, I'm sorry, ok? I just...didn't ever expect to have children."
"You have a baby coming with Rosa," he says.
That wasn't exactly planned either, kid, I think to myself. "Well...that's a bit different. But when that child comes, they ar
e going to need a big brother who will watch out for them. Can you do that?"
He grins widely. "Yes Daddy, I can!" his face flushes. "I mean..."
"No, it's ok," I say with a soft smile of my own. "You can call me that. Or if you want, Papa."
He wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "I like Papa."
I gently rub his head and wrap my arms around him. "I like it too."
"So, how did things go?" Rosalinda asks a couple hours later.
"He's out like a light," I say, walking into the living room and taking a seat on the couch.
"I knew you could do it."
I blink. "You said..."
"Reverse psychology," she says with a grin. "Works every time..."
You clever little minx, I think to myself. "I promised him that tomorrow we'd go and meet his brother and sister, meaning your other children. Can he come with us?"
"Of course," she says, nodding. "Was planning to take him anyway."
"And...I was wondering," I continue. "If he could stay with them while we are gone for that week? I understand if you don't want to, but..."
"Did I ever say that?" she says. Getting up, she walks over to me and sits in my lap. "You are trying, Alphonse, and I am glad you are."
Those chocolate brown eyes hold me captive... "Thank you," I say. "I want to make this work for him."
"I'm glad," she says, getting off my lap and taking a seat next to me.
"Also," I say grimly. "I saw those marks on his back. I think you're right about Georgianna and the beatings..."
"What are we going to do about it?" she asks.
I frown as I sit back to think. "Honestly, I do not know..."
Nodding, she gets up with a yawn. "I'm going to go to bed."
I watch as she leaves and then stops, turning back to me.
"Do you...want to come with me?" she asks.
I blink in surprise. "Erm...I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"I mean just to lay next to me," she says. "Not doing the nasty."
I almost blush at her words. "Oh...yeah sure, I'll come."
Getting up from the couch, I follow her to her bedroom. Standing in the doorway, I watch as she takes off her clothes before sliding on a long t-shirt and leggings. My mouth waters looking at her perfectly round bottom and breasts that have gotten bigger with this pregnancy.
She turns around and smiles at me shyly before she nods for me to join her and I do. Taking off my shirt and pants, which leaves me in my boxers, I slide into the bed next to her.
"Good night," she says, pressing her lips gently to the corner of my lips before turning off the light and going to sleep.
Slowly, I wrap my arms around her, my hands resting on her rounding stomach where our child grows every day. Slowly, I close my eyes and go to sleep, my mind wondering...
You've asked me what I want, Rosalinda; what I want to fight for? It's you, it's Lukas, it's this child. I want all three of you, but I'm so scared to do this again. I tried this with Georgianna and it backfired on me so terribly. But I know that you are not her, I know you would never use me, but I'm just so scared it will happen again.
But every time I look at you, I see the glow, how proud you are to be carrying this child. I am so sorry that I tried to make you get rid of it, but I see the error of my ways and I'm going to show you just how I feel...
Chapter Seventeen – Rosalinda POV
The warm rays of the Crete sun tickle my skin, making me yawn and stretch out like a cat. The soft sea breeze caresses my nostrils and I smile as I watch the sapphire blue waves gently lap at the white sand of the beaches. Getting up from my bed, I walk to the window and look out at the resort that Alphonse had brought me to.
Two days ago, we bid my family farewell in Miami before getting on a plane headed for Greece. The three days we were with my family were heaven and they loved Alphonse, which is saying something as they normally hate outsiders, let alone the guys that I date.
When we arrived on Christmas morning Lukas was still halfway asleep and Alphonse held him as we walked into the house. The adults were already wide awake while the children were still asleep, so we put Lukas in the room for the boys before joining the adults.
Alphonse quickly sets the gifts out that he had bought for everyone, and the tree looks swarmed. I have a big family, almost 30 immediate family members complete with about 20 extended family members. However, this Christmas is for the 30 immediate ones, and Alphonse got gifts for them all, two gifts each to be exact, so that means there were 60 gifts under the tree. The gifts include five for me, six for my children, six for my grandparents, and six for Lukas.
He sat a bit stiff under the scrutiny of my family and they asked them a thousand questions: how did we meet? What's his line of work? Does he plan to be there for our child? Does he plan to be there for his first child? Will he accept Isabel and Antonio? Does he like tamales? Well, actually that last question was asked by my abuela who poked Alphonse and said that he was too thin.
