Home > Other > SAMANTHA POSEY: LOVE UNFOLDED: A BWWM Alpha Billionaire Romance > Page 14
SAMANTHA POSEY: LOVE UNFOLDED: A BWWM Alpha Billionaire Romance Page 14

by Shantee' Parks

  Please RSVP by April 18th.

  The days start running together. They are both so busy. She’s working on two big events and he is working on the season finale of his show which means early days and late nights. They only see each when the other is sleep. Samantha always makes sure Jacob’s coffee is made to his liking. She even shows their maid Sandra how to make it.

  Jacob finds the venue for the engagement party that is to take place in June before going to Montreal.

  Before meeting with Mr. Silverman again Jacob wants to find out the truth about his family, so he does some research.

  The dark horrible truth he found made him literally sick to his stomach. Every day at lunch he reads his family history. He doesn't understand how he can be from such a horrible family. They have so much blood on their hands that it makes him despise his heritage.

  Jacob goes back to Mr. Silverman’s office to get an update.

  “Your father and grandfather have been some busy boys. They're planning to kidnap your girlfriend the night of your birthday party. Your grandfather is going to fake a heart attack to get you to fly out to Houston. Leaving her at home alone. This is the surprise party your girlfriend is planning.”

  “They don’t want the engagement party to happen," says Mr. Silverman. “And I’m sorry to tell you about the party, but be a great actor and act surprised. Most importantly, your house is bugged and there are cameras.”

  Jacob says, “What!”

  “Do not go looking for those cameras because we don’t want them to change their plans. Just give it a few more weeks and we will bring them down," says Mr. Silverman.

  “We will use a decoy when we kidnap your girlfriend to keep her safe. Don't worry Jacob we've got a handle on things. We will stop the madness once and for all,” says Mr. Silverman.” Oh, I want to ask you how did it feel to find out your family is scum of the earth?”

  “I'm embarrassed to have the Latters name and stupid to have not known all this time about the family I really come from,” says Jacob.

  When Jacob arrives home, Samantha is sitting on the couch working on party plans and watching TV.

  “Hey you!” she says.

  Jacob leans over the couch and gives her a kiss.

  “How was your day?”

  "Fine," he says. “I need to talk to you about something important.”

  “How about over dinner?” she asks.

  “That’s fine,” he says.

  “I’ll make you a medium rare steak!”

  “Sounds delicious!”

  Samantha knows he isn't that different from his character who loves hamburgers, but Jacob loves steak. They sit down to eat.

  "You didn't forget the party is this weekend for the Charming sisters?"

  “Oh you mean the party that you didn’t ask me if you could give because you’re not supposed to be working! That party?”

  The look that he gives her is full of anger.

  Samantha doesn’t say anything right away.

  “No I didn’t forget,” he says.

  She doesn’t like that Jacob can be a little intimidating.

  "Yes, I know. I'm sorry. You know Nicki and I are on the show only to talk about the party. They want to ask me questions about us but I told them no.”

  "Samantha you can decide what you feel is fair to tell them about us," says Jacob.

  "Alright then," she says. She notices Jacob is more stressed than usual. After dinner they sit on the couch.

  “Who taught you to cook like that?”

  “My Mom! We use to have dinners for my Dad and his prospective clients. Dad said that's how he got all those deals. My Mom and I can cook steaks every which way.”

  “So what's up? You said you need to talk to me?” she asks.

  "I found out some disturbing information about my family’s history," he says. “My family ran plantations with hundreds of slaves; one of the largest in the south.”

  “How did you not know this?” she asks.

  “Because my Mom always focused on the great things my family did. She never mentioned any of the horrible things they did. We were always told about how Great Great Grandfather struck oil. I guess she didn’t want us to know the ugly truth. That's the real reason they don't want me to marry you.”

  She is mortified. Samantha stands up and walks over to the window gazing out into the night. Jacob stands across from her leaning on the window.

  She says, “So your family were slave owners and killers too I suppose. “They hate black people or should I say niggers!" says Samantha.

  Jacob doesn’t answer her question.

  “That's why your Grand Dad said all those really mean things about me.”

  He walks over to her.

  “I love you. Isn’t that enough,” Jacob asks grabbing her arms?”

  "To you and me, but obviously not to them,” she says. ‘If your ancestors killed slaves what's to stop your family from hurting me?”

  "I'm going to talk to them," he says as he hugs her.

  There is nothing else to be said.

  The next day Jacob has to meet with Nicki about their plans for the engagement party.

  “Thanks for helping Samantha and I with both parties. It's got to be a lot, but you will be well compensated.

  "You’re welcome. It will be everything you both want," says Nicki.

  Nicki thinks to herself how she still has to help Samantha with Jacob’s surprise birthday party too.

  “What did you tell Samantha you were doing today?” asks Jacob.

  "I told her I was taking in the sites," says Nicki.

  Jacob said, “Good one.”

  They both laugh.

  Samantha and her team are done with the Charming sisters party. All they have to do is make sure the food is perfect. That task should be easy, especially since her chef is Vito Galard who does a lot of her Galas. Samantha feels she is going to miss good old tinsel town when they leave for Montreal in a couple months but at least she’ll be able to dress down a little.

  Jacob text Samantha: “Did you talk to your family about meeting me?”

  “Let me call my Mom.”

  Samantha calls her Mom: “Hey Mom, how are you?”

  "I don't know. You went all Hollywood on us and forgot about us,” says Sharon.

  “Mom please?!”

  “I want to know if we can come for dinner this Sunday. I want you all to meet Jacob.”

  "Sure I want to meet the man who has kidnapped my child and kept her from calling me.”

  “Mom he did not keep me from calling. I've been busy planning parties for the stars,” says Samantha.

  “Yes that will be fine! Please get here a little early so we can get to know him.”

  “Ok Mom. Bye.”

  Saturday is such a busy day for Samantha. She is trying to order items for Jacobs’s birthday party as well as make sure the Charming party starts on time tonight. Jacob is working today, so he will get to the party later that night. Samantha has so much work to do from making sure the Chandelier is placed just right to making sure all the tables are decorated perfectly. She is always wearing an ear piece to communicate with her team. Samantha barks orders as her team runs around frantically making sure everything is perfect. After all their signature is giving seamless events. Samantha put on her short little yellow dress and attaches a long weave ponytail to her long hair. She just wants an effortless look. Her makeup is flawless. She looks good.

  She goes over to talk to one of the Charming sisters to make sure everything is to their liking. Tisha Charming is very pleased with the outcome and asks to get a picture with Samantha.

  As the night goes on Samantha is so busy she doesn’t even know Jacob arrived. Jacob walks up behind her giving her a hug. She knows it is him because of his wonderful smelling cologne.

  "Hey babe," she says.

  “Hello to you too,” he says kissing her neck.

  He starts rubbing her shoulders.

  “You seem so tense. Do
you want anything to drink?" he asks.

  “Water please.”

  He brings her a glass of water.

  “Can you mingle a little without me please?” she asks giving him a quick kiss.

  “Sure!” he says.

  He goes over and speaks to the Charming sisters for a while. He stands behind Tisha and Tammy as he holds on to the back of their chairs leaning in.

  "How are you enjoying your party?" asks Jacob.

  "We are having a fabulous time. Your girlfriend is super cute and super talented," they say.

  "Thank you!" says Jacob blushing.

  "Are you going to marry her or is she your long term girlfriend?" asks Tisha.

  Jacob stares at Samantha from a distance. She stares back at him.

  "I am going to ask her to marry me. So I’m looking for forever,” he says.

  "Well please invite us to the wedding," says Tammy.

  "Will do!” he says. “Enjoy the evening ladies I have to do as I was told and that's mingle with the guest.”