"Se necesita un poco de llenar mi hija," she whispered to me as Alphonse faced my family, telling me that Alphonse needed some filling out.
We told them everything about our relationship, including the part of me being his girlfriend for hire, and while abuela was a bit angry at me for such a thing, she knew I only did it for the good of the family.
As six am rolled around, we heard the stirring of the children and soon, small sets of feet were running down the stairs as shrieks of joy filled the house. The next thing that happened kind of resembled World War 3 because of all the tearing of paper, cries of delight, and claps of joy.
Alphonse gave two kinds of gifts: money and a person item. For the children, he gave them some kind of gift card depending on their age and then a novelty; the eldest children got iPads and phones while the younger got toys. However, for my children and Lukas, this was doubled.
Isabel sat in my lap as she opened her first gift and cried out with delight when she saw a limited addition Barbie as well as a scooter that she's always wanted. They also got clothes and an iPad each. Lukas, who had bonded with Antonio and was already calling him little brother, even got into the fun and was a giggling and smiling mess.
I could see that he never had with Georgianna, feeling loved, and it breaks my heart to remember that in a couple months, he is going back to her. What kind of women would I be if I let that abusing, mean-spirited woman sink her claws into him? Any progress that Alphonse and I made, she would simply undo it and there was nothing we could do about it.
My favorite part of the day had to be when abuela opened her main gift from Alphonse and found a strange looking card inside. When she read it, a loud cry poured from her lips as well as tears streaming down her cheeks while she waved around a pair of house keys. Confusion seized the house...until we read the card.
You have done a wonderful job raising Rosalinda and while I can't roll back time, I can help you look toward the future and for next generations. Inside of this card is the house key to a house in your name. Paid for in full, the utilities have also been paid for the next 50 years in advance. I hope this Christmas gift is worthy of the wonderful woman you have raised.
– Alphonse
My breath caught in my throat as my abelua hugged him tightly to her, blessing him over and over again. I could tell he was a bit taken back at first, but he hugged her and rubbed her back. He bought them a house. he bought this family a real house, one that future generations could look back on.
After that, everyone looked at him in a new light, my children included. At first, they were a bit possessive and a bit angry at him—Isabel the most, and she demanded to know why Alphonse didn't get her permission in order to get me pregnant. I had a hard time keeping a straight face when she said that but after his many gifts and other things, they began to lighten up. He even helped in the kitchen with making the breakfast feast. After breakfast, everyone piled into their cars and went to the beach,
where we spent the rest of the day until dinnertime. Isabel and Antonio pulled Alphonse into the water and I smiled as I watched them play among the waves.
When it was time to go back home, we went to our new house and found that everything had already been moved into the rooms. I honestly have no idea how he did that, but then again, he bought us a mansion that can hold 30 people comfortably and still have extra room.
Everyone sat down at the grand table and said grace, then dug into the mountains of food and as I ate, I watched Alphonse. I watched how comfortable he was with my family and how they were with him, how my children both sat in his lap and talked to him, how he taught them basic words in French. Lukas sat at his side and was already possessive of his new brother and sister and I knew then, in my heart, that he wanted us. All of us.
"Do you want to go to the main beach?" Alphonse asks me one morning.
Lazily, I open an eye from my nap. "Do we have to?"
"Well..." he says. "A couple of my business partners will be out there and it would be nice for us to go out..."
I arch an eyebrow. "So, in other words, I'm your arm candy? Your pregnant arm candy?"
He frowns. "Don't say it like that. When you do, it sounds...wrong."
"Whatever," I say with a yawn, getting up. "Let me just put on my swimsuit and I'll join you."
"Thank you," he says, kissing my forehead before leaving the room.
Pulling on a red halter swimsuit and letting my curls hang loose, I leave the room and head to the main beach where most of the couples are. I guess this place serves as a part-time business trip because I see a lot of business-looking men with beautiful women at their sides. I see Alphonse talking to some of the men and when he sees me, he nods and goes back to talking. So much for this was being just our trip.
The growling of my stomach sends me on the hunt for food and I quickly find an open buffet with many different kinds of foods, but I'm not hungry for the strange. The aroma of something else catches my attention and I turn around to see a woman holding a plate of food.