  Samantha goes on barking orders at her staff. At the end of the night the cleanup team comes to remove everything. "Take this table last," she tells maintenance.

  Jacob comes over to the table with his bowtie undone. He pulls a chair close to her picking up her feet to remove her shoes. He starts rubbing her feet.

  "You are the best man a girl could ask for. I love you!" says Samantha smiling from ear to ear.

  "I love you too!" he says.

  "What time do we need to be in Atlanta?" he asks.

  “3 p.m.”

  "You know you don’t have to work," he says.

  “Jacob you have made it very clear that you don’t want me to work. I don’t want to live off of you! Your family already thinks I'm a gold digging skank.”

  “Screw them!" he says. “What are you going to do when we're married?”

  "I don’t know," she replies with a blank look.

  "Come on lets go home,” he says.

  When they get home he runs her a bath.

  "Jacob you worked some crazy hours too. I should be doing something for you," she says.

  "We take care of each other," he says. “There will be times when you have to take care of me. So relax.”

  The next day they fly in the private jet to Atlanta. First they go to her apartment that she was supposed to end her lease on.

  "Why do you still have this place? We’ve discussed this," says Jacob.

  “I know I'm in the process of ending my lease. I'm just trying to figure out when I'm going to come back and pack all my stuff. Jacob I've lived here for years it's not that easy. Let me check my mail.”

  “I thought you wanted us to make a life together," he says.

  “Of course I do!”

  "Samantha will you let me take care it?" he asks.

  Samantha is standing in the kitchen when Jacob walks up to her. He looks into her eyes, placing his hands on her face gently kissing her. Samantha’s hands rest on his chest.

  “So what's it going to be Samantha,” Jacob whispers.

  He kisses her neck and grabs her ass.

  He sings her name.

  “Samantha what's it going to be?" asks Jacob.

  “Jacob you’re making me wet,” she murmurs. “I will let you handle it Jacob.”


  “Now fuck me!” she says.

  He sits her on the counter pushing her dress up around her waist. He pulls her panties off while kissing her lips hard.

  “Are you ready for me?” he whispers breathing into her hair.

  “Yes!” she yells unzipping his pants.

  He pulls out his erection sliding inside her.

  She gasps. They vigorously kiss each other while her arms wrap around his neck.

  “Oh yeah fuck me, fuck me!” she screams.

  Jacob fucks her hard pulling her ass towards him pushing back and forth.

  “Damn baby you feel so good!” he says.

  Jacob embraces her tightly as they cum together.

  They freshen up before leaving.

  Jacob you do realize before today we haven't had sex in two weeks, the longest we've gone without having sex since we’ve been together.

  "I know but we've both been busy," he says.

  “I don’t want to go that long again,” she says in an angry tone. While giving him a grimacing look.

  “But thank you for today baby,” says Samantha giving him a wink.

  He would never have waited this long if there weren't cameras in their house.

  The doorbell rings.

  "Just a minute!" Sharon says.

  “She opens the door. “Well hello baby’s give your Momma a hug!”

  They step in the house.

  "Mom, this is my boyfriend Jacob. Jacob, this is my Mom Sharon Posey.”

  "Jacob call me Sharon," she says.

  “Nice to meet you Mrs. Posey,” he says as they laugh.

  Please come in and have a seat.

  “You have a very nice home Mrs. Posey," he says.

  "Thank you baby!" says Sharon.

  “Mom where is dad?”

  “He’s out back shooting!”

  Jacob felt a little uneasy.

  "I’ll be right back I'm just going to talk to my dad for a moment. My sports fanatic brothers should be here in just a moment, says Samantha.

  "Daddy!” Samantha yells in between her dad’s shots.

  “Hey how’s my little girl?” he asks as he picks her up giving her a big hug.

  “Daddy, why do you have to come out here and do this?”

  “Hey if they don’t get scared they will stick around if not they will go on about their business.”

  "Well that’s why I'm just now bringing him here because I don’t want you to scare him off!"

  "Listen sweetheart a real man will stand and fight for your honor. If he doesn’t do that then he’s not worth your time!" says James.

  “Well no use you having all the fun! Set me up dad.”

  He put out five cans of corn. One can had a red mark in the center.

  Jacob walks in the kitchen with Sharon to watch, through the window at them shooting.

  "Does he shoot all the time?" asks Jacob.

  “Yes but that's Samantha whose about to shoot.”

  “Is it ok if I watch?”


  “Ready?" asks James.


  Samantha shot all five cans.

  “Let's see if you saw the mark. You still got it baby!" he laughs.

  “Dad we shoot all the time.”

  "Impressive," Jacob says to Sharon.

  Jacob returns to the family room. Samantha smiles and grabs her Dad’s arm as they go into the house. Her dad walks into the family room with the shot gun in one hand and shakes Jacob’s hand with the other.

  “Is that the Hunters Ambush 6.8 rifle?" asks Jacob.

  "Well you know your guns don’t you," says Mr. Posey.

  "I'm from Texas if we don’t know how to do anything else its hunt and ride horses!" he says.

  "Well a man after my own heart. We're going to get along just fine!" says James.

  James can't believe it but Jake was right. He doesn't understand how its possible. They hadn't been active in almost ten years. When her brothers Mike and Chris arrive they introduce themselves to Jacob. They start talking about sports until its time for dinner. Samantha enters the family room.

  “It’s time to eat,” she says grabbing Jacobs’s hand leading him to the dining room.

  Her father blesses the food and everyone begins to dig in. They asks Jacob a lot of questions.

  “How is it living between two different addresses?” Samantha, how does it affect you?” asks Sharon. "Well so far we’ve only lived together in Los Angeles," she says.

  “We are supposed to go to Montreal this summer.” "Yawl shacking?" asks James.

  There is silence.

  "Just kidding," he says.

one laughs except for Jacob.

  Chris says,” Jacob you’ll get use to his weird sense of humor!”

  "How did you two meet?" asks James.

  Jacob looks at Samantha.

  "I was in charge of Jacobs’s charity Gala. I was observing him. We looked at each other and the rest is history.” James wondered if that instance brought them back to each other without them knowing.

  After dinner Jacob asks her father if he can speak to him in private. They go into his study. James closes the door.

  “Jacob for you to want to talk to me in private you must have some pretty serious intentions toward my daughter,” says James. "But before you say anything, I would like to start out by saying that we may not have as much money as your family but she’s not broke by any means.

  “Did she tell you she doesn’t have to work that she has a trust fund that is disbursed to her every two and a half years, but she prefers to live off her salary.”

  “No,” says Jacob.

  “She can stop working at any time and either come run the company with her brothers or not work at all. But she chooses to work.”

  “You will butt heads if you ask her to stop working.”

  Jacob laughs.

  “You’re absolutely right we already have.”

  "Mr. Posey, I do have serious intentions. I’m here to ask for your daughters hand in marriage.” “Now son my question to you is are you willing to protect my daughter. I mean put your life on the line for her?”

  “Now before you answer I want you to know my daughter told me about how she was treated at your parents and that your family were slave owners.”

  Jacob thinks to himself, “Oh shit!” "Yes sir I am willing to protect her at all cost," says Jacob.

  Little did her dad know that he would have to do that sooner rather than later.

  “Son you have our blessings. My wife and I give you permission to marry our daughter. I hope to see more of you, so we can go hunting,” says James.

  They shake hands.

  Meanwhile Samantha’s brothers are torturing her.

  “What’s up with the white boy?” Chris asks. "So you gave up on us brothers huh?”

  Her brothers always torture her since she’s the middle child and the only girl.

  "How does he dance off beat?" asks Mike. He starts moving his hands back and forth as if he can't catch the beat.


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